1952-53 Hunting Licenses on Sale Leroy Mcintosh, Beaufort, gsme and wildlife protector in Carteret county, today announced that li* censes for the 1952-53 hunting sea son are on sale. Mcintosh also is sued a warning to youngsters who are shooting song birds with air rifles. It is illegal to shoot song birds and persons apprehended as vio lators of that law will be prose cuted, the game warden said. Last year's hunting licenses ex-1 pired Thursday, July 31. The new ones may be purchased at the fol lowing places throughout the county: Morris's grocery, Atlantic; Hea den Willis's store, Smyrna; Gerald Davis,' Marshallberg; Mac's Service station, Beaufort; Carteret Hard ware, Beaufort Hardware, Beau fort. Morehead Builders Supply com pany, Morehead City; C. M. Hill, Newport; Joe Taylor. Bogue; and Gerald Pelletier, Stella. Beanlori Splits Sunday With Harkers Islanders Beaufort split Sunday's double header with Harkers Island. 1 e Inlanders took the first one, 4-2 with Beaufort taking the second, 7-5. In the opener Jimmy Piner of Beaufort had a 1-0 >hutout until the 6th when he lost his control and allowed three walks, one hit and committed an error. This al lowed Harkers Island to tally 4 runs. Beaufort started to rally in the 7th but big Walter Thomas, ihe winning pitcher, stopped them after 1 score. Thomas gave up 4 hits and fanned 8. In the second game Beaufort scored 3 runs in the 4th and 4 in the 5th to coast to a 7-5 victory. Frank Garner was the winning pitcher and Red Davis the loser. Rent Director Answers Queries By John Blair Mason Area Rent Director (These questions were selected from those often asked of the local rent office. If you have a question about the rent stabilization pro gram. address it. to: Area Rent Of fice, Pender Bldg., 9th and Aren dell St., Morehead City, N. C. Q: A tenant bought' rnie of these longer, lower cars and when he got home he discovered he could not get it in his garage and was forced to go out and rent another garage. He wants to know whether he can get rent reduced. A: There can be no decrease in rent in this case. The services of the landlord haven't changed. It's the tenant's ability to use the ser vices. Q: If the ownership of a rental unit changes hands, does it nec essarily mean that the rent will be raised? > A: The mere fact that property has a new landlord>loes not auto matically justify a rent increase. Any landlord, whether he be a new landlord or the old landlord, must file a petition before he can in crease the rent. Q: What can be done to halt an illegal eviction? Say for failure to pay overceiling Tent, because the tenant's lease has expired, or to gain possession for friends or dis tant relatives? A: An injunction can be obtained "to halt such evictions. Of, If the eviction takes place before the Rent Office learns about it, the landlord ean be sued for damages of not less than one month's rent or $50, whichever is larger, or not 1 more than three monts rent, or $150, whichever is larger. Q: Are copies of the rent laws and regulations available to the general public? A; Yes, the public may call at the I}cn[ Office, Pender Bldg., 9th and Arendell St., More head City, N. C. Germany To Delaware Delaware Park (AP) ? One ot the most interesting applications > for authorization to rate horses at Delaware Park was received last May from Frankfurt, Main, Gar many. Orme Wilson, jr.. Vice Con sul of the U. S? sent the long range application. Mr. Wilson's home is in in Boyce, Va. "I I BAIT ? BOATS AND TACKLE AND THE FISHING'S GOOD I c. t insane ran At tl? Fool of Morehead City Bridge Set At Short ? ? ? ? * ???????? by Pap' x\ ^u.ai4yss\ s>ty CVC*r SB? U/OAJALt-\ If o//ss-uAi.e, /^a., \ \/t>Sr *vs / S '??A/ *4 0/&47E /V4AJ I ( w/iArr?c> >- 72? S^-AYAT>Q /=VASAy-?S s~//vc:et oja^s ?so /// Baseball owneri left here grip ing over the transportation situa tion. Lou Perini, boas of the Bos ton Braves, had to take a trolley car back to his hotel. There wasn't : one cab in sight when the rains came and many suits of clothes were ruined. . People throughout the country are wondering why Brooklyn's no hit pitcher, Carl Erskine, failed to be chosen by the National league managers for the All-Star game. Fact remains that even Dodger pilot Charley Dressen failed to pick Erskine. The reason: Dres sen made his eight pitching selec tions the morning Erskine pitched his no-hit game. Each NL pilot picks eight pitch ers and the lists must be in the NL office eight days before the game. What's the rush? The days of the pony express have long departed. Dressen could have requested NL president Warren C. Giles to sub stitute Erskine for one of his other selections, but Charley didn't think of it. As a result, when Preacher Roc begged off to visit his ailing dad in Hardy, Ark., Durocher sub stituted Jim Hearn, one of his Giant pitchers. Why everybody was surprised with the great three-inning pitch ing of the Phillies' Curt Simmons is a surprise in itself. Simmons is one of the greatest three-inning pitchers in baseball because he did Vic Wertz Leo Durocher not Tiave to pace himslf and his fast ball. Simmons happens to be pitching better than in 1950 when he won 17 games for the Phillies. He fin ished only 11 of 27 starts that year and turned in but two shutouts. This time at the All-Star game he had a 7-2 record and four of his triumphs were shutouts. "We had Jim Konstanty in 1950 and he was going real well," said Simmons. "If we didn't have him I would have finished a few more of those close games." Vic Wertz, the Detroit slugger, was one of the players peeved at deposed Tiger Manager Red Rolfe and Coach Dick Bartell. "Red didn't talk much but when he did he was sarcastic," said Wertz. "I didn't get to play much because Red thought I couldn't hit left-handed pitching. Seems I hit both kinds in 1950 when we fin ished second." Wertz hit .304 in 1949, playing in 155 games and in 1950 he hit .308 in 149 games. Switching ball players in two platoon fashion is one of the big reasons for dissension on the big league clubs today. Sophomore Bobby Hill won the University of Alabama's first Southeastern Conference golf championship this year with a two over par 290 for 72 holes. AUTO LOANS $50.80 TO $2,000.00 CASH IN TEN MINUTES OPEN 9:00 A.M. TIL 5:M> P.M. QUICK ? COURTEOUS ? CONFIDENTIAL ANY MAKE - ANY MODEL NO RED TAPE ? NO ENDORSERS 1936 to 1952 OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY w A LOCAL CONCERN ihzie auto rnuuicE co. 6-3145 . . . PbooM . . . 6-3316 ] 11th and Arendell SU. Morehe.d City, N. C. Cloers for 23 qts. Fruits, Vegetables Sea how easily you can own a beautiful International Har vester Refrigerator with fea tures that can't be matched by any other refrigerator at any price. Come in now, and let's talk it over! ? YMll Ol? ftnoor 'BoWilwri $2.65 $4.15 GEO. A. DICKEL DISTILLING COMPANY. LOUISVILLE. KT. fit Wf w m "9 m a<% SO EARLY WEDNESDAY MORNING.' / Bar* ysu asked nor nearest Carolina Power ft Light repreaeatatlro how you can use MOKE elec tricity to your advantage? If not. do no immediately, for Carolina Power * Light la now offering a special Inducement rate to all customers In the former Tide Water area. By U ring electrically, yon will find that ym ban qualified for Inducement rate B aad yon can earn ap to 75 Kilowatt-hours of electricity at NO EXTKA COST! Let electrllty do all the hard tasks aroud row howM . , . yon'll aw* ttesa aad aaoaoy. ? (CAROLINA POWER ft LIGHT COMPANY)