PptHMVj^ll '.It! r"""- ' ' *" :| W CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES ??< ! 42nd YEAR, NO. 63. THREE SECTIONS EIGHTEEN PAGES MOREHEAD CITY AND BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1953 PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS Beaufort Commissioners Try to Cut Town's Budget Fanners to Get Tobacco Cards B. 1. May, manager of the county PMA office, has announced that measurement of tobacco acreage in the county has been completed and tobacco marketing cards are ready. Tobacco farmers may pick up their marketing cards at the PMA office. Mr. May said that a large num ber of growers in the county were found to have overplanted. The majority of them have destroyed the excess tobacco and are eligible to receive white marketing cards. Five farmers have elected to pay the penalty on the excess acreage and will be issued red marketing cards. The penalty on the 1953 flue cured tobacco crop is 20 cents per pound. Under present regulations, this penalty Is determined on the basis of 40 per cent of the previous year's average sale price. Mr. May said that a number of tobacco farmers in the county have sold tobacco this year on the Geor gia markets, and others ar