Eagles Top Swansb< Tuesday for Eighth Morehead City High Eagles surged to a one-point lead in the closing minutes of the first period to lead a strong Swansboro basketball squad 14-13, going on to down the visitors 67-48 Tuesday in the Morehead gym. Swansboro grabbed an early lead. 6-4. in the opening minutes of the quarter only to see the Eagles go out in front 10-5 midway in the period. Two jump shots by Ronnie Ross and two charity tosses by Herb Holloman, Swansboro guards, and a side court set by Pete Holt, for ward, gave the visitors a 13-10 lead. Eagles Lead 14 13 J. T. Willis missed four free throws in a row, then sank two, shaving the lead to 13-12. Two charity tosses; one each by Wayne Cheek and J. W. Willis, gave the Eagles the lead, 14-13. With J. T. and Cheek command ing the boards, the Eagles surged to a five-point lead at half time, 30-25 led by J. W. and Denny Law rence, who was able to play in the game after being sidelined for a rest. Morehead was combining a 1-3-1 zone with a sliding 2-1-2 to keep the Swansboro offensive unit away from the bucket. Swansboro was countering with a sliding 2-3 zone allowing Holloman to snatch loose balls and wayward passes to per form outstandingly for the visitors. Gene Pate, Swansboro center, and Ross were doing a good job un der the basket spearing rebounds missed by Cheek and J. T. In the third period Denny Law rence and J. W. ran the Swansboro 1 crew ragged with their floor play, allowing Cheek and J. T. to sink shot after shot from the key. scor ing 15 points to the visitors' 11. Leading 45-36 going into the final quarter, the Eagles continued their fast pace scoring 10 points before the Swansboro crew could rally. Twelve more points were added by the deadly Eagles as Swansboro was dumping 12. Denny Lawrence and Cheek led the fourth quarter spree to give the Eagles their eighth victory against four losses. Visitors Lose 10th Swansboro's record now is 4-10. The best game for Swansboro was a 5149 loss to Camp Lcjeunc on the Swansboro court Friday. J. T. Willis took scoring honors for the Eagles with 21 points fol lowed by J. W. Willis with 19 and Denny Lawrence with 17. Pate paced Swansboro with 13, Hollo man had eight, and Ross had nine. Starting for Swansboro was Holt, Jerry Cannon. Pate, Holloman, and Ross. The Eagle starting five was Denny Lawrence, J. T. Willis, Cheek, J. W. Willis, and Bobby Willis. Roland Cannon. Dalmon Law rence, J. W. Long, and Kent Brown saw action as Eagle subs. Cal Duplissey also entered the game for Swansboro. Score by quarters: Morehead City .14 30 45 67 Swansboro 13 25 36 48 Sea Dog Cagers Take Easy Win from Pirates Tuesday The Sea Dog basketball squad prepped for its game of the year with Morehead City Tuesday, by handing Atlantic a decisive 64-38 defeat on the Beaufort gym. A first period outburst of 17 points by the Sea Dogs left no doubt as to the outcome of the game. But the Sea Dogs added 19 more in the second period and amassed 18 in the closing period to wrap up the .game. Atlantic fell behind in the first quarter as the defensive tactics of Gehrmann Holland and Murray Pittman sewed up the Pirate offen sive unit, giving, up three points. Beaufort Defense Stingy Beaufort was equally stingy in the second frame as the Pirates col lected seven points to trail 36-10 at halftime. Both teams scored 10 points in the third frame, with Beaufort holding its lead, 46-20. An 18-point fourth quarter gave the game to Beaufort as Jim Willis, Holland, and Hugh Mason teamed to give the Sea Dogs their eighth win of the season. Thomas Salter and A. Morris were defensive standouts for Atlan tic with Carlton Willis pacing the attack with 11 points. Salter was next with eight. Pittman led the Sea Dogs with 13 followed by Willis with 12. Hugh Mason with 10, and Holland 9. The Sea Dogs had a better night at the free throw line than the Pirates, hitting eight out of 15 tries. The Pirates made 10 out of 27.- ? * Score by quarters: Beaufort 17 36 46 64 Atlantic 3 10 20 38 Beaufort Terrors to Meet Three Teams Feb. 9, 12, 13 Three basketball names have been scheduled in addition to the regular high school events. The Beaufort Terrors will meet Beau fort High School teams in the Beaufort gym Tuesday night, Feb. 9. They will meet Atlantic Feb. 12 and Smyrna Feb. 23. Playing for the Terrors will be Ottis (Jeff) Jefferson. Bobby Mar tin, Pierson Willis, all of Beaufort, Kemp Guthrie, Mickey Woolard and Leslie Feagle of Morehead City. On the girls' team will be Car roll Ann Downum, Betsy Fulford, Jane Dickinson, Lctitia Tickle, Jackie Dickinson, Iris Davis Lane, and Peggy Blankenship, all of Beaufort. The games have been arranged by Mayor C. T. Lewis of Beaufort and Ottis Jefferson with coopera Stenographers Wear Shorts to Keep Cool Topeka, Kan. ? (AP) ? All of the howls didn't come from male wolves when a few state capitol stenographers wore shorts to work to help keep cool in sweltering weather. Complaints from private citizens quickly put an end to the prac tice. But at Salina. Kan., Grover Simp son, a grainman, commented that Topekans "may thrive on hot air, but we don't"- and invited his of fice girls to wear shorts. Six did. So did Simpson. tion of school officials. Proceeds will be added to the March of Dimes fund now being raised. No Worries ^Say. Jim, don't you ever worry ( about the future?^ Not me, lomr f If I bowed out \ tomorrow my - W Jeftfcrson Family iTovider rwouU give my family a regular income for the next 20 year 5 Gosh.' Doesn't it C9$t Big money? No, Tom, it's for ^ preferred risks on ly^ Why don't you asfcyour I I^K^vJetflnson Standard Agent ajxrot it? I MAXIMUM PROTiCTlON ?fcw y? mmi .? mart. IWrt ?riwt Hm tor Mat ?on Family Provider p?o yon. Without obkpt ton. Wt M show fOm How it cm wwk f*r yo?. CART. F. A. CASSIANO Phono 6-3752 2906 Evans St. Mor?h?ad City. N. C. JEFFERSON STANDARD Insui a i om pan y aro 67-48 Victory Devilpups Rout Smyrna 80-56 For 11th Win Smyrna High's cagers were hand ed a decisive defeat Tuesday at Camp Lejeune 80 56 in a game at the Camp Lejeune Armory. Walker Gillikin with 19 points and Roy Styron with 18 sparked the Smyrna crew that was outclassed by the Devilpups in their race for conference honors. The Smyrna crew was unable to stop Bobby Peele and Charlie Sells, who led the Devilpups to a 26-9 first quarter lead. The Devilpups widened the gap to 45-19 at the half as the Carteret County team broke through the opposition's de fense for 10 points. In the second half the Smyrna club began finding the basket as it poured in 23 points, but the Devilpups hit for 27 to lead by 30 points at the end of the third period, 72-42. Smyrna outscored Camp Lejeune in the final period 14-8 as the Devilpups coasted to their 11th win. Peele led with 23 points fol lowed by Sells with 17, Johnny Mugford had 12, and Bob Royster had 11. Smyrna made 21 out of 47 field goal attempts for a 44.5 average. Girls Win Smyrna's girls racked up a 46-16 win over the Camp Lejeune girls Tuesday led by Mona Arthur s 23 points. The Smyrna lassies took a 13-5 first quarter lead and were never threatened. Smyrna led at half time with an 11-point margin, 20-9. Smyrna poured in 26 points in the second half while the Lejeune girls were posting seven, led by Dixie Hardick with 11 points. Helping Miss Arthur in the scor ing department was Effie Gaskill with 11. In ancient times the infantry sol dier, best represented by the Ro man legion, was more important in Europe and cavalry was more Im portant in the warfare of Asia. Swansboro High Lassies Defeat Eaglettes 53-40 Mary Hewitt Paces Visitors to 1 1th Victory Tuesday Swansboro High's girl basketeers notched their 11th victory Tuesday night 53-40 at the expense of the Morehead City Eaglettes on the Morehead floor. Beverly Guthrie and Mary Hewitt teamed up for scoring chores giv ing the Swansboro sextet a first quarter lead of 15-10 and were never seriously threatened by the Eaglettes. Swansboro's record now is 11-2. The Eaglettes scoring duo by Carolyn Guthrie and Polly Steed sparked the home team through out the game, but were always fighting uphill. Late in the first frame, shooting accuracy of the Eaglettes fell off considerably and continued to the end of the sccond period. The defensive Unit of Geraldine Best, Corinne Webb, and Ann Har dy teamed to slow the second period to spasmodic shooting. Geraldine Hedgecock was excep tionally good at ball stealing. Miss Hewitt, behind the fine de fensive work of Wynona Carney, Marie Higgir.s, Carol Guthrie, and Miss Brandt broke the third period wide open for Swansboro after leading 24-14 at the half. Swansboro poured in 22 points as the Eaglettes scored 16. Ann Long, playing a fine floor game, fouled out in the third period. Go ing into the closing frame the vis itors led 42-30. The Eaglettes tried desperately to catch the leaders in the final frame led by Miss Guthrie and Miss Steed, but lacked the scoring punch provided by Miss Long. To add to the Eaglettes' woes, Miss Webb and Miss Hardy fouled out followed by Geraldine Hedge cock in the fast and furious fourth quarter that saw Swansboro dump in 12 points. The Eaglettes added 10 to their total. Miss Guthrie paced the Eaglette scoring with 19 points, Miss Long had 15, and Miss Steed contributed 10. Leading the Swansboro attack was Miss Hewitt with 26 followed by Beverly Guthrie with 13 and Miss Carney had 12. Scores by quarters: Morehead City 10 14 30 40 Swansboro 15 24 42 53 Jerry Schumacher Town Needs Change; Boys Get Gav, Plav Nine Holes What's happening to Morehead City? This used to be a rollicking, fun-loving, two-fisted town. It's so dead around here without the tour ists. And all the local characters are either hibernating or in Florida. Sunday morning was the first time in 35 years that there wasn't a single soul in our jail; not even a drunk. People sure can be stupid and 1 can be stupider than most. When I bought my golf equipment I was some kind of conservative, bought the golf clubs at a drug store and my golf bag cost $6. Now mind you, expensive clubs do not a golfer make. Bill Skarren plays with a set of old rusty irons and he can beat the pants off most of the boys with their $300 outfits. Getting back to the point, Ml the golfers carry an umbrella in their golf bag in case it rains out there, so they won't have to stop playing, and I had to have an umbrella too. Now they sell good ones at Uie dime store for fl.M, bat no, I had to have a real fancy Job la bright colored stripes with * handle that folds down and makes a seat at $2S. When Penny saw it in my bag the other day she said, "Well!" So in the doghouse again. The other evening at the Blue Ribbon things were a little slack and someone dreamed up this for amusement: golf club; ball, and a man's hat. The person shooting at one end of the club and sofneone standing at the other holding a hat. A prac tice ball, that is just a shell of plas tic with lots of holes in it so it can't go far and won't hurt you, is used. Well anyway, we all took a belt at this. Twas real fan too. Guess who were the champs? Vickie McCulaton who la deadly accurate with * golf club, and Dick Mc (lain, holding the hat, bat then who could mias Dick anyway? Played in a foursome Sunday with a very interesting fellow named Willie Worrell, a visiting pro who sells golf equipment. Willie made a fortune in the silli est way. He made President Ike s gift of a golf hat that our presi dent liked and wears and now Willi* can't get enough made to moet the demand. We people are funny aren't we? I wonder why 1 can't seem to think of money-making schemes like that Phillip Ball and A1 Dewey cam* out to the golf course Monday to play a quick four holes. It was a -beautiful day and they were having such a good time they want around the nine instead, so tack to the clubhouse and the coave nation went something like this: the dog house now." A1 ? "Me too. Boy am I going to catch it when I get home. Say, you know what? We're both go ing to catch it anyway, what do you say we play another nine?" So off they went, happy in their misery. Used to live in Mexico years ago and heard this one. Tourist stopped Pedro and asked, "Is it safe around here? I hear that Pancho, the bandit, lives in this vicinity. How well do you know Pancho?" "Do 1 know Pancho? I tell you a story. Yesterday I am going home with sack of rotted fish to plant in a marijuana garden and Pancho, very drunk on big horse, rides up and says, 'Pedro I am going to keel you.' So I say Pancho don't keel me, please. "So he pulls hecs gon out and makes me to dance. I dance good too. Say Gringo where you from?" The tourist answered, "Morehead City." Pedro continued, "Well anyway. I dance thees bunny hop good, so I see Pancho is not going to keel me, he's just having fon. "Then he say, 'What you got in sack Pedro?* I say nothing but rot ten fish to plant in my garden. Pancho laughs long and loud then he say, 'Pedro, you eat rotten fish, all of heem. Boy he was pretty bad. but I don't wan to get keeled so I eat. "Just then Pancho's horse step in gopher hole and threw Pancho's gun right at my feet when Pancho fall. I pick up gon and now I am boss man so I make Pancho dance. "He ain't so good as me. Then I make Pancho eat rest of rotten fish. "You ask me how well I know Pancho the bandit?" Huh! We eat lonch together yesterday!" Two County Schools Prepare for Action Non-conference basketball garnet ire scheduled (or tonight (or Smyr na and Atlantic. Smyrna will travel to White Oak and Atlantic will be at home againat Jasper. Smyrna has been blowing hot ?nd cold thla year but will have little trouble with Whit* Oak. Walker GUlikin and Company have loo much speed and heigbth (or tin White Oak crew. Atlantic will have ita bands (ull with Jasper tonight, but enjoying Ita home court and rooters Atlantic itanda a good chance lo winning ita wcood game o( the season. Other games scheduled for con ference teams arc Jones Central at Swanaboro and Camp Lejeune at axon. | flaAJzeiLail SCORES Morenead City (Boys) ?... 67 Swansboro 48 Morehead City (Girls) 40 Swansboro ;,..... 53 Beaufort (Boys) 64 Atlantic 38 Beaufort (Girls) 67 Atlantic 39 Smyrna (Boys) 56 Camp Lejeune 80 Smyrna (Girls) 46 Camp Lejeune 16 Newport (Boys) 45 Pamlico County 49 Newport (Girls) 36 Pamlico County 90 Queen Street (Boys) 56 Georgetown 59 Queen Street (Girls) 47 Burgaw 13 Beaufort Girls Top Atlantic (7-39 Tuesday The Beaufort High girls basket ball team outpointed the Atlantic sextet in every period to garner a 67-39 win Tuesday in the Beaufort gym. The scoring duo of Colleen Guth rie and Peggy Williams clicked for 22 points in the opening period, adding 18 more in the second quar ter to post a 40-19 halftime score. The defensive maneuvers of Leona Davis, Anita Copeland, and Mary Buttrey held the Atlantic lassies to 11 points in the first period and allowed just eight points to be registered in the sec ond frame. Emma Perry teamed with the Beaufort defenders under the bas ket to hold the Atlantic crew to six points in the third period as Beaufort added 11 more points to its total to lead 51-25 at the third ] period stop. Dora Willis and R. Salter, for Atlantic, assumed command of the boards and snatched loose balls to permit M. Hamilton and Sue Rob inson to dump in 14 points in the closing frame for Atlantic. Beau fort hit for 16 to wrap up the game. Miss Guthrie paccd Beaufort with 39 points followed by Miss Williams with 17. Miss Hamilton led Atlantic with 16 followed by Morehead City-Beaufort Cage Tilt Set for Tonight on Eagles' Floor The time for the long-awaited game between Beaufort and More head City High basketball teams has arrived. Morehead City will be the host tonight as the teams square away in the Morehead gym with starting time scheduled for 8:30. A battle royal is in store for partisans of both teams. Each has beaten the top team in the state last year, Newport, by comfortable margins. Morehead topped the Newport club 70-55 and Beaufort downed the champs 60-39. Both teams split with Pamlico County, winning one and losing one. Camp Lejeune beat Morehead twice. Beaufort defeated Smyrna twice while Morehead split, losing at home and winning at Smyrna. Beaufort lost once to. Camp Lejeune, 49-52. Scores Vary Atlantic has fallen victim to each team twice and Newport has one victory over Beaufort. Scores have ranged from routs to squeakers. Morehead City is paced by Jerry T. Willis and Wayne Cheek, two forwards well over the six-foot mark. It also has an outstanding floorman in Denny Lawrence. Bobby Willis and J. W. Willis provide speed and are set shot artists. They have accounted for vital points in many of the Eagle wins. The Eagles are blessed with a deep and talented reserve. Roland Cannon, Dalmon Lawrence, Kent Brown, and J. W. Long can keep the Eagles at top strength in any situation. Pacing the Sea Dogs is Gehr mann Holland at guard and Mur ray Pittman, also a guard and an excellent floorman. Herb Mason and Henry Safrit are at forwards and provide the Sea Dogs with heighth and speed. At center is Jim Willis, a tall boy that has been sharing scoring honors with Holland. The Sea Dogs do not have the reserve strength of the Eagles, boasting only Hugh Mason and Jim Owens who can replace any of the starting five in ability as well as personally. Both teams have improved con Miss Robinson with 14. Score by quarters: Beaufort 22 40 51 67 Atlantic 11 19 25 39 ? siderably since the start of the sea son. Beaufort pulled up to its stride before the holidays and Morehead reached its peak right after the holidays. Morehead will have the height in Cheek and J. T. It will have speed in J. W. and Denny Law rence. The Sea Dogs have Jim Willis and Holland to counter in heighth. Pittman will vie with Lawrence for floorwork with Safrit and Herb Mason using their set shot accuracy to make up for any deficiency. A huge crowd is expected to watch these two teams battle for county cage supremacy tonight and regardless of the outcome, partisan fans will have a field day. From past performances records, scores, and stars have been thrown out the windows when these two teams clash. On paper, Morehead is the bet ter-looking team but Beaufort has real ability. So. Morehead is like ly to come out on top in a free scoring contest by a very slim margin. 86 PROOF $ 0 -65 ^^1/5 Qt. Ok *r*I0c?r *ofec#r GLENMORE DISTILLERIES COMPANY ? LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY BOWLERS! Be Sure To Enter IDLE HOUR'S EXCITING Bowling Tournament ?45 IN PRIZE MONEY! RULES 1 ? Contest runs for 4 weeks. The person holding high score for each of the four weeks will be eligible for the final play-off and the grand prixe. Z ? High score cpnsisls of the total of any three consistent games. You may replace your entered score with a higher score any time during the week. 3 ? Contest each week begins Oct Sunday and ends oa Saturday. - Winners each week will be notified that they are eligible to play in the final tournament play-off for the grand prixe. 4 ? If any of the final contestants do not appear for the play-off they will forfeit their right and the finals will be played off by the contestants present. 5 ? Any one person Is eligible to win all of the weekly high scores, and by doing so he eliminates that number of contestants In the final play-off. I ? Prises each week, (5.M. Tournament grand prize, I2S.N. 7 ? These same rules apply to the women ? and they will play off their owa contest and finals separate and apart from tin men's intent. Final tournament play-off will be held oa Wednesday night, February 24th. Come Out TONIGHT And Qualify! YOU May Be A Lucky WINNER Don't Miss the Fun! Bring the Family... ALL SERVICE PERSONNEL INVITED IDLE HOUR AMUSEMENT CENTER Atlantic Beach

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