OTtoreljeah City facial Mra. WilliUB M. Murray, SKiety Editor Phooe 6-4175 Ur. D. B. Webb has returned from a week's vacation in Braden ton, Fla.. where he visited Mr. and Mn. C. S. Kaemmerlen. "Mrs Etta Scarborough of Ocra coke spent a (ew days with her niece, Mrs. George Howard, after being discharged from Morehead City hospital. and Mrs. Carson O'Neal of Jolk, Va., and Ocracoke spent weekend with Mr. and Mrs. de Willis. Ir. and Mrs. Rupert Earl Willis visitors in Vanccboro Monday night. George Howard has returned to Baltimore after spending the week end with his family. Mrs. Mildred Falencher, X-ray technician at Morehead City hos pital, has resigned and will join t husband, John Palencher, in frampa, Texas. Mr. Palencher has keen in Alaska for the past sever al months with the Coast and Geo !tic Survey. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Deyo return !] Friday from a two weeks' vaca on in Monticello, Va., Kingston, 'hite Plains, and Hyde Park, N. where they visited relatives. Two Big lOLLAR DATS * RIDAY and i Saturday at jCOPLON SMITH CO. in New Bern Mrs. Dollie Lewis is spending a ew days with her sister, Miss Jen lie Lewis, in Stacy. Mrs. L. O. Crowe and Mrs. Ed Veeks spent Thursday in New iern. Mrs. Andrew Bell is visiting her laughter, Mrs. Hugh Tyner, in Vinston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. John Mason spent iunday in Harkers Island visiting 4r. Mason's brother. Mr. and Mrs. John Fussell spent Saturday in New Bern. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Crowe and amily will leave Saturday for a ew day's visit in Washington, D.C. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Crawford, Kins on, are spending several days in ?forehead City. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Archer and on, Alan, returned Saturday to 'ackson Heights, Long Island, after i visit with Mrs. Archer's parents, dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Geer. Miss Dorothy Grantham is at ending East Carolina college in Jreenville where she is a member >f the freshman class. Mr. and Mrs. James Howland eft Monday for a business trip to Norfolk, Va. Miss Ann Stroud is making her lome in Richmond, Va., where she s working. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Bennett and ion, Tommy, attended a homecom ng at Aurora Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Needham Simpson >f Ocracoke spent last weekend vith Mr. and Mrs. E. Stamey Davis. Mr and Mrs. George Howard, |r., of Raleigh, will spend this weekend with his mother, Mrs. jieorgc Howard. They will be ac companied here by Mrs. Marjoric )glesby who has been visiting her laughter, Mrs. Wesley Williams, n Raleigh. Calendar of Events TODAY 7 p m ? Barbecue, meeting of American Legion Post No. 40 and auxiliary at Legion hut, weat of Morehead City. MONDAY 10 a.m.? County commissioners, court house, Beaufort. 7 p.m. ? Community Concerts dinner, Morehead City school cafe teria. 7:30 p.m.? Beaufort town board, town ball. TUESDAY 6 45 p.m.? Beaufort Rotary club, Inlet inn. 7 p.m. ? Beaufort Junior Woman's club. Lottie Sanders building. 7:30 p.m.? Newport town board meeting, town hall. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Adler and Mrs. Fred Pittman spent Sunday in S wans boru and were accompanied there by Mrs. Jane Collins who had been visiting in Morehead. Miss Judy Perry is at Louisburg where she is a member of the freshman class at Louisburg col lege. Mrs. William Willis and daugh ter Catherine of Atlantic were vis itors in Morehead City Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Garner of Newport spent several days last week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Garner. Mrs. Caroline Willis and Mrs. Margaret Wade spent Thursday in New Bern. D. G. Bell will return today from a business trip to New York. Mrs. D. G. Bell, Mrs. C. B. Ar thur, and Miss Lucille Piner will spend today in New Bern. Winners at Monday night's meet ing of the Carteret county bridge league were as follows: North south, first, Calvin Jones and Jack Windley, second, Mrs. George East man and Mrs. F. L. Maerz, third, John I'avonc and Andrew Mc Knight. East west, first, Frank Burton and S. B. Brummitt. second, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Dewey, third, L. C. Forest and S. K. Hedgecock. T NURSERY SCHOOL Announcing the opening of the TINY TOT NURSERY SCHOOL for children ages 2-4. DAYS? Monday through Friday. HOURS ? 9 a'm. to 12 Noon. ADDRESS ? 2702 Evans Street, Morchead City. PHONE ? 6-3079. Children's play will be in a fenced yard and supervised by a trained nursery teacher. OPENING DATE - SEPT. 24 There will he a limited enrollment Phone 6-3079 for Details ? MRS. H. C. BARROW, JR. 2702 Evans Street : Morehead City, N. C. Chippendale DUO THERM Oil HfflTIR ? Gleaming Mahogany Finish! ? Exclusive Duo-Therm Dual Chamber Burner? gives you more heat from every drop of oiU ? Waist High Heat Coatrol Dial ? leu you dial heat easy as you tune a radio. No beading over. ? Big Ridiini Door?? for quick spot heat! New I Exclnsiire? Auto matic Power-Air Blower ??area up to 2)% on fuel ?girtt mora even best io every room, mttmslir My. (optional) For yoan of /ow-cm* comfort I FURNITURE CO. y )REH( AO Ctl Y Young People's Department Honors Miss Whealton The Young People'! Department of the Fir?t Baptist Sunday school honored Miss Therese Whealton and her fiance, Wallace S. Rhodes, at a reception Monday evening in the Sunday school assembly room of the church. Miss Whealton and Mr. Rhodes were married last night. The hallway leading to the main room was lighted with white can dles and other decorations were of pine, cedar, and smilax. Only can dlelight was used throughout the evening. Refreshments were served from a table, covered with lace cloth, which stood in front of the mantle banked with greenery. Centered on the mantle were a miniature bride and groom. Three-branched silver candela bra, holding white tapers, were placed on the table where Mrs. John Bunn, wife of the pastor, served punch, and Mrs. Robert Wallace served cake. There were also nuts and mints. Assisting in serving were Mrs. Marcia Lewis, Mrs. Allen Broadhurst and Miss Anna Mac Broadhurst. Guests were welcomed by Mrs. J. G. Bennett and Mrs. John Lashley. When Miss Whealton and her mother arrived they were present ed with corsages. As Mrs George Mizesko played the wedding march, the bride-to-be and her fiance advanced to the spot where the pastor of the church, Dr. John H. Bunn, the su perintendent of the Sunday school, Reginald Willis, and the director of church music, Ralph Wade, were waiting to honor them. Mr. Willis presented the couple with a silver tray, a gift from the young people's department; Mr. Wade gave them pieces of silver in the bride's pattern, a gift from the choir, and Dr. Bunn commented on Miss Whealton's faithful service to the church. She is a member of both the young people and adults' choir, pianist in the young people's department, and was or ganist on occasion at church this past summer. During the reception Mrs. Mizes ko and Miss Anne Darden Webb played the piano. Eighty persons attended. Good byes were said to Mr. and Mrs. Halbert Ball. Meihodisl Wesleyan Guild Meets in Ladies Parlor The Wesleyan Guild of the First Methodist ehurch held their Sep tember meeting Monday night in the ladies parlor of the educational building. Mrs. Theodore . Econo men. president, presided. Following the Wesleyan ritual in unison, business was conducted and t he secretary and treasurer's re ports read. The district meeting of the Wesleyan Guild, to be held here in October, was discussed and the president appointed Mrs. A. B. Roberts and Mrs. Clyde Willis as chairman of the refreshment com mittee. The guild theme for this year will be "The Earth is the Lord." A devotional, Meditation on the Cross, was presented by Mrs. Sher wood Harris. Mrs. W. G. Oglesby read a paper on religion and economics. The business session was closed with the singing of "Bless be the Tie," and repeating of the Miz pah benediction. A social hour fol lowed with the hostesses, Mrs. D G. Bell and Miss Lucille Finer, serving ice cream sandwiches: Mrs. Gerald Wade Hostess To Bridge Club Wednesday Mrs. Gerald Wade was hostess to her bridge club Wednesday eve ning and had Mrs. Richard Ryan as an invited player: Mrs. Wilber Blair was winner ol high score and Mrs. Wade low score. During progressions Mrs. Wade served light refreshments of can dies, salted nuts, potato chips, and iced drinks. Mrs. Roy Beck Guest At Tuesday Night Club Mrs. Roy Beck was a special guest when Mrs. K. W. Olsen en tertained her bridge club Tuesday evening. High score was won by Mrs. John Morrison, second high by Mrs. Sam Guthrie and the hostess won low score. Mrs. Olsen served candies and soft drinks during bridge play. ? Thie "Reliable" pec ? etiipd