NEWS-TIMES OFFICE 504 Arendell St Morehead City Phone 6-4175 CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES * Eight Page* Color Comic* 40th YEAR, NO. 84. THREE SECTIONS TWENTY PAGES MOREHEAD CITY AND BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1951 PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS Bert Clark Fails to Appear , Forfeits $1,000 Bond 4 ^ ? /^1 A 1 ? w ? ? ? Rent Ruling Affects Carteret J TOWN BOARD MAKES HISTORY ; 4 After Years of Struggle 9 Town Of Beaufort Expands-6.89 Acres Grand Jury Report Dwells on Schools Jury's Recommendations \ Given wiih View to Elimi nating Health, Fire Risks The larger part ol the grand jury report returned to Judge Q. K. Nimocks in this week'? term of Superior court was devoted to schools. The grand jury started Its work soon after noon Monday *nd made its report Tuesday after noon. The jurors requested the super intendent of highway maintenance o inspect pilings on the Harkers stand bridge, over which the school bus travels, and he reported them to be in safe condition. They stated, however, that the Cedar island bridge, between Cedar Island and Atlantic, "does not ap pear to be safe" and recommended in investigation of the "dangerous condition." (The county board of education recently requested the highway commission to expedite the re moval of the draw across the Neuse river to the crossing between At lantic and Cedar Island). Because the bus carrying chil dren from Salter Path to Morehead City school is privately owned, the grand jury had the highway patrol check it It was found to be in condition, except the tail light, whfch the owner, George Smith, said would be repaired imme late ly The 10 public schools we.e in spected by jury committees. Beau fort colored and white schools, Morehead City colored, Atlantic and Smyrna schools were found to be in good condition. Some minor repairs were needed at those schools, but failure to repair would See GRAND JURY, Page 6 Bishop Approves Horehead Church J. R. Morrill, chairman of the bishop's committee for organization of St. Andrew's Episcopal church. Horehead City, has announced that permission to establish the church vas received Tuesday morning from Bishop Thomas Wright, head of the East Carolina diocese. St. Andrew's Wonpan's auxiliary was organized at a recent meeting at the home of Mrs. J. R. Morrill. Officers elected were Mrs. Morrill, president; Mrs. Patrece Smith, sec retary; Mrs. Rosalie Dowdy, treas urer; and Mrs. Thelma Branch, publicity chairman. Members of the ways and means committee are Mrs. Philip Ball, Mrs. E. M. Dewey, Mrs. H. Earle Mobley, Mrs. Lizzie Howland. Mrs. Dorothy Patrick, Mrs. Frances Morris, Mrs. Ruth Bridgeman, and Mrs. Sally Webb. TTie next meeting will take place at the home of Mrs. Mobley on Evans street. Following the business meeting, cake, nuts, and punch were served. "Happy Birthday" was sung to Mrs. Irma Gorham and a gift of per fume was given her by the hostess. Board Pays BiDs {Totaling $1,QD0 ?The Beaufort chamber of com merce board of directors at its re cent meting paid $1,000.75 in bills. Bills were paid as follows: Hunt ley's *18.09; on account to Owen G. Dunn $50; Carolina Telephone and Telegraph f Morehead City was discussed ruesday morning at a meeting of he tourists and convention com nittee of the Morehead City cham jer of commerce. The purpose of the bureau, the ?ommitte reports, will be to give information on housing, fishing, lunting, and amusements. It is pro posed to have the bureau open luring hpurs when the chamber iff ice is closed. John Alford was appointed by W. C. Carlton, chairman, to check letails such as a suitable location, lours of operation, and estimated :ost of maintenance. A study is being undertaken of nethods to obtain more conven iens here and findings will be act >d upon at the committee's next neeting. Attending Tuesday morn ing's session, in addition to the :hairman and Alford. were James Wheatley, Dom Femia. and J. A. DuBois, manager of the chamber if commerce. Clarence M. Whitney, Jr., Hatters Bnmp on Head Clarence M. Whitney, Jr., Cherry Point, sustained no more than a lump on the head when hi* 1937 nodel car overturned at 11 o'clock ruesday night one mile east of viewport near the trailer camp. Patrolman W. E. Fickard, who nvestigated. said Whitney told him hat an oncoming ear blinded him is he was rounding the curve. iVhitney was proceeding toward Morehead City. The car, which left he road and Jumped a ditch bo ore upsetting, is a loss