Bottom Charts (Continued from page 7) ent on the offshore banks? "Hydrographic conditions prov ed to fall within those limits of conditions from which commercial shrimp had previously been taken. The offshore waters, therefore, seem habitable to commercial shrimp at any season of the year. "Several commercial trawlers which served as collectors of data during the survey reported enough shrimp to furnish an indication that there still may be, at some time of the year, abundances of shrimp offshore. In the event of such possibility, the charting of the bottom, done by the survey, as sumes considerable importance in the exploitation of the offshore banks. "The bottom from Cape Lookout to Little River inlet was worked over with a recording fathometer and lead line. Using the lead line, types of bottom were determined and the limits of such bottom types were charted with a recording fathometer. Following the conclu sion of the field operations, all bot tom types were charted. All net tows were added to this chart with notations regarding the action of the net during the tow and whether or not the net was torn. "From this master chart, it was possible to separate the coastal waters into areas depending upon the bottom type. Three types of bot tom are designated. In certain areas, soundings showed chiefly rocky of coral bottom. The fatho meter showed that the bottom was irregular or rough. Net tears were frequent within these areas. These are designated as dangerous areas on the chart. "Other areas, listed as caution areas, have irregular bottom, coarse or gravel sediments which chafed the nets. Within these areas nets were never actually lost al though minor damages sometimes were found. The third type of area if .that in which the bottom is sand or mud. in which the contours are gentle, in which nets were never damaged and which is considered Safe for trawling." Use of the bottom charts prom ise to make shrimping more profit able, for what has a fisherman gained from a good haul in the morning if his nets are torn in the afternoon? Operation of North Carolina state patrol boats cost $70,887.50 in 1949 50. This One Fools Fish; Human Beings Bite Too A. L. Waite wades in a locust plague o ( his own making. The artificial grasshoppers (inset) with built-in hooks make fishing child's play, he says. AP N'ewsfeatures Tulsa. Okla. ? A grasshopper lure so lifelike that not only fish but people, too, bite at it is being mar keted here. Molded in green and brown la tex, the handmade insects are the trickiest fraud yet pulled on our piscatorial friends. "It's almost shameful," says merchandiser A. L. (Billy) WaRe, "how fish bite at these things." Waite knew he had something when his friends flicked at them while pinned in jest to his shirt collar or lapel. An avid angler himself, the Tul sa n stumbled on the lures while fishing near Windsor, Mo., where they are made in a small plant. He immediately snapped up ex j elusive sales rights and is working I out a mass production scheme to | supply the nation. "The secret of the thing," Waite points out, "is the technique of molding it with hollow insides, so it floats. On a fly line it sits on the water for all the world like a real hopper'." Wives of fishermen, too, are in terested. "They put clasps in the bugs and wear them for costume jewelry," Waite said. Paired Ships Get Fish St. John's, Nfld. ? (AP) ? The I "pairs" system of Spanish fishing I vessels on the Grand Banks has Newfoundland fishermen complain ing. The Spaniards use a dragnet a quarter-of-a-mile wide hauled by two vessels. Able to stay at sea for more than a month, the foreign ships are taking from 80 to 100 tons of fish in this manner. Boat Owners! FOR LOW INSURANCE RATES AND BROAD COVERAGE ON BOATS WITH PROTECTION AND INDEMNITY (LIABILITY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE) SEE CHALK and GIBBS 805 Ar?ndeW St. Dial 6-3214 MOREHEAD CITY Two Shrimp Scientists Will Attend Miami Meeting Carter Broad and Dr. William Sutcliffe, shrimp specialists on the Institute of Fisheries Research staff, Morehead City, will attend a shrimp symposium at Miami today and tomorrow. This meeting, to which shrimp scientists have been invited, has been called in the hopes of ironing out difficulties encountered in the shrimping -industry on the South Atlantic and Gulf coasts. Invitations to scientist* have been issued by Wayne Heydecker of the Atlantic States llarine Fish eries commission. Barbour's Marine Supply Co. Wekones All Fishermen WE OFFER A COMPLETE SHOP SEE VICE - INCLUDING PRO PELLEB RECONDITIONING J. 0. Barbonr, Mgr. Beaniorl, N. C. MITCHELL'S CABPENTER SHOP W talker Stripped Windew Units Picture Windows Sash Doors Screens Cabinets MILL WORK OF ART TYPE PROMPT SERVICE AMD QUALITY WORK AT REASONARLE PRICES? IVi Miles West Of Nordbead City ?0 | 71 , KmUM