? o o O flu ?E oS ow ii fil "J at <2 *>: s 'A i V ) l E ENTIRE STOCK OF STERLING I WHITING FLATWARE ALL TO GO AT HALF PBICE; 50 renin on the dollar. FIVE BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS TO i HOOSF FROM ? yeas you get your unrestricted choice of all Whiting Sterling; In our store starting: tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. NO SIR! NO TRUMPED UP EXCUSES-NO SALES TALK-NOTHING ? Here Is A Great Sterling Buy! $12.00 and $15.00 Sterling Pieces Here Is ft group of holloware thftt Is truly a sight. It con sist* of Trays, Bowlft, Com potes, Creamer * Sugars, all aterllnc silver. Choice to $4,95 $8.00 and $10.00 Sterling Holloware Yes ? stop and think. We offer you Salt t Peppers, Creainer A Sugars, Bon Bon Dishes, Compotes, many others In sterling. Values up to S10.00. $3*95 t f ULL YEAR'S GUARANTS ON EYBtY WATCH ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? '~Wg jP $27.50 MIN'S, LADIES UN* WATCHES $Q r TW? ?r? filly kwM a ad wnihii 1 ?Hill yaw. # 13 $29.95 MEN'S AND LADIES' FINE WATCHES /g.jl7 Itwrii faHy jwriNI< I y? r. AM itw ityli S40 AND $45 MIN'S AND LADIES' FAMOUS WATCHES Hmm an IT J?mL TmOf gaanaleod for 1 year. All noweat Style* and am In eluding 17 Jewel ShockpreofWaterproof with tea ulna incaMoc movement*. '18" HERE IS A RIAL WATCH IUY fine wmta watchea. TlM re an values here np to $50.00 with beautiful Wretch handa. Do iSL $71.50 MEN'S t LADIES WATCHES. 2 la ? wal<* folly nuuM with ? beautlM sold flOed ?a and atytaTftli la a ftLM watch with SI Baby fcwe $22,s 21-JEWELS $26 All OlMks At Otrt-And-Away PriMt .THIS INCLUDKS IVlRT CLOCK m ?E $5^ . to mU quickly. Evtry Out Prtui T? HII QldiMy III. TMvri Alarm CImMMI Ilito k ? Jeweled clock wltt alarm. lm?tf Leather ?rr$5.w ???????? A SALE SO SINCERE -SU TKUt-SUUcrliNn C IH .AM UN I ??, Reg. $74.95 52-Pc. Set Holmes & Edwards Sterling Inlaid Dinner Ware In Tarnisl^roef Chest $58.88 LIGHTERS | One special group of fine automatic lighters. Quantity limited on sale tomorrow 9 8 C SPECIAL 33.50 Men'i Tie Seta. Mc These are famous makes, beautifully boxed, (old (Bl ed. Hundreds of Qfl/? them. Tomorrow .. SPECIAL 12.00 * *3.00 Compact*. 7fc Many types knd styles to chooM from. Take Jfjarl choice of hundred* tomorrow ' I ENTIRE STOCK OF MEN'S GIFT JEWELRY AT SALE PRICES YOU WILL LONG REMEMBER Beautiful cuff link*, (le nets, gold filled pocket knives, just hundred* of the finest ' quality made. A stock and list far too large to list here BUT ITS ALL ON SALE *3.00 * W.M WATCH BANDS For Men, for LiAm, la every conceivable style Including stretch. All well known nukes In white, yellow or pink fold, gay them tomorrow. Your (1 OO choice ?I.OT Extra Special: Men's extra heavy Idents guaranteed never to tarnWh beautifully boxed regular SK $1 .98 EXTRA SPECIAL Men's tie holders and cufflinks all boxed. Out they go f Q. | tomorrow. Choice Extra Special! One Special Group of Men's Idents made to sell to $3.50 on sale tomorrow at . . 98< $9.00 A <10.00 WATCH 1AWOS Hundred* of them to choose from What a variety. What a tremendous seleo Hon. In white, yellow and pink ?M. Thta special froap. the ptok of the lot, M M la yoina tomorrow for f*"*' <4.0> TO U.00 WAiUtS | TMs li Ha pick af He crop. All eolart aad ttykt la avtry wanted dtiiqit. A whale mil to choose from s? 44 Choice *2 A Ftw of llw World's Finest HAVILAND CHINA SETS Serrke for 6 - 8 - 12 Vz Price and Less Also many odd pieces that can be bovfht or on lay-away plan for gifts. $29.15 Wm.'Rogers Life Time Silverware A complete service far 8, St piece* Including lee Mi 4M1 IIP Thli come* In ? hardwood, ternlah-proof chert T-BLUE WHI EXTRA SPECIAL r Bin?. Beautiful mount m.n DIAMOND Ml DAL SET 1 1* beautiful fan cat Diamond with Wei Wot many of these. Veddinr Ban .... m S1S0.00 DIAMOND SET a A Bet na aril be proud of and treasure always. ftolld km fM mounting. A let that has no equal, yyi^' $160.00 DOUM.E ROW DIAMOND rn?Wlii mounting with fine foil cot brilliant i Compare this anywhere. Tomorrow they CIMr f? am sale for 9 '*?> $4N.H DIAMOND SIT mond Binf with a matching 5 Dtaai sisey UtMO PRINCESS RINO set hi a white and yellow Ifeanday at this low price. . S3M.OO PRINCESS RINO t fan eat Diamonds In 14 et solid $M0U SWSd $110.00 GENT'S DIAMOND RINO wKfc 8 beaattfnl bine white DiamoiuktoUl $hK $700.00 DIAMOND SOLITAIRE Ct Mm white perfect Diamond. A rear !?-aatr 1 tor ITM.M. Thursday $349 \ J1MM0 DIAMOND BRIDAL SET 1 aad Ba?aette Diamonds set in a heaai - A raise beyond tHA] CBTSTAL ff ABE-ODDS AMD ENDS Vi PHJCE AND LESS Gold Bud Ice Teas, Frails, Sherbets . .75c BAXTER'S* BEAUFORT'S FINEST ?