? I ?? L4ItaKgB3BWWaaPMB| UMorehead City Social Newsl n lln IM ?ene Lot Satiety Editor Phase Mils Mrs Ivan Mercer of CtaUatan, S. C, k visiting her daughter mm) aofrte-law. Mr and Mrs. Warren Btyron and children. Mrs. Ida Mae Willis left Monday for Kinstnn te spend a few days with friends and relatives. Mrs. C. C. Land was admitted to the Morehead City Hospital Monday for treatment. Miss Anita Faye Nelson left Mon day for Atlanta. Ga? to attend a convention of Sears. Roebuck man agers. She will return this week end. Mrs. Nell Gillikin has returned from Greenville ufcere *he spent a week with her daughter and son in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bell. Sl/C James D. Spring's arrived Monday after spending 13 months in Korea with the Mh expletive ordinance disposai squad. He will spend a :tCklay leave here with his wife, Mrs. Joan McKnight Springle and children. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Taylor attend ed the funeral (it Mr. O. L. Shackle ford in Kinston Tuesday. Mrs. W. A. Lambeth and daugh ter, Elizabeth, will drive to Rich mond, Va., today Witii Mrs. M. A. Walker who has been visiting them for a few weeks. Mrs. Walker is on her way to Washington, D. C., to visit her daughter. The Lam beths will spend the weekend with Mrs. Lambeth's sister. Mrs. A. E. Bowen of Windsor was discharged from the Morehrad City Hospital this week following an operation. She is visiting at the home of hw sister, Mrs. George Purifoy. Mws Fannie Louise Royal and I Mr Sam AdJer left Sunday for Charlotte Is attend a fashion show. Mrs. Unwood Brinson Is spend ing this week iq Atlanta. Ga . at tending a convention of Sears, Roe buck star* asanagert She will re turn to work Monday. Mr. and Mrs Prank Consort* of Riverside. N. J., are spending this week here at the Jefferson Hotel. They are visiting relatives. She is the former Tina Mae Dowdy who resided here last winter and at tended high school. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mayo and son, Arthur Jr., of Burlington spent last weekend her* with his mother, Mra. Lizzie Mayo, and his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Mayo. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Pellctier of Stella were here Monday night vis Ming relatives. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Wallace will spend this weekend in New Hamp shire with friends. Mrs. F. B. McCabe left today for Charlotte to visit Mrs. F. S. John ston and to join her granddaughter, Mrs. E. A. Coy, and her husband, Lieutenant Coy, of Pensacola, Fla. From there they will go to Wash ington, D. C., McKecsport, Pa., and Ohio. Lieutenant and Mrs. Coy will be stationed at the Patterson Wright Air Force Base in Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Carlton have returned from an REA meeting in Miami, Fla. ? Mr. and Mrs. Murray Tolson x>S Ocracoke are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Stame.v Davis. Wilmington Art Association To Sponsor Exhibit Jan. 27-29 The artists of Southeastern* North Carolina will have a chance to hang their works in the Wil mington Art Association's forth coming exhibition. The exhibition will be open to the public Jan. 27, 28 and 2)) from 3 until 9 p.m. The exhibition will be held in St. John's F.piscopal Church Parish House at Third and Bed Cross streets. Rules set up by the Wilmington Art Asaociation (or the non-jury exhibition are as follows: Eligibility: All artists residing in Southeastern North Carolina are eligible. Media: Oils, watereolors, draw ings, sculpture, ceramics, photo graphs. Oils and watereolors must be framed, drawings and photo graphs must be matted. Two works in each media ONI.Y wil be accep ted from one exhibitor. All work must be original. No copies will be accepted. Receiving date: Exhibits will be received at the Parish House of St John's Church Monday, Jan. 25. between the hours of 4 and 6 p.m. and must be removed by noon Sat urday. Jan. 30. All works must be plainly marked with the name and address of the exhibitor. Liability: The Wilmington Art Association shall not be liable for any damage to exhibits. Literary and Art Group Hears Mrs. R. W. Taylor Mrs. R. W. Taylor was guest speaker at the Literary and Art Department meeting Tuesday at the Civic Center. She was intro duced by Mrs. A. F. Chestnut. Mrs. Itoylor gave a resume of Tobit, one o( the oldest stories from the Apocrypha. She alio gave the background of the Apocrypha. Mrs. S. A. Chalk, chairman, pre sided over a short business session. Hostesses, Mrs. Gus Davis, Mrs. H. L. Joslyn, Mrs. Bruce Goodwin, Mrs. S. A. Horton. Mrs. Walter Morris, Mrs. Milton Piner and Mrs. A. B. Roberts served cake and Rus sia tea. Giant squid* can attain a length ?( 52 feet, including the tentacles. r Mrs. F. H. Leavell Speaks' To Day Circles of WMU Mrs. Frank H. Leavell, home life counselor spoke at the afternoon session of the day circles of the Woman's. Missionary Union Tues day afternoon in the assembly room of the First Baptist Church. She was introduced by Mrs. George McNeill, program chairman. Mrs. Leavell spoke qp the "World at Our DooiWei* " < ?? ? The circles met for an all-day session. Mrs. Fred Davis was in charge of the morning program. After the opening hymn. Dr. John H. Bunn. pastor, led in prayer. Mrs. Davis read the second chapter in a book on prayer, which is the study courae of the circles. Mrs. M. L. Piner led in prayer after tire reading. A skit, Ilouseclcaning Time, was presented. It brought out the point that to be wll informed members should subscribe to and read all WMU literature. Those taking part in the skit were Mrs. Davis, Mrs. John Lashley, Mrs. A. H. Mc Donald and Mrs. Cecil Nelson. The circles then adjourned to separate rooms for business ses sions. Lunch was served by the Addle H. Jones circle. Mrs. L. J. Norris, president, op ened the afternoon session. A hymn was followed by Mrs. Ida Katon whtf offered prayer. After discussing business, Mri. Leavell was introduced. Mrs. Ralph Wade sang. Precious Lord, Take My Hand. Mrs. Leavell pronounced the benedicition. Jenkins-Royal Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Royal an nounce the marriage of their daughter, Fanni* Louise, to Wil liam M. Jenkins, Wednesday in Bennettsville, S. C. Bon tiers Welcwae Daughtrr Mr. and Mrs. K. P. B. Bonner Jr. announce the birth of a daugh ter, Tuesday in the Morehead City Hospital. Mrs. Bonner is the form er Doris Whealton. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Whealton of this city. WILL YOU BE A WINNER? fee Sure and Attend the THIRD ANNUAL BRIDGE - CANASTA - RUMMY BENEFIT FEB. 10, 8 P. M. RECREATION CENTER -J kjr Wmmm'i Auxiliary of M. Aadnwi K?la?nl Chunk, Morrhrad City VtlwUt Prises to B? Awarded Dma 8>i> Irniim frrlag Rait? (47. S* v.lur ?IU'a? Maa'a N* BnHi Ball? (U.W ralar WaMf-* IHtw ParWaa Rhlantoac Hct? IM.M ralnr 1 City Drug Ca. ? Laggafc (1 Men)? ?tS.M value ItNL In Ca>ala?<'? Nuraafy- IU.M Camilla Bath Tkia Ad S^onaored by Ottia' Fiab Market 1 High School Band Presents Varied Program Tuesday Night By IMOGENS LONG When Mr Ralpfa Wade, director of the Morehead City Hiffti School Band, schedules a concert, you Mn count on hearing a varied pro gram. Nat itlcking to cut and dried marches, as most people expect a f a high school band, he includes Negro (oik songs. rhumba rhythms, cowboy songs and of courae. some inarches. At the Annual Winter Band Con cert in the school auditorium Tues day night, the band opened with Great Gate of Kiev, by Moussor gsky, which was a stately Russian March. But as the program con tinued the music became some thing out of the ordinary. Following a march, the Light Cavalry, the band played Humor esque, such a fast, light tune that all feet in the audience were keep ing time, llie Minute Waltz March by Chopin finished thla group. Londonderry Air, played so beau tifully it reminded me of Uie hymn. Above the Hills of Time, which is set to the same mu?ic. was the opening number in the next group. A slightly jazzy cowboy song, Prai ria I >???!, had the itrauu "of ?try Me Not oc the Lm Pr.tr* And to tap off this (roup, the? came oat with I rhwnha. Ealrellita' After totentoaaton. the band re sumed lb program with Ml force. They becan with American* We, a much, and went on the The Lowe sanae Reed. Thla wee a Mafia folk scAg with a blues rhythm. Showing that they have the abili ty to ptey papular hum, also, they piweeatod a faat vereian of When You Wore a Tulip And with the playlni of Gate City, a medley of swaanee River. Dixie, Old reiki at Home, and Maryland, My Mary land, Mr. Wade planned to end the concert. The audience had other idea* and the band was persuaded to pre sent two more numbers. Dixie Patrol was fondly received by all true southerners in the audience and Men of Ohio, a march, was al so enjoyed. Mr. Wade promiaed the audience that at the Spring Concert he would present his (tars in sola part*, which have been features of other school band concerts. Auxiliary Receives Donations For Benefit Bridge Feb. 10 More big prizes have been do-* nated for the Third Annual Bene fit Bridge Party sponsored by the Woman's Auxiliary of St. An drew's Episcopal Church. The par ty will be held Feb. 10 at 8 o' clock in the Recreation Center. Prices have been donated by The Dress Shop, Hill's Clothing Store for Men, Weldon's Jewelers, Morehead City Drug Co., Mobley Buick Co., Freeman Brothers Gro cery, Moderne Beauty Shoppe, K&N Furniture Co., White's Ice Cream and Milk Co., Copeland's Nursery, and Rose's 5 and 10 cent Store. Mrs. Gus Davis, general chair man of the benefit, has appointed committee chairmen. Mrs. J. R. Morrill will be head of the re freshment committee; Mrs. O. II. Johnson Sr. table prizes; Mrs. Phillip Ball, decorations; Mrs. rtobert Hicks, tickets; Mrs. John Morris, with Mrs. H. Earle Mobley co-chairman, properties. Reservations are to be made in advance by calling Mrs. W. W. Patrick, 6-3604 or Mrs. Davis, 6 4137. Mrs. A1 Dewey will direct the duplicate bridge play. Mrs. D. G. Bell Presents. Program at UDC Meeting The Emeline J. Pigott Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy met Tuesday after noon at the Civic Center. Mrs. E. A. Council, president, presided during the business session. Mrs. Council read a letter from the Confederate Home in Fayette ville. They thanked the local chap ter for the oysters sent to the home at Christmas. Dues for this year were collected. The birthday anniversaries of Robert E. Lee, which was Tuesday, and Stonewall Jackson, which was yesterday, were commemorated. Mrs. D. G. Bell read several com ments on the Christian life of Lee and a sketch of the Hfe of Jackson. She also read a poem, Old South, from a book of poems compiled by the former Mary Emma Peace, who at one time lived in Morehead City. She now makes her home in Hous ton, Texas. The poems are written in Negro dialect. Mrs. Council served fruit cake and coffee. Each plate was dec orated with a japonica. Mrs. Chadwick Entertains Wednesday Bridge Club Mrs. Floyd Chadwick Sr. enter tained the Wednesday Afternoon Bridge Club this week at her home on Bridges street. Mrs. W. J. Blair waa the only special gueat. Mrs. C. B. Arthur won high ?core, Mrs. M. T. Mills was second high and Mrs. 1. C. Taylor won third. Mrs. Chadwick served iced drinks, assorted cheese crackers, cookies and salted pecans. Mrs. Mills will be hostess next week at her heme on Evaoa atreet. Newport Principal Tells PTA of Dedication Plans E. B. Comer, principal of New port School, discussed Tuesday night at the Parent-Teacher Asso ciation meeting, plans for the ded ication of the new school building and homecoming day. The date has not been set. Mrs. E. F. Carraway, in charge of the program for the evening, | presented the Rev. J. H. Waldrop ! Jr., pastor of the Methodist church, who gave an interesting talk. Mrs. Waldrop sang two selections, ac- | companied by Mrs. Ruby Wood ruff on the piano. Mrs. Tom Dickerson, president of the association, presided during the business session. Room count was taken and the classes having the most parents 1 present were Mrs. Audrey Ed wards, third grade, Miss Eva Bate man, sixth grade and Mr. H. D. Straw, eleventh grade. MYF Sub District to Meet The Methodist Youth Fellowship Sub-District meeting will be held Monday evening at 7:30 in the Newport Methodist Church. A sac rificial offering will be taken for the Smith-Blackburn fund for Af rican missions, a conference pro ject. Tools chipped by men of the Stone Age have, in more recent times, often been thought to have medicinal value. I. >l GUARD YOUR HEALTH! LET US MAKE SHOES WEATHER-TIGHT! Shoe* Waterproofed 50c Ladies' Shoes Soled $1.75 Men's Shoes Soled $2.00 Prompt attention, fast service always assured. BULLOCK'S SHOE SHOP South 8th St. Morehead City, N. C. FRESH, POTENT DRUGS GIVE YOU MAXIMUM EFFECTIVENESS To be fully effective, the ingredients of your prescription must bo at full potency, which moan* they must be fresh. Because we do such a largo business, wo can maintain fresh stocks of all drugs, fill all prescriptions with element* that are at the peak of potency. MOREHEAD CITY DRUG CO. A GOOD DRUG STORE PHONE ?4M0 ?IB ARENDEU. ST. MOREHEAD CITY, N. C Or. W. M. Brady Spooks TeG ard?n jMwoMt. ItetwrtM tfc nr i the 4WMH WNT* >???< o t Mn. Ala* hnht. Mn C. R. Da tim aad Mn David Mur ray. waa njiMlll hr Hn PWllip Bad. riiriwl. Tfcejr will report ?l the BKl n llli| Mn. D. O. M *? appointed r+i?irman nW Mrs A1 Dewey, Mn. John Laafcley and Mn. Ball will work with her aa a committee. to contact town commiaaionen re garding removal of ahruba along Arendell street. The town wank I hrm removed bccwac in some pieces they obstruct the view of motorists. The committee will suggert to the board that the ahruha. many of which are crepe myrtle, be moved to other location!. If the town will do the wort, the committee will direct the placement. If any one desire* one placed in front of their home, this may be arranged Jello with whipped cream and pound cake were served at the ck>?e of buuoeon Wesleyan Guild Meets With Mrs. Paul King The Wesleyan Service Guild of the First Methodist Church met Monday evening at the home Of Mn. Paul King. Mrs. M. M. Ayscue ?nd Mrs. W. F. Merion were co hostesses. In the absence of the chairman, Mrs. ^inwood Brinson, Mrs. George Dill, vice-chairman, presided. Mrs. Merion gave th* devotional. The program was on Asia, deal ing mainly with Burma, Malaya and Borneo. Mrs. A. B. Roberts gave an interesting talk on these countries, stressing what the guild could mean to these countries if the guild carries out its duties. Miss Ruth Willis, promotion sec retary, gave a report from a letter received from Miss Charity Hol land, district secretary. She told of the work to be done this year, books to be studied and the visita tion program. Hostesses served hot ham bis cuits, meat rolls, cream puffs and joffee. i r HOSPITAL NOTES t)M?t?ed after Mabarat: Mr. John Ok?do?hi, Beaufort, Wednesday; Mrs. Rlliott Beckham, Newport, Tuesday; Mrs. Charles Conway. Marshal lberg, Tuesday; Mr Stacy Guthrie, Hark an Island Tuesday; Mr Connie Gilllkin Sr.. Otwav, Monday; Mrs Norman Han na. Havelock, Tuesday; Mrs. Ben Jarman, Beaufort, Sunday; Mrs. B. C. Vickery, Beaufort, Tuesday. Discharged after operation: Mrs. Avery Taylor, Gea Level, Wednesday: Mrs. A. B. Bo wen, Windsor, Sunday; Mr. Raymend Davis, Mervhead City, Monday: Mrs. Annie Mae Hu*es. Moreheed City, Monday: Mrs. James Lewis, New pert, Sunday. MediartRk Mrs. Ronald E. Mason and daughter, Beaufort, Wednesday; Mrs. Jerry Lawrence and daugh ter. Otway. Wednesday; Mrs. Gene Anderson and daughter. Newport. Tuesday; Mrs. Gardner Buck and son, Newport, Sunday: Mrs. Wil liam Gamer and son, Beaufort, Sunday. Mrs. David Knight and daughter. Morehead City. Sunday; Mrs. Alan Leary and daughter, Morehead CHy, Sunday; Mrs. Roy Matthews and son, Havelock, Tuesday; Mrs. Ralph Perry and daughter. More hand City. Tuesday; Mrs. Jesse G. Willis and daughter, Harkers Island. Tuesday. Admitted: Henry C. Deese, Beaufort, Mon day; Mrs. Curvis Guthrie, Harkers Island, Tuesday; Mrs. George Gor ham. Morehead City, Monday; Mrs. C. C. Land, Morehead City, Mon day; Mr. Howard Rose, Harkers Island, Monday. Sea Level Hospital Discharged: Mrs. Thelma Fulcher, Atlantic, Monday; Mr. Rupert Gray, Atlan tic, Tuesday; Mrs. Sallie Ann Johnson, Harkers Island. Wednes day; Mrs. Nellie Fulcher, Atlan tic, Wednesday; Mrs. Adelaide Goodwin, Atlantic, Wednesday. Admitted: Mrs. Roxie Taylor, Beaufort, Tuesday. Rev. Conyers to Speak The American Home Department of the Woman's Club will meet Monday at the Civic Center at 8 p.m. The Rev. Priestley Conyers III, pastor of the Webb Memorial Presbyterian Church, will speak on The World About Us. ~ll ibryoar ?SZXBNT11TB A picture is worth more than a thousand words when if s someone you love. Why don't you and your Valentine see us now about exchanging | photographs this year. ' ( HOURS 12 Noon to 6 P. M. Daily Except Monday and by Appointment My mmm PUotoyb&pii&l PHONE 6-4730 ? 'tOg 4.1(4 ? " . 41 1 EVANS ST. MOREHEAO CITY NrMfrMt -S \ UWMfcT V Jul. 20 ? Mrs Floyd Gamer spent Thursday with Him. W. L. Harris at Bachelor. Mr. C. M Hill and Mr Walter Heath nude a kuainea* trip to Wil mington Wednesday. Mrs Stanley Maan spent Monday in Greenvtlle, where she attended a meeting of the New Bern district officers af the Woman's Society of Christian Service. Mr. Dave Garner, Manly Pollard, Sam Pollard and John Lilly left Thursday ni(ht for Asheville, where they attended the funeral of Mr. Sam Garner, brother of Mr. Dave Garner. They returned home Saturday. Mrs Nelson Brown returned home Thursday alter spending sev eral days last week with Mrs. Clar ence Andrews of Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Heath visit ed in New Bern Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Solon Perkins spent several days last week in Durham, where Mr. Perkins went to Duke Van Horns Welcome San Mr. and Mrs. Harry Edward Van Horn Jr. announce the birth of a son, Harry Edward 111, Monday in the Morehead City Hospital. Mrs. Van Horn is the former Ethel Day, daughter of Mrs. Dora Day of Ce dar Island. Sty rons Welcome Daughter Mr. and Mrs Warren (Bump) Sty ron announce the birth of a daugh ter, Paula Kay, Sunday in the Morehead City Hospital. Mrs. Sty ron is the former Mona Jean Mer cer of Charleston, S. C. The Sty rons have a son and one other daughter. IP Mwpital for in examination. tin. Chester Metres accompanied than to Durtiam and Tinted Mr. aad Mm UoMrt Thompum while there. Mr. Lou Melkey of Aihevllle vU Itod his niece, Mrs Hurry Micelle, and her laaaily Sunday. Mi M C. Howard visited his father in GreeaviBe Saturday. Mrs. Livingston of North, S. C? is visiting her son and his wife, Major and Mr*. W. H. Livingston Mr. and Mrs J. I. Micelle and Mrs. NHsan Brawn were business visitors in Raleigh Tuesday. Church Board Meets The official hoard of the St. James Methadist Church held its regular monthly meeting Wednes day night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Garner. Reports were given and routine business was transacted. Following the close of the business session the hostess served pecan pie with whipped cream and coffee. Mrs. Browu Entertains Mrs. Nelson Brown entertained her bridge club Friday evening at her home. Mrs. Parker Guthrie won high score, Mrs. Moses How ard second high, and Mrs. W. D. Roberts and Mrs. Guthrie won slam. The hostess served iced drinks and candy during play and lemon chiffon pie and coffee at the end of the evening. Baby Contest The March of Dimes in Newport Is sponsoring a baby contest. Each child has a box in one of the busi ness establishments. The votes are just a penny each so be sure to go in and vote for your favorite baby. Wondering what to serve for des sert when the bridge club comes? Here's a suggestion: Arrange broil ed pineapple rings on spongecake squares and top with hot caramel sauce and a fluff of whipped cream. Plenty of calories in this one, but it tastes awfully good! ! SPECIAL from the PHILIPPINES *1 The most attractive baby wear ever. Made of the finest pre-shrunk fabrics I in white and pastels, with exquisite embroidered de signs. Every stitch care fully and painstakingly put in by skillful hands. Each endearing item in this charming assortment offered at this amazing low price. A real gift value. Another Belle's Special 1 1 GIRLS' COTTON DRESSES SPECIALLY PRICED AT $-|.oo Size* 7 to 14 in pretty Prints, Solid* and Chocks. ON SALE SATURDAY MORNING Hvik *# "THE HOME OF BETTER VALUES" > MOREHEAD CITY, N. C. I m,

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