JSemifort foetal "Netae Mr?. Lockwood Phillip., Society Editor Phone UtM I Mr. and Mrs. Graham Duncan and granddaughter, Ray Frances Hassell, and Jane Safrit. attended the season's first showing of Unto These Hills Saturday evening at Cherokee Mrs. Hilda Peeling and Mrs. Margaret Flanagan of York, Pa., left yesterday for their home after a visit with Mrs. Peeling's daugh ter, Ruth. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hassell of Mount Olive spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. I.. W. Hassell. Their son, Lawrence, will remain with his grandparents for a visit of several weeks. Ensign and Mrs. N. W. Taylor of Norfolk will arrive Thursday for a 10-day visit with their families. ' 100 PROOF UQUEUI ^ SOUTHERN COMPORT CORP. ST LOUIS .3 MISSOURI Leslie Moore left Saturday (or Radford, Va., for a two weeks' stay with Mrs. Moore and their chil dren. He was accompanied by Crip Jones and Kit Jones, who will at tend a game in Washington, D. C? and do some sight seeing before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison Smith ol Mount Olive spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Simpson and two children have returned from a visit to Fernandina, Fla. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Simpson's mother, Mrs. Henry Skipper, who will spend the sum mer here. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Mebane, jr., and five children of Chattanooga. Tenn., will spend the month of July in Mr. and Mrs. Mebane's guest apartment. Mrs. A. B. Bradsher arrived Thursday from New York where she had been visiting. She was ac companied by her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gill and two children of Petersburg, Va.. who will visit here for a few weeks. Mrs. J. 0. Barbour, jr., and two daughters, Dail and loanne, will return home today after a two weeks' visit in Mount Olive and Rocky Mount. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Van Meter of Beckjey, W. Va., will arrive to day for a visit with Mrs. Van Meter's family. Mrs. W. K. Hinnant and her grandsons. David and Billy Mosier, of Jacksonville, Fla., arrived Sun day. Edward Arrington is improved after being seiously ill at his home. ? ? THE STORE THAT NAY SAVE YOUR LIFE Whrn Illness strikes and your physician says "Get this prescription filled right away!" ? that's when your local pharmacy becomes far more to you than "Just another store." Ym ? your pharmacist is more than a store keeper. He is a professional man, license)) by law to provide a vital service to his community. ?" Remember this fact next time you go shopping. It ex plains why our pharmacy is the logical, reliable place to buy any product that has to do with health. MOREHEAD CITY DBDG CO. A mo DBOC STORE Phone 6-4360 815 Arendell St. Morehead City Deposits Now Insured Up To $10,000 What Faclors ' Safeguard Bank Deposits? 1. GOOD BANK MANAGEMENT. This i. the underlying factor in the protection of your deposits. > 2. SOUND BANK SUPERVISION. Adherence to rigid standard* ii checked through regular bank examination*. 3. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE. Each de poiitor i* insured up to the new maximum *of $10,000 for all deposit* held Sn the same right and capacity. We and other member bank* pay the full cost of Federal Deposit Insurance. First-Citizens Bank & Trust Co. 823 Arendell St Morehead City, N. C. Phone *41(1 MEMBER FEDC2AL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP i Mrs. 1|. L. Gray and two children of Jacksonville, Texas, arrived lest week for a visit with Mrs. Miry Prieette. Mrs. R. V. Carver and children, I Laura Lea and Terry, of Louisville. I Tenri., are here for a two weeks' visit with Mrs. Carver's parents, j Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Turnage. Mrs. L. A. Oakley, Jr., and three children left Friday for Clinton sf ter a visit with Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Oakley. Clifford Fleet of Richmond. Va., will arrive Thursday to spend the weekend with his wife and son it the home of Mrs. N. W. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pratt and four children, who have been liv ing in Highland Park, moved yes terday to Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Britting ham of Atlanta. Gs.. and Mr. Brit tingham's mother, Mrs. Gene Cam eron of Elizabeth. N. J., arrived Saturday for a visit with Mrs. Brit tingham's mother, Mrs. Edith Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Langdon, formerly of Washington. D. C., have left for Cairo. Egypt, where Mr. Langdon will be employed by the United States government. Mrs. Langdon is the former Mary Lou Mason of Harlowe. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith and two children of Lansing, Mich., who are visiting Mrs. Smith's mother, Mrs. D. B. Nelson of New Bern, spent last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Merrill. Mr. and Mrs. Allan O'Bryan -ind two children of Greensboro will ar ! rive tomorrow for a two weeks' visit with Mrs. N. W. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sadler and daughter, l'atsy, who have been stationed at Puerto Rico for the past two years, arrived home last Monday. Mr. R. J \1ebane arrived Satur day from Creensboro to join Mrs. Mebane at their home on Moore street. Mr Mebane has just re tired after 22 years as southern sales manager of American Enka corporation. manufacturers of rayon yarns Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mason and their two children, Jean and Ran dy, and Dewey Bradley of Durham will spend this week at their cot tage here. Miss Judy Moore returned home by plane Sunday from Charlotte. Mrs. F. W. Heslep drove to Wil mington to meet her and bring her to Beaufort. Mr. and Mr* Ernest Davis left yesterday for a Short visit to Bal timore. They were accompanied by Mrs. J. J. Davis of Smyrna, who will visit in Washington. Mrs. Harvey Smith and Miss Sterling Chaduick and Miss- Molly Hopkins, left today for Red Bank, N. J. Commander and Mrs. Dave I Mosier and their daughter. Mem rie, of Jacksonville, Fla., will ar rive today for a visit with Mrs. Mosier's mother. Mrs. W. K. Hin nant. Lt. Commander and Mrs. Robert Hill and daughter of Jacksonville, Fla., will arrive today for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. R. Hugh Hill. Mr. and Mrs. loseph House at tended the premier of Horn in the West at Boone Friday evening. Their daughtr, Letitia, is in the cast. On their way home Sunday after a visit in Ashcville they visit ed with Joe Houae, jr., and family at Grifton. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chadwick and two sons of Raleigh arrived over the weekend to visit Mrs. Har vey Smith. Mr. Chadwick return ed to Raleigh Sunday, while Mrs. Chadwick will remain for a short visit. Mr. Ottis Jefferson returned home Friday from Winston-Salem where he had been receiving treat ment at Bowman-Gray hospital. Mrs. George Funuca of 1201% Front street was taken io Morehead City hospital Saturday night for treatment. fWtfHC A*5 i rKAOf WU* rr*f TMOVtUS to* SAAf. o&eveHitfMLf TWFtc rrtes MOW / ir LONG MILEAGE rw%srw . ? PROTECTION AOAINST BLOWOUTS " ? ANTI-SKID PROTECTION Garner's Golf Service Station PHONE 8-3049 7TH AND ARENOELL MOREHEAD CITY iff: m ?tftN I*'** ? Miss Mary Ruth Nelson, Larry Paul Married in Friday Ceremony Miss Mary Ruth Nelson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harold Nelson of Beaufort, and Larry SmallwoocJ Paul, son of Mr. and Mrs. Grover Paul of North liar lowe were married Friday, June 27, at 8 o'clock in the evening in Ann Street Methodist church. The Rev. T. R. Jenkins, pastor of the church, pertormed the dou ble ring ceremony before an al tar decorated with white gladiolas. Prior to the wedding ceremony, Mrs. John Butler, organist, gave a program of nuptial music and Mrs. Jarvis Herring, soloist, sang Be cause, Through the Years and O. Perfect Love. The bride, who was given in mar riage by her father, wore a ihort wedding gown of white nylon net over satin, bouffant style, with a lace bodice and jacket. Her finger tip veil was of illusion. She car ried a cascade of white carnations. Mrs. Walter Teich of Chicago, sister of the groom, was matron of honor. She wore a white nylon or gandy dress trimmed in pink, sim ilar to the bride's gown. She car ried a cascade of pink carnations. Walter Teich of Chicago was best man for his brother-in law, and ushers were Elwood Salter, cousin of the groom, and Thomas Wilson, cousin of the bride. Immediately following the wed ding ceremony a reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nor wood Fulcher. aunt and uncle of the bride, to honor the bridal cou ple. Guests were greeted at the door by Mrs. Fulcher. and ushered to the receiving line composed of the bridal party and Mrs. Kuth Nelson of Marshallberg. grandmother ot the bride. Miss Frances Jane Fulcher. cou sin of the bride, presided over the bride's book. Mrs. Ruth Musser presided in the gift room, and Mrs. J. C. Parsons of Norfolk and Mrs. John W. Willis, jr.. sister of the j Palazzo - Johnson Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson an- 1 nounce the engagement and ap proaching marriage of their daugh- 1 ter, Mary Christian, to Mr. Salvu tore Joseph Palazzo of More heal City, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Palazzo of Brooklyn, N. Y. The wedding will take place on Saturday, July 5, at 5:30 o'clock in the afternoon in St. Paul's Epis copal church, Beaufort. Mrs. Margaret Hopkins and her daughter, Ann, spent Friday iti Norfolk. Mr. Teel Rivenbark of Wallace spent the weekend with Mr., and Mrs^ I^pnard Safrit. Mrs. Sjdney Waters returned to Beaufort Saturday from a visit to Wilson andWashington, D. C. 2-C Ottis Jefferson, USAF, m rived home from Biloxi, Miss., SuV day for a 10-day leave. Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Adair and children of Erwin aclved Saturday for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Adair. Mr. L. A. Oakley returned home Thursday afte^a three-day business stay in Wilmington. Mr. Hugh Hill is able to be out again after being confined to his home because of illness. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dunn of Durham are visiting their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Reinhardt of Hickory are spending the week here. Mr. Reinhardt is commander of the Hickory post. Veterans of Foreign Wars, and Mrs. Reinhardt is state guard in the VFW auxil iary. RELIABLE DBUGS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED Our expertly trained pharma cists consider your doctor's orders Inviolate . . . follow his prescription exactingly with only the purest and freshest ingredients . . . exe cute hit directions with all the care aad skill that distinguish fine craftsmanship In any field. Remember to get your Suntan Lotions & Creams 2-3231 BELL'S bride, served the cake and punch. Following a wedding trip to the western part of the state, the new ly-married couple will make .heir home in Beaufort. The bride is a graduate of Beau fort high school and of East Caro lina college where she took a two year business course. She is now employed at the A4iP store in Beau fort. The groom is a graduate of Beaufort high school and attended Wake Forest college. He is now in business for himself in the wholesale fish business. A green door with a lion's head knocker is the entrance to No. 10 Downing St.. home of Britain's prime minister. don't DO that ! ==f=uf(fa POTS-AND-PANDEMONIUM ? ?? If you or* pr??t*d lor tim?, don't chooto compli cated diikot for tkot timplo cow puny dinner. j Calendar of Events TODAY 11:30 a.m. ? Morehead City Mer chants association, Captain Bill's cafe. 3:30 p.m.? WCHA, home of Mrs. L. O. Crowe, 107 S. 15th St., More head City. 6:30 p.m.? -Men's club, Presby terian church, Morehead City. 6:43 p.m. ? Beaufort Rotary club, Inlet inn. 7:30 p.m.? Organized Army Re serve corps, Potter building, Beau fort. 8 p.m. ? Eastern Star. Beaufort Masonic hall. WEDNESDAY 1:30 p.m. ? Social Security rep resentative. Beaufort court house. 2 p.m.? North Carolina Accepts the Challenge meeting, home agent's office, Beaufort. THURSDAY 1 :30 p.m. ? Social Security repre tentative, Morehead City Post Of fice. 6:30 p.m. ? Morehead City Ro tary, First Baptist church. 7 p.m.? Lions club. Waterfront :afe, Morehead City. 7:30 p.m.? Men's club, First Christian church. Morehead City. 7:30 p.m.? Woodmen's Circle Srove No. 263. civic center. More lead City. 8 p.m. ? Order of Eastern Star, Masonic lodge, Morehead City. 8 p.m. ? Morehead Beaufort Elks, Elks club, Morehead City. FRIDAY 8 p.m. ? Woodmen of the World, L302 Arendell st., Morehead City. Plenty of Graduations Guelph, Canada (AP) Gradua ions are nothing new to Archie Porter, registrar of the Ontario Vgricultural College. Himself a graduate of O. A. C. in 1920, he has since watched 27 convocations at vhich degrees have been conferred >n nearly 3,000 men and women. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS This is the best time oi the year to take aerial photographs. Yon will be amazed to see hew yout property looks from a bird's ^ye. Place your order with as today. Free estimate. EUBANK'S STUDIO BEAUFORT PHONE 2-3886 WB CAN HANOI! Rush Jobs From now on, spring work will move fut Do you have * repair job that need* prompt attention? We can give you quick service. * * * ?? Mir* your tractor delivers full power. Haw ab*ut valva grindlnf? New cylinder ' liners? A meter tune-up? * * * Planters, cultivated, and ether Implement* should be checked carefully. Order parte now If you need them. * * * Cracked or broken parte should be welded. Phone us. Save Mm*. * * * N you need pl*w shares, contact us right away. Schedule Tour job a* far in advance as poesible. But, if you have (rouble, we will handle your won without delay. ALUS CHALMERS NEWPORT T1ACTM & EIimOT CO NEWPORT, N. C. Pre-Fourth of July Specials! LADIES' T SHIRTS $1.00 (Regular $1.99 Values!) Children's Snnback Dresses $1.00 and $1.00 Sizes 1 to 6 and 7 to 14 Children's Swim Suits $1.00 - $2.00 - $3.00 Sizes 2 to 6 and 8 to 14 Girls' Play Shorts $1.00 and $1.00 Sizes 3 to 6x and 7 to 12 SARA'S DRESS SHOP FRONT STREET BEAUFORT, N. C. this DAY of DAYS ? All the splendor of the day is yours forever in your wedding portraits. May we make them for you? HOURS: 12 Noon lo 6 P. M. Every Day and J>y Appointment PHONE 6-4730 * MM SCMMM PludotyiafUiesi PHONE 6-4730 411 Evans St. Morahead City

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