W CARTERET COUNTY NEW5-TfwfS ~!^ UA YEAR, NO. 1. TWO SECTIONS TEN PAGES MOREHEAD CITY AND BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA TUESDAY, JANUARY 1, 1952 PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS World Federalist Makes Annual Report Robert Humber Thursday afternoon in Beaufort'? American Legion hut 39 adherents of the United World Federalists gathered to hear a progress report by the organization's founder, Robert Humber of Greenville. Humber, world traveler and Ox ford alumnus, rose in the semi circle about the glowing fireplace and remarked that the chief ob stacle in the way of the group's goal? a world organization power ful enough to prevent war ? is the propaganda being sent out from the Washington office of the Vet erans of Foreign Wars. "I talked to the head of the VFW," said the leader, "in his Washington office and asked him point blank why the organisation was undermining what we have taken 11 years to build. "He told me that such talk as ours about forming a world gov ernment threatened to divert the concentrated effort of the Ameri- i can public to rearm. "It meant to this former ad miral," Humbcr continued, "that thii country may not produce its total capacity of arms, because it may >ee our movement as another ' way out. " 'Nothing.' said the man, 'must sttfnd in the way of our rearma ment, not even talk of peace.' " "1 told this person," number went on, "that the United World Federalists were not against rearm anient. But we did not see how a huge army, navy, and air force could keep this nation out of war. "Something else is needed, I told him, and the World Federal ists see the only answer in a world government capable of making laws outlawing war and strong enough to enforce those laws." Humbcr reminded his listeners that the need for such a world gov- , eminent grew more necessary every day. "At the close of the last war 1 talked to General Hap' Arnold, then head of the Army Air Forcc about the effects of concentrated bombing on cities ? what the Army referred to as strategic bombing. "Arnold told me that warfare was becoming so destructive that America had won its last war. In the future, Arnold said there will be only survivors ? no victors." "Interestingly enough," Humber pointed out, "the VFW opposition which we are encouraging comes not from any state, county, or local group, but from the VFW's head quarters in Washington, D. C. "From that office goes a flood of letters to every state in the union, to every congressman, senator, and other person of high rank, asking them not to support our peace plan. See FEDERALIST, Page 3 Carteret County in Review , 1951 By F. C. Salisbury JANUARY Week of January 1 Annual review of events occur ing in county during the year 1950 appeared in the first issue of the year. ? George W. Dill who re signed as Mayor of Morehead City to represent Carteret county in the State Legislature left for the open ing of the session and W. L. Der rickson was appointed by City Com missioners to fill vacancy of mayor ?used by the resignation of Mayor Dill. ? Workshop owned by Arline Taylor, Lennoxville road, burned with loss of $1,400. ? J. C. Harvell of Morehead City wins first place in essay contest on "Self-Confi dence," receives S150. ? Temper ature on New Year's day falls to one degree below freezing. ? First baby of the year born in county was daughter, Lorine, to Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Giilikin of Otway. Mrs. Mildred L. Turner of Otway 4ied from carbon monoxide in parked car. Durwood Giilikin al;o overcome but survives. ? New school building for colored scholars in Morehead City opens. ? High Way report for the year gives 124 Accidents, 61 persons injured and ?ix fatalities in the county Twelve persons were killed in 1949. Marriages: Miss Mary O. Taylor Of Beaufort to Lyle Pasineau. Miss Lorna L. Smith of Beaufort to Puane Peters. Deaths: Mrs. Sallie T. Garner, 83, Newport. Mrs. Sid ney Merrill, 82, North ^tiver. Mrs. Willie Dill Herbert, of Weldon, former resident of Morehead City. Mrs. Mary E. Hardy, 90, South Riv . er. I ' * I Week of fttnuir) 7 CWMHPr I* Lewis resigns and , tSlic D. Sprms^le named to suc ceed him. - Coultoty Cimmissioners vote to borrow $301000 to payroll balance of debt on AVtiantic school. ?"fcCpjinty corn-growing ?contest won J tf^Troy Simpson, Newpofci. first |>lacr and Rolaild Salter, IRrttie, aecond place. ? Beaufort t raise rents 15 per cent. ? Smyrtt school closes far week on accout of epidemic of mumps. ? Mai fiages: Miss Jamcc C. Hill of Men head City to Charles W. Conwag Miss Mary E. Johnson of Beaufor to William Norton. Miss Dora Ma Staton of Morehead City to Charlc E. Clontz. Deaths: Mrs. Ella V Howerton, 80, Morehead Clt; . Jlichard Betts, brother of J. 1 . ^etts, 58. [ Week of January 14 I The March of Dimes gets under way in the county with a goal se 1 for $7,500. - Pfc. Warren (Tiny C. Day, 19, of Lola, reported mis! ing in Korea. - - Milton D. Tucke I of Pelletier elected president c I the Newport institutional on-farr training class. ? Morehead Cit agrees to turn over building lot to the Regional Housing authorit; for housing project. ? Forty mile of road were graded and paved it the county during the year. Christmas TB aul sale amounted' to $1,610.55. ? Beaufort towij board passes resolution providing for extension of town limits ai provided in bill before legislature! ? John Sikes, manager of the* Morehead City chamber of com(| merce, resigns. ? Bill introduced II in Sonate to restore retirement pay I to Jadge Lutber Hamilton. George Eastman buys site in Morehead City for erection of new black to bouse his furniture buai nesa. Building to coat $20,000. ? House of David basketball game nets Uons profit of $100. ? State Highway department makes appli cation for approval to build new bridge across Bogue sound to re place present bridge in Morel City. ? E. W. Copeland of C Glenn injured when a tree fell aa| him while working at Stella. ? Deat ha: Joaeph P. Styron, 78, c Davis. t Week of Jaauary 11 Flash fire at the plant of i Fry Roofing company causcj I lost. ? Jimmy Wallace \ A severe storm brought lots of sbow Feb. 3. The above scenes were shot in Beaufort and Morehead City. man of the year by the Morehead City Jaycees. ? Two men and a woman lift $700 off of Earl Hay wood of Virginia while asleep on a boat in Morehead City. ? J. V. Waters named general superinten dent of the town crews in More head City. Union loses election at the Lloyd Fry Roofing plant by a vote of 102 to 14. ? Samuel D. Edwards, prominent citizen of Newport, died suddenly at his home. - Epidemic of measles hits Salter Path and Camp Glenn. ? Baptist Brother hood organized in the Morehead City Baptist church. ? Deaths: Mrs. John Hall, 69, Newport. Mrs. Sabra S. Styron, 90, Davis. Mrs. Alice F. Styron, 68, Morehead City. George W. Lewis, 73, Beaufort. Irvin S. Garner, 72, Newport. Week of January ZS A two month-old colored baby died in a fire which destroyed a tobacco barn at Newport. ? Burg lar enters store of C. V. Hill in Beaufort by breaking glass in door front. ? Menhaden fish boat Tar Heel sold at auction in Beaufort to Gibbs corporation of Jackson ville, Fla. Four Raleigh boys under 16 years of age arrested by Morehead City police in a stolen car. ? Twenty-three men, 19 white and four colored, leave for Fort Bragg for army induction. ? Harry B. Avery, former operator of the Gulf Stream Gardens in Beaufort died Wednesday. ? Work starts on new office for county register of deeds. ?Marriages: Miss Claudette James of Morehead City to Edgar Simp son. ? Deaths: James S. Hall, 80, of Newport. George Gilbert, 58. of Beaufort. Mrs. George Pittman, 36, of Atlantic Beach. FEBRUARY Week of Februar) i Blizzard struck this section on Saturday, snowing for 14 hours, leaving a blanket 'of five inches ?f snow. ? A. V. Josey goes on wife hunt and pumps four bulets into her, was rounded up by the aheriff's department. ? The U. S. Coast Guard cutter goes to the res cue of the 325-foot river-type ves sel Holiday, also two other vessels over weekend. ? Joseph A. DuBois I named by the chamber of com merce as manager to succeed John Bikes. Newport citizens get desired ac tion from county commissioners lor withdrawal from zoning agree ment ? State Highway commis sion completes new road on Inlet taland. ? Three marines making ?heir homes in Carteret county killed in plane crash in Virginia. V- The Rev. W. L. Martin, rector fbrst Paul's Episcopal church of [?effort, appointed chairman of Mhe Beaufort Red Croaa. ? Little Symphony presents successful con cert in Morehead City. ? Deaths: Mrs. Leon B. I^en good behavior for the next two ?'ears and pay $25 plus costs. ucnimi*, zn, a iisnerman on me Ikio Warle, vlearlcd "ot guilty m M ore head City's recorder's court to stabbing James Crowder once in the chest and twice in the left arm he afternoon of Dec. 22. Crowder, 27. a fisherman on the Benson II Kiggin, told the court lhat Godette made the assault over a misunderstanding arising from a black jack card game being played on the Ikie Wade. Godette said Crowder pulled a knife on him but Crowder denied it. After the affray C rowder was taken to Morehead City hospital where he remained for five days. Godette. a Negro, has a wife and five children. His home is in Tampa. Fla. Crowder, also a Ne gro. is from Alabama. Pfc. Rizil A. Hasharah?Camp Le jeune Marine from Grand Rapids, Mich., pleaded guilty to stealing an automobile tire and rim owned by Miss Dorothy Hutaff, 1603 Shackle ford ave., Morehead City. The 21 -year old youth was order ed to pay a $25 fine payable by Jan. 7. He will have been in the Marino Corps one year Jan. 15. and since heretofore he had had no charges placed against him, Judge McNeill said he was "going to give him a break." Alexander Benson, Charles Hol land. and George Murray, all More head City Negroes, charged with stealing several chickens, were re leased after the prosecuting wit ness withdrew the warrant. The judge taxed the prosecuting wit ness court costs. Harrison Horton of Crab Point, charged with drunkenness and as sault on a female, was released after the warrant was withdrawn. The prosecuting witness paid court costs. The court did not prosecute Ed die I). Howell because the warrant was withdrawn. Harvey Hamilton, jr., substituted for Solicitor Herbert A. Phillips who was ill. It had been planned to skip yesterday's recorder's court but the number of cases on hand made it necessary to have the ses sion. Charles W. Russell Hurt In Shoulder by Bullet Charles Wooten Russell wu treated at Morehead City hospital Sunday nicht for a bullet wound at the back of his right shoulder. The wound was not serious and Russell was treated and discharged. Authorities said the bullet came from a weapon fired by James How land of Morehead City but Rus sell said he did not want to press charges. Russell is a brother of Mrs. .lames Howland. Police ?aid they "heard about the shooting." Secretary Starts Work Mrs. Mary E. Hughes. Morehfed City, began work as secrataiy at Morehead City recorder's court yesterday.