Sermon? Announced The Rev. Leon Coueh, minister of the First Methodist church, Morehead city, will deliver the ser mon at the 11 o'clock service Sun day morning. Its title is "The Ut most for the Highest." The topic for the evening sermon will be "The Body Which is Broken." August 30, the birth date of Huey F. Long, is a public holiday in Louisiana. Carl Southerland, Miss Melba Willis Hold Association Offices Carl Southerland. Morehead City, was elected associate training un ion director of the Atlantic Bap tist association Friday night at Newport, aftri Miss Melba Willis, Davis, was elected secretary. Train ing union director of the associa SPECIALS FRIDAY & SATURDAY - JAN. 4 & 5 FAT BACK - 2 lb. 35c STREAK-o-LEAN Ib.25c BACON ? Banner Traypac - - - lb. 45c HAM ? End Portion "Armour Star" - lb. 49c FRYERS - Smith'* lb. 49c PORK CHOPS - Fresh Native - - lb. 59c COFFEE ? Maxwell House - - lb. bag 83c CARNATION MILK ? - ? Ige. can 15c EGGS ? Fresh Country Grade A large - doz. 63c TIDE ? Large size .... 2 boxes 59c SHORTENING 4 lb. 99c Floor Polishing Machine ? Rent $1.50 per day FREE DELIVERY ? PHONE 6-3313 PHILLIPS GROCERY "ON THE SCHOOLHOUSE CORNER" 12th & Bridges St. Morehead City $ea fpocfs Kt^. - ? Jwi DRESSED and DELIVERED Just Call ? Phone 6-4020 It's Economical to Serve Delicious Easy to Prepare Seafood, Have Some Today! OTTIS' FISH MARKET 8th and Evans ?ts. Morehead City ? 1 tion is the Rev. M. R. Ilaire, pastor of the First Baptist church. Davis. Southerland is training union direc tor in the First Baptist church, Morehead City. The election took place at the "M" night program at Newport school when Frank Ling, Shanghai, spoke. James P. Morgan, training union director for North Carolina, also spoke. His subject was "Train ing for the Master's Service." Of the 700 who attended the meeting, 565 were representatives of the 32 churches in the five coun ties comprising the Atlantic as sociation. Others were visitors. The Maysville Baptist church, the Rev. Garland Fouchee, pastor, had the largest number present, 93. The Piney Grove Baptist church, the Rev. D. E. Couch, pastor, Ons low county, was next with 85 pre sent. - : ? .?/ ; f? BOYS owl GIRLS*" E. W. DOWNUM CO. DEPARTMENT STORE Front St. ? Beaufort. N. C. CHAIN SAW with 15-inth Bow Sows in any position without adjustment! See the McCulloch 3-25 today! It takes the work out of cutting wood. Has automatic clutch, kickproof rewind starter, built-in chain oiler, many other features! v COME IN F Oft COMPLETE MeCULLOCH SAltS A flRVICt Southeast Equipment Co. New Bern, N. C. 1 mi. west < itv limits on Rl. 7" rhM Nfew Bern ^ HOWARD ??CONsrAPfrS Field Representative r-TTTTTTi PENDER [FOOD STORES ^ JIM DANDY GRITS WILSON'S MOR LIMA BEANS LUNCH MEAT REDGATE GREEN & WHITE JEWEL SHORTENING coffee ? BEEF HASH PAPER NAPKINS MAYONNAISE CHASE & SANBORN m ARMOUR'S CORNED MARCAL MOTHER'S CS Plump Red Ripe TOMATOES No. 2 Can 29c Mild SUver Label COFFEE ? ? Cream White Brand SHORTENING ? Deuble Q Brand Pink SALMON - - Enriched Evaporttrd CS MILK Vaa Camp'? Natural SARDINES ? ? Apple rte RMce APPLE SAOCE Phillip'* Bieh Cream of TOMATO SOUP Natural Tender Beef Chuck ROAST U. S. Commercial Budget Beef lb. 68c V. S. Choice Colonial Pride ib. 73c MreaK-o-Ltan SALT HEAT ? lb. 35c Rib End PORK ROAST - lb. 39c Loin End f | * 1JVS PORK ROAST - lb. 49c i ' Fancy Calif. Red . Emperor GRAPES ? 2 lbs. 25c Medium S lie RUTABAGAS - lb. 6c Red Bllu POTATOES ? 5 lbs. 39c ^RureljtaJ ffitg facial Nefos Mr*. Aleue mil. Society Editor Phone 6-4175 Noma Lois Jones Becomes Bride of Clarence Davis, Jr. On Saturday evening, December 29. at eight o'clock in ihe First Baptist church Miss Noma Lois Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Jones, sr., of Morehead City, ?became the britie of Clarence L. Davis, jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L. Davis of Beaufort. The Rev. Dr. John Bunn, pastor, j officiated at the double ring cere mony which took place before an | altar decorated, with glhdiolas and j fern. Mrs. George Mizesko, organist, presented nuptial music and Mrs. I Floyd EL Jones, jr., sang I Love Thee, O Promise Me and as a bene i dkuion, The Lord's Prayer. The bride was given in marriage by her brother, Floyd E. Jones, i jr. She wore a street length gown | of white ehantilly lace with a bustle back, long tight sleeves with twelve covered buttons and Na- i poleon collar. The veil was of white illusion, gathered at the crown and held in place by white carnations. Miss Jones carried a bouquet of pink camellias in a nosegay with heavy pink satin streamers. Miss Helen Jones, sister of the bride, was maid of honor and wore a gown of pink and blue net over changeable satin covered with flowers and rhinestones, with pink slippers to match. Her bouquet was a nosegay of pink carnations. Mr. Gordon Bell Davis was best man and ushers were Larry Paul and Ralph Davis. A reception was held immediatc fty after the ceremony at the civic center. Miss Mary Ruth Nelson was in charge of the bride's book. Mrs. A. H. McDonald and Mrs. Mar vin Hughes served punch and cake. The bride's mother wore a street length gown of brown crepe and a corsage of pink coses. The mother of the groom wore a street length gown of black crepe j and a corsage of red roses. Mr. and Mrs. Davis will be nt home on Turner st. in Beaufort. | Mrs. Davis attended Morehead City high school and is employed at the telephone office in More head City. Mr. Davis was graduated from Beaufort high school and is em ployed at the Western Autt> Asso ciate store. Mr. and Mrs. John Conner loft yesterday, to go to Durham where Mr. Conner will have an examina tion at Duke haspital. Miss Shirley Willis has returned to E4ura MaeDonald college after s^endMn the holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Willis. Mrs. Ruby Barker had as guests for a few days Joe and Otis Mee kins of Norfolk, Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. O. f ? Sterlen had as visitors for a few days last week Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larsen who were on their way home to F.ngle wood. New Jersey, from Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Randy Sisson of Washington, D. C., and Curtis Wil lis of Quantico, Virginia, left Tues day after visiting a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Russell. Fred Broadhurst left Wednesday to return to State college after spending the holidays with his pa rents, Mr. ind Mrs. C. T. Broad hurst. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Ilaislip and son. Ricky, and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Miit t his returned Saturday after spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Chestnut in Turkey. Sherwood Smith has returned to Columbia, South Carolina, after spending the holidays with his pa rents. the Rev. and Mrs. Thurman Smith. Roney Morton, Jr., Celebrates Birthday Mrs. Roney Morton was hostess at a birthday party to honor her son, Roney Morton, jr., who cele brated his 20th birthday Monday. Bingo and other games were played and prizes were awarded. Out-of-town guests were Joe and Otis Moekins of Norfolk and Sher wood Smith of the U. S. Army, Co lumbia, South Carolina. Birthday cake, candy and soft drinks were served. Later everyone went to i he Free Will Baptist church for grayer meeting and to await the coming of i he New Year. Mr. Morton is with the U. S. Navy and will return Sunday io Norfolk, Virginia, where he is sta tioned. California produces more tur keys than any other state. LEARY'S Annual Clearance SALE! IS NOW ON! NEED WE SAY MORE? "ntja ycnvr furvn& DEMINC wa T?R ? s YS TFM MR SHALLOW WELLS Fit tot# "NARTRL" Capacity! ?Ml .175 ?lion? iwr hoar. I|?W operation. Tim km r?lkr bearing* on rr?nfc?h?ft Hall kttrlnn on mak end of ran neetln? rad. . Automat!?- air control . HUlnIrM MrH pMm rod. Many other fralam ? Increasing thousands of families are buying water systems before spending money for less important modern conveniences. And more -and more people are buying Deming Water Systems after they know about their many superior advantages. The Deming "MARVEL" Shallow Well System illustrated . . . like all other Deming Water Systems so QUIET you cam' t bear it tun! Dependable, too! And it costs so little to run.1 See us about Deming Shallow and Deep Well Water Systems. There's a right type at the right price to meet YOUR requirements. CONVENIENT TERMS BEAUFORT HARDWARE CO.. lac. Phone 2-4686 809 Front St. Beaufort, N. C "Your Hardware Shopping Center" Red Emperor GRAPES 1 2 - 25c < k Customer's Corner 1952 isn't so much different than 1859 This marks the 93rd year that A&P has been serving the American housewife. Its basic principle ? to give better food for less money ? is just as good today as it ever was. It must be or we wouldn't have been around so long. But we, like everyone, can stand improvement. We'd like you to tell us what we can do to better serve you. You can be sure we'll listen. Please write: CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPT. A&P Food Stores 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N. Y. Red Winesa Apples - - - 5 & 49c Baking Potatoes Idaho - ? - 10 a 79c Fresh Tender Green Beans - - - 2 25c Fine Flavored Yellow Onions "8c Szes 64's and 70's Grapefruit - - 4 ~ 23c Juicy Tangerines - 2 ^ 19c Firm Well Shaped Rutabagas - - - 11 6c Juicy Florida Oranges 5c ANN PAGE PURE FRUI I .PRESERVES 25' PEACH PINEAPPLE OR PLUM KLAVORS More Wonderful Values ? Ann Page Foods Spaghetti Prepared m m m m 2 Cans 25c Mayonnaise Ann Page * m m m Jar 59c Sparkle Gelatin Desserts m m m m 0 Pkgs. 20c Peanut Butter 33c Grape Jelly - ^ 19c Jane Parker Rolls BROWN 'N SERVE ? 15c Home Style or Sandwich MARVEL BREAD 20c Ivory \ Flakes Lge. Pkg. 30c Personal f ? *? Ivory Soap 4 Ba" 23c Duz i, % 30c ' Family g0c ' Pkg. Joy sot 30c A&P Peas "-22c A&P Tuna Fish ... - ."cT 33c Packer's Label Tomatoes - - 2 29c v Iona Sliced or Halves Peaches - ? -"?* 29c Golden Maid Margarine ? ?? 24c Armour's Treet - - - - ? 48c A&P Apple Sauce - - ? 2"^ 21c Scot Toilet Tissue - - - 2 lor 25c Sunny field Corn Flakes - - - *5? 18c Packer's Label Green Beans - - - 2SJ 25c Iona Cocoa - - - - at 24c A&P'? Own Vegetable Shortening dexo c? 89c A&p COFFEE , FINE QUALITY MEATS LOIN END PORK ROAST '-?? 49c Rib End Pork Roast - - 35c Center Cuts Pork Chops - - " 65c Fresh Spare Ribs - - ?? 51c Wilson Corn King Sliced Bacon - - - - 47e SUPER RIGHT CHOICE WESTERN BEEF Steak1 Porterhouse ">. $1.17 Bone In Steak Sirloin .Lb. $1.05 Smoked Picnics lb. 45c Boneless Chuck Roast lb. 88c Chuck Blada Roast 73c Fresh , Ground Beet u>. 63c 8 O'Clock '?? 77c Rich 4c rull Bodied Rod Circle 79e Vigorous * Winey Bokar '?? 81c These Prices Apply lo Stores In Beaufort - Morehead