t NEWS-TIMES OFFICE 504 Araadall St MorahMd City .?-4178 CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES >?< 42nd YEAR, NO. 103. FIVE SECTIONS? THIRTY-FOUR PAGES MORE HEAD CITY AND BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1963 PUBLXBHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS' Car Hits 52-Year-Old Man West of Morehead Tuesday A 52-year-old Negro, Loui>4 Simms was injured at 0:30 Tuesday night when he was struck by a car while walking along highway 70. He was reported to be recovering Wed nesday morning at Morehead City Hospital. Simms had head, arm and leg injuries, cuts and bruises. State Highway Patrolman J. W. Sykes said that Simms was walking west on the side of the highway be tween the Wagon Wheel and Gant's Service Station, weat o t Morehead City, when he waa struck by a car driven by Mann Alfonso Pollock Jr., RFD 1, Newport. Tries to Pass Car Pollock told Patrolman Sykes that as he was going west, he pulled out to pass the car ahead of him. He said his lights were on low beam and his horn was not work ing and he struck Simms from the rear. He was driving a 1938 Ford. The car Pollock was trying to pass was driven by Mrs. Robert Barts of Morehead City. After Pollock struck the man, he pulled into Gant's Service Sta tion and K. R. Collins who works at the station took Simms to the hospital, Pollock is employed by Blanchard's Electric Service, More head City. Faced Traffic Simms was on the side of the highway where he has a right to walk and he was facing approach ing traffic as pedestrians are re quired, said the highway patrolman. Chatges against Pollock are pend ing. Simms didn't have any money and was starting out to walk to Baltimore, his home. Totems Arrive with Cargo These Indian symbols o{ kinship are birds of good omen for Tarheel seaports. They will be Christmas Day passengers aboard the S. S. Cnosa. The ship, due to dock to day at Wilmington, brings the first sizeable lumber cargo to reach North Carolina from the Pacific since the attack on Pearl Harbor, December 1941. The totem poles are gifts to E D. Sanders, president of Tabor City Lumber Co., the importers of Ihe Canadian fir which the Cnosa brings and to Col. George W. Gil lette, retiring executive director of the N. C. State Ports Authority. Special equipment has been pur chased by SPA to encourage a re vival of West Coast and foreign lumber imports from Canada, the Philippines, South America, and Africa A Christmas season ceremony is planned to receive the totems and the cargo which comes from the Seaboard Lumber Company, Ltd., of Vancouver, B. C. Carteret Health Department To Help in Cqmell. Survey Magazine on Insurance Features John D. Helms John D. Helms, son of Mr. and* Mrs. W. C. Helms Sr., Morehead City, was featured in an article in the November issue of Life Insurer magazine. In an introduction to Mr. Helms' story on how he sells insurance, the editor of the magazine said: "John D. Helms is a young man who has done an excellent job on his debit since starting with the Life and Casualty in 1950 in its Durham district. He is now sta tioned at Fayetteville where he at tained membership in the com pany's president club in 1952 and is company leader in combined in crease for the third quarter of this year. "Born in 1928 at Rocky Mount, he attended Morehead City schools and was a star on the basketball team. Following graduation from high school he enlisted in the Air Corps and served in England, where he met Mrs. Helms. They have one son, John Lee, born in 1952." Mr. Helms himself says in the articic, "The only formula I have for my success is calling on enough people, selling myself to them and then selling my product." Robert Humber ToSpeakTuesday Robert Lee Humber, Greenville, founder of the World Federalist movement, will make his annual re port on progress of World Federa tion at 3 p.m. Tuesday in the Aaaar ican Legion Hut, Turner itrwt, Beaufort. Mr. Humber returns to Carteret County each year to speak on World Federation. The World Federalists organised on Davis Is land In Carteret County in 1M1. Mr. Humber and his family will go to Davis Island Sunday where the; have a home. Ha has been scheduled to speak Thursday night at the aweting of the Morehead City Rotary Club and he will also give an address at the February meeting of the Beaufort Book Club. Mr. Humber is the nephew of the lata M. Leslie Davis, Beaufort Havdaek Marine Arrives Sgt Mitchell Scott, Hsvelock, was among 10 North Carolina vet erans of the First Marine Wing who arrived in California from Korea Saturday. The men were brought on the USS Gtperal J. C. Newport Firemen Get Two Calls The Newport Fire Department got two calls Sunday. The first was at 11 o'clock. Grass in back of Dr. Manly Mason's home was afire. Residents of the area were burning grass and the flames got out of control. Ira J. Jones, secretary of the fire department, said, "The size of the fire wasn't as large as the noise . . He explained that the fire truck stopped at the school house to fill its tank after the fire had been put out and the siren start ed blowing on the truck and wouldn't stop. Wheeler Smith, driver, finally ?topped it by pulling a wire off. Lots of folks thought there was another fire. On Sunday afternoon the More head City Fire Department phoned the Newport Fire Department and asked that the National Forest warden be contacted in regard to a grasa fire near Copeland's Motor Court, west of More head City. Since the area was not within the Croatan National Forest, the fores try service could do nothing about it so the county fire warden, E. M. Foreman, was contacted through the radio fire tower at Otway. ? In cooperation with Cornftl Uni versity, the Carteret County Health 1 DepartiWWSI will do Toifow-up work on persons hurt in automobile ac cidents in this county during the months of January and February. Dr. F. E. Hyde, Carteret County health officer, said the study will be conducted throughout North Carolina for a period of 10 months. The survey is being made at the re quest of the auto industry to deter mine what causes the most injuries in automobile accidents. Firm Wants Proof For example, according to infor mation from Cornell University, General Motors Corp. says it will change the mechanism on car doors if it can be proved that a sizeable number of injuries in automobile accidents are the result of doors flying open. Chief of Police E. J. Willis, Morehead City, is of the opinion that injuries in accidents could be greatly reduced if doors would not fly open upon impact. He has even invented and patented a mechan ism that would keep the doors from opening and spiHing out a car's passengers. County Only Dr. Hyde explained that the sur vey will be made beyond town limits only. State Highway patrol men will report accidents to the Health Department and the Health Department will in turn get reports from doctors on the type injuries sustained by the accident victims. Dr. Hyde said that North Caro lina was chosen as a state in which to make the study because of its efficient Highway Patrol and well organized county health depart ments. Four other counties besides Car teret will be included in the Jan uary and February study. Frying Pan Lightship Gets New Anchor for Christmas This Christmas Day is a better day (or Frying Pan Shoals Light ship all because of a brand new 2 ton main anchor chain and a brand new 2H ton mushroom anchor. The night of Dec. 11 the main anchor chain, which runs through the stem of the ship at the water line, parted and the Frying Pan was blown two miles off station be fore its auxiliary engines could be started Once back on station after sev eral hours of closely calculated maneuvering, the Frying Pa* drop ped its auxiliary starboard btm an chor .which, with the aid of en gine power, waa able to hold her. The new anchor chain and an chor were brought down from Nor folk through the inland waterway by the Coast Guard Cutter Unden and transferred to the sea going Coeat Guard Cutter Conifer com manded by Lt Allan Armstrong. The Conifer reached Frying Pan at ? a.m. Saturday and despite ? .*? .w'-L . A. i. ? ;Ajc . j , ,v .< rough Kas was able to make the transfer of chain and anchor in five hours. Both ships required expert handling to keep them ap proximately ISO feet apart during the entire period. Tick Table TMm at Beaufort Bar HIGH LOW Friday, Dec. 15 11:32 a.m 5:27 a.m. 5:59 p m. Saturday, Dec. 26 12:04 a.m. 6:19 a.m. 13:13 p.m. 8:41 p.m. Sanriay, Dm. <7 12:53 a.m. 7:09 a.m. 13:87 p.m. 9:29 p.m. May, Dec. ZS 1:42 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. 1:48 p.m. 8:11 p.m. Tmday, Dec. Zt 2:39 a.m. 8:98 a.m. *38 p.m. 8:00 pjn. Core Creek Church Members Re-Create Bethlehem Scene George W. Ball Heads Electric Cooperative Directors Elect Three Other Officers Monday At Board Meeting George W. Ball, Harlowe, was elected president of the Carteret Craven Electric Membership Co operative Monday night "at the monthly board meeting. Mr Ball has served as a director of the rural electric cooperative since its for mation in 1940, being re-elected each y#?ar by the members. He has served as secretary treas urer of REA and has been actively interested in construction of rural electric lines in this area. Mr. Ball succeeds L. W. Pelletier, Stella. Mr. Pelletier was elected to the post of secretary by the board of directors. Other officers are Clar ence E. Millis, Newport, vice-pres ident, and Gordon K. Laughton, Crab Point, treasurer. Other direc tors of the rural electric cooper ative are Gilbert B. Whitehurst, Straits; W. J. Wynne Jr., Havelock; Earl Day, Cedar Island; Everette Koonce, Swansboro; and Roger W. Jones, Broad Creek. The board of directors approved the operating budget for the 1954 fiscal year, made arrangements for participation in the annual meeting of Rural Electric Cooperatives in Miami in January, and reviewed the November operating report of the cooperative. Sixty-one home owners were voted into member ship at the monthly meeting. Manager W. C. Carlton reported that the new headquarters build ing would not be r?ady for occu pancy before Jan. 15. He said delays have been caused by season ! al slow-downs by suppliers and ibaltders. * Burglars Enter Dudley Place Robert Dudley's place, 1401 Fish er St., Morehead City, owned by Robert Dudley, was broken into sometime Monday night, Morehead City police reported Tuesday. Entrance was gained by break ing a pane of glass in a window in the rear of the building and op ening the window, police report ed. Dudley discovered the break-in Tuesday morning and reported that a sum of money from the juke box was taken, also the "render ma chine" pool tables were broken into and money taken. Several packs of cigarettes were also taken. Approximate total of money and merchandise stolen wat 160, Dud ley reported. Police investigated and fingerprints were taken. Np arrests had been made by press time. Mercury Rises, Showers Fall The weather was warmer in Car teret County Monday following the 29-degree temperature recorded Sunday. Monday's temperature went to 59 and Tuesday's hit 63, according to Stamey Davis, weather observer in Morehead City. Fog and mist hovered over the county until mid-morning all week. Mr. Davis reported that .43 inches of rain fell Monday. Minimum temperature for Mon day and Tuesday was 45. Official temperatures for Wednesday and Thursday were not obtained be cause today't NEWS-TIMES went to press late Wednesday. Temperatures follow: Max. Min. Sunday 57 29 Monday 59 45 Tuesday! 63 45 Town Soils 71 Tag>, Asks for Slogan Idoas By Monday 71 town tags had been sold in Beaufort, Dan Walk er, town clerk reported. Mr. Walk er stated that purchasers are being asked this year to place the tag of the back of their car rather than on the front where it la more difficult to read on a moving car. Clifford T. Lewis, mayor, has suggested that next year the tags carry a slogan advertlaing Beaufort. In a letter given to each tag buyer, the mayor asks that persona hav ing suggestions for a slogan write it on a post card and mail lc la him ? The Core Creek Methodist^ Church has made its famous outdoor Nativity scene again this year and scores of per sons saw it Wednesday night, the first night it was ready for viewing. This is the third year that mem bers of the congregation have re created for the Christmas season the manger scene of Bethlehem. The life-size tableau includes Mary, Joseph, the baby Jesus, angels, shepherds, wise men, sheep in the stable where Christ was born and camels that brought the wise men from the East. . The lighting, music and skillful work done on the figures ? facial features and costumes ? make the scene one to which Carteret and Craven countians have made pil grimages every year. Almost every member of the con gregation, which numbers 75, works on the scene. Persons coming to see it may make an offering if they wish. The money received goes into the general church fund. Pastor of the church is the Rev. Robert Poulk. Firemen Usher Santa Claus Into Newport Santa Claus arrived in Newport at 2 p.m. Thursday. He boarded one of the fire trucks and rode down to the Christmas Tree in the center of town where he remained until 5 p.m. distributing fruit and candy and talking with the chil dren. The Community Sing took place at 6:15 p.m. Christmas Eve at the Christmas Tree. The Newport Fire Department invited all the church choirs to be present. Familiar hymns and carol were sung by the townspeople and the choirs. Each choir was asked to present spec ial numbers and a portable organ was used to provide music. An outside record player was loaned the firemen by Alfred Coop er to provide Christmas music throughout the evening. After the Community Sing, mem bers of the fire department distrib uted fruit and toys to needy fam ilies of the area. Wednesday night firemen met at Heath's Grocery store in Newport to make up the fruit bags distrib uted by Santa Claus. Fruit was pur chased by the department with funds raised at the annual fire men's dance. Six Drivers Lose Licenses Six persons of this area have lost their driver's licenses. Five li censes were suspended and one was revoked, according to the lat est release from the State High way Safety division. Suspension time varies from 30 to 90 days and revocation is no less than a year. Those whose driver's licenses were suspended were Ballard L. Caudill, Cherry Point, Beaufort Recorder's Court; Chancy Clifford Hooper, Cherry Point, Pittsboro County Criminal Court; Maurice O'Neal Nelson, Atlantic, Beaufort Recorder's Court. Also Wilford Lawrence Olsen, Cherry Point, Carteret County Re corder's Court, Beaufort; and Don Edmund Willis, Atlantic, Beaufort Recorder's Court. Garland C. Fulcher, Sea Level, had his license revoked in the Dis trict Court at Newburyport, Mass. The suspensions came as the re sult of speeding convictions and the revocation was the result of a drunken driving conviction. Emeritus Club Gives Honorary Membership to Two Gerald E. Hill, president of Beau fort Chamber of Commerce, and Earl W Webb of New York City, were elected Monday to honorary membership in the Emeritus Civic Club of Morehead City. A letter waa sent to Mr. Webb by Bartlett Sage, aecretary of the club, informing him of the fact and ex pressing the club's appreciation for his contributions for a better Car teret County. Alao at the meeting Monday the club passed a resolution that the Emeritus Club go on record as be ing appreciative of the recreational advantages afforded at the Recrea tion Center. A letter of appreciation waa sent to Walter Morris, chairman of the recreation committee, notifying him of the resolution. A Child is Born For unto you it born this day in the city of David ? Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. Luke 2:11-12. (From a 14th Century Illuminated Manuscript ? Selected by Department of Worship and the Arts, National Council of Churches, courtesy the Pierpont Morgan Library). Santa Appears Tuesday Night In Morehead Firemen, Longshoremen, Elks Pack 55 Boxes For Needy Families Tuesday night Santa Claus made his second appearance in Morehead City, riding down Arendell street on the No. 2 truck of 'he Morehead City Fire Department. Santa was greeted by a crowd of kiddies and grownups. He and six firemen helpers distributed oranges and apples at every corner. The fire truck was decorated with tin sel and Santa sat on top in his bright red suit and long white whiskers. Santa Claus also appeared in the Negro residential area distribut ing fruit. He was riding on a pick up truck loaned by the fire de partment for the trip. A warm night and the crowd in the business district added to San ta's warm reception. Boxes Packed Tuesday afternoon members of the fire department made up 55 Christmas boxes that were dis tributed to needy families in More head City and the immediate area. The boxes contained all sorts of foodstuffs and some toys. This project was sponsored by the fire department, the Elks Club, and the Longshoremen's Union. Earlier this month large boxes were placed in grocery and food stores for contributions of food stuffs and toys were collected by the fire department. Toys Repaired The toys were reconditioned and packed in smaller boxes with a plentiful assortment of foodstuffs. A large picnic ham was included in each box. Following Santa's trip through town, a training film was shown at the fire station, demonstrating fire fighting methods and llow to use fire fighting equipment. Business Firms Send You Greelihgs ? One hundred fifteen business firms of Carteret County have ex tended to you in this issue of The NEWS TIMES their personal Christmas and New Year wishes. These special greeting cards which appear throughout the paper show the warmth and friendliness of these firms with whom Carteret Countians have been doing business during the past year. The message from the Beaufort town officials is a personal greet ing from each of them and was not financed by tax funds. These offi cials realize, as do others who have placed their Christmas greeting in THE NEWS-TIMES that this is one sure way to extend best wishes of the season to EVERYBODY. Each greeting card carries a thoughtful message. Many of them feature artwork by America's oat standing designers. THE NEWS TIMES hopes that each and every one of you will enjoy the batch of Christmas cards that comes to you with today's NEWS-TIMES. An index of the firms sending you Christmas greetings follows: Sec. Pg. Adair Funeral Home 3 5 Ann St. Esso Servicenter 4 6 John Baker Agency . 4 6 Barbour's Marine Supply Co 3 2 The Beaufort Bar 4 6 Beaufort Dept. Store 2 8 Beaufort Hardware Co 3 3 Beaufort Mayor and Commissioners 3 4 Bell's Drug Store 3 8 Bell's Funeral Home 4 2 Belk's 3 5 Biggs Shoe Shop 2 8 Blanchard's Electric Service 4 5 Bullock's Shoe Service 3 8 Busy Bee Restaurant 4 2 Callic's Beauty Shop 4 9 Cannon Boat Works 4 1 Capt. Bill's Waterfront Restaurant 4 5 Carolina Power & Light Co 3 1 Carraway's Electric Service 4 8 Carteret-Craven Elec. Membership Corp. 4 S Carteret Realty Co 3 5 Central Motor Sales 4 2 City Appliance & Furniture Co 3 6 John L. Crump 3 # J. M. Davis 3 8 E. W. Downum Co.. 3 3 Owen G. Dunn Co 3 2 Early Jewelers 3 7 Eastern Rulane 3 8 Theodore Economon 4 8 Fashion Shoppe 4 t First-Citizens Bank & Trust Co .4 5 First-Citizens Bank & Trust Co 4 3 Fort Macon Hotel 4 3 Fred's Bar B-Que 4 3 Freeman Bros. Grocery & Market 3 2 D. A. Freeman 4 1 W. P. Freeman Wholesale Co 4 2 Felton's 3 5 Fuller's Music House 4 t Garner's Gulf Service Station 3 6 Roy T. Garner 4 8 C. G. Gaskill Co 3 1 P. H. Geer & Son K. Guthrie Grocery Hamilton furniture Co Hardest* Motors Heilig-Levine Furniture Co Herald Printing Co R. H. Hill Co. Howard's Service Garage 2 ? Ideal Barber Shop 4 3 Ideal Dry Cleaoen 3 3 Installment Loan* Dept. First-Citizens Bank A Trust Co 4 5 Jeff's Barber Shop? Johnson-Saunders C. D. Jones Co Tom G. Kelly, Accountant L & L Coal Co Lockhart Millworks Loftin Motor Co Lummie's Machine & Supply Co Mades' Print Shop ...... Mansfield Lumber Yard Earl Mason Agency McCabe's Garage Merrill's Mitchell's Carpenter Shop Mobley Biiick Co Moderns Beauty Shoppe Morehead City Block k Tile Co.. Morehead City Drug Co Morehead City Garment Co Morehead City Yacht Basin Sec. P? 4 3 . 3 Nelson Motor* Nelson's Muaic Shop Newport Dry Cleaners Newport Milling Co Newport Tractor 1c Equipment Co.. The News-Times O'Neal Fish * Oyster Co. Ottis' Fish Market - Parker Motors Paul Motor Co Phillips Hardware Co Potter Sinclair Service - Re* Restaurant ... R 4 N Furniture Co. Russell's Glaaa Shop Safrit Lumber Co Sanitary Barber Shop Seashore Transportation Co. ? Jerry Schumacher, Photographer Cliff Sherrill Drainage Co Sinclair Refining Co. Smith's Poultry Farm .. Sound Chevrolet Co. Sound Eaao Service Stroud's Food Canter Styron's : Sunshine Laundry Taylor Water Conditioning Co. Tire Service Co Twin City Parta k Metal Co United Van Una Webb's Western Auto Associate Store ... Whitehurst Awning k Blind Co. . Whitewsy Laundry k Cleaners Willis Bros Lumber Co Willis Pura Oli I

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