JftANCB COSTS^ OM KXKTTWOIMH 00 K Ml VI AtOtfl mil S. A. CHALK, JR. Matual Inouranco Agenef Phone *-43M Flnt-CltbeH Bank Bld(. Morehead City "Savings for Preferred RUk?" Morehead City Drug Co. Phone 6-436* 815 Arendtll St. Morthead City RentaTool AND SAVE, You an now rent moet everything from a crow bar to a floor sander, in cluding various equipment needed occasionally around the ho?. Rental charge* reasonable. AU new equipment. Ml CimBm Torch Tooli Car Polishor Crow Bar C. C. Saw ?adrk Drills Cords, E D. ExL Laws Forlilixor Spread Flaring Tool It Cnttor floor Iwdor Floor Lifor Doc. bo Croam Fi M ft 40 fL ExL Laddors 54-10 tt. Slop Laddors Piyo Moo ft Colors Hpo fbo ft Tripod ? ? ? 1. ? H npo wrincMi Pod Ift Mayor Reports On Powell Aid As part of hia program to keep residents of Beaufort informed as to what is gotfeg oil In tlttir U*m government, Mayor Clifford T. Lewis has issued a report on the use made of the Powell bill finds which the town receded for street maintenance aAd repairs. The town last year rectked $>, 551.22 from the state as its share of the PoweH fund. The money is allotted on the basis of the nu(n ber and mileage af non-system streets in the town. The largest single iWm for which the money was used was super vision and labor on the ftreets. This amounted to $2,832.15. The next largest expenditure was $1,070 toward the purchase of ( street sweeper. Other items and the amounts spent on them were engineering and mapping of storm sewers for drainage, $335; asphalt and cement for patching, $194.43; Barrus Con struction company and others, $505.50; marie and sand for dirt streets, $476; tires and tubes for motor grader and other equipment, $402 30; material for storm sewers and catch basins, $686.50. Payment on lease-purchase of pneumotractor and attachments, $674.34; hire of truclu. $141; parts for street sweeper, $34.88; repairs to street truck, $100.59; and tran sient labor on streets, $987.73. Mayor Lewis said that the amounts shown in the report do not represent the entire amount spent on each item during the year. He has reported on only that part of the costs of each item which was covered by Powell bill funds. More than $21,000 was originally budget ed for street work last year. Judge Dismisses Assault Charges Assault charges against Lillian Chadwick and Abraham Williams were dismissed Tuesday in Beau fort municipal recorder's court. The charges had been brought by Alberta Fair. Willie Sharpe was ordered to pay costs for failing to stop at a stop sign. George S. Martin was ordered to pay costs for driving a car with improper equipment. Bobby Franklin Davis paid costs for speeding. Cases were continued against Emerson Hodge, Darrel Daniels, Fmmet t J. Whiserhunt, James De lee, James Cox and Nolon E. Mc Cabe. Stamey Dixon, through counsel, served notice of an appeal on a conviction in last week's court ses sion. He was given a six-month sus lr Beaufort (Continued from Cage i) Braxton Adair ?ha recently re itcnnt. The commissioners de cided not to fill the vacancy on the boar! at the present time. ITIH9 *aM IHal never* p?o|rt? have laaed about a further extaMio* M the Mfcn timtts and If MWth ? Iff* ia incorporated into the town the new member of the board will probably cMie from that section. . i A reqaeat fro# I. H. MMre for permksMi to set dolphin* at the w?t etm dt the pd*t office dot* was referred to the planning board. The town's permission most be granted for the dolphins since it has an easement for Pollock street at the wed end of the dock. The board approved the con struction of a sewer line and catch basin at the west end of Pine street. There are ft* sewers in the area, and an etgMieer Has repotted that the level of the ground is such that sewers serving those houses could not be tied In to the ettttlng stiv er fines. The board also approved the op ening of Arritigton street which has been laid ofit but never opened 'or maintained as a street. Mr, Walker Said that the cost of open lirtg the street wodld be slight and that the strtet would mean more money from the Powell fond. Mr. Walker read a letter from ; A. T. Leary requesting that the town place stop signs at all Inter sections Oft Broad street to elim inate the possibility of someone driving in front of a train. Gene Smith, town attorney, re ported that the law requires that the railroad erect warning signs at all grade crossings. He was di: rected to Inform Mr. Leary of this fact. rne Doara aaopiea an ordinance making it unlawful (or a person to drive through a filling station in an effort to avoid a traffic light or stop sign or as a short cut. The board approved applications for street lights in the 1000 block of Cedar street, behind the school and pn Broad between Gordon and Fulford. Mr. Walker suggested that his bond be increased from $5,000 to $10,000. After Mr. Smith said that the law requires only that the tax collector be bonded 'or the amount of money normally on hand, the commissioners decided to keep the bond as it is. Present at the meeting were May or Clifford T. Lewis, Commission ers Hill, James D. Rumley, Gor don Hardesty and W. G. Temple, Chief Guy, Assistant Chief Carlton Garner, Mr. Walker, Mr. Smith, Fire Commissioner J. P. Harris and Street Foreman Wardell Fill ingame. pended sentence for threatening his wife with bodily harm. Bond on the appeal was set at $150. SPECIAL %" x 3V4" CYPRESS CENTER MATCHED FOR PORCH FLOORS AND BOAT CABINS EXUM WOOD PRODUCTS Highway 70 ? We?t of Morehod City Phone 8-4912 At Old Morehe?f Airport Preservative Treated Woods Vat Dipped In Pentachlorophenol Mixture Guard* Against Decay ? Termites Retard Shrinkage or Swelling, and Waterproof* LET US GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE ON TOUR MILLWORK ? WITHOUT OBLIGATION MITCHELL'S CARPENTER SHOP Worth? 4 - N?w Bern Highway Phone 6-3956 Morehead City, N. C Recruiting Opens i For Coast Guard For the firit lime since tat Marcll the U. S. Coast Our< is ac cepUM| applications from young nen tor enlistment, recruiting of Hcttls aaoMncM today. Enlistments were closed in Mareh when the Coast Guard reached Its authorized strength, but tmm be cause of increasing monthly quotas, applicants from all aver tlie fifth Coast Guard district (Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina) are bei*g sought. / Boatswain Carl K. Scarborough, USCG, the Fifth district's recruit ing officer In Norfolk, Va., said that wMting lists of recruit applicants, compiled during the quota-less summer months, will probably fce exhausted in about t*o months and wants new men to get on the lias now. To qualify for a Coast Guard 4 year enlistment, applicants must be between the ages of 17 and 25, in good health and pass the Armed Forces qualification test. After being signed up, recruits are sent to the Coast Guard Receiv ing center at Cape May, N. J., where they go through 13 weeks of intensive boot training. They are assigned to Coast Guard cutters, shore stations or service .schools upon graduation from Ca^e May. Boatswain Scarborough also said that Coast Guard Organized Re serve units, which meet one night a week at Baltimore, Md? More head City and Wilmington are looking for new recruits and ex servicemen. Men wanted for the units must be between 17 and 18 or over 26 with prior military service. The enlistment period is for three years. Boatswain Scarborough stated that many rates are open in both the regulars and reserve for ex servicemen. Coast Guard recruiting stations ( are located in the Veterans Admin istration building, Durham, N. C.; . Room 204, Custom House building, Wilmington; and in Room 425-C, [ Post Office building. Norfolk, Va. I Judge Suspends Ten-DayTerm Marshall D. Chinn was given a ten-day suspended sentence Mon day in Morehead City recorder's court on a charge of issuing a worthies* check. The sentence to the city Jail was suspended on con dition that he remain on good behavior for 90 days, make good on the check and pay the costs of court. Gilbert Keith Lawrence was giv en a ten-day suspended sentence on a speeding charge. The sentence was suspended on condition that he pay a fine of $10 and costs and refrain from driving for two weeks. Archie Wilkins Kennedy was fined $2.1 and costs for failing to yield the right of way. The state declined to prosecute him on a charge of driving while under fhe influence of alcohol. Lester L. Hall was fined $10 and costs for assault, inflicting bodily harm, and damage to personal property. Obrey Hester was found not guil ty of being drunk and disorderly and using profane language. Frivoloua prosecution was ruled in the case of Thomas Lowery, charged with aaaault. The prose cuting witness paid the costs of court. Kenneth Misks was fined $25 and costs for driving without a li cense. The fine will be remitted if he presents a valid license with in two weeks. Jane Adams Manning was fined $23 and costs for driving without a license. George Lewis and William Roe buck each paid cost* for public drunkenness. George Eidwin Carty paid half of the cost* for failing to stop at a red light. v The state declined to prosecute William Clifton Styron on a charge of driving without a license. The action waa taken after he pre sented a valid license. Caes were continued against Perry King, John P. Teol, Hark les* Wooten, Harvey Sherl Biggs, Tommy Ray Eubaaks, Arthur N. Johnson and Stacy Cooper Chad wick. CONCRETE BLOCKS SAND ? GRAVEL CEMENT ? MORTAR CEMENT WATERPROOFING FAINT CONCRETE STEPS ORNAMENTAL PRODUCTS CEMENT DRAIN TILE . SEPTIC TANK LIDS MORSHEAO BLOCK A THE CO., INC KdN>iUQ?.|h?l??rtHw? AmMMO Negro News \ iparhri Service* AinoMMd The Bev. Jams Hargett of Jfe*nibofo will condtet Ike Worn ng iprTm it 11 o clock QuMliy naming at the Christian Star ?hurch, North 11th itreel, More lead City. At < o'clock Sunday evening tie rlarmonalrea of Wilmington will >ing at the church. The public I* cordially invited o both services. Thursday evening the Harmon zers o < New Bern sang at tie ?htireh. These services are being held to ild the church bonding fund. Musical Program Announced The Hlllcrekt Harmony singers of Wilmington will present a program Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at M. Mary's Holiness church on <orth I Oth street, -Morehead City, ["he public is invited. II ore head City hotpMal: Births: To Mr. and Mrs. Bertlyn Randolph Carter, Harlowe, a son, tehny Bertlyn. Thursday, July 30. To Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Best. New x>rt, a son. Joseph Richard, Fri lay, July 31. To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whit ord Collins. Beaufort, a daughter, Stephanie Maria, Saturday, August i. To Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Sharp, Beaufort, a daughter, Delores Ann, Saturday, August 1. To Mr. and Mrs. Leo Alphonso Dudley, Morehead City, a son, Leo Mphonso, jr.. Saturday, August 1. Discharged after treatment: Mrs. \lbert Cowan, Beaufort. Sunday; rulia Washington, Beaufort, Mon iay. Discharged after operation: Mrs. >. H. Barrow, Morehead City, Wed lesday. Discharged: Mrs. Cecil Best and ion, Newport, Monday; Mrs. Charles Collins and daughter, Beau fort, Monday; Mrs. Leo Alphonso Dudley and son. Morehead City, Monday; Mrs. Leroy Sharp and laughter, Beaufort, Monday. Admitted for treatment: Bonnie rootle. NewDort. Monday. * Vancouver (ApJ?A painting at onstrdctlM 0 the historic road rom New WestMafer to Van cattver has becti computed by V R. Tlmn.s her* to a gift for Qumi ? Governo . Clarence Wallace took the paint 9 ing When he went to London for r the ctttMtfe*. it J rji SJM m 1981 KaUer 4-door 1950 Cadillac Coupe Dev. 1948 Ford 2- door Cu? tom V-8 1982 Plymouth Suburban 1^49 Chevrolet Converti ble. , 1947 Pontiac 2-door 1981 Ford 2-door Custom - V*8 1981 Buick Club Coupe 1951 Chevrolet 2-door 1981 Ford Convertible 1950 Plymouth Club Coup* 1980 Chevrolet 4-door 1950 Chry?Ier 4-door Windsor 1949 Plymouth Club Coup* 1948 Hudson 4-door Su per 6 1948 Willy* Panel 1947 Ford 2-door 1950 Chrysler Windsor 4-door 1911 Chevrolet Mm 1951 Ford 2-door V-8 1981 Fefd 4-door V4I 1949 Ford 4-door Custom 1980 Buick 4-door Super 1952 Buick Convertible 1949 Buick 4-door Super 1949 Boiek 4-door Super 1947 Fr*zer 4-door 1947 Oldamobile 4-door 1946 Dodffe 4-door MOKE THAN 50 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM These Cars Can Be Seen At Parker's Car Lots ? At Parker's Car Harbor NEXT TO THE JEFFERSON HOTEL AND AT j 1313 Arendell Street DIVISIONS OF PARKER MOTORS YOUR CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER MOREHEAD CITY, N. C. BE... ^ ? :::D0 YOUR WASH Ml.. BARWA LEISURE CHAIR LET THE WESTING HOUSE v LAUNDROMAT ^ AND 0L9THES DRYER .DO YOUR WORK . . . Our Gift To You At No Extra Cost * WHILE . ..W YOU ^ REST IN A GENUINE BARWA Leisure Chair NOW FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY! PHILLIPS HARDWARE WILL DELIVER YOUR Wjstinghouse LAUNDROMAT OR CLOTHES DRYER AT A LAUNDROMAT FEATURES: ?u tk'i ? Utbu, m?r?t thraagh Hum. rifinu cmTtim Start, step, at i? S?S.r. ym ban I wUi AlUMHMll? iiiMil SPECIAL LOW MRU PAYMENT YOU WILL RECEIVE AT NO EXTRA COST! THIS *22* RARWA LEISURE CHAIR ? AUNMOMAT ft CHAM tftftAfB TRRMS: f PAT WHItI TOO IMJOT CLOTHIS OtYW ft CHAIR MfMQ THIS W FES1DOM! PHILLIPS HARDWARE QUALITY GOODS AT LOW -HUCES PlMM?aot? V j

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