(JHarel|8i& fiitg facial ^efcrs 1 ?Ju IfariM OmHB. SmMjt Editor Pho?e Mils Hiss Su? Willis, daughter of Rev. ?nd Mrs. R. T. Willis, jr., returned Sunday night from Greensboro, w'lere she spent six weeks with her grandmother, Mrs. J. E. Oli ver. Miss Pamela Money, of Greens boro, returned with her coAsin, Miss Willis, for a visit here. Mr. Thomas Oglesby and sons, Tommy and Freddy, and Mr. D. S. " Oglesby were visitors in FaVette ville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Ayseue went to Elizabeth City Friday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Ayscue's aunt, Mrs. Ada B. Walston. They returned Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Martin and two children, of Goldsboro, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. George Barden and daughter, of Plymouth, left Wed nesday after spending several days with the G. E. Sandersons. Mrs. Herbert Thornton, jr., and sons, Robbie and Bill, of Cherry Point, spent the weekend with Mrs. Herbert Thornton. Mrs. Bobby Thornton, of Hollii, New York, left yesterday after a visit with her sister-in-law, Mr.s Herbert Thornton. . Dr. and Mrs. Sam McPherson and family, of Durham, are spend ing two weeks at their cottage here. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wade, jr., and daughters returned Sunday to Winston-Salem after spending two weeks here visiting Mr. Wade's pa rents. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wade. Dr. and Mrs. Alva Van Nortwick and sons, Bill and Wallace, are ex pected to arrive tomorrow for a visit with Mrs. Van Nortwick's pa rents Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Taylor. Mrs. E. J. Pierson and Sonny Collins, of Philadelphia, are visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mills and family. Mrs. Nat Macon and little daugh ter, Lillian, of Oceana, Va., are here for a visit with Mrs. Macon's * mother, Mrs. Richard Duffy. Mrs. Theodore Economen and son, Wayne, left Saturday to visit friends in Roanoke, Va., and Wash ington, D. C. Mrs. Ralph Wade and Mrs. C*h nie Lee. who have beeh visiting here, returned Saturday to their home in Roanoke, Va. Mrs. Fred Sanders, Miss Louise Sanders. Mrs. James Smith, and Misses Ruth Marie and Sandra Lee Smith have returned to Savannah, j Ga., after spending a week here with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Oglesby. : Mrs. W. B. Rowe returned to Sa . vannah with them. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moore and j daughter, Paula, returned to Mar ' ion Sunday. Mrs. Moore had spent ' two weeks here with her father, i Mr. Cliff Willis. Mr. Linwood Brlnson returned Thursday to Roanoke Rapids after spending several days with his family. P?ace of Mind All Througkth* Night TtlEtHONE mL Yoo doni Med tm * MM M the Jm.wQowBwImm lir. tnd Mrs. J. C. Taylor hive moved Into their new home on Evans it. Mr. B. L. Adams, of Columbus, Ga., la visiting relatives here (or a month. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ivy and Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Stroud and children, o( Goldsboro, spent Sunday with Mrs. J. H. Buck. Miss Marilou Paulsen, Mrs. A. R. Paulsen, and Sam Guthrie left Sunday by plane for a business trip to New York. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Riddick, of Bethel, spent the weekend with Mrs. Jack Styron. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Boren will return to Greensboro today, after a visit here with Dr. and Mrs. Ben Royal. Returning with the Borens is their grandson who has been attending Camp Morehead. Mrs. Rudolph Lucas and eon, Rody, hive returned from Fern andina, Fla, where they visited Mrs. Howard Piner. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Daniels, Fort Myers, Fla., have returned after spending several days with Mrs. Dankls' sister, Mrs. Howard Wade, and Charles Styron. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Lucas md son attended Thursday the fun eral of Mr. Lucas' aunt, Mrs. Nina Strickland at Wilson, and visited relatives at Scotland Neck. F. Earl Willis, Newport News, Va., spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Lula Willis. Mr?. Theodore Wertheim of New Rochelle, N. Y., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Lula Willis. Albpn Barrus, jr., who is attend ing summer school at the Univer sity of North Carolina, spent the weekend with his family at their cottage. Miss Jean Henry, of Kinston, Miss Jean Calhoun, of Clinton, and Miss Jane Alexander, of States ville, spent several days last week with Miss Molly Quinn. Miss Sally Shore, of Winston-Sa lem is the guest of Miss 'Hontas Whitaker. Mrs. R. A. Whitaker, of Kin aptutuig this week with ?er tMdfchter, Mrs. Fitihugh Wal lace, jr., at the Wallace cottage here. Mrs. Charles Fulk and children, Kay and Sammy of Pilot Mountain, are spending this week with Mrs. Fulk'i aunt, Mrs. R. S. Flippin. Mr. P. G. Beck, of Pilot Mountain, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Flippin. Calendar of Events TODAY 6:45 p. m. ? Beaufort Rotary club, Inlet inn 8 p. m. ? Beaufort chamber of commerce board of director?, town hall WEDNESDAY B p. m ? n&PW Club picnic, At lantic Beach 6:30 p. m.? Morehead City high school band concert, recreation center THURSDAY 7:30 p. m. ? Morehead City cham ber of commerce board of director?, advisory council, committee chair men, civic center FRIDAY 7:30 p. m.? American Legion, Legion auxiliary at Legion hut Miss Grantham Honored At Bridge Party Thursday On Thursday evening, Miss Bar bara Grantham, bride-elect of this week, was complimented at a mis cellaneous shower and bridge and canasta party at the civic center. Hostesses were Mrs. Neal Windley and Mrs. Arthur Lewis. High scorer at canasta was Mrs. George Lewis, Mrs. Frank Swindell won high score prize for bridge, and Mrs. Clyde Willis was low. The hostesses served soft drinks during play, and at the conclusion of play, cookies, salted nuts, and ice cream sodas. Miss Grantham's hostesses pre sented her a corsage and a gift of silver. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Durham and children, of Chapel Hill, spent the weekend at the Ocean King hotel. Miss Sudie Nelson will arrive this week from San Diego, Calif., for a visit with Mrs. Herbert Thorn ton. Capt. and Mrs. Ben Alford, of Fort Bragg, spent the weekend here. Mrs. Howard Strawcutter and lit tle son, Howard Thomas, left today for their home on Long Island, N. Y., after a visit here with Mrs. Strawcutter'* parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Mills returned to Long Island with Mrs. Strawcutter and will remain for a visit. Miss Carolyn Taylor will return today from a trip to New York. Mrs. Ralph Warnken returned to Baltimore Saturday after spending a week here with her daughter and son-in-law, Lt. and Mrs. Frederic Allen. Mrs. James Bryan Harper Mid daughter, Susan, and Miss Martlta Miles, of Winston-Salem are the guests of Mrs. J. J. yuinn. Miss Molly Quinn will leave to morrow to spend a week in Blue field, W. Va. |Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Whitak er of Kinston, spent the weekend with Dr. and Mrs. Paul Whitak er. Stewari-Grantham Mr. and Mrs. Frank Albert Grantham request the honour of your presence at the marriage of their ' daughter Barbara Ann to Mr. Floyd Walter Stewart on Friday, the twenty-seventh of July at five o'clock in the afternoon First Methodist Church Morehead City, North .Carolina No formal invitations have been sent in the county, but all friends are cordially invited. Four Hostesses Compliment Bride at Surprise Shower Four hostesses, Miss Marilou Paulsen, Miss Helen jtynes, Mrs. D. B. Willis, and Mis? Sue Lynch, honored Miss Barbara Grantham Friday night at a surprise show er at the home of Miss Paulsen on Bogue Sound. During the evening, guests play ed bridge and canasta. Mrs. A. R. Paulsen won canasta high score prize, an ash tray, and Miss Gran tham, second high, won a key ring. Mrs. Roma Styron, bridge high scorer, won a pair of earrings, and Mrs. Jerry Willis, low scorer, won an ash tray. The hostesses served soft drinks and salted nuts during play, and at the conclusion of play, block cake, fruit punch and candy. The hostesses presented Miss Grantham a gladioli corsage and a gift of china. HOSPITAL NOTES Admissions: Mr. Reuben Wallace, Mcrrimon, Friday for an operation. Mrs. Bessie Wallace, Morehead Beaufort Causeway, Saturday for an operation. Mr. Marvin Willis, Smyrna, Fri day fo% treatment. Mrs. Dan Bell, RFD Newport, Saturday for treatment. Mrs. William Fox, Havelock Sun day, for an operation. Cecil J. Moore, Marshallberg, Friday, for treatment. Charles Lewis, Otway, Monday for treatment. Mrs. Ruth Smith, Havelock, Sun day for treatment. Mrs. Walter Sutton, Havelock, Saturday for treatment. DISCHARGES: Dan Bell, RFD Newport, Sat urday, following an operation. Mrs. Ray Dennis, and infant son, Newport, Saturday. Mrs. Joe Ellington and infant daughter, Swansboro. Friday. Graham Taylor, Sea Level, Sun day, following treatment. Mrs. L. C. Ferrell, Kinston, Sat urday, following treatment. Allen Gray, route 2 Newport, Sunday following an operation. Henry Hill, RFD Beaufort Sat urday following an operation. Mrs. William Willis and infant daughter, Cherry Point, Monday. Wally Gould, route 1 Newport, Monday, following an operation Betty Arthur, Newport, Friday, OBITUARIES CAPT. JOSEPH BlIRRUS Ocracoke ? Capt Joseph lierritt Burrus, veteran lighthouse keeper, age 78, died Tuesday at his home here. Funeral service was held Friday morning with Rev. W. Y. Stewart officiating and with the local Coast Guard as pall bearers. Capt. Burrus was a native of Hatteras, son of a sea captain. He enlisted in the lighthouse service in his early twenties and served forty-five years in North Carolina or Virginia lighthouses, among them Tangier Island, Thimble Shoals, Cape Lookout, Croatan, Olivers Reef, Bluff Shoals, and Ocracoke. He was well known to everyone during the last sixteen years of his service at the historic Ocracoke lighthouse, retiring from duty here in 1947. He is survived by his wife, Ela nor Oden Burrus, one son, Oscar Burrus of Norfolk, six daughters, Mrs. C. L. Thorpe of Hawthorne, California, Mrs. Victor Grigas of Worcester, Mass., Mrs. Raymond Beasley of Portsmouth, Va., Mrs. Monford Garrish. Mrs. Sybil Simp son, Mrs. Herman Spencer, all of Ocracoke, and fourteen grand chiudren. CHARLES H. BENNETT Funeral services for Charles fil bert Bennett, 77, of 104 N. 6th street, Morehead City, who died in q Raleigh hospital Saturday night after a short illness, were held in the First Methodist church, More head City, yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock with the Rev. Lester A. Tilley officiating. Burial was in Bay View cemetery. Surviving Mr. Bennett are his wife, three sons. Johnny of Chapel Hill, Guy of Durham, Charles North of Morehead City and two daugh ters, Mrs. Robert V. Wade and Mrs. Leslie Brinson, both of More head City. MRS. EDWARD SEWELL Mrs. Edward Sewell of Swans boro. the former Ruby Guthrie, died Monday morning at Morehead City hospital. Funeral plans were incomplete at presstime yesterday. DR. FREDERICK M. MORRISON fit. Frederick ...cCullock Mor rison, 47, died at his home at 1079 Rivermont Terrace, Lynchburg, Va., Monday after a long illness. Funeral services will be held at 4 o'clock this afternoon in Lynch burg. A member of the American So ciety of Opthamologists, Dr. Mor rispn is survived by his wife, the former Gertrude Hancock of Beau fort, and three children, Elizabeth McCullock, James and Fred, jr. following tonsillectomy. Mrs. Edward Barselow and In fant, daughter, Morehead City, Fri day. Roland Buck, route 1 Morehead City, Saturday following an opera tion. Mix liverwurst with a little evaporated milk or mayonnaise un til it is of a good consistency; use as a sandwich filling along with sprays of water cress. you MM / CHEVROLET TIME -PROVED P power! Chevrolet a/on* offers this complete Power Teaitt! .Automatic TransmUtton'v Exh*-P*WMful 105-h.pj *?-? ?- U ? EmIm ??iio'iii iivoii Enyinv ? f conoMiMr R?ar Axis Cone in, tit it the wheel of a new Chev rolet with time-proved Powerglide Automatic Tiai? ihllnn and take a "discovery drive over your own favorite road. Convince youneK that thia car, sad this car alone, brinft you simplest, smoothest, softs! no-shift driving at lowett coat Cone > ia ... drive it ... now! i ?Optoml m nr law mM m mm me ..." - , v Jn Mm low-prico Raid, CKovroJot Iwilt Mm M automatic fron*m!??lon . . . and Chovrolot build? Mm On??? . . . to givo you smooth. n i-i ? Lift litfliita ?? r i a i ^ _ a ? I no-inin anving qt iownt COSTi Tain Your "DISCOVERY DRIVE" SOUND CHEVROLET COMPANY, INC. UNIBMLLIT. HmMffl Mtnkmi Cky. ?. C. 15%0FF M Coleman Da Yaw limited Time Onfy 'I ! America's Largest -Selling mokrima - hra's Why Wi Offer This Saur Special: -| Eveiy Fall, we go craay trying to meet the I flood of orders and installations. Every ^ I floor furnace we install new helps relieve that rush later on ? and we offer this dfs count to make it worth, your while to JF order now. 1. Coleman Oil Flat-R*alsl?r Models sit in floors, no basement needed. Sizes for 2 to 5 RoOms-30,000 and 50.000 BTU. 2. CoUman Dual-Wall Modal. Set under, wall, use no floor space. 30,000 and 50.000 BTU. Here's Automatic Furnace Heating -Priced For "Stove-Heating" Budgets No Workl No fires to build or tend, no ashes to clean out. Light your Coleman Floor Furnace thi3 Fall and revel in the kind of automatic warmth' you .want till Spring! No Dirtl No fuel-grime, no ashes or mess! Less cleaning, less laundry with a Cole man Floor Furnace! Warm Floersl Coleman makes the Floor( Furnace that keeps floors warm ? up to 4 or 5 rooms. More comfort ? better health. . Needs No Basement, anJ no costly ducts. Easy to install ? no "tearing up your, house !" ? Let us show you ? nowl Save 15%*~Get Better Heat! Ask About Our Low Down Payment And Easy Terms! CLYDE JONES GAS COMPANY, INC. PHONE 6-4044 2800 ARENDELL ST MOREHEAD CITY ^lOlTipt^ n??g trade. NOW ON DISPLAY AT *. 7TH I ArtNOftl ST. MOMHEAD CITY

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