?eauforl foetal $inw Mrs. Lockwood Phillips, Society Editor Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cave, ir., of Virginia Beach spent the Raster holidays with Iheir parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Pridgen. Mrs. Olive Davis has acepted a position as bookkeeper with the Sinclair Refining co. of Morehead City. Howard Jones and Bert Brooks will return to Wilmington Monday after spending the past week it home. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Beam and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beam will spend this weekend at Hayesville where they will visit Mrs. Dora Beam, and at Cherry ville where they will visit Mrs. Beam's mother, Mrs. S. A. Van Dyke. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Murdoch of Morehead City spent Easter Sun day with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Pridgen of route 1 Beaufort. Robert King is at Camp Jackson, S. C., where he is receiving basic training. Mrs. Calvin Jones i's ill at her home with the flu. Mrs. G. W. Duncan, Miss Lena Duncan and Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Eure attended the funeral of their uncle, Mr. Harry V. Nelson, in Ori ental Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. 'L. C. Dickinson had as their dinner guests on Easter Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Eubanks, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith of Bachelor, Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Israel and children of McCain and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nelson and children Of Gloucester. i Mrs. J. B. Ross and sons, Dick and Billy^of Butler, Pa., and Mrs. Lloyd Hill and daughters, Mil dred, Carolyn and Virginia Anne, of Front Royal. Va., returned tc their homes Monday after spending a wfrk with their parents, Mr. and Mr. . C R. Pake of Beaufort RFD. Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Williamson, jr.. of Reidsville spent the Easter holidays with their parents, Mr ind Mrs. M. D. Pridgen. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Williams will leave today for Winston-Salem where Mr. Williams will enter t he Baptist hospital for treatment. Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Saltei will return this weekend from n week's visit to New York. Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Moore ant: Mrs. F. W. Heslep will return ihif weekend from Winston-Salon where the,y went last week to at tend the Easter sunrise service. Mr. Tom Nelson returned hom< Saturday from Tuscon, Ariz., aftei taking Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Thomas Howard and Miss Dottie Nelsor there. Mrs. Howard will remair in Tuscon with Mrs. Nelson anc Miss Nelson for a visit. Mrs. Cornelia Walker of Burling ton is visiting her son, Dan Walker Mrs. Ann Walker of Oxford ar rived yesterday for a visit with hei mother, Mrs. J. R. Mebane. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Mann anc their son. Leonard, and daughter Betsy, of Norfolk spent the Eastei weekend with Mr. Mann's parents Mr. and Mrs. George Mann. Mrs. V. W. Taylor entertained a' a dinner Sunday to honor hei daughter, Olive, and her sister Mrs. J. G. Bennett of Moreheac City, who were celebrating theii , birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Whitley ol Tarboro and Mr. and Mrs. Lione Pelletier of Stella spent Eastei with Mr. and Mrs. Phil Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Parker oi Greejiville spent Easter with Mr and Mrs. J. S. Steed. Mrs. E. D Martin spent the Easter holidays in Norfolk with hei niece, Mrs. A. B. Creekmore. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Taylor anc three children of Vanceboro spenl the Easter weekend with Mrs Charles Manson. Miss Helen Manson is improving after being operated on for appen dicitis in Carlsbad Memorial hos pital, Carlsbad, N. M.. where she is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Williair Eads. Phone 6-3244 Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Israel ind children of McCain spent Faster here with Mrs. Israel's family. Mrs. Pelham Jones and two chil dren, Tommy and Nancy, will leave this weekend (or Henderson after a week's visit wilh her mother, Mrs. W. L. House. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bell left Wednesday for their home in Nor folk after a short visit with Mrs. B. A. Bell. They were returning home after spending the winter in Florida. Mrs George river is improving at her home after being ill with ! the flu. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Pridgen of Wilmington spent the Easter week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Pridgen. George Eastman, jr., and Billy Ipock, students at Porter school at Charleston. S. C., will arrive home today for their spring vacations. Mrs. Logan Thomas and children. Patsy and Georgia Lee. of Norfolk, are here for a visit with her par- 1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Truitt. Mrs. Lawrence Mclntyre of Goldsboro spent Wednesday with Mrs. Robert Safrit. Mrs. George Steele Dewey of Goldsboro spent Wednesday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Gehrmann Holland and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith returned home yesterday from Greensboro where they had attend ed the Grand Lodge meeting. The Misses Leola and Exie Phelps oi Baltimore spent the Easter weekend with their brother | and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. B. i A. Phelps. Capt. Bernard A. Phelps. USAF. has gone to Mac-Dill Air Force base, Tampa, Fla., for three weeks' liason duty with combat crew at standardization school, before re turning to Davis-Monthan air base, Tucson, Ariz., where he is station ed. Mrs. Phelps and their son, who I had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. i A. Phelps, have gone to Newport ? News, Va., for a visit with her mother, Mrs. K. W. Knight. ; C. R. Pake Family Holds Reunion, First in 10 Years Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Pake had a I family reunion Sunday, the first ? time that all their family had been i together since Nov. 7. 1942. Sunday morning the Pakes, their children and their families attend ed Sunday school and church serv 1 ices at Woodville Baptist church, r then returned home for dinner. ? The children and their families i were Mrs. J. B. Ross and sons. Dick i and Billy, of Butler, Pa., Mr. and 1 Mrs. William C. Pake of Davis, Mrs. Lloyd E. Hill and daughters, Mildred. Carolyn and Virginia - Anne, of Front Royal, Va., Mr. and . Mrs. Curtis R. Pake and daughter, Louise, of Beaufort RFD.'Mr. Jus - tin C. Pake and son. Justin Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin T. Pake, Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Pake, all of Beaufort, Edgar, Martha, Mae, I Dorothy and Eric of the home. Other guests present were Mr. Riley D. Beachem, S. C. Campen, , Thomas A. Campen and Miss Vir ginia Saunders. Mr. Ross and Mr. Hill accom t panied their families here Satur - day, April 5, but had Veturned , home earlier last week. Mrs. Jus 1 tin Pake was unable to be present : because of illness. Mr. and Mrs. Guion J. Garner and son, Guion of Davis, and Miss [ Jean Springle called during the I afternoon. Confirmation Classes f To be Conducted by Rector The Rev. James P. Dcjes, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church is conducting confirmation classes * which will continue until Thursday, " May 22, when Bishop Thomas Wright will be in Beaufort to con secrate new lights in the church 1 and confirm the new classes, t The adults' class takes place at . 7:30 Thursday evenings, and the* young people s class Tuesday after noons at 4 o'clock. All classes will I be held at the parish house. Mr. Dees has requested that any - one missing the first classes, who l wishes to be confirmed, contact i him so that the beginning class, work may be reviewed. MOUNTAIN RIDGE STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY $065 . $030 ' w 4/5 W. Im PT. 4 Years OM. U Proof. OOOOMHAM ? VHORTS, qt> , PIOMA, IUINOK * District President Speaks To Beaufort Book Club Mrs. F R Kelt ind Mrs. H. G. Loft in were co-hostesses Tuesday evening when the Beaufort Book club met at the home ot Mrs. C. L. Beam. Mrs. Martha K. Gardner of Jack sonville. president of the 12th dis trict. was the speaker. Mrs. Gardner spoke of the work done by the Federated Woman's clubs, and mentioned that both the state and national federations are stressing strong legislation and heavy penalties for the sale of nar cotics. Mention was made of the golden anniversary of the state federation, which will start next Wednesday. April 23. in Winston-Salem, when both the state and the Winston Salem Woman's clubs will cele brate their 50th birthday. Mrs. Gardner also spoke of the contests sponsored by the federa tion. and reminded the members that Mrs. M. Leslie Davis had won first prize last year in the art con test. and had also entered the con test again this year. Mrs. Bright of Jacksontille ac companied Mrs. Gardner to the meeting. The next meeting of the club will be a musicale Thursday. May 9. at the home of Mrs. Ernest Davis, with Mrs. Joe House in charge of the program. Bridal Couple Honored At Reception Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Ellis J. Bedsworth, bride and groom of one week, were guests of honor at a reception Sat urday evening at the home of Miss Edith Lewis o Marshal Iberg. Hostesses for the occasion were the mother of the groom. Mrs. El lis Bedsworth. and his cousins. Mrs. Staton Moore and Miss Edith Lewis, who presented the bride with a corsage. The living and dining rooms were thrown open and pink ind white spring flowers were used as decorations. The dining table was covered with a lace cloth and was centered with an arrangement of spring flowers. At each end of the table were crystal candelabra holding lighted tapers. Miss Thelma Margaret Harris, cousin of the groom, presided at the punch bowl and was assisted in serving by Mrs. Moore and Miss Lewis. Miss Carolyn Willis was in charge of the guest book, and Mrs. Bedsworth. mother of the groom, was at the door to greet the guests. Miss Ruth Esther Woolen enter tained during the evening with pi ano music. Marshallberg Baptists Have Open House tor New Pastor The members of the Marshall berg Baptist church observed open house at the parsonage Friday eve ning. April 11, from 8 until 10 o'clock to honor and welcome the new pastor, the Rev. A. L. Benton and his family. Spring flowers were used to decorate the house and candle light was used in the dining room. Guests were greeted at the door by Mrs. Louise Robinson. After signing the guest book, they were directed to the living room where Mrs. George Moore introduced them to Mr. and Mrs. Benton. Miss Marguerite Lewis, Mrs. Stanley Golden and Miss Esther Lewis served punch and cup cakes to the guests. During the evening group sing ing, led by the Rev. M. L. Haire of Davis, was enjoyed. Out-of-town guests included the Rev. and Mrs. L. C. Chandler of Atlantic, Dr. and Mrs. John Bunn of Morehead City, the Rev. M. L. Haire of Davis, the Rev. Manley Murphy of Troy and Marshallberg, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Stanley and Osborne Davis of Beaufort. Mrs. Leslie Golden and Mrs. Eunice Lewis of Beaufort RFD. B. H. Russells Celebrate 50th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Russell of Russell's Creek celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Sunday afternoon, with an "At Home." Three of their children present for the occasion were Mrs. Herbert Jackson and her family of Raleigh, Mrs. Leigh Garner and her family and Mrs. Eddie Massotti and her family, all of Russell's Creek. Friends called during the after noon to congratulate the couple. Cake, punch, mints and nuts were served for refreshments. GltaUi jbult By Imogene Long The High Point college choir re ceived a mighty warm welcome from the students at the high ' school. Supper was served to them I in the home economics rooms be fore the concert Monday night. A large crowd attended the program and enjoyed it very much. After wards a dance was held in the Scout hut and refreshments were served. The choir members stayed I overnight in the homes of the glee club, choir and band members. Some of the choir liked Beaufort so much that they are coming back this summer and have invited the Beaufort students up to High Point. William Collins, the director, has sung with 'the Fred Waring Glee club. The seniors' commencement in vitations came Tuesday and they are very pretty. They are plain with one small gold emblem at the top. In the middle of this is a black B. The Junior-Senior banquet will take place tonight in the gym at 8 o'clock, with turkey heading the menu. The theme of the banquet is, of course, a secret but I'm sure the gym will be beautiful, it al ways is. On the program, which hasn't been worked out completely yet, will be the president of the juniors, Gordon Davis; vice-president. Bar bara Goodwin; response for the seniors by Gary Copeland; response for the faculty, Miss Gladys Chad wick. The steering committee is com posed of Fay Merrell, Barbara Goodwin, Minnie Pake. Jean Carol Taylor. Wilma Cummings Woodard, Bitsy Brooks and Gordon Davis. . . . bye now . . . Auxiliary Raises $27.76 At Recent Sales Party As a result of the sale of house hold products sponsored recently by the Woman's Auxiliary of St. ? Paul's Episcopal church, the auxil iary raised $27.76, it was reported j Monday night when the group held i its regular meeting at the parish i house. Mrs. Ernest Davis, chairman of | the auxiliary bazaar which will be held in the fall, asked that mem bers start to contribute articles i or the bazaar before the end of the i fiscal year. Mrs. Cecil Brooks, Mrs. T. T. Potter. Mrs. George Stovall and Mrs. J. B. Sewell were named delegates to the Woman's Auxili ary annual meeting which will be | held at St. Paul's church in Eden ton April 23 and 24. At that time the auxiliary will donate $10 io the bishop's fund. At the close of the business meeting. Mrs. Bob Slater and Mrs. Jack Barnes, refreshment commit tee, served brownies and coffee. Mrs. Potter Entertains Bridge Club Tuesday Mrs. James H. Potter, III, was hostess Tuesday afternoon when she entertained her bridge club. High score prize, a handkerchief, was won by Mrs. Robert Safrit. Mr. and Mrs. Don Baldwin of Cherry Point welcomed a son, James Wesley, on Wednesday, April 9, at the Cherry Point lis pensary. Mrs. Baldwin is the for mer Sybil Davis of Marshallberg. ' I WOULDN'T HI Aft OP 1 GOING ANV PLACE tlCCPT GUTHRIE-JONES DRU6C9 foa MV COftMCTICft AMD SCAUT V AIDS ' ?HCY'RC TOP* WITH Ml/ 'A ^?i ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ^ ssa When Your Doctor Writes You a Pre scription, Call Us or Come In Immed # iately. Lose No Time in Putting His Medicine to Work. JOE HOUSE DROG STORE "ASK YOUR DOCTOR" Fro?t_St.. Phone 2-3331 Beaufort WE SUGGEST THAT YOU NOT DELAY YOUR PURCHASES ANY LONGE&, AND YOUR CAREFUL COMPARISON OF VALUES WILL DEMONSTRATE THE WISDOM OF SAVING AT THESE LOW PRICES SALE STARTS TODAY AND LASTS THROUGH SATURDAY, APRIL 25TH ] MODERN SOFA BED Regular Price $99.95 SALE PRICE! $79.95 At home in any modern living room, an