Silicone Paint Makes Basement Waterproof IF BASEMENTS ever are to be made really livable suitable for comfortable bedrooms, for instance - they will have to be successfully waterproofed and dampproofed. Some architects think that even in parts of the South, where cellars are still comparatively rare, liv able basements are destined to be come the biggest new trend in house architecture. These men ar gue that houses will get bigger downward, instead of upward, be cause of economy. It costs just about one-tenth as much to create space, fully finished, under a house as it does to build an equal amount of space above ground. But all seepage problems will have to be conquered and the con densation of warm summer air striking cooler basemant walls and floors will have to bo prevent ed to give us maximum use out of our basements. These problems have been tack led by various industries. Dehu midifiers have been invented to take the moisture out of basement air. Floor coverings and wall cov erings have been developed to line I basements against direct contact with moist summer air. Many so called waterproofing paints havje been offered on claims that they are tight enough to keep water from soaking through masonry walls. THE BIGGEST problem has been to seal a basement on the inside strongly enough to stop the pressure of water from the out side. For a long time, this was thought to be virtually impossible. Now many waterproofers say it can be done. Harrison Todd of Sac ramento, Calif., for one, nas had outstanding successes in doing this, even against high water pressure. A modern chemicaj discovery, making use of silicones to pene trate pores in masonry and seal it against the passage of moisture, has been one of the most interest ing developments in this direction. Silicones, which are extremely min ute in size, are derived from sili con, a natural element. They have played important roles in the man ufacture of lubricants and steel. Recently a cement paint in powd WOOD'S PERMANENT PASTURE MIXTURES Th?' pasture In Edgecombe County. N. C.. seeded 27 years ago. Is as productive as ever FURNISH MORE GRAZING! They are more economical, productive nutritious and palatable than Ladino Clover with Orchard Grass or Tall Fescue alone. Improved by many years of experience, they grow off faster, flourish in dry summers, crowd out weeds and bear abundantly for many years. With Ladino, Orchard and Ky. 31 Fescue as a base, they contain 9 legumes and 8 grasses which make their maximum growth at different times throughout the year, for abundant year 'round grazing and furnish a balanced diet which will not cause bloat. Wood's Grain Pasture Mixture Furnishes more grazing in less time and at less cost than any other crop. It keeps more animals per acre in good healthy condition, when feed costs are high, and permanent pastures are short and need a chance to recover from close grazing. Saves expensive labor in feeding. It Is highly nutritious and relished by all livestock and poultry. For continuous grazing it has ideal proportions of rye grass, small grains balanced with winter legumes and rape to supply protein for growth and warmth, but cannot cause bloat. Planting now will provide early grazing. See Your Dealer or Write for Wood's Pasture Circular and Spring Catalog MOUNTED PLOWS r y first choice (or '*J&A better farming Am * ?,r. fm WD mm* WO -45, I b?Ww MwmM In 14. 14-ImK sltMi for CA. I blHlW MswilHd Hwi In IS* and 14 Uidl iIih. Hie trend is to mounted plow* and Allis-Chalmers "built-on-the-square" design is a symbol at good farm ing ss well as gri\t strength. Free-Swinging from a ?ingle hitchpoint the plow follows contours naturally . . . high clearance helps you cover trash . . . natural line of draft assures uniform plowing depth. Tough, spring stesl frame and beams are sat st right angles to each other and rigidly braced. No other design gives you so much resistance to twisting, springing or misalignment Triple-strength shares ? H in. thick, with up to 20 percent more metal, give you correspondingly longer wear. inap eounn w ? mm-cmmi m?i IN JOY ?vNM mmd Worn* Hour ? ( RUISamLMIRS^ V tins 4wo smvicf 7 NEWPORT Tractor & Equipment Co. C. T. CANNON, OWNER SALES - SERVICE Willy* Cars ? Trucks ? J sept Allis-Chalmers Tractors Fertilizers, Smith-Dooglas-V-C Tobacco Curors, Any Mako NEWPORT, N. C. Phone 237-7 GOOD USED CARS HORSES AND MULES I Make Do I A paint applicator for screens can be made with a piece of old carpeting tacked to a block, such as a piece of 2 by 4. Stretch the carpet nap side out. Applicator pre vents mesh from clogging, says the American Builder, trade journal of home builders. er form, soluble in water, compris ing a base of powder containing sili<unes, activated metallic com pounds and very finely ground ag gregates, was developed by the Sil iphane Corp. of America. The manufacturers say that when this compound is applied to a thorough ly wet concrete wall, the silicones do not merely remain on the sur face, but have a tendency to mi grate, following the moisture into the wall. Arcording to laboratory tests and Dr. F. O. Anderegg, an authority on masonry construction, the sili cones expand, become insoluble and nonreversible. The result is an egg-shell-like seal. Silicones also can be used as curers in new watertight concrete. They slow down the drying pro cess, penetrating as deeply as the moisture exists and thus water proof the finished wall or floor. TO WATERPROOF an existing basement, sources of incoming water must be eliminated. Holes or cracks have to be filled ? all spaces closed up. The surface of the concrete or masonry to be wa terproofed must be free of dirt, dust, soot, grease and other paint coatings, except Portland cement paint. Oil base paints must be re moved because they may loosen and peel in the future and oil or wax prevents silicones from enter ing pores and migrating. A wall should be brushed down with a wire brush to remove loose particles. Then it must be thor oughly saturated with water. A fine spray from a garden hose will do this. The wetter the wall, the deeper the silicones can penetrate. A first coat of this compound (known as Silitex SF) is then ap plied with a scrub brush. This type of brush is recommended because rough-textured masonry soon wears down a paint brush and paint brushes are more expensive. After the first coat has dried for four to 10 hoars, a second coat can be applied with a paint brush. Although this compound is avail able in pastel shades of rose, buff, gray and green, as well as white, it can be painted over with any type and color of paint. The man ufacturers say that a silicone coat ing even makes it practicable to wallpaper a cellar wall. The cost of waterproofing a cel lar with an area of 800 square feet - aside from repair materials, ? is estimated at about $40. The more porous the material, however, the more paint is needed, because porous materials, such as concrete or cinder blocks allow the silicones to penetrate deeper in their water chasing and waterproofing process es. Stop Taking Harsh Drugs for Constipation AmM Marital Upset! M MM 1Mb Gtnflt Vaptsfafc Laxatto Wijrl For constipation, mtmr take harsh druga. They cause brutal cramps and griping disrupt normal bowel action, make m peated doses f *** nttnlfii, When you tie temporarily consti pated, get smrt but gmlU relief? without salts, without harsh drugs. Take Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative contained in Syrup Pepsin. The extract of Senna in Dr. Caldwell's is ?ar ?/ tin /mat mstmrm! Umtim known to medicine Dr. CaldwdTs Senna Laxative tastes good, gives gentle, comfortable, satis* tying relief of temporary constipation for every member of the family. Helps you get "on schedule without re peated doses. Even relieves stomach sourness that constipation often brings. Buy Dr. Caldwell's. Money back tf not satisfied. Mail bottle to Box 2M, New York la, N. Y. I." ? J . . when we stop our NEWS-TIMES classified ad ? our assets start liquidating!" WITH the 4-H'ERS by MARTHA HARNETT ALVIN C. NBWSOME Home Agent Asst. County Agent Prizes in the amount of $5,000 will be awarded to the winners of an essay contest sponsored by the National Grange and American Plant Food Council. All young peo- , pie under 21 years of age are eligi- < ble to compete. The title is "Build ing Fertility to Cut Farm Costs." No application blank is necessary. Just prepare and submit an essay , not longer than 800 words on the , subject mentioned. The deadline , is March 31, 1954. Your completed essay should be turned over to the county agent's office or any other agricultural office. The paper will be judged on practical application , of subject matter, effectiveness of presentation, originality of prescn tat ion, spelling, punctuation and grammatical correctness. First ; prize is $500 cash. Louis Kelley, Newport, is the ] proud owner of a new litter of ^urebr^d Hampshire pigs. Louis owns' a purebred Hampshire gilt given to him by the 4-H Pig Chain. There were eight pretty pigs in the litter born last week. Louis has done an excellent job of feed ing and managing his swine project. He was the county winner for 1953 in the Meat Animal Project. The gilt was placed in the Blue Ribbon Class at the fair in Beaufort last September. Louis .has been able to do a good job because he has the cooperation and backing of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kel ley, in his livestock work. Several 4-H members have asked about getting calves for projects recently. Bobby Sellers and Wal ton Gillikin of the Smyrna Club, and William R. Lewis of the Camp Glenn Club have indicated interest in securing dairy heifers. James Meares of the Smyrna Club said he wanted a beef heifer. The county agent's office will be glad to help make arrangements for 4-H boys and girls to secure calves and pigs. Word has just been received that Carteret 4-H members will camp with Cherokee County at Camp Swannanoa August 16-21. Camp Swannanoa is near Asheville in the western part of the state. Mem bers attending Camp Schaub near Waynesville last year will recall the good time everyone had during the week's vacation in the moun tains. There will be more informa tion on 4-H Camp later. The February 4-H meetings were well attended and most of the members enjoyed the program on "Planting Red Cedar Trees for Christmas Trees." Mr. W. T. Elli son Jr., forestry specialist, was present for the Newport, Atlantic, and Harkers Island meetings. He told the members how to plant, grow, manage, and sell the trees to return a nice profit for the time, investment, and labor required. 4-H members wanting red cedar trees can order them through the county agent's office. The cost is $3.50 per 1000 trees. Last week the Camp Glenn Jr. and Intermediate 4-H officers pre sided over the Camp Glenn Club meetings unusually well. Special recognition should go to Laura Adams, secretary of Camp Glenn Intermediate and Mary Ann Swain, Intermediate club member. Mary Ann presided in the absence of the club president, Jane Oglesby. The junior officers had a good meeting too and special mention goes to Frieda Hansley, president, and Freddy Willis, secretary. Learning to preside over a club meeting properly is part of 4-H club work and gives all members an opportunity to see correct club procedure in action. Secretaries learn to write minutes of meetings and to present these correctly. In January a 4-H Officers Guide book, with duties of all officers and out line for writing minutes, and sug gestions for presiding over meet ings. was distributed. It looks as if Camp Glenn 4-H officers are using their guides. Things Worthwhile "To all club members, old and new. Here's a word of advice to you; Don't delay ? begin today. Keep your record the easy way. Put down each day what you have done, Recording well the victories won; Don't try to cover or hide defeat, Just have the spirit that can't be beat. Work hard, keep records, and do your best Then you won't have to worry about the rest." ? Joyce McCrary, Mississippi. Farmers Find Deer-Calf Running in Pasture Webber, Kan. (AP) ? They've tagged it a "dow"? but Tom Ful ton and his son T. H. Fulton, Jew ell County farmers don't know for sure whether the new calf is what it looks like, half deer and half calf. The 80-pound anitiul, found frisking in a pasture, ha! fawnlike markings and is thin-legged though it otherwise resembles i calf. While the Fultons report teeing deer with cows on their farm live stock experts at Kansas State Col lege say they don't believe cowa and deer inter-breed. Herodotus says that the ancient Egyptiana kneaded their dough with their feet and their clay with their hands. CONCRETE BLOCKS SAND ? GRAVEL CEMENT ? MORTAR CEMENT WATERPROOFING PAINT CONCRETE STEPS ? ORNAMENTAL PRODUCTS CEMENT DRAIN TILE SEPTIC TANK LIDS MOREHEAD BLOCK & TILE CO., INC Mor?l>Md City - N?w Bam Highway , Pbooa 6-3970 Nmha Feb. 17? Mrs. David Willitt spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. Jinunie Hagan and family, at Have lock. She also made a business trip to New Bern. Mrs. Clyde Rose is spending a few days with her daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. William Ouke, at Wilmington. Quite a number of people went over to Harkers Island Sunday to hear Bobbie Jenkins, the lB-year old Pentecostal Holiness preacher Mr. and Mrs. Gene Nielson and daughter have returned from an extended trip to Birmingham, Ala., where they have been visiting Mrs. Nielson's parents. Mrs. Mildon Lewis is spending a few months in El Paso, Texas, with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Mildon Lewis, Jr. Mr. M. V. Taylor and son, Bu man, have started working on the foundation of T. A. Taylor's new fish house. Gerlitta Gaskill has gone to Florida for a few months. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Daniels, Mrs. Hallet Ward Styron and Miss Elva Salter motored over to Cedar Island Sunday afternoon. They at tended a baptism service for Dal las Goodwin and his Canadian bride, who have recently arrived there. Edward Smith, USCG, is spend ing a few days with his parents, the Rev. and Mrs. T. C. Smith. ; PROTECT YOUR RIGHT i TO DRIVE UNDER NEW STATE LAW Cd low cos! Farm Bureav auto insurance ? save up to 25%. Standard, nonassess able policy . . . quick, (riend ty claims service. Second largest Mutual ante Insurer in U. S. FOR INFORMATION, RHONE David Murray Phone 6-4.156 Royal Building FARM BUREAU MUTUAL AUTOMOBIU INSURANCE (0 AFRIT LUMBER CO. Lennoxville Road Beaufort Phone 2-4581 DAVIS BALTIMORE NEWEST FASHION FINISHES FOR WALLS AND TRIM GLOSS FULL GLOSS SEMI-GLOSS PRIM Assures a soft, satin finish on walls and trim alike. Completely washable. Really odorless! Fashion right shades. FULL GLOSS PRIM The fashion finish for kitch ens, baths and playrooms. Hard, lustrous surface. Won't scratch or mar. Scrubbable! Even crayon marks wash off. HUNTLEY'S Atlantic Highway Beaufort, N. C. Phone 2-4871 used ears right ! d right! cars we know were treated right, serviced right, make your wisest used car buys! , Here's why we can offer you used cars with a known record of careful use: The great majority of our new car customers are repeat customers. We know they are responsible people who take good care of their cars. And, since mcist of them depend on our service work, we know their cars get regular, factory-approved service. When these cars are traded in, they make the best pos sible used cars, good for yoars more of economical, de pendable driving. If that's what you're looking for, come in and see our selection. We can show you cars that have been treated right, and we've priced them right I used price Plymouth You'll find the car you wtnt, it the price you went to pay, at your Plymouth Dealer's. Make him your headquarters for used car values!

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