iHorel]eah ?itg facial ^Nefas Mr*. Ale xe Hill, Society Editor Phone M175 1 Miss Sudie Nelson left Saturday I to return to her home in San , Diego. California, after spending [ several months here. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Davis and >on spent Monday in New Bern. Mrs. J. H. Davis and Mrs. Emma Oglesby of Harlowe spent Monday visiting here. Robert Peel and James Brown have returned from a recent trip to Florida. Mrs. M. F. Harvell returned to her home Sunday after being a patient in Memorial hospital in Goldsboro for a week. Mrs. John Danielson and daugh ter, Florence, Mrs. R T. Willis and daughter. Sue and Ray Danielson spent Saturday in New Bern. Eric York has returned to More head City after spending the sum mer in Louisiana. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Riggs an nounce the birth of a daughter, Deborah Dean, born Friday, No vember 30, in Morehead City hos pital. Mrs. Riggs is the former Jerry Ann Guthrie. Mrs. Allen Dudley is visiting her daughters. Mrs. Robert Wilde of Philadelphia and Mrs. Donald Ca parilli of New York this week. Mrs. Caparilla and daughter, Diane, will accompany Mrs. Dudley home to spend Christmas. Mrs. J. W. Jackson left yesterday 'or a business trip to New York. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Willis and twin sons, Robert and George, of Norfolk, spent the weekend with Mr. Willis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dewey Willis. Ruth Macy of Kinston spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Macy. Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Pittman of Swansboro spent Sunday with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Pittman. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Stilus and daughters. Becky and Jean, have returned from a recent visit with Mrs. Stiles' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wagstaff of Semora. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Nelson and children of Norfolk visited Mr. Nelson's mother, Mrs. Justin Robin son, Sunday. Mrs. Jane Collins of Swansboro is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Pittman. Mrs. R. W. Taylor spent Friday in New Bern. Mrs. Regina Snipes Announces Marriage Mrs. Regina Snipes of Morehead City announces the marriage of her daughter, Sally Louise, to William R. Bryan of Meridian, Conn., on Tuesday, November 27, in the Methodiat church in Edenton, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant are living at 807 12 Fisher street, Morehead City. Mr. Bryant, a representative of the Stavid Engineering company, Plainfield, N. J., is employed at Cherry Point. Mrs. Otis Woodcock, Two Daughters Sail for Japan Mrs. Otis E. Woodcock and daughters, Donna and Sally, sailed Friday, November 30, from Seattle, Washington, for Nogoya, Japan, to Cape Fear Garden Club Features 'Holiday House' Wilmington- Cape Fear Garden club's 1951 presentation of Holiday House will have as its .theme "Houat of Ideas." and will be open at the American Legion Home Dec. 14, 1ft, and 16. Picturesque Christ mas decorations throughout the lower floor of the home will show ways in which homemakers may celebrate the season in every as pect. Plans are underway to display delightful confections, tree decora tion, adornment of the dinner tab le, mantel, doorway and packages, and will even include step-by-step instructions showing how to ac complish many of the more diffi cult phases of holiday decoration. The early dates have been set by the club so that homemakers will have time to copy the many unique ideas to be seen in Holiday House. It will also give Cape Fear Garden club members time to transfer some of the wreaths and other de corations to the Camp Lejeune Hos pital as part of the regular garden therapy project of the club. Mrs. Rinaldo B. Page, chairman of Holiday House, and Mrs. P. R. Smith, club president, issue a cor dial invitation to everyone in east ern North Carolina to attend the event. On Friday. Dec. 14, Holiday House will be open from 2 p.m. until 0 p.m.; on Dec. 15, from 11 a.m. until 9 p.m.: and on Sunday, Dec. 16, trom 1 p.m. until 6 p.m. Bridge Club Meets Tuesday With Mrs. K. W. Olsen Mrs. K. W. Olsen was hostess to her bridge club Tuesday night. Mrs. Gus Astenberd was the only guest and won high score prize. Mrs. Robert Barts won second and Mrs. K. W. Olsen. low. The hostess served soft drinks, nuts and candy between progres sions and Boston cream pie and coffee at the end of play. Thursday Evening Bridge Club Has Pictures Taken The Thursday evening bridge club met at the home of Mrs. David Styron. At the end of play Mr. Styron took pictures of ihe mem bers and guests. The guests were Mrs. Frank Grantham, Mrs. Frank Moran and Mrs. A. B. Vick, who won high score prize for the guests. Mrs. Howard Rivers won club high and Mrs. Gus Davis won second The hostess served ice cream sodas, nuts and cakes. Mrs. W. B. Chalk Hostess To Couples Club Saturday Mrs. W. B. Chalk was hostess to the Saturday Couples clrtb on De cember 1. Dr. and Mrs. S. W. Hatcher were guests. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Leary won the high couples' prize, a box of Christmas cards. Mrs. Walter Mor ris won second high for ladies, a pair oi gloves, and Dr. llatcher won second high for men, a fruit cake. At the end of play the hostess served mince meat pie and coffee. Join her husband. M/Sgt. Otis E. Woodcock, who is stationed at the ?Air Force base there. Mrs. Woodcock is the daughter of Mr. Stacy Wilson and the late Mrs. Wilson of Marshallberg. Mr. Woodcock is the son of Mr. and ?Mrs. I. L. Woodcock of Morehead City. WHEN DRESSES ARE CLEANED OUR MIRACLE SANITONE WAY! p ruk ?.lr ^ ' Coth No Mor. . ;'?????* odor, fluf J TKon Ordinary I ?pot, g0o# . 1 1 Sunshine Laundry THE SOFT WATER LAUNDRY DRY CLEANING WE ARE ??"*?? 1(12 Bridge* St ? Dial 6-4440 ? Morahsad City, N. It's Chronic ? This Santa Claustrophobia The spirit of Yuletide is closing in. It's later than you think? haven't you seen those little no tices (usually tempered by car toons) telling you ominously that there are practically no shopping days left until Christmas? | It seems to me that either the years are getting shorter or that the periods between Christmases are shrinking. It seems but yes terday when I was looking over a whole mess of Christmas wrappings and ribbons, trying to decide whi.t I could salvage for next year. Nowadays you scarcely have ex claimed dutifully over a pair of gloves four sizes too small than warning that the deadline for over seas Christmas packages is ap proaching very fast. Personally, my annual attack of Santa Claustrophobia now has its onset in July, just when the ther mometer is reaching record highs. There's always someone around who has just returned from Eu rope, California, Canada or some such place to announce with com placency and superiority that she has found the most wonderful lit tle out-of-the-way shoppe where she did all her Christmas shopping in about 15 minutes. This not only fractures any feelings of friendship I might have had for the person, but it starts me wondering about my own Christmas shopping. How ever, I do nothing more than won der. Personally, I have always been a stout advocate of last-minute shopping. By Christmas eve, I al ways say, you are in just the right mood for shopping and it's fun to buck the crowds because most of the people have been to office-par ties and are in no mood for com bat. But because Christmas now comes much sooner than it used to, I have a distinct recollection of last Christmas eve. It was around fi p.m. in the evening and I was running like a pursued fox from store to store trying to check off some 17 names remaining on my list. "Next year," I said grimly, while elbowing a red-faced and deter mined gentleman from a vantage point at a perfume counter, "I will start my Christmas shopping really Thaw You TM INK. r you hear the postmaster general early ? like day after tomorrow." My idea was that all through the year I would pick up a little item here and a little item there ? when ever I saw something that made me think of Aunt Ella or Uncle (i us. ? \ So here it is again? practically Christmas eve, and i haven't thought about Aunt Ella or Uncle Gus since I made the resolution. I can't imagine what would appeal to them ? so I suppose Aunt Ella will get another oversize eye-drop per to baste an oven-roast and Un cle Gus, who doesn't drink, will get some new type of bar-supply as my present. My ambition, if I recall, was to open my closet door on Christmas eve and find within, all neatly marked, a complete assortment of Christmas presents. 1 opened the closet door the other night and I found the only things therein? ex cept my own scanty wardrobe ? are four wrapped and dusty Christmas presents which I neglected to de liver LAST Christinas. This in cludes a nylon slip for a cousin who doesn't like nylon, and a cou ple of detective stories for remoter relatives. The last undelivered present is a compact, and I never got around to putting a tag on it and 1 can't remember for whom it was Jestined. Obviously none of these four giftees are going to give me pres ents this year ? and they are going to be downright embarrassed when my year-late gifts show up. I figure it's already too late to have my Christmas cards printed, so I'll have to decide right now either to stop sending cards or sign them in my own handwriting, with a personal message. Stop Taking Harsh Drugs for Constipation End Chronic Doting I R again Normal Regularity This All-Vagotabla Way I Taking "harsh drugs for constipation can punish you brutally! Their cramps and griDing disrupt normal bowel action, make you feel in need of repeated dosing. When you occasionally feel constipated, get gtnil* but sun relief. Take Dr. Cald well's Senna Laxative contained in Syrup Pepsin. It's all-vtgttablt. No salts, no harsn drugs. Dr. Caldwell's contains an extract of Senna, oldest and one of the finest natural laxatives known to medicine. Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative tastes good, acts mildly, brings thorough relief comfortably. Helps you get regular, ends | chronic dosing. Even relieves stomach { sourness that constipation often brings. \TrY lh? Money back \ " not safUflod \ *7 Mm* botth fa loi X. sl*1 / N. Y. 1 9, N. Y. OR. CALDWELL'S SENNA LAXATIVE CtnhilMd la pU??ant-NMHng Syrvp Papain NECCHI ()Wj^ W" juuta imwwuiiM 'Tnecchi ^beeauie it win a blindstitch hems! ? tew oo buttons ! ? make buttonholes f ? duo and mtodl ? embroider, applique and mono gram easily and professionally ! ? finish ALL sewing completely, eliminating tiresome handwork! IDT k NECCII IECAUSE IT fILL II AIL THESE THINGS WITHOUT ATTACHMENTS Wide Choice of Cabinets and Portables. Easy budget terms Ben era us trade-Ins M !T^\ Law dawn payments. $2.00 LOW FOR m TOM IMMNTEE OF NATIONWIDE SERVICE AND PARTS CALL FOB FRII DEMONSTRATION BLANCHABD'S ELECTRIC SERVICE PHONE 6-3230 914 ARENDELL STREET MOREHEAD CITY, N. C. H~.tr Mi Nov. 29. ? Lt. and Mrs. Clyde Moore left Monday morning for Luke field, Arizona, where he will be stationed. Several members of the WSCS from here attended the Annie Jones circle in JWufort last Mon day afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Pate and family of Goldsboro visited her mother, Mrs. Sol Willis Thanksgiv ing weekend. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Pridgen had as their guests all their children for the Thanksgiving holidays. The quarterly conference for the Beaufort circuit met at Core Creek last Sunday. Several members from our church attended the meeting. The MYF from here attended the sub-district meeting at Williston last Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. 'Combs of Goldsboro visited her mother, Mrs. Sol Willis last weekend. Mrs. Marvin Taylor returned home last Sunday from St. Luke's hospital. ' Cedric Beachem spent the holi days home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Beachem. Mrs. Dan Hill and daughter. Mrs. Dyon Simpson, visited in New Bern last week. The Women's Society of Chris tian Service met last Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Will Dai). The worship service was given by President Mrs. 'Dad after which Mrs. Beachem and Mrs. Gooding gave the month's topics, Latin-American Welfare. During the business meeting the members were reminded to send cards to the boys in the service at Christmas. The December meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Roy West. The hostess. Mrs. Dail. served apple pie and hot coffee. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gooding and daughter are visiting relatives and friends in Rhode Island. Mr. and Mrs. B. V. Quisenberry and mother and Mr. Henry Combs of Washington. D. C., visited Mrs. 1. J. Simpson Thanksgiving. ? Mrs. Will Dail and Mrs. Lutie Collins visited Mrs. Marvin Taylor and Miss Gladys Cox last Tuesday afternoon. Miss Gladys Cox has returned home from Morehead City hospital after undergoing an appendectomy. Nanaimo, B. C? (&P)?A couple who were rescued from a grounded gasboat were each fined $15 on charges of causing a disturbance. Officers of a police t>oat that an swered their call for help said the couple could have stepped achore.' t Bottled in Bond Straight Bourbon Whiskey 100 Proof OLD DOM NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS CORP!, NEW YORK, NY. Some Pumpkin Moose Jaw, Sask. (AP) *M- C Biden has a Riant pumpkin. He grew a monster weighing 42 pounds and 54 inehes in' circumference. FOR ALL PURPOSES Windows Doors Pictures Commercial Store Windows ? Table Tops ? Mirrors . Auto Safety Glass Cut and Fitted WE'LL DO THE JOB JUST CAI.L ? RUSSELL'S GLASS SHOP Phone 6 4744 Owned and Operated by TOMMY RUSSELL GLASS 905 Shepard St. MOREhEAD CITY, N. C. Don9t! ? Over-Look , Any One This Christinas Do! SHOP MOREHEAD CITY DRUG CO. FOR GIFTS FOR EVERY ONE ON YOUR LIST THE GIFT ITEMS MENTIONED ON THIS AD ARE BUT A FEW OF THE WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS YOU'LL FIND IN THIS MODERN UP-TO-DATE DRUG STORE. ferfuroe GiPte By Coty ? Houbigant ? Even ing in Paris ? Lucien LeLong ? Dorothy Gray ? Elizabeth Arden ? Tabu ? Old Spice All Moderately Priced Cigarettes ? Cigar and Ciga rette Holders ? Table and Pocket Lighters ? All Kinds of Fancy Tobaccos ? Kay Woodie ? Yellow Bowl ? Medico and Purex Fine Pipes for Your Pipe Smoker ? from 25c to $25.00 Hollingsworth and Old Dominion Beautifully Boxed ? from 35c to $10.00 S3 Our Christmas Cards lend a personal touch to any gift or you can find just the right card for that special someone right here in our stock vfcuu GREETI KG CARD By Williams ? Yardley'? Sig nature ? Tawn ? Stag ? Mennens and Houbigant Also all kinds of shaving supplies #By Montag and Charmcraft ? No gift could be nicer to give for so little to pay ? from 80c to $2.00 Don't Forget to Ask for Your Free Tickets for the Big Drawings of Cash Prizes Each Saturday at 2:00 P. M. Morehead City Drug Co. A GOOD DRUG STORE PHONE 6-4360 ARlNDELL STREET MOREHEAD CITY