FOR SALE PINK DOGWOOD. FLOWERING peach, crabapple, and plum trees. Crimson Glory, floradora. picture and blaze roses Pear, apple, peach and plum fruit trees. Weeping wil low, Chinese elm. maple, tulip, poplar, red oak and Chinese mag nolia trees. Azaleas, camellias and evergreens. Peat moss. Copeland's Nursery, Beaufort, phone 2-4145. f 10 COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD FUR niture. Including apartment size electric stove, refrigerator and hot water heater. Phone 2-7691. f 19 Registered Durocs Boars and Gilts Will be ready for Spring breeding. These pigs have a "real" pedigree. R. S. Garner Rt. 2 NEWPORT, N. C. fl9p AAA BABY CHICKS NEW Hampshire Reds, barred rocks and white rocks $6.50 per 100, ten free baby chicks with each order of 100. We ship C.O.I). Pitt Milling Co., Greenville, N. C. m9p TWO BEDROOM HOUSE FUR nished. Beautiful waterview loca tion. Front street extension. House new with all modern furnishings. G. M. Paul, Front street extension. Beaufort. Phone 2-8307. tf FOR A-l USED CARS AND trucks at lowest prices, see your friendly Ford dealer at 24th and Bridges St., Morehead City. N. C. Loftin Motors. Inc. tf Discontinued floor samples of I Lees pure wool carpet in i 27 x 54 inch scatter rug sizes, $4.50 to $6 95. Decna table lamps, assorted sizes at l2 price. Rayon taffeta shower curtains and window drapes. $4.95 each. Full pleated 90" floral drap eries. $5.95 pair. Quilted sanitary mattress pro tectors. $3.95 and $4.95. Nationally advertised United bedroom suites up to 40 '< off. Oiled linen window shades, $1.69 Covered ironing boards, only $6.95. Odds aid cnwer post hole diggers. South east Equipment Co., Highway, 70, West, New Bern. , tf BUY V"UR "WARD S" WINTER Wing batteries from Eighth Street Service Station, Authorized Ward Dealer. Phone 8-3051, Morehead City, N. C. tf USED MAYTAG WASHING M A chine in good condition. Can be seen at Hamilton Furniture Com pany, Beaufort. dh KEEP WARM WITH A GOOD coal fire. Safe,' economical, and full of heat. Order your quality coals from Carteret Ice and Coal Co., and save money. Phone 8-3500 Morehead City. "Since 1898." tf THE NEWS-TIMES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Minimum Rate Mr far M Ward* or Leal Additional Word* !c aach Except to ledger account cus tomera, all clasaifled ada are cash la Each Initial, abbreviation, group o I numbers count* as one word. Claasined Display ads. 77c per column inch; no ads leas than one inch accepted. Cards of Thanks and Special Notices charged at classified ad The News-Timea will bo re sponsible for the first incorrect insertion of any advertisement and then only to the extent of a make-good insertion, if the val ue of the advertisement has ?aened by the error. I publisher retervee the right I M revise or reject any copy. FOR SALE MAVTAG WASHING MACHINE Real good condition. $50. Call 6-3751. tf THREE BEDROOM BRICK house. Living room with fireplace, dining area, bathroom with showei. Electric kitchen including dish washer and disposal!. Large lot. Immediate possession Will con sider GI loan. 407 Virginia Ave., Mansfield Park. Can been seen afternoons. flOp REBUILT WASHING MACHINES. Operate like new. $25.00 to $60.00. Cee them at Hamilton Furniture Co., 505 Live Oak St., Beaufort, tf 2 NICE MULES FARM EQUIPMENT CEDAR POSTS With large hearts, long and short. EARL CAMPEN Beaufort, N. C., R.F.D. NEW AND USED FURNITURE. Hamilton Furniture co., near school on Live Oak St., Beaufort. N.C. tf 250 foot frontage on highway 70 South of rifle range. 2 acre tract suitable for home site or sub-division. Fred R. Seeley, Beaufort 2-7441 or 2-4487 jl5-22-29 f5-12-19-26p HIGH EGG PRODUCTION HUB bard Strain New Hampshire* and Parmenter Reds. Pollorum clean. New Bern Hatchery. New Bern, N. C. tf BUSINESS SERVICES I RADIO AND TELEVISION RE pairs. Prompt and guaranteed ser vice. Seventeen years of experi ence. Pick-up and delivery service. Colon's Radio Service, across from the hospital on the waterfront. Phone 6-3544. tf STEAM PROCESS FACTORY RE treading Guaranteed. Tire Service Co., 13th and Arendell Streets, Morehead City. tf REFRIGERATION SERVICE, Commercial and Domestic. Wash ing machines repaired, any make. Guaranteed used refrigerators, washing machines, drink boxes, freezers, etc. Refrigeration air con ditioning. Gates Refrigerator Ser vice, 104 North 13th St., Morehead City, N. C. tf Building Supplies LOCKHART MILLWORKS Phone 6-3918 Morehead City-New Bern Highway ? NATIVE PINE MOULDINGS AND FLOORING We Close 4 P.M. Saturdays tf SERVICE AND REPAIR On All Types Heating Appliances and Washing Machines. A W MASON 6-4640 2715 Homos Drive Morehead City, N. C. m9 DUPLICATE KEYS MADE TO order. We have the blanka ? and the machine. Protect yourself by having an extra act of keys made to put in a aafe place. Western Auto Associate Store, Beaufort and Morehead. tf AUTO LOANS $50 to $2,000 CASH IN 10 MINUTES ON MODELS 1936 TO IBM No Red Tip* ? No Endorieri Quick ? Courteoiu - Confidential Hours: 8:00 A. II. to 9:30 P. II Op?n All Saturday Closed Wedneaday Afternoons Dixie Auto Finance Co. Phone 6-3171 lltb and Arendell Sts. Morehead City ' BUSINESS SERVICES LAMPS. TOASTERS, IRONS, PER. colators, waffle irons, and all other small appliance repairing. Sound Appliance Co., 1406 Bridge* St.. Morehead City, phone 6-4432. tf-f FOR CORRECT TIME: ? 8-3186. For correct Jewelry, satisfactory watch repair. Early Jewelen, 723 ArendeU St. Morehead City. "HAULING" Long or Short Distance Precious Things Handled Carefully For Information Call WILLIS PURE OIL SERVICE STATION Phone 6-3114 Morehead City, N. C. I REFINISH VOUR OWN FLOORS Rent a sander, edger or polisher. New equipment at both itores. Western Auto Associate Stores, Beaufort and Morehead City, tf Keep It New ? Duraclean-Duraproof Solve house furniture and rug cleaning problems. Safe clean ing ? Restoration of fibre resilience? Protection against moths ? Carpet beetles ? Mil dew. For this modern service call: Carteret Duracleaners Earl P. Becton John N. Eaton Phone 6-3724 Pickup and Delivery Service ml2 DRAGLINE AND CRANE WORK anywhere anytime. Free Estimates. We deliver dirt and top soil. Sher rill Drainage Co., phone 2-7327, Highway 101, Beaufort, N. C. tf INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED Reasonable. Telephone 6-3382 D. T. DAVIS 504 Bridges Morehead City flOp FOR RENT MODERN ONE CHAIR BARBER shop completely equipped. On highway 70 eight miles east of Be^ifort. Apply J. O. Edwards Store, Bettie. f26p FIVE-ROOM UNFURNISHED FIRST FLOOR APARTMENT. Good condition. Fine neighborhood. Fred R. Seelcy Phone 2-7441 or 2-4487 flOp FOUR ROOM UNFURNISHED house with bath, electric stove, re frigerator, oil burner, Venetian blinds, garage. K. W. Wright, Beaufort, phone 2-4131. tf COM PLETELY FURNISHED two-room house. Combination liv ing room-kitchen, bedroom and bath. 201 S. 32nd St. Contact Joe Rose, 104 Noyes Ave. fl6p OFFICE OR UNFURNISHED EF ficiency apartment. 101 S. 11th St. Call K. W. Prest, 6-4239 or 6-4210. tl SUNSHINE COURT MOTEL apartments. By day, week or month. On waterfront O. M. Paul, Front St. Extension, Beaufort. Phone 2-6307. tf IN NEWPORt. ONE TWO-BED room apartment. Controlled heat, garage. Reasonable. Call More head 6-3287 or Newport 2356. tf FURNISHED APARTMENT, garage, all electric kitchen. New furniture. George Lewis, Hancock Park, phone 2-8812 or 2-3291, Beau fort tf THREE - ROOM APARTMENT, close In. Electric kitchen. Phone 2-4501 or 2-4351, Mrs. C. L. Beam. 110 Orange St, Beaufort. tf VERY ATTRACTIVE THREE room apartment. Down town. Rents reduced Also office for rent See Mrs. Herman K. Willis. 64074. tf THREE R O 0 M APARTMENT with bath, furnished. Apply Beau fort Florist or call 2-3371. tf MAN APARTMENTS Two bedrooms, living room, kitchen and pr.vate bath. All major appliances furniahed. Also water and farace. Avail able immediately. Contact 1. H. Neal. agent, phono 2-4211, Beaufort, N. C. tf FURNISHED EPriCIENCY apartments. Ideal for marines. Utilities furnished. Car pool avail able. *90 .month. Beachcomber, Atlantic Beach. tf THREE AND FOUR ROOM FU* FOE KENT FOUR ROOM FURNISHED| apartment $39 per month. Mrs. Warren Styron, 510 Fisher St. f23p FURNISHED TWO 3 ROOM apartments, $39. One 2 -room apartment. $30. 2203 Arendell St. Phone 6-4530. f23p FIVE-ROOM FURNISHED APABT ment. 1209 Evans St., Morehead City. Phone 63084. John C. Guth rie. f23p ONE FIVE-ROOM, TWO BED room furnished apartment, down stairs. Electric kitchen. Venetian blinds. Nice furniture. Back porch. Two blocks from school. $50. See or call Mr. Davis, Broadway Cafe, 6-3356 f23 ONE FOUR ROOM. ONE BED room furnished, new, small house. For couple or small family. $50. On 18th and Fisher St. See or call Mr. Davis, Broadway Cafe. 6-3356. f23 SEVERAL ONE AND TWO BED room apartments. Furnished or un furnished. Also two two-bedroom furnished cottages. C. H. Freeman. 710* Arendell St. 6 3822. tf SMALL TWO BEDROOM HOUSE. Kitchen furnished. Call 6-4555. tf FURNISHED HOUSES AND apartments. Call 6 3114 or 6-4052, Morehead City. tf HELP WANTED START WORK AT ONCE. FOR neat appearing woman, 25-55, who needs money and desires to earn as much as $21-$42 in a day contact ing brides-to-be. Car neccssary. Best hours 3 to 9 p.m. Call Mr. Conway at 6-3864 for personal in terview between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. beginning Monday, February 26, through Friday. f23 FULL TIME AND PART TIME checkers. Must be high school graduate. Phone 2-7001 or 2-4677. J. S. Steed. fl9 NEEDED ? A RAWLfcIGH DEAL er for Morehead City and Beaufort. 1500 families, where products sold many years. Real opportunity for permanent profitable work. Start promptly. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. NCB 972-232 Richmond, Va. 119p FOR LEASE Business space in Wade Building. For merly occupied by Royal Theatre. For information contact Wachovia Bank & Trust Co., Raleigh, N. C. tf SPECIAL NOTICES IN MEMOR1AM In loving memory of our devoted mother. Mrs. Nina M. Dudley, who departed this life three years ago, Feb. 17th, 1951. Gone but not for gotten, you will live forever in our hearts. Children, grandchildren, sister and brother. fl9p Notice is hereby given that Marum Mualem, sole owner of Beaufort Department Store, has sold the said business to Simcn Martinos as of January 1, 1954. After said date the said Marum Mualem will no longer be respon sible for any debts of the said business. f5-12-19-26 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE I-eaie No. 664 Notice is hereby given that on the 14th day of February 1954, I did lease to Everette S. Koonce and Harry H. Green the following de scribed clam bottom: Located in Pamlico Sound. Car teret County, N. C? Beginning at the northeast corner of the Henry Pigott lease in Pamlico Sound. Car teret County, N. C., and runs S 51 *-15' E 401' to a stake; thence S 17*15' W 312' to a stake; thence N 66* -23' W 485' to a stake; thence N 31*-4fl' E 422' to the beginning, containing 3.7 acres. This the 15th day of February, 1054. C. G. Holland Ass't. Fisheries Commissioner f 19-28 mM2 NOTICE Lease No. W Notice is hereby given t fiat on the 12th day of February 1S54. 1 did lease to Harry H. Greeii and Everette S. Koonce the following described oyater bottom: Located in Pamlico Sound, Car teret County, N. C. Beginning at an iron stake in Pamlico Sound, Carteret County, N. C? said; itake ly(ng S 33*-45' W 373' from an iron stake on the louthe astern point of Caaeys Island and runs S 9? -00' W 898' to a stake; thence S 72"-00" W 877' to a stake; thence N 8"-20' E 782' to an iron stake; thence S 85*-50' E 37S" to an iron stake; thence N M'-OO' E 318' to the be ginning. containing 9.8 acres. This the 12th day of February. 1954. C. G. Holland Assistant Fisheries Commissioner f 19-28 mS-12 EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualilM as Executrix of the estate of Paul Fenderaon, de ceased. late of Carteret County, N. C? this ia to notify all persons having claims againat said estate to present them to the undersigned at 514 Marsh St., Beaufort N. C.. on or before the 23rd day of Jan uary, 1955, or this notice will be the First Baptist Church was en tertained Friday night at the home of Mrs. Rosalie Davis, Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Evelyn Smipi, joint hos tesses. After the monthly bus iness session, a social hour with games, quizzes, and refreshments, using the Valentine motif were en joyed. Moving pictures of other so cials held by the class were shown amid much merriment. Twenty members and one visitor were pres ent. Mrs. Charles Don Dero and young daughter of Washington, D. C . have been visiting Mrs. Iona Gar ner and Mrs. Alma Pake. They left Tuesday for Morehead City to spend a few days with her moth er's sister. Mrs. Rufus Oglesby, where they will be joined by Mr. Don Dero for their return to Wash ington. Mrs. Don Dero is the form I.EGAL NOTICES please make prompt payment. This 13th day of January, 1954. Mary Catherine Fenderson, Executrix. j22 29 f5- 12- 19-26 NOTICE North Carolina Carteret County The undersigned, having quali fied as administrator of the estate of Prudie M. Willis, deceased, late of Carteret County, this is to noti fy all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of February, 1955, or this no- j tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the under signed. This the 12th day of February, j 1954. /s/ William A. Davis Administrator fl2 19 26 m5-12-19p NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA. CARTERET COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT ANN L. BLAND, Plaintiff vs. JOHN H. BLAND, Defendant The above named Defendant will take notice that a Summons in the above-entitled action was issued against him in the Superior Court of Carteret County, North Caro lina. to obtain absolute divorce , on the grounds of two (2) years separation, and for custody of the minor child of the marriage; and the Defendant will further take no* tice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County, in the Court House in Beaufort, North Carolina, within twenty (20) days after the 26th day of Febru ary, 1954, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said Complaint. This the 26th day of January, 1954. A. H. JAMES, Clerk, Superior Court Carteret County. j29 f 5-12-19 NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA. CARTERET COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK HARRY GRAHAM WILLIS and MINNIE ROSE WILLIS, PETITIONERS FOR THE ADOPTION OF JERRY GORDON WILLIS Jerry Patterson will take notice that a proceeding entitled as above is now pending in the Superior Court of Carteret County, North Carolina, and that written Motion has been filed asking the Court to determine whether or not Jerry Patterson has abandoned Jerry Gordon Willis; and he will further take notice lhat a hearing on the Motion will be had at the Court House in Beaufort, North Caro lina, on the 20th day of March, 1954. This the 8th day of February, 1954. A. H. JAMES. Clerk, Superior Court ?12-19 26 m5 NOTICE OF SALE Carteret County North Carolina In The Recorders Court o< Morehead City, N. Car. No. 12 State vs. 1946 Plymouth ? Club Coupe 2 Door ? Blue Body No. -502- E A- 2206 Motor No ? P 13115986 Serial No? 20173481 Under and pursuant to judg ment of the Morehead City Muni cipal Recorder's Court dated 25 January 19S4 in the case of the State vs. one 1946 Plymouth auto mobile described above, said auto mobile will be sold at a public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, at the City Hall, in More head City, North Carolina on Mon day. 1 March ISM at 12:00 noon, pursuant to the terms of G.S. 18-6. the automobile referred to having been impounded and seized for the violation of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Lawi of the State of North Carolina. Given under my hand and offi cial leal this 27 day of January, 1864 John E. Laahley, Clerk of Recorder* Court of MertbMd City. North Carolina. er Rosalie Styroa of Davis. llrt. Georgia Willis celebrated her seventy-fifth birthday on the 0th with a number of friends and relatives calliug at her home, bring ing gifts and wishing her "Best wishes and many happy returns of the day." It took two attempts to blow out the seventy-five lighted candles on her cake after she had made her birthday wish. During the singing of "Happy Birthday" she cut the cakfe, and this with ice cream was served by her daugh ter, Melba. Kodak pictures were taken of the party. The many friends of Mr. James Paul Lewis are glad to know that he is at home and much improved after treatment at Sea Level Hos pital. A Valentine party was enjoyed by the members of the Women's i Bible Class of the First Baptist | Church Saturday night. Mrs. Alger ' Willis entertained in honor of I her mother, Mrs. Lina Land ,who is 1 now making her home at Davis. 1 Music, reading, and games were | enjoyed. Refreshments of ice cream, cake, candies and nuts were l served to the twenty-two members | 1 present. | A mission study class on Home Missions was held Tuesday night. | The book "In Evangeline's Coun- i ! try," was taught by Mrs. Claire | j Chambers who will continue the ! study Thursday morning in order | to complete the class. This mission J study precedes the Week of Pray- \ er for Home Missions held March 1st through 5th in which all Wo- , men's Missionary Union of the I Southern Baptist Convention par ticipate. Mrs. W. H. Moody of Washing ton, D. C.. Mr. and Mrs. I L. Stone, and daughter Addie Lynn, of Lum I berton spent the weekend with Mr. I and Mrs. Leonard Davis. Mrs. Moody is Mrs. Davis' sialcr. They left Sunday for Lumberton, N. C., to visit Mrs. T. R. Tolar, their mother, who has been ill with pneu monia, but is now much improved. For several days Phillip Smith has been confined to his home. His many iriends are happy to know he is resting better today. Mrs. Carrie V. Garner, mother of Rev. Maurice Garner, having vis ited her son's family for a num ber of weeks, has now gone to Chariot lc for a short visit before returning to her home in Gaffney, S. C. Negro News Beaufort? All men of the Beau fort community are invited to at tend Purvis Chapel AME Zion Church, Sunday afternoon at 3 o' clock. Mr. Edward Henry, church lay man, will speak on his personal experience of Life and Death. The man who has made the most significant contribution to the church life of Purvis Chapel will be honored. Ten prizes will be given to hold ers of special invitations to this program. Outstanding male talent of the community will furnish music for the occassion. Morehcad City? The Ladies Home Instruction Club met at the home of Mrs. Pearl Brewington last Thursday evening. After the devotional the meeting was called to order by the vice-president, Mrs. Rosa Sheperd. After the business session Mrs. Thelma Stamps gave an interest ing program. The hostess was presented with a gift from the club. She served cake, ice cream, candy and nuts after the meeting. The club met last night at the home of Mrs. Shepherd. Morebead City Hospital: Births: To Mr. and Mrs. William Earl Hill, Morchead City, a daugh ter, Alice Alueda, Monday, Feb. 15. Discharged: Patsy Ann Horton, Morehead City, Tuesday after treat ment; Mrs. William Hill and daugh ter, Morehead City, Tuesday; Cor etta Small, Beaufort, Sunday after treatment. Morehead City The Rev. W. C. Horton will preach at the 11 o' clock and 7:30 services Sunday at the Christian Star Church on 11th st. The public is invited. Bachelor? The All Male Chorus of Arapahoe will present a program Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at St. Antioch Baptist Church. The public is invited. From 1850 to 1950 the popula tion of the United States multi plied by about six, from about 23 million to about 151 million. PINT ?120 Tin Can Phones Serve Villages Kuala Lumpur, Malaya (AP) A tin can telephone system is pro viding communications for Malay villages in five areas in Kelantan state, north Malaya. The Telecommunications Depart ment disclosed existence of these phones ill a warning issued to the villagers to have them dismantled as wires from their phone net works were interfereing with reg ular government lines whenever they fell across them. The Department said in a state ment it "applauds the iniative of the people" and promised to fix up a field telephone system for them. The tin can phone system consists of two cans. One end of each can is cut out and through the other end a hole is made. The ends of a length of wire, linking two villages, are attached to the cans through the holes. The open end of the can is the mouthpiece as well as the earpiece of the phone. As one speaker talks into the open end, the listener at the other end has the open end to his ear. Improper use of driver'! license resulted in loss of driving privil eges for 53 North Carolinuns last i year. MULES! MULES! FOR SALE L. C. CARROLL NEWPORT Phone 2107 More Heat for Your Money Than Any Other Fuel, And the Safest to Use! Wr carry quality coals at economical prices and make prompt deliveries to all parts of Carteret County and Havelock. Order now from CARTERET ICE & COAL CO. Phone 6-3500 itlorehead City Serving You "Since 1898" OUR REPUTATION IS YOUR GUARANTEE Brand new ? no mileage 1953 Ford 4-door Customline. V-8 Fordomatic transmission, ra dio, heater. 1951 Ford Club Coupe, cus tom line. Radio, heater, over drive, seat covers, new tires, black. SPECIAL! 1953 WILLYS AERO EAGLE HARD TOP With radio, heater, overdrive, and whitewall tires. 11,000 iniles. 1 owner car. Originally sold for $2,650 Now $1495 NEW '54 CHEVROLETS AND FORDS FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. 90-DAY OR 4,000 MILE WARRANTEE Hardesty Motors 1302 Arendell St. 400 Arendell St. Gordon Hardesty, Mgr. MOREHEAD CITY 1948 NASH 4- Door 1949 FORD 2-Door 1949 FORD Convertible Coupe 1950 PLYMOUTH 4-Door 1949 CHEVROLET 4-Door 1949 HUDSON Club Coupe Others to Choose From PAUL MOTOR CO. H. D. Paul, Mtr. 322 Front St. Beaufort Phono 2-4261