SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON 'Do This in Remembrance of Me' STUDY FOR MARCH 18, 1951 By William Southern, Jr. There is something about the Communion Service, as we Christ ians observe it at appropriate times, which touches the souls of men and women. No one can take part sincerely in such a service and not come away a better man Df woman. Of recent years the Christians of the world have ob served this memorial, instituted by Jesus himself, at the same hour, the series of services going around the world and reaching all Christ ian countries in that encirclement. It is splendid when a group of sin cere Christians take the bread and wine together, but when we know that other Christians around the whole wide worldt are observing this memorial with us, for the same purpose and at the same time, it becomes a memorial which lifts the souls of the partakers. When Jesus established the communion service He said "Do this in Remembrance of Me" and changed the Jewish Passover to a Christian Memorial which we ob serve and in which we again pledge ourselves to the memory Df Him who gave His very life as a sacrificial pledge to us. There are four accounts in our New Testament of the "Last Sup per" and the establishing of this memorial for followers of Jesus, rhe three synoptic gospels each recite the incident, very much in the same language. The account in Mark was probably the first record to be made in the gospels. Paul's account, given in a letter to the Corinthians, was probably written before the accounts in the gospels, and in it Paul says it came to him from Jesus himself. Curiously enough, in the gospel according to John, there is no ac count of the breaking of the bread and the sipping of the wine as a memorial. In his account he emphasizes the "Foot Washing" and to this day there are groups Df Christians who emphasize this instead of our usual method, as their Memorial. We have and account which says that the "Foot Washing" in Rome was solemnly observed each year by calling in twelve citizens, dres sing them in robes and perform ing the foot washing service for them as a Memorial. Then the twelve citizens were given the robes and the attire furnished them. ?They never forgot this grave ceremony. We have no record of the life o! Jesus until He was 12, when under the Jewish law He became a man. His parents were good Hebrews and no doubt He was taken with them every year to Jerusalem to the Passover. We have no record of His life then until He began His ministry but I think it is a fair conclusion to say that every year He went with His parents to every Pass over. We know that during His ministry He never missed going to the great feast at Jerusalem. The last night of His life He in stituted the Communion Service and made it a Christian Memorial "Do this in Remembrance of Me" and we follow this in all of our Communion services Not that it is necessary in order that we remem ber the life and death of the Savior, but to give us a richer, finer blessing of the faith that is in us. GIVES FAST RELIEF wKan COLO MISEMCS STMKf DISPLAY YOUR MERCHANDISE Modern store window* arc the sure-fire way. to increase dally salet because they properly display your mere ban disc to the passing pub Ik! Free estimates? Call as. Carteret Glass MortbaaJ City 1116 Evan* St Phone ?-M?. Night Phone 6-396* John Oxenham, in his little vol me entitled "Gentlemen ? The [ing" writes under the title "The . pread Table," ? Where'er I be. Lord, spread for me hy table with its holy fare, 1 'hen, though my lot be slend- ' erness, >nd my tent but wilderness, ull amply plenished I shall be, Since thou art there. >nd wilt Thou break the bread for me? or me pour out the sacred wine? >nd as we eat and drink wilt Thou , encw in me the holy vow, ,nd fill me with new love for Thee, i 1 Since I am Thine? lot the spread table, nor the wine, ' or the sweet breaking of the bread, hat makes the feast, But that * we meet, ; ogether here in commune sweet 1 nth Thee, and by Thy grace : Divine, We are all fed. nd when we leave Thy table, * Lord, ( nd go into the world again, * lelp us to carry with us there J he savour of that holy fare, 1 nd prove the virtue of The Word 1 To other men. B I If you knew you were going J > die tomorrow how would you 1 Ian to spend the last night of 1 our life? 1 have often thought bout that, and Jesus gave us the iswer. He spent the evening at * inner with His best friends, ate J id drank with them, and taught * lem in many ways. It was not ? n evening of sadness but prob t>ly of association and laughter. * i the account of this "Last Sup- c er" the gospel of John relates 4 lat Jesus talked long with the 2 leven and then they followed 1 im to His favorite place of pray- J r, the Mount of Olives where 1 le was arrested. Within twenty >ur hours after the dinner He was i ead. i "Based on copyrighted outlines i roduced by The International < ouncil of Religious Education and ; sed by permission." 1 LESSON TEXT ? Mk. 14:22-26, ; 2-36. (22) And as they did eat. Jesus 1 [>ok bread, and blessed, and brake t, and gave to them, and said, Take at: this is my body. (23) And he >ok the cup and when he had given hanks, he gave it to them: and hey all drank of it. (24) And he aid unto them. This is my blood f the new testament, which is hed for many. (25) Verily I say into you, I will drink no more of be fruit of the vine, until that lay that I drink it new in the king lom of God. (26) And when they lad sung a hymn, they went out in o the Mount of Olives. (32) And hey came to a place which was tamed Gethsemane: and he saith o his disciples, Sit ye here, while shall pray (33) And he taketh vith him Peter and James and lohn and began to be sore amazed ind tq be very hfeavy; (34) And saith unto them, My soul is ex needing sorrowful unto death: tar ry ye here, and watch. (35) And he went forward a little, and fell on the ground, and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from him. (36) And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt. The Rev. H. K. King To Preach Sunday Th<; Rev. H. K. King, pastor of Centenary Methodist church, New Bern, will preach at the 11 o'clock service Sunday morning in Frank lin Memorial Methodist church, Morehead City. The quarterly con ference will take place following worship. Sunday school will begin at 9:30 a.m. with the superintendent, D. B. Willis, in charge. At the eve ning service, which begins at 7:30, the Rev. A. L. Reynolds, pastor, will speak on "Our Possessions." Sale By Weight Protested Cairo ? ( AP) ? Egypt's fruit sel lers went on strike when their gov ernment slapped on price controls. One order they protested was that citrus fruits ? oranges, lemons, and tangerines? be sold by weight in stead of number. Isaiah EDITOR'S NOTE: The text ap pearing below U condensed from ?elections by Houston Harte for the book, "In Our Image." Illustra tion by Guy Rowe also from the book. THE SPIRIT of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tid ings unto the meelc; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenheart ed. to proclaim liberty to the cap lives, and the opening of the prison o them that are bound; to com fort all that mourn; to give them aeauty for ashes, the oil of joy 'or mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. There shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse: and the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, and shall make him of quit understanding in the fear of the Lord. With righteousness shall ie judge the poor, and reprove vith equity for the meek of the ?arth. And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and aithfulness the girdle of his reins. The wolf also shall dwell with he lamb, and the leopard shall lie town with the kid; and the calf and he young lion and the fatling to jether and a little child shall lead hem. For the earth shall be Full of knowledge of the Lord, is the waters covers the sea. And that root of Jesse shal^ stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek: and his rest shall be glorious. STRENGTHEN YE the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees. Say to them of fearful heart, Fear not: four God will come and save you. Then the eyes of the blind shall >e opened, and the ears of the leaf shall be unstopped. Then ihall the lame man l$ap as an hart, ind the tongue of the dumb sing: hey shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee iway. The voice of them that crieth in the wilderness. Prepare ye the ?ay of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our Sod. Every valley shall be exalted ind every mountain and hill shall }e made low: and the crooked shall be made straight and the rough places shall be revealed, and all flesh shall sec it together: for the Lord hath spoken. BEHOLD, the Lord God will come with strung hand, and his arm shall rule for him: behold his reward is with him, and his work before him. He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in bosom, and shall gently lead those that with young. The everlasting God fainteth (Continued on page S) For Easier The loveliest memento of all ? is a Corsage or a beautiful Bouquet of her favorite Flowers ? for your Wife, Sweetheart, Mother, or any Relative for whom you care. ^ PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY! Morchead City Floral Co. ( Phone 6-4090 711 Arendell St. liorehead City FRIDAY, MARCH 16 . . In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33.) Read John 16:23 33. When we realize that we are in struments in the hands of Christ, we keep our lives tuned in harmony with the Lord's will. Thus we may lead others to join in Christian service. We cannot play our parts in a lukewarm manner and expect to receive the blessings of the great Redeemer. We are commanded to "be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil," In the days of our tribulations we may be accounted -as sheep for the slaughter. As long as we are instruments working in harm ony with God's laws, however, His care and guidance will be our help by which we can overcome evil wil good. PRAYER O Lord God, we know and Thou knowest that we are compassed with many trials and tribulations. Give us the strength and courage to overcome them, as Thou hast overcome the world. In the name of Christ, who died to redeem us. Amen. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Christ is my strength as I put forth the effort daily to overcome evil with good. Ezra W. Shinn (Arkansas) Extension Planned Montreal ? (AP) ? Quebec's fam ed No. 11 Highway from Montreal to the Laurentian resort area will be broadened to four lanes all the way from Cartierville Bridge to Mont Lauricr in the near future, says Ernest Gonier, chief engineer of the Quebec Roads Department. ^PHARMACIST J ^ ^Vital Jjnk in the PHYSICIAN S JfetMChmn % In the Service HSSPnm.nrn 10 ^ ^tcli YOUX manufacturer - pharniacist Plays a \^y Very Important Part YOUR. DOCTORS PRESCRIPTION WILL BE GIVEN OUR CLOSEST ATTENTION GUTHRIE -JONES DRUG STORE Merrill Bldg. Phone 2-4981 Beaufort, N. C. |, ,|, ,|, ,|, ,|, ,|. .?.? + .|i .[? .{. .|. .|. ,|, STYLES SHOWN AAA To 10 AA 6 To 9 B 4V4 To 10 $8.95 All hail the new novy; a wonderfully young, giddy, middy bluef Openly flirtatious with peak toes, vamp cut-outs, straps and strips to fit ond flatter your every spring mood. Price situotion also well in hond for no one will guess they cost so little! Blue Calfskin MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY Blue Calfskin ? ftr the bggt (baft new.. v SEETHE NEW TRUCKS I ^?6 trucks that do the most tor j ngwi More Power Power increases at high ai 20% Eight high-efficiency truck engines? 94 to 154 horsepower. The most powerful Dodge "Job Rated" trucks ever built provide dependable power for your job! MEWf Easier Handling Shorter fuming diemaitri than ever? and extra-easy steer ing with new worm-and-roller gears. Short wheelbase, cross steering and wide front tread assure easier maneuvering. MEWt Bigger Payioads ?| Increased Gross Vehicle Weights and Gross Combination Weights on many models? made possible by increased rear axle capacity and "Job-Rated" weight distribution. Help cut your trucking costal mbwi Better Economy Higher compression ratio (7.0 to 1) on models through X ton, for top efficiency with flashing power. Here's real economy with outstanding performance? more power from every drop of fuel. Greater Safety Molded CycUbond brake lining* on hydraulic-brake models 1 J^-ton and up. Brand-new! Extra -quiet! Other safety features include new, improved independent hand brake, extra-big windshield. MEWt Better Comfort "Orlflow" shock absorbers, standard on and 1-ton models. New! Revolutionary! Self adjusting! New seat design, new steering wheel angle? plus lower hood line for improved visibility. Exclusivi! eyrol Fluid Orivt . . . ^ M 'A-, flfMl 1-?mi rmMi. wwil PIUS all tkasa tiine-pravtd tans Mp tracks km had far yass . . . S?>rii>| column gaariliifl standard on Jf, H- and 1-ton model* with 3-speed trans mission. Chrome-plated top piston ring for longer ring life, better nail big. Synchro shift transmissions (3-apeed, 4 -speed, or 6-speed) rugged, silent, precision engi neered. DeLuxe and Custom cabs (with rear quarter windows) available on all mndA, And many other dependability features! What "Job-Hated" mm to yaa A Dodge " Job-Rated*' truck is engineered at the factory to fit a specific job . . . save you money . . . last longer. Every unit from engine to rear axle is "Job-Rated"? factory-engineered to haul a specific load over the roads you travel and at the apeeda you require. Every unM that SUPPORTS (he lead frame, axles, springs, wbeeli, tins and body? is engineered right to provide the strength and capacity needed. Every unH Hnrt MOVES Hie lead an|iie. clutch, transmission, propeller shaft ana rear axle? ia engineered rkht to meet a particular operating oopdukm. ? Com* in for a good doal on a truck that lit* your job ... a PAUL MOTOR CO. 322 Fnat Slnrf Phaaa 2-4281

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