CLASSIFIED ADS FOB SAl.l REFKIGERATOR, PRACTICALLY new, Crosley Shelvedore, to make way for larger unit. Phone 6-3986. tf NEW FOUR CYLINDER OUT board motor. Phone 6-3957. " tf PAUL'S dependable USED CARS SOLD WITH A WRITTEN GUARANTEE 1948 Plymouth 4-Dojr Sedan 1946 Pontiar 4-Door Sedan 1946 Chevrolet 4-Door Sedan 1940 Chrysler convertible 1940 Pontiac 4-Door Sedan 1939 Plymouth 2-Door Sedan 1937 Plymouth Sedan 1937 Ford 4-Door Sedan 1936 Ford Coupe 1939 Chevrolet 2-Door Trucks: 1948 Willys panel 1 ton 1948 Dodge 1 1/2 ton 1947 Dodge 1 1/2 ton 1946 Dodge 2 ton 1946 Dodge 1 1/2 ton 1942 Chevrolet 2 ton 1942 Dodge 1 ton 1941 Dodge 1 1/2 ton 1941 Dodge 1 1/2 ton PAUL MOTOR CO Your Dodge-Plymouth Dealer 322 Front St. Beaufort, N. C. BOAT SUITABLE FOR 25 TO 50 H. P. inboard motor. Sturdy built. Sec Roy Barbour Dock Front and Gordon Sts., Beaufort tf FOR SALE 11 acres of land between Qlo cester and Marahallberg on Sleepy Creek. 4 acres cleared. Property runs to paved highway, fine for camp or retirement price $1,250. 26 acres of woodland, good lo_ cation, north of rifle range, 625 ft. frontage, price $2,000. LIST YOUR FARM, HOME AND RENTALS FOR QUICK SERVICE C. H. FREEMAN & SON Agent Phone 64211 Morehead City, N. C. NEW AND USED FURNITURE. Hamilton Furniture co? near school on Live Oak St., Beaufort, N. C. tl THE NEWS-TIMES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Minimum Rate i 50c for 20 Word? or Len. Additional Word? 2?c Back. Each initial, abbreviation, group of numbers counts as one word. Classified Display ads, 71c per column inch; bo ads less thai one inch accepted. Cards of Thanks and Special Notices charged at classified ad rates. 10% extra Is charged far each ad insertion not accompanied by cash to cover. The News-Times will be re sponsible for the first In correct insertion of any adver tisement and then only to the extent of a make-good insertion, if the value of the advertise ment has been lessenod by the error. The publisher reserves the right to revise or reject any copy. Deodltae For Clasa|fleds 1 P.M. Monday, 1 P.M. Thursday ' 1 FOR SALE USED STROLLER AND HIGH chair. Mrs. Robert J. Ryan. 900 Front St., Beaufort, c/o Mrs. Ethel Davis. )31 20- FOOT SaTlBOATT SAILS AND boat in excellent condition. Has boat trailer. Write Box 521, More head City, (or information a3 FINAL CLEARANCE of ODDS AND ENDS At EASTMAN'S BEAUFORT STORE 9x12 Gold Seal, Armstrong, Sloan linoleum rugs. First quality. Discontinued patterns. $7.95. Other sizes in propor tion. New lee Boxes, irregular fin ish. Values at $79.50. While they last $10. New Wood Beds. Slightly damaged in moving. $10. Gold Seal Congowall I1* feet high. First quality remnants. Full rolls. 30c and 50c run ning foot. Usually sells at 90c a running foot. 3-foot Inlaid Linoleum Squares. Odd lots. First quality. $1.50 each. Usually sell at $3.00. Bed Room Suites. Damaged in moving. $99.50. Values to $175. EASTMAN'S Beaufort Store alO THREE YOUNG MULES. WELL broke. Will work anywhere. K. W. Wright. 24131 if HOUND PUPPIEST FIRST CLASS coon and deer stock. See Robert Lewis, highway 24. near Gale's Creek. j31p beant'SV draft. raised deck, sedan cabin, gray marine diesel powered, two hundred twenty-five horse power, galley, toilet, electric bilge pump, twenty-five watt radiotele phone, sleeps eight, stainless steel fuel and water tanks, two years old. Ninety-eight per cent complete, fast, designed for deep see fishing, very sea-worthy, cheap for quick sale. Contact W. G. Parker (owner), 2807 Kimball Terrace, Norfolk, Virginia. j31 BRAND NEW, NEVER BEEN used Westinghouse Laundromat. Cost $308.95. Also table-top 40 gal lon Hotpoint hot water heater, used two months, cost $164.73, will sell both for $400.00. Phone 8-3287. j31 ONE MAPLE DOUBLE BED COM plete with lnnerspring mattress; 1 rug, Bxl2 gray wool; 1 kitchen table with four matching chairs. 204 S. Ninth St., after 5 o'clock. a3p SMALL, SHORT- ORDER CAFE. Entire stock. Good business, long lease. Cheap rent. In heart of Beaufort. Contact Mrs. Nell Lewis at The Griddle j31 NEW AND USED HOUSE TRAIL ers. All types and sizes ? See us before buying or trailing. Faires Trailer co., Highway 70, Morehead City, N. C. tf BUSINESS SERVICES FOR CORRECT TIME: ? 6-3186. For correct jewelry, satisfactory watch repair, Early Jewelers, 723 Arendell St., Morehead City. THE IDEAL SEWING MACHINE CO. 326 Front St. Beaufort, N. C. Phone 2 7321 Invites you to inspect the new sewing machines they hare on display before you purchase any machine. Our prices are lower The new Universal has all the latest features ? sews backward and forward, automatic bobbin winder, floating presser foot, sews over pins and neeedles, handy few light. We have slightly used and re built Singers at bargain prices. All oar machine* are guaranteed. We repair all makes. We also rent machines. Highest prices 1 paid for used machines. Let us take care of your sew ing machine needs. Call 1-7321 for pick up and de livery service. I . ' BUSINESS SERVICES WHY BUY NEW SHOES?? HAVE your old ones renewed for less! At Sanitary Shoe Kepair, 903 Aren dell St., Call 6-4717 for pickup and delivery. tf ? , NOW OPEN Allie Mcintosh ANTIQUE SHOP 2004 Bridges SI. Morehead City, N. C. ANTIQUE FURNITURE GLASS, CHINA, PRINTS Etc. RECAPPING. ALI. PASSENGER car tires and truck tires up to size 100020. Tire Service co., 13th and Arendell sts., Murehead City. Phone 6-3029. tt EXPERT RADIO REPAIRS PHILCO SALES Keep Your Radio In Perfect Playing Condition. ECONOMY AUTO & APPLIANCE STORE 90S Arendell St. ? Phone 6-3185 Morehead City, N. C. "CROSLEY" Home Appliances Refrigerators Ranges Home Freezers Water Heaters Automatic Washers SALES & SERVICE Hamilton Furniture Co. Phone 2-7201 BEAUFORT DUPLICATE KEYS MADE TO I order. We have the blanks ? and the machine. Protect yourself by having an extra set of keys made to put in a safe place. Western Auto Associate Store, Beaufort. MADE TO YOUR ~ SPECIFICATIONS Sash - Cabinets - Doors - Millwork Douglass Firwood Doors Screen Doors - Lawn Furniture Hardware - Building Supplies LOCKHART MILLWORKS Business Phone . . . 6-3918 Home Phone . . . 6-3921 2 miles west of Morehead City on Highway 70 SEWING MACHINS SALES & SERVICE MeCall Patterns Dress Materials THE SPINNING WHEEL 825 Vi Arendell St. Dial 6-30M , "KELVINATOR" Home Appliances Refrigerators Ranges Water Heaters Etc. JENKIN'S FURNITURE CO. "Your Kelvinator Dealer" Cor. 12th and Evans St. Morehead City, N. C. WANT TO BUY TOP PRICES.- PAId"FOR USED sewing *' machines. The Spinning Wheel. 825 H Arendeli St. Dial 6-3054, Morehead City, N.C. tf ~ KOK MNT ONEOR ~TWO~BED ROOMS, FUR nished. Next to bath. Kitchen and living room privileges. Mrs. J. P. Stanley, 1007 Front, Beau fort. J31 1 NEW APARTMENT ON HIGH- ' way 70 opposite Ocean Park Drive in theatre. Partly furnished, will completely furnish if desired. Phone 8-3957. tf APARTMENT ON ATLANTIC Beach. Immediate occupancy. Phone 6-3956. tf MAKE OLD~ FLOORS LOOK LIKE new. Rent our High Speed Floor Sander and Edger. Low rates. Western Auto Store, Beaufort Phone 2-3651. RIDERS WANTED WANT SOMEONE TO HELP drive to Louisiana, via Macon, Georgia; Montgomery. Alabama, Jackson, Miasisslppi. Lesve Auguat 2. 5.00 p. m. Car expenses paid. ClU MNt Jllp WANT TO RENT THREE BEDROOM FURNISHED house Permanent residents. Con tact. H. C. Barrow, 104 N. 20th St., Apartment A, Morehead City, J31p WANTED 12 FOOT SKIFF- MUST BE SERV iceable, leakproof. and ^reasonably priced. Brown. Route 1, Box !62, Morehead City. J31p A GOOD I -SKI) REFRIGERATOR. Will pay cash. Stroud's Food Cen ter, North 18th St.. Morehead City. " j31 BABlT SITTING BABY SITTER- WISHES EM pluyment. day or night. Call Mrs. Noiet, 6-3855. j31p HELP WANTED THREE WAITRESSSES WANTED for day or night work. Experience unnecessary. Also three waitresses fur Saturday and Sunday work. Ex tra pay. Apply Broadway Cafe, Morehead City. tf WANTED SIX BOYS TO WORK AS PIN BOYS Must be 16 years old or older Pay much higher than ever before 6c per line and GOOD TIPS Earnings Should Average $25.00 per week We Furnish Transportation WORK 5 and 6 HOURS PER DAY APPLY THE IDLE HOUR AMUSEMENT CENTER a5 IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of my dear husband, William Lee Hatsell, who departed this life one year ago to day, July 31. 1950. The blow was hard, The shoek severe, I never realized your death so near, And only those who have lost can tell. The pain of parting without a fare well. Keep him dear Jesus, in thy keep ing. Till 1 reach the golden shore, Then dear Lord, let me have him back. And love him as I did before. Wife. Elva. LEGAL NOTICES NORTH CAROLINA ? ~~ CARTERET C OUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT S.P.I). No. 977 (TORRENS) International Paper Company vs. R. E. Chapman, Dr. C. S. Maxwell, F. J. Worthington Hugh G. Swann and John Felton NOTICE TO'wnonr- it may concehnt The parties above-named, and all other persons interested, will take notice that on the 21st day of July, 1951, the above named pe titioner filed a petition in the of fice of the Cierk of the Superior Court of Carteret County to have the title to certain lands, therein described, registered and confirm ed pursuant to Chapter 43 of the General Statutes of North Car olina, and that summons has been issued, returnable at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Carteret County on the 21st day of September, 1951. Said lands are situate in Beaufort Township in the County of Carteret and State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of the above listed defend ants, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corn er of the Hugh C. Swann tract in F. J. Worthington's line and run ning thence N. 15-00 E 1.16 chains; thence N. 42-30 E 7.9 chains to an iron stake; thence N. 50 45 E 50.6 chains to an iron stake; thence S 10-00 W7.3 chains; thence S 4 S 10-00 W 7.3 chains; thence S fitf-15 E 18 chains to an iron stake; thence S. 4-00 W 26.6 chains; thence N. 8445 W. 2.7 chains; thence N 53 50 W 5.1 chains; thence N 58-15 W 5.3 chains; thence N 79-00 W 2.9 chains; S 89-45 W 5.9 chains; thence S 10-00 W 26 chains to an iron stake in a ditch; thence N B7-30 W 13 chains; thence N 40 00 W 2.53 chains; thence N. 19 00 E 8.8 chains; thence N 83-00 W 6.62 chain?; thence N 53-00 W 11. 62 chains; thence N. 33-00 W 2.27 chains; thence N 53-00 W 9.96 chains to the point of beginning. This 21st day of July, 1951. A. H. James Clerk of Superior Court 8t j 24-31 A 7-14-21-28 S 4-11 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on the 18th day of July, 1651, I did lease to Claude Golden of Beau fort, N. C-, the following described oyster bottom. LEASE NO. 568 Located in North River, Carteret County, N. C. Beginning at a slake in North River, Carteret County, M. C., said stake lying on the south trn right-of-way of the State High way 379 feet eastward of the west ern edge of said highway bridge and runs S. 2 *-30' W. 300 feet to a stake; thence S. 82 ' 25' W. 702 feet; thence N. 0'28' W. 324 feet to a stake on the highway right-of way; thence with the highway right-of-way N. 84?-45' E. 715 feet to the beginning, containing 5 ac re?. This the 18th day of July, 1951. C. D. Klrkpatrick Law Enforcement Administrator 4t J 24-31 A 7-14 Field Day. Swimming Sot For Beaniort Tenth AH members of the recreation program are to meet at Beaufort school at 9:30 this morning to go to Morehead City and compete in ihe field day with Morehead City recreationers. There will be danc ing tonight at the Soout building from 7 o'clock to 8:45. Tomorrow there will be ?wim ming from 9:30 to 11, junior boys will have ball practice from 2:00 to 3:30, the art class will meet from 2 to 3 at the Scout building, and senior boys will have ball prac tice from 4 to 5:30. Thursday and Friday's schedules will be the same as Wednesday's. Two Carteret Conniy Men ' Finish Basic Training j Two Carteret county, men. Pvt. Robert W. Scarborough! 18. son of | R. Scarborough. Morehead City land Pvt. Milton Smith, jr., 18. son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Smith. Roe, are completing their basic airmen indoctrination course at Lackland Air Force base. Texas. This basic training prepares them for entrance into Air Force technical training and for assign ment in specialized work. The course includes a scientific evalua tion of aptitude and inclination for following a particular vocation I and career. Negro News The Ladies home instruction club met Thursday night with Mrs. Miles Becton. Mrs. Ethel Allen pre sided in the absence of the presi dent, Mrs. Jefferson Stamps. After the business meeting, a program on etiquette was presented. The hostess served . iced fruit punch and cookies. The club will meet this Thurs day with Mrs. Ethel Allen. Mrs. Samuel Williams is recup erating at her home after an op eration in Rocky Mount. Mrs. Anthony Boyd. jr.. enter tained last week at a dinner party, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Zebedee | Bethea on their 12th wedding an- 1 j niversary. Guests included Mr and j I Mrs. Vernon Daily, the Rev. and j Mrs. A. M. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. I I Jefferson Stamps, and Mr. and Mrs. j Hubert Lee Stamps. ALPHONSA VANN Funeral services for Alphonsa i Vann, 38. who died Monday in Port Monmouth. N. J., from a heart attack, were held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock from Purvis chapel, with burial following in Ocean View cemetery. Surviving are his wife. Juanita. and his mother. Mrs. Lottie Vann. both of Beaufort. LEGAL NOTICES ~ Notice Serving Summons By Publication North Carolina, Carteret County. In The Superior Court. In the Matter of the Abandonment of Carolyn Ann Ritchey. CLAYTON DAVID RITCHEY and CAROLYN MARIE SIMPSON will take notice that an action en titled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Carteret County, North Carolina, to declare an abandonment of Caro lyn Ann Ritchey by Clayton David Ritchey and Carolyn Mari^ Simp son the natural parents. That this action is ancillary to proceedings toward the adoption of ;aid child, ] and that they, Clayton David Ritchey and Carolyn Marie Simp son, are required to appear it the office of the Clerk of The Superior Court of Carteret* County in the Court House in Beaufort. North Carolina, within twenty (20) days following the 28th day of August. 1951. anil show cause why a decree finding an abandonment of said child on their part should not be effected. j This 30th day of fuly, 1951. A. H. James, Judge, Juvenile Court. j31,a7 14-fl July 28, 1951. Carteret County North Carolina To: Mr. Irvin W. Davis Entry Taker of North Carolina Beaufort, North Carolina The undersigned, Claimant, be ing a citizen of the State of North Carolina, hereby sets forth and shows that the following tract or parcel of marsh and waste land 10 wit: Lying on Shackleford Banks Carteret County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows. Beginning at a stake at lames B. Guthrie North West line at mouth of Johnsons Bay and run ning with highwater mark North 41-00' West 3200 feet to a stake; thence North 80-00' West 3400 feet to a stake: theifte South 30-00' West to a stake at highwater mark: thence with highwater mark South 60-00' East to a stake; thence South 41-00' East 3200 ft. to a stake; thence North 304)0' East 1550 feet to the beginning containing 89.9 acres. is vacant and unappropriated land belonging tb the State of North Carolina and is subject to entry, and the undersigned Claim ant hereby makes entry of, lays claim to, and prays for a grant of said land. Claimant: Leland G. Yeomans. Witness: Marie Willis Piled for record July 28, 1951, at 10 a. m. Irvin W. Davis, )31 a7 14-21 Entry Taker. Mm Willis Stars On Mound As Harktrs bland Wins 7-2 Moe Willis pitched and batted Harkers Island to a 7-2 win over Beaufort Sunday in a Salt Water league tussle. Willis stopped Beaufort with five hits, and pounded out a home run. double, and single. Beaufort's Frank Garnered two of the five hits otf Willis. Markers Island picked up nine hits, and six Beaufort iniscues made things easy for Wijlis. BEAUFORT RETAINS (Continued from page 3) opening frame. 11 is clout over the confused head of Thomas went into the woods and never was found., . Left fielder George Bay had three for three to pace the Beau fort attack, and Ca hill and Gray bill had two apiece . . . The aged Mr. Hassell of Beaufort nanage.l to see service at four positions he fore the six, inning contest was i completed. He started out catch ing, then moved to left field, to short stop, and right field . . . Marshallberg had only eight men at game time, and had to wait 01 nearly an hour before a ninth man showed up. That was Brogan. a catcher who Hbd not caught a base ball game in years. This fact was obvious whenever he tried to ihrow the ball to second. Seven hops was about par for Brogan. Ahile he generally made, the pitcher's mound in three. Box score: Marshallberg: AB It II PO A V Hill, rf, c 2 0 0 4 0 0 Thomas, ef. p 2 0 0 0 0 0 Williamson, lb 3 0 1 1 'J 0 Brofc m, c, rf 3 0 0 3 0 1 Coats. 3b 2 0 1 5 2 1 Davis, 2b 3 0 0 0 0 0 Butler, ss 0 0 0 0 2 1 Kuhn, If 2 10 0 0 0 Kitenour. p. cf 2 0 0 0 0 1 19 1 2 15 4 4 Beaufort: AB K II HO A I Cahill. 2b 4 3 2 0 0 o Lynch. 2b 0 0 0 0 0 0 Price, ss 4 2 1 2 0 1 Graybill. cf 2 12 0 11 Bay. If. c 3 13 4 10 Minor. If 0 0 0 0 0 0 Russell, lb 3 1 1 H 0 0 Hundley. 3b 2 2 0 0 2 0 Hassell. 4 114 0 0 Bogdan, rf 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fodric. rf 2 2 0 0 0 0 Smith, p 3 2 1 0 3 0 Owens, p 1 0 0 0 0 0 28 15 11 18 7 2 Marshallberg 000 010 Beaufort 950 lOx RBI Cahill 2. Bay 2, Graybill 3, Russell. Hassell. Smith. Home run: Graybill. Stolen bases: Rus sell 2, Fodrie, Bay ifandley. Dou ble play: Bay and Russell. Left on base: Marshallberg 5, Beaufort 8. Runs and hits, off: Ritenour. 9 md 5 in 1: Thomas, 45 and 6 in 1: Smith. 0 and 2 in 4: Owens. 1 and 0 in 2. SO. -by Ritenour 2. by Thomas *. by Smith 6, by Owens 2. BB. >ff Ritenour 4. Thomas 4. Smith 4. Owens 1. HBP. by Ritenour (Hand ley. Bay). Balk: Ritenour. WP: Ritenour 4. Thomas 3. Owens 1. Passed ball: Brogan. Winning pitcher: Smith, LP. Ritenour. MARINES WIN (Continued from page $) Peel. P. Cordova, and Klux in or der in the sixth and final frame. The Legion's Moody, with two for two. was the only player *vith more than one bingle. Sullivan, Arnold, and Lindsey garnered ?he other Legion hits while Geer. I)unn, Cordova, Norwood, and Adams each had one hit for the laycees. Line score: Jdycecs 000 030? 3 5 3 Marines 302 OOx? 5 5 1 Notes Failure to hustle cost the Marines a run scoring opportunity in the fifth. With Moody on first and one down. Lindsey banged a sharp bouncer right at third baseman T. Cordova. Cordova picked the ball UP cleanly and Moody stopped run ning. Thus when second baseman Dunn dropped the throw he had plenty of time to run after it, pick it up, and return to the bag in time to force Moody . . . Th? game began 45 minutes late and it was necessary to clear the field for the second game of the double header after six innings . . . Marine pitcher Bill Cody was very j sharp. He walked only one man j while striking out four, and three I of the five hits off his deliveries | were of the infield variety. LEGION (Continued from page 3) the complete disinterest in Softball shown by the local populace. We have seen two twin-bills now, and ! in both cases the players outnum bered the fans by at least four-to one . . . Hence it matters little | that a player miss his turn at bat. as did Odd Fellow lead off man I Steed in the second . . . This may J not be the best Softball league in the nation but it ii easily the most | haphazard. SCHEDULE Tuesday Fry Roofing vs. M. C. Jaycees (7:30). American Legion vs. Lions (9:15). SOFTBALL STANDINGS Won Lost GBL American Legion .... 14 3 M. C. Marines 13 4 1 Beaufort O. F 11 7 3'i Tidewater Power 10 8 4'/j \ M. C. laycees 8 11 7 M. C. Lions ' 7 11 Vi I Fry Roofing 4 13 10 Cout Guard 2 U 10 The principal oil region of the Far East lies in the shallow basin between the Asia mainland and Australia. \ m mt Watch TireMiltagt Co Up.' Unbalanced wheels, bent axles, misalined frames speli "welcome" to unwelcome ntfi RiNt; wobblies". Once in your car, they cause excessive wear on tires and ' steering parts ? result tu blow-outs, bad ! steering, accidinx! vCier more safe tire mi! rage by getting a safety check-up and I correction on our industry-approved j i< EAR equipment flunk Your Repiir Man Fir "The Accident That Didn't Happen" PARKEB MOTORS Your Chrysler-Plymouth Dealer 509 Arendell St. ? Morehead City SAFETY HEAD QUAft T FR S SINCLAIR REFINING CO. T. T. (Tom) Potler, Bailee Phone 6-3216 COO Evans St. Morehead City I i r Uses Your Old Wirt Electric Fencer ?4 scarcity tf wfc? h . . . wM PARMAK tni MN tin?, lak*r, ????. TTt J. C. Whitty & Go; NEW BERN * Craven & S. Front St. G & W William YftUia? Ratal PHc* $1.95 Pint? 153.15 Fifth? I % 86 Proof im ITR AKJHT WHISKIY9 IN THIf ARI 4 TtAII OR MOKI OiO. Uf In? MY. MX NEUTRAL SFtftJTl MSTUJB PROOUOT ? rt AiOHT, WHITE WAY LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS Send Your Dry Cleaning With Your Laundry Make On* C9IJ Do It All DIAL 8-4023 WKITEWAY HAS "NU-WAY" Q &W SEVEN STAR J $2-15 FULL PINT Blended Whiskey WAX Neutral Spirit] Distilled From Grain PROOF COODERHAM * WORTS IIMITID, HORIA, tUINOIt [ I e Band H GARAGE < ? ^ ? ? l(\ > GEORGE BRIDGERS and JAMIE HARRIS, Mgr?. COMPLETE AUTO REPAIRS Phone 6-4500 1302 ARENDELL ST. MOREHEAD CITY MERCURY SALES and SEBVICE REPAIR SERVICE ON ALL MAKES GOOD, CLEAN, USED CARS B0YD-MATTH1S MOTOR CO. 1405 New Blvd. T ? ~ " . 1 g'ty j