NEWS-TIMES OFFICE 804 Af ndUll St. Mordwad City Phooa 6-4175 COUNTY NEWS-TIMES - * - 41?t YEAR, NO. 56. THREE SECTIONS EIGHTEEN PAGES MOREHEAD CITY AND BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1952 PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS CP&L Manager Warns Homeowners Against Wiles of Utility ^Racketeer9 J Five Carteret Towns Receive Safety Awards State Highway Safety Di vision Gives Certificates To Towns under 5,000 Ftve Carteret county towns, not the least of which was Portsmouth, on Wednesday received certificates of safety for having no highway fatalities during the year 1950. The certificates, issued by the highway safety division of the State Department of Motor Vehicles, were distributed by Mrs. Lucia Hutchinson, New Bern, field repre sentative for the highway safety division. Only towns under 5,000 population are eligible to receive the awards. In Carteret they were presented to Beaufort, Newport, Atlantic Beach, Atlantic, and Portsmouth. The certificates were accepted by the mayors of Beaufort, Newport, and Atlantic Beath. Lambert Morris, judge of record er s court and resident of Atlantic, accepted the aw*, d f?>r Atlantic, and Roy Eubanks, Beaufort, offer ed to deliver the certificate to Portsmouth where Mrs. Hutchin son said it would hang in the post office. (If there were any automo biles at all on Portsmouth in 1950, there probably weren't enough to create a two-car traffic jam). The certificates bear the gold seal of the state of North Carolina and the national safety seal, a green cross in a circle. The award cites the towns for "outstanding achievement in highway safety in 1950" and is signed by H. D. (Tar via) Jones, director of highway aafety. Mrs. Hutchinson said that the towns are to be commended for their efforts in providing safe thoroughfares and drivers are *Jao due credit t#r driving safely. "I hopo t hnj ? '. Jrn vr'M. r?cW& nfoty <*rttf/d4?*v.JtM Mfoi ahd 1992 also afie added. Mrs. Hutchinson said the, 1951 certificates would probably be distributed within the . next few months. In her district, Carteret, Craven, Pamlico, Jones, and Beaufort coun ties, 27 towns received the awards, your hundred eighty-one are being presented throughout the stale. Rotary President Names Chairmen Glenn Adair, new president of the Beaufort Rotary club, announ ced club chairmanships at the meet ing Tuesday night at the Inlet Inn. Chairman in club service activi ties are as follows: Halsey Paul, ? -ssifications. Numa Eure, fellow ?hip; Adair, membership; Gerald Hill, program chairman; Gene Smith, public information; and Graham W. Duncan, sergeant-at Jrma. Appointment of a traffic safety chairman is being contemplated the president added. During the business session, pro gram arrangements for the year i were discussed. Each Rotarian will have charge of a program in alpha betical order beginning with the first name on the roster. The pro nouncing of the invocation will also rotate among the members. Other officers, in addition to Adair, are Dr. Walter C. Chipman, 1 vice-president; Dr. W. I* Woodard. aecretary-teasurer; and members of i the board of directors are John Steed, Halsey Paul, and E. W. Downum. They took office July 1 at a meet ing at Harkers lodge on Harkers Jlsland. At that time Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Carlton, Morehead City, who attended the Rotary International convention at Mexico City, report Pon their trip. Rotary-Anns were esent. Guests at Tuesday's meeting were Lonnie Dill and J. W. Thomp , ton of Morehead City; Sterling KVooten. Goldsboro: and John Nes (Vrour, Blackstone, Va. Pick-Dp Track, Ante tiHWi Monday Afternoon l A pick-up truck and automobile collided at 2:30 Monday afternoon near Pollock and Front st? Beau j fort, when the pick-up backed out