I JHoreljeab Cttg Social ffittoz , hmti S?cletjL Editor Phne M17I Mrs. Elsie Nickles and daughter, Mill Nancy Nickles of Kings Mountain spent last week here. tittle Misses Judith Ann and Su san Joflyn, daughters of Harvey Joilyn, jr., arrived Saturday by plane from Chicago to spend a month with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey L. Joslyn. The Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Hipps have returned to Kannapolis after spending some time with their daughter and fimiiy, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. McKinley. W E. Merc neks returned from New York Saturday to spend a few weeks with hii family and in-lawi, the Joslyna. Mr. and Mrs C. B. Griffin of Concord and Mr. Bennett Hippa and daughter, Jan, have been re cent visitors with the E. G. Mc Kinleys. Mr. and Mrs. James Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. Scott Cooper of Hen derson arrived Saturday to spend some time at the Cooper cottage ?n Evans street. t RID YOUR PREMISES OF ANY REFUSE THAT WILL BURN - SAFELY ! live and work in CALL US NOW) FRIGIDAIRE Room Air Conditioner SOUND APPLIANCE CO., INC. FRIGIDAIRE DEALER FOR CARTERET COUNTY MOREHEAD CITY, N. C. PHONE 6-4452 ? Installed quickly in almost any window. ? Effectively cools, flttors, drios, circulates and ventilatas with fresh air. ? Meter-Miser mechanism has 5-Year Warranty. ? Two sizes? for homes and offices. 1 Incinerator For Um At Home, on The Farm or Business Place ? 2 Bushel Capacity ? Priced at $20.00 Immediate Delivery Anywhere In Carteret County CLYDE JOKES GAS CO.. INC. SHEET METAL DEPARTMENT Phone 6-4044 1800 Arsndell St. Morehemd City Mill Nancy NicUea, who bai been counselor it Camp Mare bead, returned to Kingi Mountain Satur day and viiited in Stella enroute. Mrs. Wiley Smith and ion. Wiley, jr., at Goldiboro ipent the week end it their cotuge. Miss Elsie Long of Staten is land, N. Y? arrived Saturday to spend a two-weeks vacation with Mrs. Pearl Nelson and family and to visit relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald De Loach of Henderson spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cleve land Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Everette and son of Farmville spent the weekend at their home on Atlantic Beach. Mrs. Everette and son will remain for the rest of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Trader of Havelock spent Sunday in town visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCormack and four sons of Pittsburgh, Pa., have arrived to spend the summer with her sister, Mrs. Harry Bali and Mr. Ball. Mrs. Allie Atkinson and children, Nancy and Cliff, arrived Thursday to spend the summer with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Berea Rice. Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Turner and children Beth and Henry, jr., of Southern Pines left yesterday after visiting his sister-in-law, Mrs. Allie Mcintosh. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Demko and sons, Robert and Dave of Bloom field, N. J., spent last week with her mother and family, Mrs. John B. Willis. The Misses Bessie and Penelope Clayton have arrived to spend the summer at their cottage on Shack leford ave. Mr. George Roberts Wallace and sons, George and Borden, arc on a business trip to Cameron and Em pire, Louisiana. Mrs. Darden Eure and sons, Dar den anil Gordy have returned from a two week trip to Baltimore where they visted Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Schultz. Mrs. Skinner Chalk, jr., and chil dren are in Spartanburg, S. C., visiting her parents. Mrs. T. R. Thigpen of Mount Olive has returned home after spending sometime with her daugh ter and family, Mr and Mrs. Walter Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Morris car ried their son, Walter, jr., to Boy Scout camp at Lake Tuscarira Sunday. This camp is near Goln^-' boro. Mrs. J. B. Sawyer is spending the summer in Edward with Mrs. Bill Bonner, her grand niece. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Bono of Newark, N. J., are visiting Mr. Gene Willis and family and Mrs. Bono's sister and family at New port, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Garner. Miss Mary Willis of Washington, D. C., is spending the week with her mother and sister, Mrs. George Willis and Ruth. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond O'Neal and daughter, Joanna of New York are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. O'Neal, sr. Mr. Elmer Nichols remains ill at his home on Evans street. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parrish of Silver Springs, Md., spent the week end with her foster parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Nichols. Serve In Syrup Serve watermelon and canta loupe balls in a sugar syrup flavor ed with mint; garnish the fruit with sprigs of fresh mint leaves. This combination makes a most re freshing dessert. Members of a true clan are for bidden to marry each other. 25%OffonU.S.KEDS During k 4TH OF JULY WEEK ONLY Boy*, uk Dad and Mother to take you to the Boot Shop today and see those U. S. Keds canvas shoes. Wonderfully made with cushioned insole and cushioned arch. These shoes are washable . . . ideal for the beach . . . and they come in brown, blue, cork tan and maroon. THE BOOT SHOP "SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY** 907 ARENDELL PHONE 6-4477 MOREHEAD CITY Mm Ma/ultfn tyuMell Heoo4ftei feiide o/( 2<mU fl&UHtte, fllovUi, f)i. In * candlelight ceremony ?t 9 o-doek In the First Preabyterian church of Wllliamaton , Sunday, June 28, "1m Marilyn Winifred Fuuell. daughter Of Mr. and Mr*. F L Fuaaell of WUliamaton and grandda..;hter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H Jackson of Morehead City pledged marriage vow? with Mr. Louia Jerome Norria, jr.. ?on of Mr and Mra. L. J. Norria of More heTheCRev. J. Don Skinner, paator of the bride and Dr. John H. Bunn, of the Firat Baptiat church in Morehead City, paator of the groom, officiated at the double ring ceremony. The couple knelt before an altar arranged with white gladi oli and white candles against a background of fern and amilax. A half hour program of nuptial music preceded the entri. -ce of the bridal party. Misa Jeai. *obley of Williamston was organist. Mrs. Josiah Bailey of Raleigh sang Be loved It Is Morn. As a benediction she sang The Lord s Prayer. The bride entered the church with her father who gave her in marriage. She wore a patio length gown of French chanUUy lace and satin with a nylpn tulle skirt made over satin. The lace jacket button ed down the front with satin cover ed buttons and featured a mandar in neckline. Matching lace gauntlets that pointed over the hands were fitted to fall in line with the cap sleeves. She wore a shoulder-length veil of FrenXillus.on falling gracefully from a satin and pearl tiara. She carried a white prayer book cover ed with white bridal flowers and centered with a white orchid. Miss Elisabeth Parsons of Kai eigh attended the bride as maid of honor. She wore a ballerina length gown of teal blue laceandnylon net over taffeta. Her shell bonnet was covered in matching blue ace and she wore corresponding lace mitts. She carried a nosegay of pink asters with blue cascading streamers. . , ... Honorary bridesmaids were Miss Jewell Harreil of Raleigh and Mes dames D. C. McLawhorn. jr and J. C. Coltrain of Williamston. They wore pastel ballerina length gowns and wrist corsages of yellow carna "?Best man for the groom was his father. Ushers **e Fltihugh Fus scll jr.. brother of the bride, Wil liam McCracken of Pelham, Her bert Phillips of Morehead City and Walter Leonard of Hickory. The mother of the bride wore a dress of blue lace and matching blue accessories and an orchid cor sage The mother of the groom chose a pink lace dress with brown accessories and a brown orchid. Following the wedding ceremony Ui* Bride's parents entertained at a reception in the Williamston Wo man's club^ Antique Collector Returns To Morehead City Of interest to all antique lovers is the return of Allie Mcintosh and her early Americana to Morehead City for the third summer. Her shop is located at 1213 Arendell street in the John Lashley home. The house lend/ itself well to period furniture. Most of the rooms have been refurnished with ""pimTmaple and cherry -predom inate in the antique furniture on display. Mrs. Mcintosh is proud to have among her collection a Laiy Susan, hutch and tavern tables and several corner cupboards. Mrs. Mcintosh is a native of Southern Pines and has an antique shop there During the summer months, it is operated under the management of her sister and bro ther-in-law. , Mrs. Mcintosh will remain in Morehead City until after Labor | Day. Handy Chives If you have chives growing in your backyard you can use them in many dishes during the summer. They're delicious added to cream ed cottage chese, scrambled eggs, or to buttered noodles or elbow macroni. Try sprinkling them on sliced tomatoes that have been marinated in French dreasing; add them, also to a tossed green salad. Mix flaked tuna or salmon with finely diced celery and mayon- j naiae and use as a filling for toast ed hamburger bum. Nationally Advertised BRAS 2 be $3.00 With this Coupon GOWNS Shea ?- 46 Values *7.5M9.50 only $5 ft $6 With Coupon r ANISE PImm 6-4434 UN Arendell 84. Mowlmd City The banquet room wu decorated ith arrangements of seasonable hite flowers and greenery. The ride's table was placed at the .end ( the room. It was centered with three-tiered wedding cake ar inged with pink carnations and nilax. Two punch bowls were on ither end of the table. Mrs. Abner Brown introduced ie guests to the receiving line omposed of the wedding party, i Irs. D. C. Sabiston of Jacksonville, unt of the bride, served the cake nd at the punch bowls were Mrs. red Hargett of Jacksonville and liss Jewell Harvell. Mrs. Harrell Everette, Mrs. J. C. oltrain and Mrs. D. C. McLawhorn f Williamston assisted with the erving. At the bride's book was Irs. T. F. Davenport of Williams >n and goodbyes were said by Mr. nd Mrs. W. T. Martin of Williams >n. For traveling the bride wore a lauve-pink suit with navy acces ses and the orchid lifed from er prayer book. Mrs. Norris attended Woman's ollege of the University of North arolina where she was a member f the Cornelian society. She is a raduate of Hardbarger's Business allege Mr. Norris is a graduate [ the University of North Caro na and at the present time is Dntinuing his study of medicine at ew York University. This summer e will be employed at State hos ital in Raleigh. Guests from Morehead City who ttended the Norris-Fussell wedd lg in Williamston Sunday were [rs. D. G. Bell, Mrs. C. B. Arthur, . G. Bell, Dr. and Mrs. John H. unn, Mrs. B. D. Bunn, Miss Anna ranees Bunn, Miss Corinne Bell 'ebb. Miss Sara Boyd, Mrs A. H. Mc onald, Mrs. R. W. Wallace, jr., rs. Adam Mayor, Miss Charlotte uthrie. Mrs. James B. Macy. Miss uth Macy, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Col ida. Mrs. Gladys Colenda, and rs. Robert Himmler. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams Celebrate Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams of Cr?b Point, who eatebratcd their 4Mb wedding anniversary* June 36, were hosts at a family reunion picnic Sunday at their home. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Weldon E. Fulcher and daughter, Virginia Dare of Crab Point; My. and Mrs. Weldon E. Fulcher, Jr., and son, Douglas Steven of South port; Mr .and Mrs. Joe DuBois aad son, Joe of Morehead City. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Styron and daughter, Elisabeth of Davis; Mr. and Mrs. John R. Williams of Crab Point; Mr. and Mrs. Neal Sabiston of Midway Park; Mrs. Alex Mentschikoff and daughters, Sandra and Jeanne of Kent, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Hamann and daughters, Onida and Mary Sue of Charlotte. ? Mr. and Mr*. Joseph Williams and sons, Billy Joe and Eric Paul of Davis; Mr. Heber Williams of Greenville, brother of Mr. Joe Wil liams; Mr. Bobby Oglesby and Mrs. Sophronia Fulcher of Crab Point. One daughter, Miss Edna Wil liams. who is a student nurse at James Walker Memorial hospital at Wilmington, was unable to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Williams have nine living children, 13 grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Steele - Smith Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Smith an nounce the marriage of their daughter, Katherine, to Mr. J. C. Steele, son of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Steele of Ramseur. The wedding took place Tuesday. June 17, In the Free Will Baptist parsonage, Morehead City, with the Rev. T. C. Smith officating. The bride is employed at the Morehead City Drug company and the groom is an employee at White's Dairy. The couple spent a few days at the home of the groom's parents, and since their return from a short wedding trip are making their home with the bride's parents on Shepard street. New Type Sundae Crush any small pieces of peanut brittle left in the box and serve over vanilla ice cream. y ? A - ? .. v After smoking Camels for 20 days, I -found tficy get along wonderfully with my throat. I especially appreciate Camels mildness when I'm making a picture !" 1 si SUMMER SUITS Choose From Nylon & Rayon Cords or Rayon Tropicals Also Other Summer Fab rics 2400- 29-50 Sizes 36 to 42 Tans, Blues and Browns The Right Suit for Celebrating the Fourth OBITUARIES ELIJAH GILLIKIN Elijah Gillikin, 58, died Friday morning at the home of hia brother, Jamea A. Gillikin of Otway, with 1 whom he lived. Funeral services were held Sun day afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home with the Rev. C. R. Berry, ' paator of the Chriatian church in I Morehead City, officiating. Burial 1 waa io the family plot. ' Surviving are hit brother, James, 1 a half brother, Lafayette Gillikin, both of Otway, and several nieces and nephews. EDWARD GRAY Edward Gray, 43, died at hia home in Newport, route 2, Friday morning. Graveside services were held in Amariah Garner cemetery, New port, Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock with the Rev. J. R. Bennett offi ciating. Surviving Mr. Gray are his wife, Mrs. Prudie Mann Gray, his mother, Mrs. Maggie Gray, two brothers, Roy and Clarence, and four sisters, Mrs. Leslie Goodwin, Mrs. Avery Gray, Mrs. Raymond Riggs, all of Newport, and Mrs. Alice Dickinson of Norfolk. GASMAN D. LAWRENCE Graveside services for Gusman D. Lawrence. 63. who died in the Veterans hospital Fayetteville on Saturday after a long illness were held Sunday at S o'clock in Piner cemetery, Otway, with the Rev. Eddie Humphrey of Jacksonville officiating. GERTRUDE SIMPSON SALTER Mrs. Gertrude Simpson Salter, 69, died Saturday morning at her home in Bettie from a heart attack. Funeral services were held at the home at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon with the Rev. R. H. Jack son, assisted by the Rev. W. E. An derson, officiating. Burial was in the family plot. Surviving Mrs. Salter are three sons, Rupert of Atlantic, Joe and Luther of Bettie, five daughters, Mrs. Webb Gaskill of Morehead "Antiques! Authentic pieces both furniture and accessories. Wide choice of beautiful selections. Com* in today. ' !P Al lie Mcintosh 1213 Arendell Si. Morehead City, N. C. Phone 6-3569 ttelk "s Th? Horn* Of Bcttar Values MOREHEAD CITY, N. C. Completely AIR CONDITIONED SHOPPING HOURS 9 to 5:30 Wednesday - 9 to 12 Saturday ? ? 9 to 6 CloMd All Day the Fourth City, Hn. Raymond Nelaon of New Bern, Hit W. B. Allen of Newport, Mrs. Steve Blanco <X HicktvlUe, N. Y., Miss Lucille Salter of the borne, one slater, Bin. Mamie Nel ton of Atlantic, 14 grandchildren and six great grandchildren. The town of New Salem, Ind., where Abraham Lincoln once lived, literally disappeared, says the Na tional Geographic Society. Many of its loj buildings were disman tled and carried to a nearby town. HELENE CURTIS Conditional Permanent* "THE CONDITIONING PERMANENT" The only permanent specially designed to condition both nor mal and "problem hair!" Only Helene Curtis' new Conditional Permanent contains beauty-re storing Keratin and Lanolin plus added proteins . . . that enrich all types of hair with softer, more lostrious waves and curls. AIR CONDITIONED Helen's BEAUTY SHOP Phone 6-3603 1113 Shepard Morehead City 3-Way Test Proves Thai ??&? SEE the FEEL the Difference Fabrics come back soft and rich with "like-new" texture restored. ! anu*.^; Difference No trace of stale cloning odor*! Even perspiration stains and odors removed! Garments returned clean and fresh as new! 4 COSTS NO MORE THAN ORDINARY DRY CLEANING See for yoorself.\Try oar mir- - ade Sanitone Service today! SUNSHINE LAUNDRY DRY CLEANING The Soft Water Laaa*y We Are Reliable MM Bridges 8t Dial MMI Men head City, N. u

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