Fun, Thrills, Adventure in the Comics SCORCH Y SM|TH mr m? Itratc/ty 440 IAMN M THtr VTf to oaf tho? Hit wo*tp fHA7Tt*!?a MACHMt. MMtAK & AtOl/T TO KILL TNTM... Truth It Not Sufficient wnrr n'f nviMftn rvuitei allow I ' fOKBMK*.'*OVA< MACMH* WILL PefTAOY Ut All/ j f Ut. LA HH." roup to ANYTHING TO r m "com conthollih* AflAX ! WSLL. IT WON'T worn*/ Hon p/tePARE rm Pie.' NAKAKf VGHTgHf ON TUB 7*/63?A Of THB BLASTS*., IfXAff HOW DIP you set heke ? I OVCKHEAK.P VOU&4 FLANS ANP 1 FOL LOW CP YOU, A HP 17 'f A OOOP 7HIN6 1 PONT WANT YOU T O PEfTITOy N ARAK S MACHINE BUT 1 PON' T WANT yOU KILLED EITHER! NOW 6ET BBHINP M? / Uncertain Candidate KIWG CORHY SAID IF VOI/D LTOERMIUATE THAT DRAGON AkID RESCUE THE DUCHESS OF BUT MAYBE I'D BETTER ASK' MYSELF A QUESTIOM am I THAT AkIXIOUS DEEDLE-DUM, HE'OlTO BECOME MAKE YOU A A KWIGHT p KVJI6HT/ A /SIR OAKY, BEFORE > ' I DECIDE WHETHER } TOEESOIE I THE DUCHtSS FcSDShA OFDEEDLE DUM, ) I'VE < I'D LIKE TO 7 NEVER KWOW IF SHE'S ) SEEW YOUWG AWD A uER > \ PRETTY/ U SIR ' ^ "N? ai-^T EGBERT/. BUT IF)/ GO YOU ((AHEAD, RESCUE iroi HER, I'LL LOVE HAVE TO p TO ' do rr/ /watch/ WE'VE ?STILL GOT THE ATOMIC WFLE.SO , we're set!] /i\ * lJI ?ar* ' Birr i wasn't QUICK ENOUGH TO STOPKXJ FWD*V PR1NK1N' RIVE* WATER ! TWTS ?v WNGEWOUS DOWN Rosalind Russell Has Pet Answer to Money Queries ?; (YNTHIA LOWRY Al> NemlMMm Wrttat RosakaA Ruucll, who ? a rank ing woman ti Hollywood and Broadway, doesn't like nosey peo ple any better Uun those of us' who arsn't raaklnf. And Miss Russell does something about it. Whenever anyone who has no businoaa prying asks her how much sh. ha. paid for something, or how much money she makes, or any thing elite having to do with dol lars and cents, Miss Russell makes a stock reply: "Eight hundred dollars." "It*# a wonderful figure," she explained. "If it's applied to a drew, she thinks I paid a lot of money. (1 it's a far caat, she thinks I got a bargain." And. I presume, if it's about sal aries, the prying one is on her ?CITY ? Last Timet Today ? AUDIE MURPHY DAN DURYEA "RIDE CLEAR OF DIABLO" ? Wed. ? Thuri. -- Fri. ? WW a Ma*-i Whfa Lift.. MM a (jdn'rn! *? XjsM Qdise \ I ALEC GUINNESS YVONNf Do CARLO CELIA JOHNSON own to figure out whether Miss Russell it talking in torn* of pee diem, weekly or monthly rates. What I like about the Russell system t? Rebuff Noeioeea is that if the *oey one later finds out Miss Russell was making a stock retort, she would have tp be pretty dull not to catch the implied rebuke. (I'm using the word "she" here only because women are more likely to ask im pertinent money questlocs about clothes I've heard some dandies from the male side ia my tine, too.) I suspect almost every one of us knows an inor?tin??ely nosy per son (when yau are it, you are apt to refer to the trait as "nor mal curiosity ") But before Rus sell, I used to handle auch mat ters in a rather fumbling manner either by stuttering and fudg ing or by telling the reluctant tftith and quietly loathing the question er. But no longer. Nowadays I have my own adap tation of the Russell system. Ob viously, the $800 retort isa't for my fiscal bracket, but I have a slid ing set of financial retorts, and I've been practicing on one ac quaintance whose intense interest in my monetary affairs is almost overwhelming. This woman ? who alibis her nosiness by prefacing personal questions with a statement of her "interest" in my family ? is forever attempting to elicit such information as the size of our in come, the price of our house, the size of the mortgage and of course, what we paid for every thing. As is invariable with such obnoxious types, she guards her own fiscal affairs as if they were component formulae for the A bomb. Our system of dealing with this creep, as I choose to call her. is rather simple and so far it has been quite effective. Work ing on a variation of the Russell system, we now answer any of her questions by doubling the price See ROSALIND, Page 3, Section 2 When It's Ume for REFRESH. MENTS atop here ? you'll find everything to be had at a first-class fountain plus prompt, friendly service. OUR SANDWICHES AND COFFEE ARE TOPS Save time ? Lunch with m! Morehead City Drug Co. 815 Arendell St. Morehead City, N. C. ?BEAUFORT?~n?x Air CoacKtioned for Your Comfort ? Phone 2-4836 * TUESDAY ONLY THE FATH0I OF THE I It IDE IS NOW THE FATHM Of THE ACTMSSI bpencer Jean leresa TRACY - SIMMONS - WRIGHT In MOM'S* 'THE ACTRfSS I WEDNESDAY ONLY 8^>*^2^RNWES,ufrp m ARROWS mb re HATE wm-cmzd APACHE! McNJUHf AMMS MARLOWE | THURSDAY ? FRIDAY Romancing! ... Dancing! ... Girls !.. .. and coioa tt TliNNICOI9RI c Couple Undertake Mission , Gleiin Ford and Ann Sheridan realize (Hat her husband. Zarhary Scott, has sided with the escaped bandits in scene from "Appoint ment in Hooduras," jungle drama in Technicolor, produced hy Bene dict Bogeaus for RKO Radio. Beauty Gets Muscle Demonstration Alee Guinness warns Yvonne I>e Carlo about the muscles she might develop working in the kitchen in this scene from "The Cap trin's Paradise," a new comedy. Celia Johnson is co-starred with Guinness and De Carlo in the Lopert Films Release distributed through United Artists. OCEAN PARK DRIVE-IN TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY "THE MASTER OF BALLANTRAE" Errol Flynn THURSDAY ?- FRIDAY "THE STAND AT APACHE RIVER" Stephen McNally-Julia Adams Morehead Last Timet Today JOAN FONTAINE EDMUND O'BRIEN "THE BIGAMIST" ? Wed. ? Thur?. ? Fri. ? Stripped ? hem f civilizcd! FORDSHEHOU A/ptMmmt IhHonimms JSSSm Highway Debris Yields Large Number of Cans Hotlister, Calif. (AP) ? Ever toss an empty beer can or bottle away as you drove along a scenic road? E. R. Hanna, San Benito County road commissioner, had county jail prisoners clean up such debris along a highway. In one short stretch they gath ered 595 beer cans, 42 quart beer bottles, 25 wine bottles and 6 whiskey bottles. Schoolroom Menace Pittsburgh (AP) ? "Schoolroom brown" is a menace to children's eyes, says Dr. James F. Wahl, president of the American Op tometric Association. "Drab brown floors, furniture and wall paint usually go with inadequate light ing, and together they breed many of the vision problems of Ameri can youth." He reports inadequate eyesight is twice as common in the eighth grade as in the first. EAST DRIVE-IN THEATRE Oi>e-H