".!ZZf? 1. Slinging insect 6. In favor of 8 Monk's hood 12 Vocal so<6 13. Historical period 14. Genua of the olire tree 19. Com* into view again 17 Gentl* 18. Animal' handler 18. Veseels for brewing tea 21. 9et aside for future use 23 Bleat 26. Unhappy 27. Public storeheuaa 31. Pish hawk 33 Anointa lit thread 33. Unit of energy 37. More meager , 40. Art fS*rrtlkl ffwulll diet 43. Cook in an oven 47 Caftle 4A. ThaA which S?* retiil 50. Declare M. Deposit 32. Mud S3 Longing* 34. Holland commune 55 Rill DOWN 1. Hard growth on the skin Huaura a tjpn'-'.j jvirrjigl O1. ' 'JM Id;^H HHUL-iM Ht!M HOiai: 1 ' .'1?;^ : ; UMil^ J w.iUt-lb!! a^v kl.hu a&jawn raraHUH aspf-) .jua daaoti .-ida ilfj ?JlLUJIlULs US yauiflbB iiqsuga lyUailfciB c-lullukJtJ Solution to Friday's puttie ?. tnmf >o ? competition ?. Medley t 10. Part of a shoe 11. Boon Id. .Attendance 20. Those who exact retri bution 22. Utter 23. Genus of the cow 24. Peer Gynt* a mother 25. Likely 28. Liquor 29. Writing implement 30. Feminine ? ending 32. Lista 38. Paasageway 39. Compart ment# in a ""aw ttrm 41. Wander 42. Unclose 44c Indigo pltnt 45.MM&al fluids 40. Card wit* three sgcta 49. Affirmative vote Gill of Raleigh spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Howard. Mr. Parker Herrington returned to Rocky Mount Friday after spend ing several days here with rela tives. Mrs. Nelson Brown was the guest of ^Mrs. Jennings Teal of Tarboro over the weekend. Mrs. Edgar Hibbs, Mrs. Louis Hibbs and Mrs. Parker Guthrie were business visitors in Golds boro Wednesday. ' Miss Peggy Bell of ECC, Green ville, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stancil Bell, over the week end. Mrs. T. R. Garner attended a district meeting of home economics teachers at Washington Saturday > Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Heath and daughter, Emily, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Heath. Mr. Leon Mann went to Raleigh i Saturday to attend a postmasters' . meeting. He spent the night with his brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Mann and returned home Sunday. Mrs. Parker Herrington and R. D. Garner went to Durham Satur day to visit Mr. Garner's father, Mrs Claud Garner, who is in Duke Hospital-. David Kirk and Mack Garner were home for the weekend from Huntsvifle, Ala. Mrs. Kirk and daughter, Debra, and Mrs. Gar ner and son, Rodney, returned to Alabama with them to make their home there. Mrs. Guthrie Entertains Mrs. C. E. Long, Miss Agnes Quinn and Mrs. M. J. Mitchell were special guests when Mrs. Parker Guthrie entertained her bridge club Friday evening. Mrs. Mitchell won high score prize, Mrs. Solon Perk ins second high, and Mrs. Long and Mrs. W. D. Roberts won slam prizes. The hostess served iced drinks and nuts during progres sions and fruit cake topped with ice cream and coffee at the end of play. Feb. 17? Mrs. Egdar Hibbs and Mrs. Alfred Reynolds were business visitors in Goldsboro Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Meares of Richmond, Va., spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I Chester Meares. Mr. Meares is a ' student at an art school in Rich mond. Mrs. J. I. Mizeile and Mrs. Nel son Brown made a business trip to Wilmington Tuesday. Mrs. Martha Hunnings, Mrs. S. T. Dudley, and Miss Carrie Hun nings spent Sunday in New Bern with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hunnings. Mrs. Charlie Gfcrner arrived home Sunday after visiting her children in Reno and Las Vegas, ] I Nevada, for two months. She flew I from Lm Vagas to Hntrhinsn^ Tixas fcom where she aotorei h *m? vdth her son and hit v id, Li and Mrs Roikfld Garner, and their son. Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Cole and chil dren of JaaksoimUe were weekend | guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ad ams. Mrs. Manly Mason visited in New | Bern Thursday. Lt. and Mrs. Garner spent several | days here visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Garner and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Bell. They left Wed nesday for Jacksonville, Florida, the base to which they have been transferred. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Blair and son Bill of Vanceboro spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1. N. Howard. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Pruit and children, Carl and Anne of Chin quapin spent the weekend at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. FHoyd Harness and children, Patricia and Beverly, of Haleigh, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. I. Gamer, over the weekend. Mrs. Bob Montague and Miss Lydia Willis of Cherry Point werv business visitors in Raleigh Satur day. Miss Blanche Dudley of Tuttle's Grove is spending the week with Mrs. S. T. Dudley. Official Board Meets The official board of St. James Methodist Church held its regulpi monthly meeting Wednesday night | at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Garner. Routine business was transacted. A report was given on the fold ing doors for the educational build ing. The doors have been ordered and should arrive in several weeks. At the close of the business ses sion, hostess served pecan pie and coffee. Mrs. Uibbs Hostess to Club Mrs. Edgar Hibbs was hostess to her bridge club Friday evening. High score prizes for each table in play were awarded to Mrs. Parker Guthrie, Mrs. R. L. Pruit I and Mrs. E. B. Comer. Mrs. Pruit and Mrs. Solon Perkins won slam prizes. The hostess served Valentine candy, red ice cream hearts, and blocks of cake decorated with can dy hearts. The bridge club will meet with Mrs. M. C. Howard this week. Sunday School Class Meets The Floy Garner Sunday School class entertained at a Valentine dinner party Saturday evening at the educational building of St. James Methodist Church. The guests were members of the men's and women's classes, the teachers, and their husbands and wives. The tables, piano and walls of the building were gaily decorated with Valentines. The dinner, of which Mrs. Dick Lockey was in charge, was served buffet style and the menu consist ed of fried chicken, ham, baked beans, potato salad, stuffed celery, lettuce and tomato salad, deviled eggs, biscuits, pie and coffee. During the entertainment per iod, Mrs. T. R. Garner led the group in singing. Miss Margaret Bell conducted a contest in which three men and three women were called upon to recite "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" in different PkmH Change Air Weed Ottawa (AP)? The National Re search Council says plant life is miles ahead of man when it comes to manufacturing processes Two of the council's scientists found 'hat plants can change air into wood in less than 10 seconds. In this period carbon dioxide becomes solid cellulose, the materia! which forms the framework or skeleton of most plants. Dr. Paul M. Laughton and Dr. D. C. Mortimer, of thu plant physi ology section of NRC, exposed su gar beet leaves to small amounts ways. Mr. Milton Warren was awarded another piece of pie as the winner. Mrs; Zeb Mauncy wa* mistress of ceremonies for the contest to select the "Sweetheart of 1954." As other contestants failed to ap pear, it was decided to name both of those who did take part as "Sweethearts of 1984." The group sang "Good Night Ladies" to end the party. Newpwt PTA Meets The Newport Parent-Teacher As sociation observed Founders' Day Tuesday night at its regular meet ing. The theme of the program was character and spiritual education. The Rev. D. B. Cummings of the Newport Missionary Baptist Church gave the devotional, and a skit, "Hie Light of Tomorrow," was pre sented by Mrs. Alfred Reynolds as the parent, Miss De Lena Hughes as the teacher, and Jimmy LaShan as the community. Students taking part were Jenny Lynn Garner, Barbara Howard, Johnny Mason, Alton Hardison and Gail Minter. Mrs. G. C. Pollard, Jr., told the purpose of the Foun ders' Day gift, which was an of fering taken at the close of the meeting. Mrs. W. D. Heath Jr. thanked ev eryone for their contribution to the March of Dimes and present ed gifts to Jenny Edwards and Sammy Montague, winners in the (March of Dimes baby contest in Newport. Mrs. Tom Dickerson, president, was in charge ot the meeting. A room count was taken and Mrs. Millis' first grade, Mrs. Edwards' second grade, Mrs. Avery's fifth grade, and Mrs. Simmons' tenth grade were winners in attendance. Mrs. David Kirk announced that there would be a union service for the World Day of Prayer at the Holly Springs Freewill Baptist Church Friday night, March 5. Mrs Stanley Mann made the announce ment that the county library would likefc for the people of Newport to bke advantage of the many boolb contained there. Mrs. Kirk, secretary, read the list of committees for the home coming and dedication of the New port School. This event is sched uled for Saturday, April 17. It is hoped that the homecoming will be made an annual event. Followitaj adjournment, refresh ments of cake and lemonadf were served in observance of Founders Day. On WNCT-TV This Week SEE THESE WONDERFUL SHOWS ON CHANNEL 9 * TUESDAY, FEB. 23, 1954 2:45 ? Afternoon Melodies 3:00? Afternoon Theatre 4:00 ? Woman With a Past 4:15? Music With a Past, CBS 4:30 ? On Your Account, NBC 5:00 ? Cactus Jim 5:30 ? Range Riders " 6:00 ? News 6:15 ? Sports 6:20? Weather 6:25? Safety Tips 6:30 ? Circle C. Jamboree 6:45 ? Farm Facts 7:00 ? Yesterday's News Reel 7:15 ? JeweJ Box Jamboree 7:30? Douglas Edwards, CBS 7:45 ? Public Prosecutor 8:00 ? Life is Worth Living, DuMont 8:30? Red Skelton, CBS 9:00? Make Room far Daddy, ABC 9:30? Search for a Star 10:30? Wrestling 11:00 ? News, Weather and Sports WEDNESDAY, F*1?. 24, 1954 2:45 ? Afternoon Melodies 3:00? Afternoon Theatre 4:00? Woman With a Past 4:15 ? Music With a Fashion 4:30? On Your Account, NBC 5:00? Cactus Jim 6:00? News 6:15? Sports 6:20? Weather 6:25? Safety Tips 6:30? Riders of Purple Sage 6:45? Farm Facts 7:0?? Kit Carson 7:30? Douglas Edwards, CBS ' 7:45? Perry Como, CBS 8:00? Musical Memories 8:30? Window on the Sky 9:00 ? Badge 714 9:30- The Unexpected 10:00 ? Pabst FighU, CBS 10:45 ? Greatest Fights of the Century 11:00? News, Weather and Sports THURSDAY, FEB. CS, 1954 2:45? Afternoon Melodies 3:00 ? Nancy Carter's Cookbook 4:00 ? Woman With a Past 4:15? Music With a Fashion 4:30 ? On Your Account, NBC 5:00? Cactus Jim 6:00? News 6: 15 ? Sports j 6:20? Weather 6:25? Safety Tips 6:30 ? Circle C Jamboree . 6:45? Farm Facts 7:00 ? Lone Ranger 7:30? Douglas Edwards, CBS 7:45 ? Yesterday's News Reel ?:00? You Bet Your Life, NBC 8:30 ? Four Star Playhouse, CBS 9:00?1 Led Three Lives 8:30? Living Book* 10:00 ? Late Show 11:00^? News, Weather and Sports FRIDAY, FEB. 26, 1954 2:45 ? Afternoon Melodies 3:00 ? Afternoon Theatre 4:00 ? Woman With a Past 4:15? Music With a Fashion 4:30? On Your Account, NBC 5:00 ? Cactus Jim 6:00? News 6:15 ? Sports 6:20? Weather 6:25? Safety Hp? . MACHINE ft SUPPLY COMPANY Carteret County'* Most Complete TV Service Beaefert-Menkeed City Bmy. Pteae 2*6971 ^ ? 6:30? Riders of Purple Sage 6:45? F?rm Facta 7:00 ? Strange Adventure 7:15 ? Jewel Bo* Jamboree 7:30? Doug Edwarda, CBS 7:45? Perry Como, CBS 8:00? Boston Blackie 8:30? Pepsi-Cola Playhouse, ABC 0:00? Ufe with Beilly, NBC 9:30? Cavalcade of America, ABC 10:00 ? Cavalcade of Sports, NBC 10:45 ? Beat the Experts 11:00? News, Weather. Sports SATURDAY, FEB. 27, 1?54 11:00? Winky, Dinky and You; CBS 11:30? Rod Brown Rocket Rangers, CBS 12:00? Big Top, CBS 1:00? Melody Matinee 1:30 ? What in the World, CBS 2:00 ? East Carolina College 2:30? Whafs Your Trouble 2:45? Industry Parade 3:00? Afternoon Melodies 3:30? Championship Wrestling, CBS - 4:30 ? Horse Races from Hlaleah, CBS 5:00? Uncle Marvin 6:00? News 6:15 ? Sports 6:30 ? Circle C Jamboree , ? 7:00 ? Mr. Wfeard, NBC 7:30? Ciaeo Kid MO-The Big Picture 8:30? Amateur Hour, NBC 9:00 ? TWo for the Money, CBS 9:30 ? Playhouse of Stan. CBS 10:00? Medallion Theatre, CBS 10:30? HR Parade, NBC 11:00 ? News, Weather and Sports' TYii* TV Log is Brought to You Each Wook by tho Tolovition Doalora Liitod Bofow CITY APPLIANCE & FURNITURE CO. Stromberg-CarUon A Sylvania TV Set* 523 Front St. Hwor ?3*? ?ww. ir cr HAMILTON FWNirURi COMPANY Motorola Zfefaitfi R.C.A. Bendix C.B.S. Columbia Television Sot* > MS Lire Oak St * ?iftil, N. C. Plume Z-7M1 BLANCHARD'S ELECTRIC SERVICE G.E. Television with Black-Daylite or Ultra-Vision U?w MM niiMNTtfad Caavealeat terms 114 Areadrll St Morehead CRy ftaae C-S2ST ; HAIL'S RADIO & TV SERVICE Zenith * SyW.nfk in MoreHUd City Zenith ? Admiral ? Motorola Sylrania ? R.C.A. ? Hajlicraftors in Havelock Mtrefcead Cky Imletk At the February meeting of Rus sell's Creek Home Demonstration I Club, rtie members decided on a club project for 19R4 Their pro ject is "Help A Neighbor." Club members wilt be available to help any person who has sickness or is otherwise in need in the Russell's Creek community. Russell's Creek has been very ac tive for the past two years in club project work. In 1952 they land soaped the Russell's Creek Free Will Baptist Church in their com munity. and in 1953 they land scaped the Oak Grove Christian Church, another church in their community. As a club, they tyave also contri buted baskets of food and other things to the sick and needy near them. Besides the usual club program this club is rendering a wonder ful program of community service. Bettie Home Demonstration Club gave a skit on Citizenship at their regular club meeting Feb. 12. The skit was on North Caro lina, its resources, geography, his tory, and places of interest. The people participating were Mrs. Joe Salter, Mrs. Dyon Simpson. Mrs Charlie Pake, Mrs. Stanley Gillikin. and Mrs. Thomas Beacham. This skit was designed to help club members become better acquainted with their state. of carbon dioxide under a bright light. The carbon dioxide was first made radioactive so it cou'rt be identified when it got inside the plant. The leaves were allowed to absorb the gas for varying periods and then were killed in boiling water. Radioactive cellulose was found in the leaves even though they had absorbed the gas for only 10 sec onds. "This cellulose must have been made from the radioactive gas," the council said. "It follows that the plant can make these extreme ly complex changes, from air to wood, in less than 10 seconds." Gold I/eaf Dome Trenton, N. J. (AP) ? - It takes a lot of gold leaf to cover a dome. Workmen recently covered the 60 foot copper dome atop New Jer sey's State Capitol Building with 24-carat gold leaf. The job requir ed about 240 troy ounces of the leaf, which cost some $8,900, three coats of lead paint and a coat of sizing. Here's a Cook's Buying Guide for Dairy Foods: One pound American (Cheddar I cheese makes 4 cups grated. One pond butter, makes 2 cups. One quarter pound butter makes % cup. One pound cottage cheese makes 2 cups. One-half pint <1 cup) coffee cream makes 8 coffee servings. One-half pint (X cup) whipping cream makes 2 cups whipped One cup milk plus f tablespoon lemon juice or vinegar make 1 cup sour milk. One quart ice cream makes 6 medium serving*. This table may help in shopping or cooking. Carteret County diets need more dairy foods. It's up to the homcmaker to include them in her family's diet. The following 1954 Extension Bulletins have just arrived in the Home Agent's office, and are avail able on request: Ornamental Shrub Pest Control, Pests of Flowers, 1954 Vegetable Insect Control. In sect Pests on Shade and Ornamen tal Trees, and Household Pests. Average Service Man Is A Good Air Traveler Roanoke, Va (AP) ? The "small time operation who tries to act big time'' is the biggeK headache in air travel, says Miss Shirley Mc Manus, of Washington, art Amer ican Airlines stewanfem. She describes a "small time" op orator as a person who has trav eled little and trlet to make every one think he is a globetrotter Annoying habits are snapping fingers at stewardess* and ad dressing them as "Dearie." Fastest air traveler to please? Average service man. Business men who travel regularly are an easy second. English countrymen formerly be lieved that stone axes chipped by primitive men and found on their larms fell there in the form of thunderbolts. NEW "SLANT on Windshield Design! and a NEW SWEEP * in Styling 1 Designed with ? new vision! Styled with a new flsir! Powered with * new "Rocket"! Oldsmobile's Super "88" foe 1954 M mew? ultra-turn ? ?U over! There '? a new lively look U ita jaunty, wide-angle piaaauiio windshield ?and new safety, too! Ita new long, low- level ailhouetle aeta a new high in fashion ? a thrilling new pattern far the fcrtare! Sweep-cot doen and fender* gire a new, dashing "sports car" flair to this spirited style star! . ( That mw high-level, full-width cowl ren tils toe mean* fresher, cleaner air! And nnderneath that ha| and lovely hood, there's World's Reoord power ? a flashing new 185- horsepower "Rocket" Engine with an MS to 1 cotnpreaaien ratio! For a completely new view on modem motoring, aee the completely new Snper "IS" far 1954? -ew gala display at your Oldamobile dealer's now I OLDSMOBILE SOUND CHEVROLET COMPANY, INC t308 ARENDELL ST. WON! 6-4071 MOREHiAD OTYv N. C

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