Why Blunder in Bridge? By Al Dewey Duplicate bridge in Carteret county has amazed Eastern Caro lina. At the Master Point game Monday at the Webb Memorial Civic center, 48 players matched their wits and skill. Plans are now being made for the county championship to be held on a Saturday in May or early June, qualifying round in the aft ernoon, followed by dinner and more bridge in the evening. Those who qualify in the first session will play for the championship at night. The others will have a special consolation game. It is ex pected that players will converge on Carteret county from both Car olina and Virginia. A recent Jacoby column brought up the old question, "Is good bid ding more important than good playing?" We agree with him that bidding plays a more important part. A magician can not produce results if playing a hand in the wrong contract. One's partner bids more hands than he plays. There fore. folks, do a little studying. Goren and Culbertson, both sys tems use the same foundations and reach the same goal. A "Goren" player recently open ed the following hand with a bid of 5 NT arid his partner, holding 2 queens raised to 6 NT, which made. S? 10 5 3 H? t) 2 I) ? Q 7 4 3 C? 8 6 5 2 Neither side vulnerable. 8^-A K J 8 6 H? AK 5 4 I> ? A K C? A K South dealer. N?*vs from 1 SEA LEVEL L? rUL