CLASSIFIED ADS DEADLINE for classifieds mmehlad city 1 p.m. Monday and 1 p.m. Thursday JH AreodeB St, Phone M175 FOR SALE BASS FIDDLE, IN GOOD CONDI tion, with new strings. Will sell | cheap. See Bill Willis, 1018 Ann ? St., Beaufort, N. C. dh ' STUDIO COUCH IN GOOD CON- 1 dition. Half price. See G. M. I Paul at Sunshine Court, Beaufort, | or phone 2-8307. d26 6x8 MCKAY ~W ALK-IN REFR1G- j erator. Used. $400. Box 84 j Davis, N. C. d26p ; NATIONALTRUMPET, COST $90. Will sell for $50. David Guthrie, ! care of Guthrie Net Works, More- j head City. d26 ROUND DUTCH CABBAGE plants, apply K. W. Wright farm, route 1 Beaufort. Phone 2-4131 tf FARM WITH 8 ROOM DWELU ing. In excellent condition; all mod ern conveniences: on paved road near Beaufort. 116 acres including 65 acres cleared; barn and out buildings also in excellent condi tion. Cash or terms. G. W. Duncan, Beaufort. Phone 2-5321. j5 NORTH WIND REFRIGERATED meat display case, in good condi tion. See at Mac's Place. Arendell St., Morehead City, N. C. tf 5-ROOM HOUSE with bath. G. E. Refrigerator, Gas range, hot water heater, 175 ft. frontage near Bogue Sound. Will sell cheap for quick sale ? Terms Have ready buyers for good farms G. H. FREEMAN, Ageni Tel. 6-4211 809 Bridges St. Morehead City ? ? . HALLMARK CHRISTMAS CARDS. Imprinted with your name in gold or your choice of color. Immediate | delivery. Baxter's Jewelry Store, i Beaufort. 2-7231. tf j THOR WASHERS $119.50 ? $209.50 We Afe AllHlorized THOR Repair Dealers. ECONOMY AUTO & APPLIANCE STORE 905 Arendell St.? Dial 6-3185 BEAUTIFUL LEATHER BILL folds. All kinds of leather. Names in gold free. Baxter's Jewelry store. 2-7231. tf WANT TO BUY WE BUY SCRAP METAL, ALL kinds, and we sell brick, also bat teries and radiators. We sell used auto parts. Gray's Junk Yard, oi? highway 70. across from Blue Rib bon Club. Fhone 6-368'>, Morehead City. tf BUSINESS SERVICES FOR CORRECT TIME: ? 6-3186. For correct jewelry, satisfactory watch repair, Early Jewelers, 812 Arendell St.. Morehead City. FRIGID AIRE DEALER FRIGIDAIRE refrigerators ]:anges Water Heaters A utomatic Washers H >me Freeters Sinks & CabineU Trade In your old with the dealer gives the most for the old. USED APPLIANCES CASH OR TERMS SOUND APPLIANCE CO. Morchead City, N. C. RECAP OH IF YOU WISH A full tread which is just like a new tire. New Goodyear tires in stock. Tire Service Co., 13th and Arendeil St., phone 6-3028, More head City. REFRIGERATION It EP a! RS~ both domestic and commercial. We are Montgomery Ward service dealers. Re-conditioned refrigera tors for sale. Gates Refrigeration Service. Phone 6-3057, #4328, or see Larry Gates at 513 Arendeil St., Morehead City. tf SEWING MACHINE SALES AND SERVICE McCall Patterns Dress Materials THE SPINNING WHEEL 825 H Arendeil St. Dial 6-3054 DUPLICATE KEYS MADE TO order. We have the blanks ? and the machine. Protect yourself by having an extra set of keys made to put in a safe place. Western Auto Associate Store, Beaufort. nyorn MAKE OLD FETORS LOOK LIKE new. Bent our Bigh Spaed Floor Sander and Bigw Low rates. Waatarn Auto Store,f#aaBf art. Phone 14651. HELP WANTED MAN OR WOMAN FOR W ATKINS dealership in Morehead City. Want < someone who is determined to be a success and is willing to follow simple but proven success plan. Do I not apply if you would be satisfied i with profits less than $40 weekly ' i to start, or $75 weekly after be- , coming established. Small invest ment preferred, but we also have a credit plan. Write J. R. Watkins Co.. Dept. S-3, Richmond, Va. d26p CAROOF THANKS I take this means of thanking you, my friends and well wishers, for your cards of cheer, your visits, your gifts and your telephone calls during my illness. For several days I was not able to receive calls j or messages and for this reason I cannot thank you individually as I would surely miss many: The Doctors, The Official Hospit al Staff, the nurses and the order lies are tireless in their efforts to cheer and serve the patients. They are all serving "beyond the call of iuty." To all of you Happiness and Joy. Fred R. Seeley. PUBLIC NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN j Notice is hereby given that the partnership between George F. Woolard and Robert B. Adair op erating the business known as WOOLARD MET.AL FINISHING COMPANY is dissolved by mutual consent of the parties. George F. Woolard will collect all accounts receivable and pay al' bills payable | by the company. d26p 1 LEOAL NOTICES NOTICE North Carolina. Carteret County. The undersigned, having quali fied as executor of the estate of I Annie N. Rice, deceased, late of ' Carteret County, this is to notify j all persons having claims against i said estate to present them to the undersigned at Beaufort, North I Carolina, on or before the 12th j day of December. 1951, or this no- j tice'will be pleaded in bar of re covery. All persons indebted to said es- j tate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 7th day of December, 1950. John C. Rice, Executor. C. R. .Wheatly, Jr., Attorney I 6t d 12-19-26 j 2-9-16 I ENTRY OF LAND 2429 North Carolina, Carteret County. To Hon Irvin W. Davis, Entry Taker of Carteret County: The undersigned claimant, being a citizen of the State of North Car olina. hereby sets forth and shows that the following tract or parcel of land, to-wit Lying and being in Straits Town ship, Carteret County, North Caro lina, and more particularly describ ed as follows: Beginning at a stake on the Northern side of an island located Eastwardly of Beaufort Entrance, and lying between Fort Macon and Shackleford Banks Jetty, said stake having a range of S 36-30 E from the Morehead Port Terminal water tower and a range of S 0-51 E from tbe Beaufort water tower and running around aforemention ed island N59-40E 101'; thence N81-45E 118'; thence N74-30E 115'; thence S6-05E 196'; thence N21-30W 98'; thence S47-45W 181'; thence S72-20W 1B2'; thence N51 15W 106': thence N13 20W 103'; thence N630E 228'; thence S37 50E 229'; thence N73-33E 78' to the beginning containing 2.8 acres and this being island no. 1 of this en try. Island No. 2 Beginning at a stake which is lo cated Nll-OOW 728 feet from tbe beginning point sf Island No. 1 and running around the island N?. 2 at the ordinary high water mark S25-25W 118'; thence S28-50E 96'; Aiir,tinr-Nich GREAT OAK pint I LEGAL NOTICES thence SW35W 75'; thence N73 I0W 233'; thence N41-00W 498'; thence N1-30E 165'; thence N8S 25E 322'; thence S41-65E 171'; (hence N41-45E 218'; thence N28 OOE 108'; thence N24-35E 183'; thence N33-10E 352'; thence N56 10K 122'; thence S3&20E 137'; thence S67-15W 152'; thence S37- 1 48W 125'; thence S80 00E 323'; I thence S2-00W 114'; thence S44 SSW 315'; thence S21-50W 224'; j thence S89 45W 95'; thence S38 15W 199' to 'he beginning, con- 1 taining 12.2 acres. Is vacant and unappropriated land belonging to the State of North Carolina and subject to en try. and the undersigned claimant hereby makes entry of, lays claims tb, and prays for a grant for said land. E. J. Davis, Claimant. Witness: J. D. Potter. This 7th day of December, 1950. Claimant: E. J. Davis Number of acres claimed: 15 Date of Entrv: December 7, 1950 Piled Dec. 7, 1950 at 11 a.m. Irvin W. Davis, Entrv-Taker of Carteret County 4t d 12-19-26 j 2 1951 Look (Continued from page four) shorter sisters. The tip of the bust must measure half way between shoulders and waist for a well rounded line." Calendar artist Gillette Elvgren, whose girls combine the features best liked by home owners, busi- 1 nesses, organizations and others who hang approximately 100.000, 000 calendars on walls across the United States says: "My 1951 calendar girls are small on hands, feet and waist, but they are good and chesty. Specific measurements do not mean a thing to me but a top calendar girl must give an overall effect of trimness and refinement." Two Alarms Morehead City firemen answered two alarms Christmas day. a false alarm at 4 a.m. and another at 2:15 p.m. The second was a grass fire at 1710 Shepard street. No damage was caused. The false alarm was turned in at box 46. The ancient seven hills of Rome are all on the east side of the Tiber River. Board of MjwifnitHt fontdiwh Sptrial SmImi At a recent meeting of the board of adjustment, Morehead City, the front yard limit was waived for lota 11 and 12 in squares 13. The special meeting was held in the municipal building. Proposed constructlbn for those lots will extend to the front prop erty line. In malting this ruling the board of adjustment specified, however, that the waiver was made for this case only and any simil ar case will be judged on its own merits. Citing the square 13 rul ing as setting a precedent will have no bearing in subsequent matters, the board stated. Attending the meeting were R. G. Lowe, chairman, R. B. Howard, George Ball, and Marion Mills, board members. from Plane, Flier Caplnres 50 North Korean Bandils With The First Marine Air Wing In Korea ? (AP)? Marine Captain David G. Swinford of Santa Ana. Calif., is thought to be the first Marine flier to be instrumental in eapturing a band of North Korean guerrillas. He dived upon a house and loosed a burst of 20mm cannon fire. Fifty North Koreans, a few in uniform and the others in the ci vilian garb affected by the guer rillas in the area came tumbling from the doors and windows. Wav ing white clothes and bowing, they started down the road in the di rection of the Marine lines. Swin ford made several passes over them, flying at low altitude, "just to keep them in line." As they neared the lines of the ground Marines, Swinford radioed to tell of the surrendering North Koreans. The ground units sent out a patrol to meet them. The typical raindrop shape Is produced by air pressure. The rain drop would be a sphere if it were floating free in space or falling in a vacuum. ^ I /b I Phones 6-4505 fc 6 S549 4th & Fithrr Sti. Morehead City, N. C. G*W SEVEN STAR H II Wfia VNnalO WDIMwji IRV l>fl|lil wMiUh an 4 r? n or am *M. WM* ?rai?h> wfcbk.y tlVi* MdtfaJ tpiritt 4MIM wMiur 4 r?r> >M. IM ' ' ? ,t 1,1, , ? | ? RnHfm wRMWf 9 fmmt akL 7V4* *i ?l|fcl wMakay t year* aM.** ?3%?. 90 PROOF ? OODIRHAM * WORTS 1IMITID, NMIA, IL1IMOIS SEE OUR GOOD CLEAN USE D CABS AND TBUCKS BEFOBE TOP BUT CARS 41 QLBSMOBILE ? "98" 2-Door, Huitr 49 MEICUBY Station Wagoa with Hoater 41 OKTBtLET 4-Door Mdaa, rnHy Eqoip H 41 ?LBSMBILE '78" Fally EqupH 41 PLTNaOTH. 4-Door with HMter 41 CKfMLET crape, Badio, HMter ft SmI Coron 47 MJSMBILE Club Conpa 42 OBTSLEB Haw Yorkor, A-l Conditio. 41 CHEVROLET 4-Door. Radio ami Haator 41 PLYMOUTH 4-Dmt TRUCKS M FORI Pick ? fp 1-2 Tm PRICED TO SELL SOUND CREVBOUET CO.. he. ft.M 1 1? I 1306 ARENDCLL ST. MORCHSAO CITY M,v> tram NEWPORT _ ?-> W. D. Heath, sr., and W D. \ Heath, jr., wfent to Rocky Mount i last Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Heath. Gerald Mann of State college, Raleigh, arrived home last Thurs day to spend the Christmas holi days with his parents. Miss Shirley Rhue, of ECTC, reenville, arrived home last week spend the Christmas holidays ith her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mar Rhue. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Havens of l ? scent Beach. S. C., visited her I ster, Mrs. M. A. Hill, and her j usband last Thursday. Harry Howard and son. Bill. Mr. id Mrs. C. W. Gill, all of Raleigh, r. and Mrs. E. P. Blair and son. ill, of Vanceboro. Mr. and Mrs. ubert Fodrie and children. Pat, Inda, and Bertie, of Beaufort, rs. Steve Hunter and children, r. and Mrs. Bob Howard and lughter, Mary Catherine, all of orehea^ City, and Mr. and Mrs. ?d Howard and son, Cader, of New Bern, visited their parents. Mr. and J|rs. I. N. Howard during the week #nd in celebration of Mr. Howard's 90th birthday. Miss Betty Jo Hill of Woman's College, Greensboro, arrived home Tuesday to spend the Christmas holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs C. M. Hill. ' Vincent Rhue of State college, Raleigh. arrived home last week ko visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marty Rhue, during the Christmas j holidays. Mrs. Floyd Harness and dauRh ters. Beverly and Patricia, of Ha l?igh arrived Wednesday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. I. Garner. Miss Nina Garner of Burlington arrived Wednesday to spend the Christmas holidays with her moth er, Mrs. Izora Garner. Christmas Party The December meeting and the Christmas party of the Mary C. Millis cirele of the Woman's So ctety of Christian Service were held at the home of Mrs. Harry Living ston. with Mrs. Ciiristine Carroll as co-hostess, on Tuesday night. The business session was presided over by Mrs. Zeb Mauncy. jr., chairman G & W William Penn Blended Whiskey Retail Prlc? Nftttia? U ?l.95 *3.15 Fifths 86 Proof tni mAioffl wHrturrj in th? froouci A?1 4 YIARS OR MORf <*0 IS* STRAlOM? ?MtfKIY. NtUTRAl WCITI, OtJTIUJi MOM ORAM. WE HAVE IT!! - LOOK!! Genuine Raven Red Ash Premium coals in egg and stove sizes Genuine Roda pea stoker Penn. blue nut anthracite ALL PREMIUM COALS YOU NEED IT! Order Now From CARTERET ICE & COAL CO. PHONE 6-3298 MOREHEAD CITY Deliveries Anywhere In Carteret County, Cherry Point, and Swansboro Yes Sir! You'll Find Thai . Quality Is Our Watchword! Awl Tktn k lb Belitr Qaafity Gas and Oil Than SINCLAIR - Fill Tmt Gar If Taday . . . Quality in the auto product* we tell, mad quality in the Mrvice we render. A visit to Mr atation it a truly plaaiant experience . . . for you come away ?ecure in the knowledge that your car ha? been check ed and serviced by expert*. Drive up today! POTTER'S SERVICE T. T. "Tom" Potter, Jr. Front St. Mmmm 2-4 72? Boaufort | Collections were taken up for | the building fund and for an elec j trie stove for the parsonage It I was decided to give $200 out of the i circle treasury to the building fund for Christmas. The program was led by Mrs. Leon Youngblood. Mrs. Mauney :ead the scripture. Mrs. Young blood read a story, "His Christmas ( ?tar," filled in with singing by the group. Miss Margaret Bell led the group in prayer. After the program presents were > - - given out and opened- Then the hoHtrcaes served delicious and beautiful refreshments of cake, -ookics. mints, peanuts and lime ice. I Freak Bloom Stafford, England ? (AP) ? George Astles, a gardener here, ' produced a freak chrysanthemum. Th?* bloom is divided down the center, one side white and the oth er red. ? Robert \j. Rose USED CABS Especially Nice For Christmas Driving NEW LOCATION COR. 141k AND ARENBELL STS. MOBEHEAD CITY 49 Ford 4-door radio and kealer 47 Chevrolei, 4-door, radio, healer and while wall tires 47 Chevrolei 2-door, healer and seal covers 47 Chevrolet, Intone, radio, heater and seal covers 48 Ford 2-Door, radio and healer 46 Plymouth club coupe, radio, heater, seat covers log lighis 46 Chevrolet club conpe, radio, healer & seal covers 41 Chevrolei, 4-door, radio and healer 40 Chevrolet, 2-door, healer and seal covers 1950 Ford Pick - Up ? Ton Track, New THESE CARS ARE ALL IN FINE SHAPE AND VERY CLEAN - AND MOST OF THEM ARE FULLY EQUIPPED LOOK TIEN OVER We Are Just as Hard To Sail As You Are When We Bay Cars To Sell To Yon ? So ? Tie Can We Sell Are Tops la Quality. see amiwi w m sen - hi iowi 'St Baiek Special Sedaa. BAH. '47 Bodge Moor. IUL '? Featfac 4-Door. BAH. 41 Chrysler Wbdm. BAH. '41 Foid 4-Boor. BAH. '41 Chevrolet T-Boor. BAE '40 Cher. Oak Coape. BAH. S.C. irs 2 n ] reeu rassenmMR PARKER "MOTORS YOUR CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER AHM 509 ArmeMI St. MawhaaJ City