MOREHEAD KATHKYN AVA GRAYSON GARDNER Howard KEEL JOE C "i,h MARGE ( COWER BROWN ? CHAMPION MOtCAT ACNES WU.UAM mm ? MOOREHEAD ? VAffflELD HMIOlTK n M-G-M "MTW ^ w* COLOR CARTOON LATEST NEWS THURS. - FRI. ANN DVORAK GENE EVANS in "I Was An American Spy" Moth Is Oiant Edmonton -AP ? That was no ordinary moth that Mrs. II. Katrin caught in her home. The intruder had a five-inch wingspread. Scientists generally believe that man first appeared on earth it least 750,000 years ago. EAST DRIVE-Di THEATRE One-Half Mile East of Beaufort On Highway 70 TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Also Selected Short Subjects Children I'ndcr 12 Admitted Free TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY DAN DEPORE L1ZABETH SCOTT ? THIIRS. ? PKI. iBAPMSU First Show Starts 7:45 'Til Farther Notice Ocean Park Dmcm mimu Two Miles West of Morehead City On Route 70 TUESDAY ? WEDNESDAY "South Of St. Louis" JOEL McCUE A- ALEXIS SMITH ZACHARY SCOTT In Technicolor THURSDAY FRIDAY "RAWHIDE" TYRONE POWER SUSAN HAYWARD ? CITY ? "THE SHOWPLACE OF CARTERET COUNTY" ? - i-- ? ? ? WEDNESDAY ? DON DEFORE - ANDREA KING "SOUTH SIDE 1-1000" 1 ' ; ? THURSDAY . FRIDAY, ? luriibia ' ?sSS? THE MEN ...THE MOGE ...THE LEGEND . o) rtx Ism WoM WoKMa?t of lh? KN Slo' Slow George Montgomery? Gale Storm FLU8 LATEST NEWS ? MUSICAL WESTERN TOM ft JERRY CARTOON They Play b Saatk Sms Story Lovely island maiden Debra Paget and handsome adventurer Louis Jourdan embrace in a tender moment from Twentieth Century Fox's technicolor spectacle of the South Seat, "Bird of Paradise," which Is booked Thursday and Friday at the Beaufort theatre. July 25 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Heath were in New Bern Wednes day. Mr. M. G. Mann, of Raleigh, vis Med Mr. and Mrs. D. I. Garner Friday. Mrs. Parker Guthrie and Mrs. Solon Perkins were in New Bern Wednesday. Mrs. Leonard Thompson and daughter, Yvonne, of Durham, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Henry Garner. Lt. Nelson Brown, of California, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mizelle over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Jolliff and children, of Raleigh, have been visiting his parents, the Rev. and Hrs. J. M. Jolliff, this week. Capt. Harry Livingston left Wed nesday for duty in Korea. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rogers, of Elizabeth City, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Garner, over the weekend. Mrs. Graham Stobaugh and Mrs. Robert Montague were business vis itors in Raleigh Saturday. Rev. and Mrs. C. T. Rogers, of fWfckerton, spent Sunday, Yijght with Mr. and Mrs. D. I. Garner. Cpl. Louis Hibbs arrived home Wednesday to visit his mother, Mrs. Parker Guthrie. Mrs. Henry Edwards visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley, in Swansboro for several days last week. Mrs. P. P. Garner and Miss Nina Garner are spending this week at Nags Head. From there they will go to Norfolk. Va., to visit relatives. Miss Jerry Lynn Garner enter tained som* of her young friends with a picnic at Atlantic Beach last Thursday Invited guests were Misses Shirley Smith, Ann Gwynne Lockey, Eddie Lynn Garner, Bar bara Howard, Lynn Garner, JoAnn Kelly, Margaret Anne Allen. Frances Anne Garner, Becky Anne Sanders, and Lana Faye Lincfber ger. Chaperones were Mrs. L. R. Garner, Mrs. Nina Garner, and Mrs. William Morris. A picnic lunch, a watermelon cutting, and surf bath ing were enjoyed by the group be fore they returned home. The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service held its regular month ly meeting Wednesday night at the Methodist church. The program, "Our Healing Mission in the Philip pines," which was given in play let form, was opened with the call to worship and the scripture by Mrs. Alfred Raynolds. Next ihe group sang ?" Wonderful Words of Life". This led into the playlet, which was given very impressively by Mrs. K. L. Fruit, Miss Margaret Bell, Mrs. Stanley Mann, Mrs. Par ker Guthrie and Mrs. Garland Lockey. Stancil Hardison rendered a very beautiful solo, accompanied by Mrs. Ruby Woodruff. \t the close of the program. Mrs. Clarence Millis and Mrs. Reynolds, acting student nurses of the Mary John son hospital of Manila, sang from behind a screen a duet, 4'We Would Be Building". A prayer was given by Mrs. Pruit, after which the meeting was turned over to the president. Miss Bell, for the business session. Re ports of the various committees r N A Favorite Barber is a , Milan with experience who can do your work the way you like it. This being so ?we have a shop full of Favorites. IDEAL BARBER SHOP 723 Arendeti Street (Opposite Post Office) MOREHEAD CITY, N. C. i Take | Ten ? J. And Relax Any day ? ? ? my hour . . . our sodas. Ire cream and other sweeps are sure to be Just what you want and need! Here you'll find anything found at a first class fountain. Our sandwiches are superb. Morehead City Drug Co. Arcndell St. Morehead City HEAR "CALL TO POST" WMBL-4:30 MON. THROUGH SAT. r vi POST 730 mxx) DAILY DOUBLE # 1st & 2nd Races s ADMISSION NO CHIlDftfN AOMITTIO SEF EM RUN ?i TONITE 10 RACU NIGHTLY EXCEPT SUNDAY IAIN Of CLIAK " QUINELAS * 2nd to 10th Races' FREE PARKINS > ON U S 70 - JUST 5 MILtS FROM MOREHIADCITY CAROLINA RACINC. ASSOCIATION INC Film Salnles Texas Lawman George Montgomery, Jerome Courtland, and Noah Beery, Jr.( smash thr vicious killers who once terrorized the I. one Star State. "The Texas Hangers" opens Thursday at the Citv theatre, Morehcad City. were given. The main topic of dis cussion was the ice cream party \o be given Wednesday evening, July 25, at the home* of Mrs. Alfred Reynolds. All of the members of the society and their husbands were invited. At the close of the business ses sion, the spiritual life chairman, Mrs. Gerald Merrill, had a short but most impressive service, which began with a solo by Mi's. Millis, "Away My Soul. Stretch Every Nerve". The topic of ihc spiritual life program was "This One Thing I Would Do". The group sang "I Am Thine, O Lord", after which ?veryone was asked to leave the church in sil ence; The meeting closed with ihe benediction. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Pendergraft and children and his mother, Mrs. Pendergraft, all of Chapel Hill, Vis ited Mr. and Mrs. K. 1). Garner over the weekend. Turkish tribes were driven from Central Asia by the Mongols a round 1200 A.D. They settled near the Euphrates in Asia Minor. Showing THURSDAY and FRIDAY ...AT... MOREHEAD THEATRE i? 3s S C. iii h The Federal Communication! Commission today hu nearly 800, 000 radio authorizations outstand ing. / CHRONIC TRAVELER LAUDS FAMOUS HUSH PUPPY HljJRE Recdie Ballard, world-wide traveler, has been traveling for thirty years and has eaten in every state in the Union. vMv* nearly every county, but finds the food at The Hush Puppy is right. While in Morehead Be Sure and Try THE HUSH PUPPY On the Waterfront HAVE FUN . . . DOWN OUR WAY Enjoy a relaxing evening at Rowling. II tones you up . . . keeps you nice and fit. Make it a habit. Start tonight. Wi're open late. For your added pleasure we have a completely stock ed refreshment bar. The Idle Hour "Just For Fun" ATLANTIC BEACH, N. C. OUR FOUNTAIN is the ideal place to atop ? relax ? and refresh your self, anytime you're down town. Whether It's coffee, ice cream, fruit Juice or anything you find at foun tains. We serve only the best. GUTHRIE ? JONES DRUG STORE Merrill Bldg. Beaufort tOURDAN ??? PAKT ??"CHANDLER THURSDAY and FBIDAY SHOWING AT THE BEAUFORT THEATRE BEAUFORT THEATRE , LAST TIMES TODAY I* PAUL KELLY * BRUCE C0WLIN6 6ARY BRAT' WEDNESDAY ' DOUBLE FEATURE HIT NO. 1 bIyTH ? DUFF ? ettajt BRENT I .,1? EDGAR BUCHANAN I/ME DttKll ttfUMCf GEIUGHTY-Mwa.iM'Vuiff-iiMKClfi O^ndhClO^Gf SHf PV.AN ? Mfcc* * LEONARD GOLDSTEIN AND HIT NO. 2 DANGER Stalks the World's Most Fabulous City! -! story IRICHARD CONTEl I ind JUUA ADAMS J THURSDAY and FRIDAY ##' bud or P&BADISE With LOUIS JOURDAN DEBRA PAGET JEFF CHANDLER IN TECHNICOLOR II V?gO :h Mtxaga ?mk S5L IS Pioor. 71% BUM MEITIAL SHUTS. TIE VILIEN FAMILY CI, UIIENCEItlG. INI.