STUDY MAP. Dr. Maurice Provost outlines to biologist R. Shepperd, left, problems to be faced in experiment. "HOT." Mosquito larvae or* marked with a radioactive tracer so that they might be tracked as part of study. INCUBATOR BED. Marsh grass containing millions of mosquito ?ggs is plocad in a special "incubator bad'' on Sartlbol Island. ? ?>? *? I BUILDING TRAPS. Evwybody tok.s ? hond in helping to bwild traps to tnat' mosquitoes mod* rodiooctivo (or tracing purposes. Sonibel Island, off Florida's West Coast, has something new in insect life this summer-atomic mosquifoes-a million and o half of them. It's all part of an experiment staged by the Florida State Board of Health to find out how far- and fast -a salt-marsh mosquito will travel from the warm, slightly saline puddle which hatched him to his final destination. The mosquitoes are hatchcd from eggs in a specially-prepared and carefully tended bed in a droinage ditch. During their larval stage in the water, the mosquitoes are made radioactive by material released especially for the experiment by the Atomic Energy Commission ot Oak Ridge, Tenn. The material, radio active phosphorus, is strong enough to leave an atomic trace on the insects without hurting them. ?After the radioactive mosquitoes reach maturity and fly away, ?s many as possible are caught. They're readily identifiable by the use of a Geiger counter. Devices for snaring the mosquitoes include a number of "light traps" which have an electric bulb to attract the night-flying insects, rotary net "scoop" traps and box traps "baited" with live goats. We are confident the experiment will add considerably to our knowledge of the mosquito's travel habits, life-span and other significant information to improve our mosquito control program " says Dr. Maurice Provost, biologist with the Florida State Board of Health Division of Entomology, ond director of the experiment. Up to now the test has shown that mosquitoes can travel up to at least 25 miles from the point of birth in search of food and for mating purposes, he added. Sanibel Island's "hot" mosquito experiment is pictured here. DETECTION. Dr. Prove tt U?I Goigor count*# to spot "hot" mo$ quitoo at division director John Mulronnon look* on. TRAP. Dr. Mauri c* Provost, director of th* "atomic" mosquito ex- : periment, finds a mosquito "light" trap i* working satisfactorily^ \ REMOVE THREAT. Mosquito larvae-eating minnows, (re seined out of incubation bed before start of experiment. i dangerI KEEP OUT,! IRADIA ? __J rn WARNING. A ditch where rodiooctive mo s quito?? ore being bred it. worked "danger" to keep curious folks owoy. n?? WhI.'. PlCTURS SHOW? AP N.w?f.o.ur?