Cost #' Red Terror Singapore? (AP) ? Communist terrorists who like to burn buses, other motor vehicle? and '?clones caused property losses in Singa pore in 1950 estimated at $3,190, 422 The burning of the \ik Hoe rubber factory in July, 1950, ac counted for most of the loss. Eigh teen persons lost their lives in fires and explosions caused by the terrorists. Singapore police luve been given orders io shoot arson ists on idght. Abraham I.incoln's estate was valued at $110,295. EAST DRIVE-IN THEATRE OneHnlf Mile East of Beaufort On Highway 70 TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Also Selected Short Subjects Children Vnder 12 Admitted Free I.AST TIME TONIGHT GARY COOPER JANE GREER in "YOU'RE IN THE NAVY NOW" SATI' K l>AV WIIXIAM HOLDEN NANCY OLSEN in "UNION STATION" Slr N DAY & MON DA Y JAMES VIRGINIA 00*18 CagneyMayoDay \ ..swoon GENE 1 XM^AE-HELSONa \ WARNER BROST / THE STORY ?mi. um f ROY DEL RUTH rwy Dy HUNKS, JW, CHAftlCS NOFI MAN A IRVING WALLACt fmm mm WAUM* ? - - First Show Starts 7:45 'Til F urtlier Notice r BEAUFORT THEATRE LAST TIME TONir.HT SPENCER TRACY JOAN BENNETT ELIZABETH TAYLOR in 'TATHEB'S LITTLE DIVIDEND" SATURDAY MKKiy THE WAY YOU LOV? HIM 1 j nnnurw uiSEkr I ROONEY'MOORU and LASH LaRUE "THUNDERING TRAIL" ? SUNDAY ft MONDAY KuttOnhel A 1 Keyhole View of Swrity m Jmm?. C RAIN OH* ROBERTSON MitaGAYNOR Mm PETERS ^~ltckrdaoto\s Raymond Nimy Beitues Double in 'Sogarlooi' It's not surprising that Raymond Massey earned the nickname of "Reckless Ray" as the result of some daring riding during lh/? chase sequences in 'Sugarfoot,'* Warner Bros.' Technicolor outdoor drama, coming to the Beaufort che at re next week. Massey startled everyone by nix ing a Jouble because he claimed he was capable of performing these feats himself. The popular "menace" actor once served in ?he cavalry of the Canadian \rmy rind was later an instructor in avalry tactics at Princeton and Vale uni versities. "Sugarfoot," the picturization of Clarence Hudington Kelland's fam ous dory. stars Randolph Scott, with Adele .lergens. The three basic raw materials of the commercial fertilizer indus try are potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen. III'EIV Nlik Urivv-in Theatre Two Miles West of Morehead City On Route 70 TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY TONKillT MCDONALD CARRY WENDELL COREY "THE GREAT MISSOURI RAID" in Technicolor SATURDAY SUSAN UAYWARD DAN DAILEY 1 in "I CAN GET IT TOR YOU WHOLESALE" SI'NDAY & MONDAY JOHN WAYNF. PATRICIA NEAL in "OPERATION PACIFIC" Show Start? At Duak Ceiling . Male's Eye View Francis, the talking mule, gets inside information from race horses and passes the winners on to Donald O'Connor in Universal International's hilarious new comedy, "Francis Goes to the Races," also starring Piper Laurie. Donald and Francis are shown above cheering home a winner. "Francis (Joes to the Rares" will play at the City theatre, Morehead City, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. Dale Robertson Makes Grade In Movies After Four Tries It look four tries before hand- | some Dale Robertson made the | Krade in Hollywood. "It was a case of everyone want in? me when Uncle Sam had me signed up, and no one wanting me when I got out of service." re calls I he six-foot Oklahoman who currently rates co-star billing with Jeanne Crain. Mitzi (Jaynor and Jean Peters in Twentieth Century- j Fox's Technicolor coinedy-drama i of sorority life. "Take Care of My Little Girl." playing tit ihe Beau- j fort theatre Sunday and Monday. ; "I didn't blame anyone, either, I NEWPORT THEATRE SATURDAY RANDOLPH SCOTT in "RETURN OF THE RAD MEN" Sl'NUAV & MONPAV HOUR IIOfE * MARILYN MAXWELL in "LEMONDROP KID" THEATRE CARTERET'S FINEST SATURDAY ? DOUBLE FEATURE "GENE ADTHY AND THE MOUNTED" GINUKIi ROGERS JACK CARSON "THE GHOOM WORE SPURS" SUNDAY - MONDAY j TUESDAY ~JW Tii G?*?" W Tcdiakolor Muticill " MIO JANI ASTAIRE-POWELL 'RcyiaffVeM/nq i i m; i; in. iiaa A PETER SARAH ura -aw. 3^ Albert SHAM* ' Late* I News / j Color Cartoon THE SHOWPLACE OF CARTERET COUNTY CITY THEATRE SATURDAY ? DOUBLE FEATURE WHIP WILSON "SILVER RADEIS" ROBKRT ROCKWELL PRISONERS IN PETTICOATS" ! ! THREE HAPPY DAYS ? SUN. - MON. . TUES. ! ! OONAIO O'CONNOR PIPFR LAURIE @ FRANCIS became I didn't have a lick of theatrical experience ? the only reason I was in demand was that the war had created a leading man shortage," he admits. His attraction to movie agents came about when his mother want ed a picture of him before he went overseas with the *i22nd Combat Knginecrs. lie stepped into a Sun set Strip photographer's studio and his picture was snapped. When the photographer put his picture in her window for adver tising purposes, she was besieged for Lt. Robertson's camp address. "A half dozen agents wrote ?vant iny to get me a screen test," Dale says, "but I had a prior date over seas with General I'atton's Third Army." When Dale got out of the army in 1940. he found the situation had drastically reversed itself and act ing jobs were scarce what with manpower available again. He re turned to his family's ranch in Ok lahoma and then tried Hollywood again to no avail. This :ommut ing between Oklahoma and Cali fornia went on four times before Nat Holt signed him to play lesse .lames in "Fighting Man of the Plains.'* Another Nat Holt enterprise, "Cariboo Trail," and Dale got him self a Twentieth Centurv-Fox con tract and roles in "Two Flags West." and "Call Me Mister." j Featuring Jeffrey Hunter, Betty Lynn and Helen Westcott, 'Take I Care of My Little Girl" is based on a novel by Peugy Goodwin. More than 1,000,000 people now live within Israel's less than 8,000 square miles of territory. G & W William Pjenn Blended Whiskey vfiSa* 1 LJgrl ??toll Mm (1.95 Pints i$3.15 i Fifths 86 Proof IT WIMKW1 I OtMOMOU US NCUTBAL I ??HHkacm m ma mob mq AIMTIAIIMMOMOID. Sift fTEAIONf INUVr, M* MUTKAl I tmM, MflftAfl Austin^Nichols GREAT OAK BLENDED WHISKEY m? an t fmm m m1S| mir AaatJi^Nichotoj Nrvlfro? ^ \ NEWPORT July 11? Miss Elsie Elliott visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Paul Liverman in Columbia, S. C., from Thursday until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Harness .ind daughters, Patricia and Beverly, returned to Raleigh Thursday after visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. I. Garner. Mrs. Lillian Howard returned to Reidsville Friday after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Parker Guthrie. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Heath, Jr., and sons, Duffy and David, visited Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Harness in Ra leigh from Sunday until Tuesday. Mrs. Alfred Ashford returned to Kinston Thursday after visiting Miss Nina Garner. Mrs. Hayne Heath of Cove City visited her mother, Mrs. Cora Mc Cain last Wednesday and Thurs day. ? Mr. and' Mrs. Earl Howard nnd son, Bobby, returned to Raleigh Sunday after spending a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Moore of Greenville visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Heath Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Anderson and daughter of Aberdeen, Md.. are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Garner. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Blair of Vanceboro visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Howard last Fri day and Saturday. Mrs. Bertie Bell is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gould of Washington, I). C., and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cor ona of Falls Church. Va. Mr. and Mrs. Edison Mann of Zebulon. visited Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Mann over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Gill of Ra leigh returned home Sunday after visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Howard, for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Bell and daughter of Wilson are visiting in Mrs. Bertie Bell's home. Mrs. Dora Ormsby, Mr. and Mrs. David Ormsby and Miss Elizabeth Ormsby of Wilmington visited Mrs. Annie Mann over the weekend. Mrs. Dora Ormsby remained for a longer visit. Mrs. Ruby Woodruff returned Tuesday after spending several weeks in Roanoke Rapids and New Vork. Dr. and Mrs. Manly Mason and children left Tuesday to visit in Raleigh and Coates. They will re turn home Friday. Mrs. Bob Howard and daughter, Mary Catherine, of Morehead City visited Mr. and Mrs. 1. N. Howard Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Quickman Cannon and Mr. Tom Garner and children, (iail and Brucie, returned Friday after visiting Gail and Brucie's grandparents in Quincy, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Temple and children, Pat and Mary Lloyd, of Reidsville visited his aunt, Mrs. Parker Guthrie, Monday. Mrs. Ed Howard and son of New Bern visited Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Howard Friday. The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service will have a study course at the Methodist church on Monday and Tuesday nights, July 16 and 17. Mrs. W. D. Roberts entertained her bridge club last Friday night. High score prize winner, Mrs. Bill Carroll, received a flower pot and Mrs. Solon Perkins received a clothes brush as floating prize winner. Mr*. Sammy Barnes won both second high and bingo prizes and received a flower pot and a can of mints. During progressions the hostess served cokes and nuts and at the end of play lemonade and open-face sandwiches. The Gertie Howard circle of the Woman's Society of Christian Serv ice met Tuesday night at ihe home of Mrs. R. L. Pruit. Mrs. J. 1. Hi iMlly Dots It Nimble-footed Kred Astaire, often accused by hla fans of appearing to dance on air, doe? even better than that In M-GM's new Techni color muttical, "Royal Wedding," which comes Sunday to the More head theatre. He dances on the ceilln*! Ilanced to a new Burton l^ne Aian Jay Lerner tune, called "You're All the World To Me," the novel routine is one of the atop-the-show highlights of the new romantic tuner. from OCRACOKE July 11? A special patriotic pro gram and a picnic dinner were sponsored by the Woman's Society for Christian Service on July 4 at the school recreation hall. Group singing around the flag in front of the school house was preceded by formal raising of the flag by iix of the U. S. Coastguardsmen from the local station. Rev. W. Y. Stew art offered prayer. About two hundred citizens and summer visitors enjoyed the occa sion, especially the delicious din ner served by the ladies. Pro ceeds of the dinner are designated tor church needs. Opportunity was also given to purchase souvenirs and gifts and the elementary school shell collec tion was on exhibit in the school library. Mrs. Sue Gaskill Flieg and chil dren are visiting her father, Lum Gaskill, sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Midgett and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Midgette of Philadelphia are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Midgette and family. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Scarborough are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scarborough. Miss Grace M. Keeney, sister to Mrs. Theodore Rondthaler. and Miss Jewel* Walton of Baltimore are spending a week here. Mrs. Williarrt Garrish and son, Billie, returned to Norfolk with her sister, Mrs. Caddie Overton, who visited relatives here recent ly. Home for a July 4 holiday-sea son were Lawrence Ballance, John Puitt O'Neal, Murray Spencer, David Styron, and Horace Gaskins. Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Ballance, sr., and Miss Lorena Ballence visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Ballance, jr., in Portsmouth recently. Mr. and Mrs. James Hart and children of Richmond visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Sty ron, this past week. Also visiting from Richmond was Mrs. Elmer Farmer, jr., and child, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gaskins. Mrs. Clifton Drake of Rocky Mizelle led the devotional. Mrs. Wilbur Gari\er, chairman, presid ed over the business session. The hostess served refreshments of ice cream, cookies, nuts and ginger ale. HEAR "CALL TO POST" WHBL - 4:30 flAl F MON. THROUGH SAT. raecs SEE EM RUN TONITE ?OST TIM! 730 UD I? IACM NMHTLY EXCEPT SUNDAY IAIN w CHAR DAILY DOUBLE 1st & 2nd Races QUINELAS 2nd to 10th Races ADMISSION 2 $? NO CHILDREN ADMITTED FREE PARKINS > ON U S 70 - JUST 5 MIIES FROM MORE HEAD CITY CAROIINA RACING ASSOCIATION INC Mount is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bragg. With her is Mrs. James Edward Drake, whose husband, well known here as "Sam bo" Drake, is now serving in Kor ea. Mrs. Junius Austin had as a re cent guest Betty Austin of llat teras. Miss Barbara Gray of Hat teras is spending a week or ten Hays with friends here. Word has been received here of the death July 1 of Fames H. Edwards of Henderson. Mr. Ed wards spent severni years here prior io the war. Ceylon is about as large as ihe state of West Virginia. How MovIm Advertise Out of a toUl of $66,750,000 spent for advertising last year by the motion picture industry, $50, 000,000 went into' newspaper line according to Film Daily esti mates. The balance was :pread this way: radio- TV, $12,000,000; magazines. $3,000,000; accessories and direct mail. $1,250,000; 'and outdoor. $500,000. The Amazon River system is the largest in the world. G*W SEVEN STAR $0.15 T/ FUll PINT -AND IT'S PROOF GOODERHAM & WORTS LTD. KtORIA, ILLINOIS Blended Whiskey. 62 Vi% Neutril Spirits Distilled from Grain /1 *7? Ou/i Sunday ScUooli When the sweet voiced bells ring out on Sunday morning, that's an invitation to come to church. In thousands of cities, towns, and hamlets, America's children regularly attend Sunday School. Their classes are supervised by faithful men and women who speak and understand the word of God according to their creeds. With infinite patience these Sunday School teachers implant a reverence for God Alnjf^Jity in the minds of their eager students. They teach tlteii>4li^ precepts of the Golden Rule and the Ser mon on the Mount. They guide them to be real Christians . . . and better citizens. We are proud of our Sunday Schools M A O L A MILK AND ICE CREAM CO., INC. Phone 6-3434 Morehead City Next Week Read: "A Tribute To Our ClviUns. WE SALUTE OUR TOWNS) . Ho Bother at all... My Extension Telephone is right here in the Kitchen Add Comfort and Convenience to your home with an EXTENSION TELEPHONE \ ' % I Homework ham* right along when there'* an exten- 1 ?ion telephone handy. No need to "drop everything and run" when the telephone ring*. Yon save time and *tepa? and finish work aster. 1 Many home*, both large and small, now enjoy extension telephone service. An extension in your , home will provide a worlo ol convenience and tele- ' phone privacy at little added cost. Why not call the > Business Office and order yours today? CAROLINA TELEPHONE & TEIEGRAPH COMPANY

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