LOST 18-INCH SCREW JACK OFF Friday. Reward. Eldridge Willis, 1809 Arendell St., Morehead Phone 6-4850. ml3 FOR SALE l? IPLCIAL THIS WEEK. LARGE ) iikn pullet eggs 35c doz. Smith's PfAlltry Farm, West Beaufort road. Phone 2-5168. tf FIVE-ROOM HOUSE IN HAVE t Park. Pay owner's equity and late over payment of $53. See fcwner by May 15 at 220 Kenneth pMd., Havelock Park. ml3p f^)E usedgeneraITelectric refrigerator. Good condition. Call (-3338. ml3p 5-FOOT SPRITSA1L SAILBOAT, Sood condition. Call H. L. Joslyn, (-3021. ml6p I pEAUTIFUL WATERFRONT lots all with 100 foot frontage on 9oguc Sound. Cash or reasonable erms. Carteret Realty Co., phone 0-4677. tf LtdrHT TAN THOROUGHBRED Rocker spaniel. Male, 10 weeks old Registered See R. A. Thuotte, 1804 Snepard St., Morehead City. Phone #4476. ml3 ? rOOT DEAD RISE BOAT WITH Grey Marine engine. Good boat for fc'Ot'k or pleasure. A-l condition, phdne 2-5169. E. A. Rush. tf FIVE-ROOM HOUSE, GOOD Lo cation. 108 Marsh St., Beaufort. Cash or terms. G. W. Duncan, Beau fort. tf DESIRABLE WATERFRONT lots on Bogue Sound. Contact or Call Floyd Jones, jr., 1606 Evans St., phone 6-4119. ml6p i0RTY-0NE FOOT FISHING bruiser "Wanderer." Excellent condition. Two Gray marine en fmes, one new, one newly over hauled. Two inch fir planking; out tiUers; pulpit; shower; head; ice box; mahogany dinette table; mi ?Many fishing chairs with chrome fittings. Very seaworthy and Sound in every respect. Built for ?"Dan" Topping in Honolulu, 1940. 6*e at Moreehad City Yacht Basin, ar call Cherry Point Ext. 1P204 during working hours, 7286 after Working hours. ml3 buy" YOUR "WARD'S" WINTER King batteries from Eighth Street Satvice Station, Authorized Ward toiler. Phone 6-3051, Morehead City. N. C. tf SARD'S RIVERSIDE TIRES? 6(0-16, $14.57 installed free. 8th ttnet Service Station, corner 8th ?nd Evans street. Phone 6-3051, Sorehead City. tf Slightly used and recon dttioned washing machines and gas HMges in perfect condition. Lots W good service left in each one. etyde Jones Gas Co., 2800 Arendell St., Morehead City, N. C. tf SH EGGS EVERY DAY. :sh dressed Fryers and Hens Vodnesday through Saturday. dth's Poultry Farm, West Beau (oirt road. Pbone 2-3108. tf ?? REAL ESTATE r.o. & H. FREEMAN & SON Agents ! '*4211 809 Bridges St. {ot< Morehead City IT u t/VRAGE SHOP EQUIPMENT? welding, greasing, battery ig, steam cleaner, bench Warren Beck, Sound Appli Co? Inc., Morehead City, tl TAL GUTTER AND t ? Roofs repaired, paint 1 roofs both of metal or ^position. Ttyde Jones Gas Co., " Heating Department, U t ; THE NEWS-TIMES CLASSIFIED ~ ADVERTISING ?o' RATES Minimum Rate k ... Me (or 20 Wordi or Less, c- Additional Words Sc Each. ^h Initial, abbreviation, group >M numbers counts as one word. Classified Display ads, 77c per tWhmn inch; so a da iesa than We iach accepted. NSrds of Thanks and Special rWbtfces charged at classified ad 11% extra is charged for each ?d insertion net accompanied by art* ?? "ver__ News-Times will be re Llnbosible for the first incorrect ffltntioa of any advertisement and then only to the extent of a insertion, if the of the advertisement has lessened by the error. publisher reserves the to revise or reject any FOR SALE ONE 21-FOOT CABIN RUN about boat. Phantom 77 Grey Ma rine engine, fully equipped, $450. Contact J. M. Fulcber, 208 N. 6th at., Morehead City. m20 WOODEN IVORY FULL-SIZED bed with springa. Contact Mrs. W. C. Carlton, 3305 Arendell at., phone 6-3653. 1 ml6 SEVEN BAR STOOLS, FLOOR type plastic covers. Electric lawn mower with motor, not mounted. Roy Eubanks, Beaufort, 2-3886. tf FLOWER P L ANTS: S NAP dragpns, 35c dot.; Marigolds, Zin nias. 25c; Chrysanthemums, 40c; Azalramums, 5c each. Mrs. John Chaplain, Jr., one mile from Beau fort. ml3 SPECIAL DISCOUNT ON springs, mattresses and Hollywood beds. We carry the best standard make. Clark's Furniture co.. 222 Front St., Beaufort, Dial 2-7841. m!3 PIANO FOR SALE ? SPINET piano. Want responsible party, resi dent of this section, to take over lovely little piano. Has beautiful mahogany finish with full key board. Nationally known. Fully guaranteed. No down payment re quired if can assume several pre sent monthly installments. Good credit absolutely essential. Write: Maynard Music Co., Inc., Salisbury, N. C. m!3 USED GIRL'S BICYCLE IN GOOD condition, $15. Phone 6-4260 after 4:00 p.m. dh TAYLOR'S SAW MILL, WEST Beaufort, can be seen in operation. Cash or terms. Phone 2-8178. tf PAUL HOBBY CRAFTS, CARPEN ter shop. Building, lot, and equip ment. See Daphne Paul, Paul Mo tor Co., Beaufort, N. C. tf NEW AND USF-D FURNITURE. Hamilton Furniture co., near school on Live Oak St., Beaufort, N. C. tf BUSINESS SERVICES MAKE OLD FLOORS LOOK LIKE new. Rent our High Speed Floor Sander and Edger. Low rates. Western Auto Store, Beaufort. Phone 2-3651 SEWING ? ALTERATIONS for ladies, men and children DELIAH MASON 308 N. 24k St. Morehcad City m20pt REFRIGERATION SERVICE, Commercial and domestic washing machines repaired, any make. Guaranteed used refrigerators, washing machines, drink boxes. ! freezers, etc. Refrigeration Air conditioning. Gates Refrigeration Service, 104 North 13th st., More i head. tf PLUMBING FINANCED "COMPLETE JOB" A. B.C. PLAN ? lOV, Down and up to 36 months on balancc. No Mortgages Required SEE US TODAY BEAUFORT PLUMBING AND SUPPLY CO. 520 Front St. Phone 2-4956 EXPERT REPAIRS FOR RADIO AND TELEVISION SETS SPECIAL USED RADIOS $5 up ECONOMY AUTO & APPLIANCE STORE Phone 6-3185 905 Arendell St., Morehead City BUSINESS SERVICES FOR CORRECT TIME: ? Ml#. For correct jewelry, satisfactory watch repair. Early Jeweleri, 723 Arendell St., Morthead City. "CROSLEY" Hon." Appliance* Refrigerators Ranges Home Freezer* Water Heaters Automatic Washers ? SALES fc SERVICE Hamilton Furniture Co. Phone 2-7201 BEAUFORT SINGER Representative Is In CARTERET COUNTY EVERY THURSDAY TO SERVICE AND SELL SINGER SEWING MACHINES AND VACUUM CLEANERS For Service or a Demonstration Phone 3746 New Bern or Write 206 Middle St., New Bern tf DUPLICATE KEYS MADE TO order. We have the blanks ? anH the machine. Protect yourself by having an extra set of keys made to put in a safe place. Western Auto Associate Store, Beaufort and Morehead. tf Small Appliance Repairing Irons ? Toasters ? Lamps And All Other Appliances WASHERS ? REFRIGERATORS Are Repaired at Sound Appliance Co., Inc. 1406 Bridges St., Morehead City RECAPPING. ALL PASSENGER car tires 2nd truck tires up to size 1000-20. Tire Service co., 13th and Arendell sts., Morehead City. Phone 6-3028. tf HELP WANTED SALESGIRLS. APPLY BAXTER S Jewelry Store at ouce. Start to work Thursday. Experience not necessary. Baxter's, Front St.. Beaufort, N. C. ml3 TWO EXPERIENCED WAITRES ses, and one short order cook (white or colored). Wanted im mediately. Broadway Cafe, More head City. tf TWO WAITRESSES. EXPERI ence not necessary. Call in per son. Broadway Cafe, Morehead City. tf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY $400 MONTHLY POSSIBLE ? WE will select a reliable person from this area to refill and collect money from new automatic mer chandising machines. No selling. To qualify, applicant must have car, references. $600 working cap ital. 8 hours weekly may net up to $400 monthly with pooaibilily of taking over full time. For inter view, write, giving full particulars, name, address, age and phone num ber to National Sales Co., P. O. Box 18, Rector. Penna. m!3 FOR RENT TWO-ROOM FURNISHED APART ment on Bogue Sound. Newly dec orated. Electric kitchen. Phone 6-37B4. Mrs. R. W. Penny. ml3p DUPI^X APARTMENT, TWO bedrooms, private bath, hot water. 1809 Fisher street, Morehead City. ml6p ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED apartment by day, week or month. AH electric kitchen. Sunshine Court, Front st. extension, Beaufort Phone 2-8307 tf THREE ROOM APARTMENT Semi-furnished, on highway 70, op posite Drive-In theatre. Phone 6-3057. Dr. G. C. Cooke. tf ALL MAKES* ? AIL MO PELS PRICED FOR QUICK SALE SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION OF THE FINEST GUARANTEED USED CARS AVAILABLE! NOBLEY BUICK CO Phon* 6-4346 1708.10-12 Bridges St. Morcbaad City FOB RENT NEW EFFICIENCY APART ments, completely furnished. Chil dren accepted. Car pooli available. Ideal for Marines. Utilities fur nished. See Frank Thomas, Beach comber . Apartments, Atlantic Beach. tf APARTMENT, H. C. JONES, Beaufort. Phone 2-4296. tf FURNISHED HOME, 11S MOORE St., Beaufort. G. W. Duncan, Real Estate and Insurance. Front St., Beaufort. Phone 2-5321. ml6 FIVE-ROOM APARTMENT AP ply at Windy cotage, Beaufort Mprehead City causeway, phone 2-7172. tf FURNISHED APARTMENT, PRI vate bath. Phone 6-4275 after 5:30. Mrs. E. G. Phillips. tf TWO COMPLETELY FURNISHED apartments. One five rooms with two bedrooms. One three room with one bedroom. Completely clectric kitchens. Close in. Call or sec Andrew Davis, Broadway Cafe, Morehead City. tf ONE BLDROOM FURNISHED apartment. All electric ktichen. Sunshine Court, Front st. exten sion, Beaufort. Phone 2-830# tf TWO UNFURNISHED APART ments. C. H. Freeman, agent, tf STORE BUILDING EXCELLENT location downtown 705 Arendell St. next door to Freeman Brothers Grocery. C. H. Freeman and Son, 809 Bridges St., Morehead City tf DOWNSTAIRS OFFICE IN ROYAL building. Bruce Goodwin, 6-4396. tf j WANTED YOUNGSTERS OF NURSERY and kindergarten age! If parents express sufficient interest the Odd Fellows lodge of Beaufort will or ganize and operate a nursery and kindergarten, opening date about June 15. Interested parents please j contact Mr. Ralph Eudy, Ann st. ! extended, phone 2-7637 or at City Barber Shop, Beaufort. m30 LEGAL NOTICES NORTH CAROLINA CARTERET COUNTY NOTICE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain purchase money deed of trust executed by James A. Waddell, dated the 8th day of November, 1951, and recorded in Book 136, page 346, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Carteret County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby se- j cured, and said deed of trust being | by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned trus- j tee will offer for sale at public auc- 1 tion to the highest bidder for cash 1 at the courthouse door in Beaufort, North Carolina, at noon, on the 7th day of June. 1952, the property con- ! veyed in said deed of trust, the j same lying and being in the County of Carteret and State of North* Ca- ! rolina, in Newport Township, and j more particularly described as fol- \ lows: Beginning at the right of way of U. S. Highway No. 70, and running eastwardly with a ditch to a stake at the corner of a ditch; thence southwardly with a ditch 107 feet to a stake or corner; thence west wardly to the right of way of U. S. Highway No. 70; thence north wardly along the right of way of U. S. Highway No. 70 107 feet to the place of beginning, containing one-third (1/3) acre more or less and being part of the lands of 1. S. G%rner and Pearlie Garner lying to the north of the Town of New port, N. C. This 6th day of May, 1952. C. R. Wheatly, Jr., ml3-20-27 j3 Trustee. State of North Carolina Department of State PRELIMINARY CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION To All to Whom These Presents May Come? Greeting : Whereas. It appears to my sat isfaction, by duly authenticated rpcord of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stock holders, deposited in my office, that the Atlantic Beach Sales and Service, Inc., a corporation of this State, whose principal office is sit uated in the' Town of Atlantic Beach, County of Carteret, State of North Carolina (S. A. Horton, be LEGAL NOTICES ing the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 55, Gen eral Statutes, entitled "Corpora tions," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now Therefore, I Thad Eure, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 10th day ot March, 1952, file in my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, ex ecuted by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and thq record of the proceedings afore said are now on file in my said of fice as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 10th day of March, A.D. 1952. (Seal) THAD EURE, m 13- 16-20-23 Secretary of State. NOTICE Noticc is hereby given that on I the 8th day of May, 1952, 1 did ; lease to Arlie R. Nelson of Atlan tic, N. C.. the following described ' oyster bottom: LEASE NO. 621 Located in Pamlico Sound, Car teret County, N. C. Beginning at a stake in Pamlico Sound, Car- , teret County, N. C., said stake hav- 1 ing a range of S. 67? -50' W. from the Ocracoke Lighthouse, and a range of N. 71?-14' W. from the Sal- j ter camp on Portsmouth Island, and runs N.36?-35'E.387 feet to a stake; i thence S. 76 -05' E. 716 feet to a stake; thence ? 25 -00' W. 451 feet to a stake; thence N. 70?-48', W. 711 feet to the beginning, contain ing 6.5 acres. This the 8th day of May, 1952. j C. D. Kirkpatrick, Fisheries Commissioner. m 13-20-27 j3 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on the 8th day of May, 1952, I did lease to T. T. Potter of Beaufort, N. C., the following described oyster bottom: LEASE NO. 622 Located in Pamlico Sound, Car teret County, N. C. Beginning at a slake about 30 feet from the north western part of Caseys Island, Pam lico Sounds Carteret County, N. C., and runs S. 4? -50' W. 277 feet to a stake; thence N. 79c-55' W. 262 feet to a stake; thence N. ll?-00' W. 278 feet to a stake; thence S. 83' 10' E. 366 feet to the beginning, containing 1.8 acres. This the 8th day of^May, 1952. C. D. Kirkpatrick, Fisheries Commissioner. m 13-20-27 j3 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on the bth day of May, 1952, n did lease to Tom Bragg of Portsmouth, N. C., the following described oyster bottom: LEASE NO. 620 Located in Pamlico Sound, Car teret County, N. C. Beginning at a stake in Ceefs Creek, Pamlico Sound. Carteret County, N. C., 3aid stake lying S. 58? -30' W. approxi mately 300 yards from the George Gilgo dwelling on Portsmouth Island, and runs S. 59?-35' W. 288 feet to a stake; thence N. 21? 00' W. 478 feet to a stake; thence N. 64? -00' E. 186 feet to a stake; thence S. 23? -10' E. 242 feet to a stake; thence S. 43?-35' E. 229 feet to the beginning, containing 2.3 acres. This the 8th day of May, 1952. C. D. Kirkpatrick, Fisheries Commissioner. m 13-20-27 j3 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on the 1st day of May, 1952, I did lease to Wesley Dudley of Morehead Ci ty, N. C., the following described oyster bottom: LEASE NO. 619 Located in Newport River, Car teret County, N. C. Beginning at the northeast corner of the C. H. Horton lease in the Newport River, Carteret County, N. C., and runs S. 33? -15' E. 496 feet to a stake; thence N. 44?-00' W. 405 feet to a stake; thence N. 25? -40' E. 599 feet to a stake, thence S. 35? -05' E. 512 feet to the beginning, containing 5.3 acres. This the 1st day of May, 1952. C. D. KIRKPATRICK, Fisheries Commissioner 4t ? m6- 13-20-27 WHY WAIT ANY LONGER TO BOY YOJJH CAR? Regulation W has bean lifted and yon can now buy yonr car to sail yew budget ? Lower Pay ments ? Longer Terns All of our Clean Used Cars Have Been Reduced YOU CAM NOW PRACTICALLY DICTATE YOUB OWN TERNS Come On Down io Parker's ? And Let's Make a Deal! PARKER MOTORS 509 Ar??i?U St. Phoo. 6-3332 Msrelmd City STORK MEWS Births at Morehead City ko*|><Ul: To Ur. and Mra. Bernia Collina Smith, Salter Path, a son, Bernis Nathan, Tuesday, May 0. To Mr. and Mrs. Ashton Styron, Harkers Island, a daughter, Anna Gertrude, Friday, May B. To Mr. and Mrs. John Gaakins, Ocracoke, a son, Dennis Earl, Wed nesday, May 7. To Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Lee Thompson, Beaufort, a son, Curtis Lee, Sunday, May 4. To Mr. and Mrs. Mack Webster Kittrell, route 1 Morehead City, a daughter, Sarah Eleanor, Monday May 5. To Mr. and Mrs. Justin Clark Pake, sr., route 1 Beaufort, a son, John Tyler, Saturday, May 3. To Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Clay ton Chadwick. Gloucester, a son, Michael Clayton, Friday. May 9. Negro News The Ladies' Home Instruction club met Thursday night with Mrs. Jennett Jordan. Mrs. Alma Mar bley, president, presided. The club will give a fashion show Thursday night, Nov. 22. The hostess served chicken salad on lettuce, pears, brownies, cookies, nuts and candies. The next meet ing will be Monday night, May 19, at the home of Mrs. Alma Marbley. Rev. F. A. Hargett of Greens boro, president of the Eastern At lantic Christian conference, will preach each night of this week at the Christian church. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on the 24th day of April, 1952, I did lease to Robert Lee Humber of Greenville, N. C., the following described oyster bottom: LEASE NO. 612 Located in Jarretts Bay, Carteret County, N. C. Beginning at a stake in Jarretts Bay, Carteret County, N. C., said stake being approxi mately 75 yards in a southeasterly direction from the northern point of Davis Island, and lying on the eastern side of said Island, and runs out into Jarretts Bay N. 9# 25' E. 1201 feet to a stake on the southern end of a small island; thence N. 17? -45' W. 879 feet to .a stake; thence N. 10? -00' W. 1514 feet to a stake on Simonds Bay; thence N. 29?-35' E. 251 feet to a stake; thence S. 45? -30' E. 432 feet r across Simonds Bay; thence S. 17* 40' E. 341 feet to a stake on the eastern shorelines of Jarretts Bay; thence S. 29?-30' W. 388 feet with said shoreline; thence S. 2? -10' E. 535 feet to a stake on the point of the shoreline; thence S. 25?-35' E. 1206 teet to a stake; thence S. 12* 20' E. 678 feet to a light pole; thence across the thoroughfare S. 29? -25' W. 972 feet to a stake on Davis Island; thence with the east ern shoreline of Davis Island in a notth westerly direction to the be ginning. containing 32.7 acres. This the 24th day of April, 1952. C. D. Kirkpatrick, Fisheries Commissioner. a29 m6- 13-20 NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA CARTERET COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR-COURT BEFORE THE CLERK Edna F. Carson, Plaintiff, vs. I Irving Hilliard Carson, Defendant. The Defendant above named will lake notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Carteret County to obtaip an absolute di vorce on statutery grounds, and the said Defendant will further take no tice that he is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County, at the Court house of said County in Beaufort, North Carolina, within twenty (20) days after the 20th day of May, 1952. and answer or demur to the Complaint in said action, or the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief demanded in said com plaint. This 17th day of April, 1952. A. H. James. Clerk of the Superior Court. Harvey Hamilton, Jr., Att'y. a 22- 29 m6-13 WHO HAS THE MAGIC KEY? * If you fiad it you can win a valuable gift ? Look for our ad of May 30 for complete detail* Waller S. Morris JEWELER Phona 6-4046 807 Arendell St. Morehaad City, N. C. WOODS EDIBLE SEED PEAS WISCONSIN Air -Cooled ENGINES Deliver Dependable Trouble Free Service ami More I!. P. Hours of On-the-job Service. BARBOUR'S MARINE SUPPLY CO. Phone 2-3311 216 Front St Beaufort, N. C. P f ICC FOR ALL PURPOSES ll L'A 3 d For AU Purposes Windows ? Doors ? Pictures Commercial Store Windows Table Tops ? Mirrors Auio Safety Glass Cut and Fitted WE'LL DO THE JOB ? JUST CALL RUSSELL'S GLASS SHOP PHONE 6-4744 Owned and Operated by Tommy Russell 905 Shepard St. Morebead City, N. C. Kentucky Blended Bourbon Whiskey ss-3 030 3L5 N mor ? 51X KINIUCKT STU1CHT tOURSON WHISKEY . ?9X GU1N # U 4/5 IT NUTTRU. VISITS ? TUt BOUftBCN DC LUXE COMPANY. LOUISVILLE, MNTUUT ' im PI. MERCURY SALES and SERVICE I REPAIR SERVICE ON ALL MAKES' GOOD, CLEAN, USED CARS BOYD-MATTHIS MOTOR GO. 1405 Neon Blvd. New Bern, N. C. far 7rsc/br ton tie Zbrea Sssr "VI C,~ 1 1?itJj~M/ Qass^ ^UioXiorv ?? -TODAY . hrst in Tf1E Fi *? W?TTY ft CO. JZ IB Craven and South Front St*. NEW BERN, N. C. ' "

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