(JHoreljeah filttg foetal t Miss Norma Cukill, Society Editor Phone 6-4115 E. R. Anderson of High Point sjSrnt Tuesday night with his fath er, the Rev. W. E. Anderson. Sandy McClamroch of Chapel Hill was a visitor in town Tues- 1 day and Wednesday. W. L. Derrickson returned Wed nesday from a short business trip | to Portsmouth, Va. The Rev. and Mrs. L. A. Tilley re- 1 turned Wednesday from a short | visit in Greenville. D. G. Hell left Wednesday for I Washington. D. C., and New York. | He will return next week. Robert McNeill, son of Mr. and Mrs. George McNeill, h confined to his home with mumps. Mrs. T. G. Lewis will leave to morrow for a month's visit in Greenville. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Colenda and family left Tuesday for their home in Danville. Va.. after a vis it here with Mrs. Gladys Colenda. Mrs. R. I.. Whitehurst was ad mitted to Morehead City hospital yesterday morning for several days' treatment. Mrs. I.onnie Dill was hostess to her bridge club yesterday after noon. Mr. P. Mintz of Wilmington is visiting his daughter and son in law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Branch. Josiah Bailey, jr., will spend the weekend at home from Ral eigh. Floyd W. Stewart of Fort Jack son, S. C., arrived last evening to spend the weekend with Miss Barbara Grantham at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grantham. Sgt. Arthur Lewis of Fort Bragg spent last weekend at home with his wife and son at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis. Miss Clara Pelletier of Stella spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham and son, Frank, jr. George Howard, jr., of Raleigh spent the weekend at home with his mother, Mrs. George Howard, and aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Cordon C. WilU*. Mr. and Mrs. Joe DuBois re turned Wednesday from Washing ton D. C., where they were called due to the death of Mr. Dubois' mother, Mrs. Carrie DuBois. Tuesday Night Bridge Club Meets With Mrs. Howard Mrs. R. B. Howard entertained her bridge club Tuesday evening and had as a special guest, Mrs. Richard McClain. During progressions the hostess served peanuts and cookies and at the end of bridge play a salad plate and coffee. Mrs. William Cherry was winner of high score, Miss Ann Mills, second high, and Mrs. Milton Mor ey low score. > Junior Woman's Club Elect: 1951-52 Officers Wednesday Mrs. Marion Mills was electet president, Mrs. Laurence Vickers vice-president, Mrs. R. B. Howard recording secretary, Miss Bettj Joyner, corresponding secretary and Mrs. Inez Kenney, treasurer when the Junior Woman's club met at the civic center Wednesday night. Installation of new officers Will lake place at a dinner meet ing in May. During the business meeting, at which time the president. Miss Dorothy Harrell, presided, the club voted to put in effect a new point system to begin in the fall. Each member must earn a minimum of points to stay in the club. Points may be earned by attendance, hold ing offices, being on committees and participating in projects. Miss Marilou Paulsen was chosen to represent the club on the town's recrertion committee. During the social hour the host esses, Mrs. Arthur LaMontagne, Mrs. Milton Morey, Mrs. J. R. San ders, and Mrs. Richard Ryan serv ?d cokes, cookies, and nuts. Mrs. George McNeill was a guest. rhirly Members and Guests Attend L. L. Leary Meeting Thirty members and their guests ittended the March meeting of the L. Leary Sunday school Monday light in the assembly room at the rirst Baptist church. Mrs. J. B. Royal gave the devo ion using as her theme. It Shows, elating to an individual's Chris lanity. Business projects were outlined by the president, Mrs. 3uffy Guthrie. New members who lave joined since Christmas were velcomed into the club. During the social hour the host esses, Mrs. Vance Mason, Mrs. Ed vard Weeks, Mrs. Fred Nelson, ind Mrs. Ronal Earl Willis, served leavenly hash and salted wafers in he Easter motif. flarvey Hamilton, Jr., Wins Six-Game Bridge Series The six-game series in Ihc Car eret eounty bridge league ended Monday night. Feb. 26. Winners ?erc first, Harvey Hamilton, jr., second, Mrs. K. P. B. Bonner, third, [Jersey Martin, and fourth, Mrs. Seorge Eastman. Monday night winners were MorthSouth, first. Mrs. C. P. Da vis, Mrs. Alvah Hamilton; second, r. J. Patterson, L. H. Powells. East-West winners were first, Mrs. t. B Bradbury, Dorsey Mlartin; second, Mrs. George Eastman, Maj. P. L. Maerz. Mrs. C. B. Arthur Guest At Afternoon Bridge Party Mrs. C. B. Arthur was guest player when Mrs. J. C. Taylor en lertained her bridge club Wednes day afternoon. High score, second high, and low score, was won by Mrs. Robert Taylor. Mrs. Floyd Chadwick. and Mrs. Arthur. Mrs. Taylor served ice cream sodas with salted nuts and cookies at the end of bridge play. The first Postmaster General under the Continental Congress was Benjamin Franklin. PRESCRIPTIONS Always make it a point to bring your prescriptions to this professional phar macy. You will be assured of skilled service, fresh, potent drugs, and fair prices. Don't take chances with your health ? make our store your pre scription headquarters. MOREHEAD CITY DRUG CO. A GOOP DRUG STORE Phone 6-4360 Arendell St. Morthead City , Laney - Lewis Miss Marian Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lon Lewis of More head City became the bride of Roy Laney, jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy l^aney of Beaufort, Wednes day evening, February 28. in the > First Methodist church. The Rev. r L. A. Tilley, pastor, performed the . double ring ceremony. The bride wore a white gabar dine suit with navy blue accessor ies and a purple throated orchid. Her only attendant. Miss Carolyn Ann Kirby, wore a navy blue street length dress with navy ac cessories and a corsage of red roses. The bride is a graduate of More head City high school where she also completed the commercial course. At present she is affiliated with the Carteret-Craven Electric Membership corporation. The groom attended Reaufort high school and served three years with the United States Navy during World War II. He is now employ ed with the Stewart theatre chain an d is manager of the Dunn thea tre at Dunn. OBITUARIES DEWEY WII.I-IS Funeral services for Dewey Wil lis, 5:t. son of the late Melvin G. Willis and Annie Willis ol Marsh allberg were heid at Linden, N. J? Saturday. Feb 24. Mr. Willis died Wednesday, Feb. 21. at Statcn Island, N. Y.. where he had lived for the past 25 years Surviving ore his wife, Lucy, one daughter, Evelyn, two sons. Melvin and George of the home, four brothers. Oakley, Will and Roland of Marshallberg, F.ddie of Forts 1 mouth. Va., and three sisters, Mrs. I Fernie Mcintosh, Mrs. Dave Moore and Mrs. Will Fulchcr, all of Mar shallberg. EUGENE BELL Funeral services for Eugene Bell, 75. who died Tuesday eve ning in Morehead City hospital after a long illness, were held at the home of his daughter at 90,1 Fisher St., Morehead City, Wed nesday afternoon, with the Rev. A. L. Reynolds and the Rev. W. E. Anderson officiating. Burial was in Hay View cemetery. Mr. Hell, son of the late Wil liam and Lydia Ann Wade Bell, is survived by four sons, Harry. William. Mart I. , and Eugene, jr.. all of Morehead City, three daugh ters. Mrs. Luther Lawrence of Morehead City. Mrs. Annie Lewis Strickland of New Hern and Mrs. Lydia Bell Garner of Newport, one brother, Sheldon of Morehead City, and one sister. Mrs. Ed Nelson of Beaufort, S. C. MRS. RILEY BEAC1IEM Funeral services for Mrs. Laura Wade Bcachem, 60, who died -1? Morehead City hospital T iMRn*~y. afternoon, were held in the North River Methodist church at 3 o' clock Wednesday afternoon with the Rev. Louie Lewis officiating. Burial was in Riverside cemetery. Surviving Mrs. Beachem are her husband, Riley, two - daughters, Mrs. Marvin Pake and Mrs. Mar vin Taylor, one brother, Jessie Wade, all of beaufort RFD, and pne sister, Mrs. Thelma White hurst of Beaufort and two grand children. MRS. CARRIE DUBOIS Mrs. Carrie Norris McClosky Du Bois 89, died Saturday at Wash ington, D. C.. after a long illness. Funeral services, conducted Tues day at Washington, were attended by her stepson, Joseph A. DuBois and Mrs. DuBois of Morehead City. Interment was in Glenwood ceme tery. Washington. Mrs DuBois was married in 1892 to Alonza McClosky who died in 1898. In 1919 she married Addi?on G. DuBois. a Washington patent attorney who died in 1926. Surviving in addition to her stepson is a great-niece, Mrs. Aub rey Van Sickler of Washington. Mrs. DuBois frequently visited the DuBois of Morehead City in _ past years when her stepson was liting here. Clean-Up Tomorrow At 1 o'clock tomorrow members of the Pelletier community will meet at the community building for a general spring clean-up. The project is being sponsored by the Pelletier Booster club which met Monday night at the community building. Slides on wildlife were shown by A. D. Ennett of Bogue. The U. S. B-36 bomber has 27 miles of electric wiring in its structure and its anti-icing equip ment could heat a 600-room hotel. Why Blunder in Bridge? ' By Al Dewey NORTH S? K K - Tkrns! COMMERCIAL CENTER HAVELOCK, N. C.