Morehead City Social News| ?Dm ln|ne Loot, Society Editor __ Phone (4175 j Mrs. S. W. Spooner of^Vilming tftn arrived Sunday to ?p?nd a week with her sitter and brotherinlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Roney Morton, and tier mother, Mrs. E. F. Watkins. Mr. and Mrs W. M. Henson ot Aabeboro spent the weekend visit ing in Morehead City. They plan to move here soon Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bryan and chil dren of Mechanicsburg, Pa., re turned to their home yesterday af ter spend the weekend with Mrs. Bryan's mother, Mrs. Regina Snipes. Roney Morton, USN, will return to Norfolk today after spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roney Morton. Miss Ava Hall of Mt. Vision, N. Y, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Alease Akerley. Mrs. Robert liagan and Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Ange and grandson, Mike, of Durham spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Roney Mor ton and Mrs. E, F. Watkins. Mr. Jimmy Murphy of Wichita, Kan., spent a while Sunday with his grandparents. Mrs. Bettie Mur phy and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Russell. He stopped here on his way to Miami, Fla., to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy. Mr. E. T. Watkins of Wilson spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. E. F. Watkins, and his sister, Mrs. Roney Morton and Mr. Mor ton. Gilbert Riggs, USCG, will re turn to Groton, Conn , today after spending a week with his wife, Mrs. Jerry Guthrie Riggs and two daugh ters. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hall Sr. left Saturday for their home in Roches ter, N. Y., after spending two days with their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hall Jr., at the home of Mrs. Bertha Stalllngs. Mn Charlie Styron was dis charged from the Morehead City Hospital Thursday after an oper ation. Miss Dorothy llarreli was in Goidsboro Saturday evening to at tend a bankers' meeting. She spent Sunday in Bailey with friends. Miss Mary Willis of Washington. D. C. returned yeaterday after spending the weekend with her mother, Mrs. George Willis, and her sister, Ruth. Mrs. L. J. Norris has returned from New York City where she spent 10 days with her son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Nor ris. Mrs. W. H. Guthrie was dis charged from the Morehead City Hospital Friday after treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Morris and son, Walter, have returned from two weeks in Homestead, Fla. Mrs. Emma Davis and Mrs. Em ma Oglesby of llarlowe spent Fri day in town. Mrs. A. H. McDonald and Mrs. John J .ash ley were in New Bern Friday to attend a church meeting. Mr. R. Sullivan spent Sunday in Goidsboro with his wife, a patient at Wayne Memorial Hospital. Major and Mrs. Kenneth Forsha and three children of Fort Bragg spent Sunday and Monday here and at Atlantic Beach. They visited with Mr. and Mrs H. S. Gibbs Jr. and daughter, Carol. Girls' HI V Meets Thelma Memakis, program chair man, presented the program at Thursday night's Tri lli-Y meeting at the Civic Center. It was on World Service. The meeting was opened with silent prayer, followed by the singing of the club song. SUPER SAVINGS* Morehead City Drug Co. During the BIG i ?# Amos n' Andy SALE ALL THESE ITEMS AT Only V% Price | Rubbing Alcohol, Reg. 39c ? ? - - - 19c Glycerine & Rote Water, Reg. 49c - - 24c Milk of Magnesia Tablet*, Reg. $1.00 50c Mineral OH, Reg. 80c 22c Hjrgenic Powder, Reg. $1.49 .... 74c Bismarex Mate*, Rag. 79c ..... 39c Aspirin, Reg. 39c .. ...... 18c Cold Tablets, Reg. 79c ( 39c Anti-Histamine, Reg. 98c ..... 49c Fungi-Rex Foot Powder, Reg. 99c - 28c Cara Nome Lipstick, Reg. $1.10 ... 55c Stag Creme Oil Hair Tonic, Reg. 79c - - 39c Stag Hair Oil, Reg. 75c ...... 37c Elkajrs Dip Off Tarnish Remover, Reg. 98c 49c M I 31 Solution, Reg. 39c ..... 19c Klensa Antiseptic, Reg. 39c - -V - - 19c Penetrating Liniment, Reg. 98c ... 49c Adrianae Hair Brushes, Rag. $1.79 '? ? 89c Cara Nome Cleansing Cream, Rag. $1.10 ? 88c Cara Nome Cold Cream, Reg. $1.10 ? - 55c A<ih$?iv> Tape, Reg. 23c - - 16c SCUFFS 0 Rag. $2.00 ; $1.00 Rag. 98c 49C Reg. $1.19 59C Mor#head City Drug Co. A COOP DRUG STORE * PHONE HMO ?15 ARENDELL M0REHEAD CITY, N. C^ Mrs. Stalling* Entertains At Coffee Hour Yesterday Mrs. Bertha Stalling! waa hostel* ?t a co tie* hoar yasteritay altar noon irom 4 to 5 at the Blue Rib boo Club honoring Miss Betsy | Thornton, who will be married March 8 to Mr. Nelson Taylor Lew is Jr. Tables were arranged in a square with place cards (or the 16 gucsU. On each table was a candle in a silver holder tied with white rib bon. Two arrangement of narcis sus and daffodils and a miniature bride and groom in a glass globe were used as decoration Corsages of camellias were pre sented to the honoree. her mother, Mrs. Herbert Thornton and the mother of the groom, Mrs. Nellie Hancock Lewis. Sandwiches, block cake and coffee were served by Mrs. Stallings. Among the games played was one called March Bride. Each guest was given a telegraph blank and told to write a message, using the letters contained in the words March Bride, as the first letter in each word of the telegran Each message was read aloud. The hostess presented Miss Thornton with a place setting in her set of everyday china. Two Hostesses Entertain Miss Thornton Saturday Mrs. Waldron Baily III and Mrs. Arthur Johnson entertained Sat urday afternoon from 3 to 4 o' clock at the home of Mrs. John son's mother. Mrs. Edna Farrior, honoring Miss Betsy Thornton, bride-elect. Spring flowers and camellias were used for decoration. Miss Thornton, Mrs. Herbert Thornton and Mrs. Nellie Hancock Lewis were presented with corsages upon arrival. Guests were served refresh ments, buffet style, from the di nette. The hostesses served open faee sandwiches, cheese biscuits, potato chips, olives, pickles and iced drinks. Miss Thornton was presented with two gifts from the hostesses, a silver silent butler and a crystal bon bon plate. Miss Annetta Mills Wed Friday to Richard Groves Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Mills of Chi cago, III., announce the marriage of their daughter. Annetta, of this city, to T/Sgt. Richard Groves of Cherry Point, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Groves of Columbus, Ohio. The wedding took place Friday evening in Conway, S. C. Mrs. Groves is teacher of public school music in the Morehead City Grad ed School. Marinate onion rings in mild vin egar that's been sweetened with a little sugar and serve with ham burgers. Phileathea Class Hears Talk By Miss Ava Hall, New York The Phileathea Class of the Firs! I Baptist church met Tueaday tvia ii>S- in the asaembly room ot the Sunday School. A covered dish supper was served The tables wer* decorated with flowers and candles After Mrs. D B. Willis Sr. re turned thanks for the meal, Happy Hirthday was sung to two of the members. Mrs Grace Piner and Mr?. R. T. Willis Sr. They were each given a gift. Mrs. Alease Akerley, president, Carol Gibbs Celebrates Second Birthday Saturday Little Carol Gibbs was hostess Saturday afternoon at a birthday party given by her mother, Mrs. H. S. Gibbs Jr., to honor her on her second birthday. Eight chil dren and their mothers were pres ent. Each child was given Easter Bun ny favors. The children were served refreshments of cookies, ice cream and butter mints, from individual tables. Carol's cake was pink, decorated with candy Easter bunnies and Easter eggs and two candles. Mrs. Gibbs served the mothers iced drinks, cookies and ice cream. Mrs. Paul Webb Hostess To Fortnightly Club Mrs. Paul Webb was hostess to the Fortnightly Bridge Club Thurs day afternoon at her home on 34th street. Her invited guest was Mrs. G. Henry Jackson. Mrs. H. L. Joslyn was high scorer and Mrs. C. R. Davant was low. Mrs. Webb served congealed des sert salad, ham biscuits and coffee. Mrs. W. C. Carlton will enter tain the club in two weeks, March 4. WSCS Sub-District Meets Members of the Woman's So ciety of Christian Service of the Carteret County Sub-District have been asked to attend Day Apart Services in the First Methodist Church, Morehead City, Friday at 3 o'clock and at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Louise Eggleston of Norfolk, out standing Christian leader, will con duct the meetings. Women of all denominations are invited. Miss Mcl/ohon MYF Officer In the current issue of the Chris tian Advocate, Methodist Church pobtication, is a picture of the executive council of the Metho dist Youth Fellowship. Pictured with the officers is Miss Maxine McLohon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McLohon, Morehead City, sec retary. was in charge of the prograa Af ter the read the scripture, Mrs. 0. G. Sterkn led In prayer. Mrs. Akerley then predated bar akter. Miss Ava Hall of lit. Vision. N V , who reported on the New York State Baptist Convention which ?he attended at Syractue, N. Y. A Biblical contest was conducted. The business session was in charge of Miss Ullle Piner. The group sang songs, accompanied on the piano by Miss Hall and Mrs. Ster 'len. CALENDAR OF EVENTS TODAY 6:45 p.m.- Beaufort Rotary Club, Inlet Inn 7 p.m.- -Carteret County Busi ness and Professional Women's Club, Holden's Restaurant, Beau fort. 7.30 p.m.? Ocean Lodge, Masonic Lodge, Morehead City 7:30 p.m.? Woman's Club, First Christian Church, Morehead City 7:30 p m Organized Army Re serve Corps, Potter Building, Beau fort 8 p.m.? Lanier Book Club, Civ ic Center, Morehead City 8 p.m. ? One Foot in Heaven, Carteret Community Theatre Pro duction, W. S. King School Au ditorium, Morehead City WEDNESDAY 7:30 p.m. ? Esther Kebekahs, Rec recation Center, Morehead City 7:30 p.m.? Carteret Community Theatre, Scout Hut, Beaufort THURSDAY 6:30 p.m. ? Joint Meeting of Morehead City Chamber of Com merce, Rotary Club and Lions Club, Recreation Center 7:30 p.m.? Wqodmen Circle Grove No. 263, New Hall East of Camp Glenn School 7:30 p.m. ? Odd Fellows, Lodge Hall, Beaufort FRIDAY 9 to 4:30 p.m. ? Representative of Bureau of Internal Revenue, More head City Post office 7:30 p.m.? American Legion, Hut west of Morehead City 7:30 p.m.- American Legion Auxiliary, Hut West of Morehead City SATURDAY 9 a.m.? Port Security Identifica tion Card Processing Team, Second Floor, Morehead City Postoffice SUNDAY 9 a.m. ? Port Security Identifica tion Card Processing Team, Second Floor, M*rebead Ci ty-Bwype Laundering, Dry Cleaning is Art Small TMk "four "telephone Keeps ifeu in Tbuch ! JHpUf Ahnjn to 3?i ?? Eastern North C?i'?ll? Better J By RUTH CURRENT Stat* Home Demonstration Agent Laundering and dry cleaning is a science and an art. Are we satisfied with the way our clothes are returned to us from our laun dries and dry cleaners? Good grooming is directly relat ed to knowledge and skill of laun dering and dry cleaning. What problem is bigger for the house wife than that weekly laundry for the family? Are the nylon under garments. sheets and pillow cases grayed from following poor laun dry practices? What about curtaina. slip covers, draperies, blankets that have been sent to the dry clean ers? Arc they off color? Have the woolens been shrunk? It's time for home makers to start studying more about the high cost of laundering and dry cleaning, at home and away from home. Stretch the Food Dollar ? Fol low advertising and weekly market specials. Foods in season, plentiful and lo cally-produced, cost less. THIS IS THE MAN WITH A PLAN I la taw if dlaahUlty It pay* far itself %id paya yau a ?lathly Income up to UM.M In ad dition to thla, yon still kin a {rawing savlafa nca?t It paya the (ace anient far natural Mk. It paya double t to face aaasut far are Idea tal ML In raaa yon lire and keep feed healtk, It aatoautically klinnini a retirement plan Perfect Protection Policy SOLD ONLY BY OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE 00. M bM(k, N. C. TUdm PkUlipa Two Services Scheduled At Presbyterian Church A brief 30-minute service of Thanksgiving will be held at the Webb Memorial Praateterian Chunk tonight at < p.m. Tail ser vice will be in obwrvaaee of the eloaa of the building fund can vass and will take the place of the victory dinner originally sched uled for tonight. It has been reported that the campaign to raise money for the new church is proceeding most suc cessfully. -The total amount of pledges will be announced tonight. The third in a 16-week series of Bible studies on the book of Ephe sians will be held Wednesday even ing at 7:30 at the church. The Rev. Priestley Conyers III, pastor, is leading these informal studies In which questions and answers are encouraged. Everyone is cordially invited to tonight and Wednesday night's meeting. '. " . HOSPITAL NOTES Morehead City Hospital Discharged after treatment: Mr. Frank Gillikin. Beaufort, Saturday: Mr. Dave I.. Freeman, Morehead City. Saturday;' Mr. Asa E. Cannon, Morehead City, Satur day; John Daniels, Beaufort, Sat urday; Mrs. A. S. Bland, Beau fort, Thursday; Mrs. W. H. Guth rie, Morehead City, Friday; Trudy Hill, Atlantic, Friday; Mrs. J. L. Humphrey, Morehead City. Friday; Mrs. A. G. Lewis, Havelock, Thurs day; Eric Nobles, Morehead City, Friday. Discharged after operation: Mrs. Charlie Styron, Morehead City, Thursday; Mrs. W. C. Wll kins, Morehead City, Friday. Admitted: Mr. Carl Taylor, Swansboro, Sat urday; Edith Bell. Beaufort, Fri day; Mrs. William Hardesty, New port, Wednesday; Mrs. Adrine Moore, Salter Path, Thursday; C. P. Oglesby Jr., Morehead City, Wednesday; Janice Smith, More head City, Wednesday; Mrs. Cora Waters, Harlowe, Thursday. Sea Level Hospital Discharged: Lionel Gilgo, Atlantic. Friday; Peter Knight, Morehead City, Sun day. Admitted: Jimmy Gant, Atlantic, Monday. STORK NEWS Births at Morehead City Hospital: To Mr. and Mrs. Dan Willis, Harkers Island, a daughter, Betsy Charlene, Friday, Feb. 19. Births at Sea Level Hospital: To Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hancock, Stacy, a daughter, Mattie Laura, Saturday, Feb. 20. Sunday night supper treat: Stir chopped ham into waffle batter and bake waffles as usual. Serve with maple syrup. Catholic Society Seeks Members A drive U now underway lor new member* for the Holy Nam# Society of Sf. Egbert's Catholic Church, Morehead Cjty Meetings are held on the second Thursday of every month at 8 o'clock in the parish rectory. All Catholic men in this vicinity are invited to join. The general purposes of the society are the promoting of the spiritual wel fare of the men of the parish by encouraging and assisting them to observe practices of the Confra ternity of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, explains Bob Cantelli, pub licity chairman. Other purposes of the society are fostoring the observances of the promises contained in the Holy Name pledge, assisting the mem ber to participate more in the life of the church and preparing spe cial works that are assigned to it by the pastor. Men interested in joining should contact Ted Hardy, president, or Father Paul Byron at the rectory, 1701 Evans St. For an epicurean vegetable dish, cut a head of celery lengthwise into four pieces; do not separate the stalks. Seam until tender in a little salted water. Marinate in French dressing, chill and serve as a salad on romaine. This will make four servings, ? ? ^ II ? ?? ? ACCURACY IS 1 FOREMOST IN A PHARMACIST'S PROFESSION When your physician orders needed drugs ia Ik specific amounts required for your health, the utmost precision la aeceaaary In filling the pre scription. You can always de pend on the accuracy of our skilled, experienced pharma cista. BELL'S DRUG STORE Phone 2-3231 Front St. Beaufort, N. C. You Can Bury Your Money in the back yard or hide it in the sugar bowl or in a mattress but we know of t much better place . . . and we have never yet heard of interest being paid on money in the back yard, sugar bowl or mattress. Have you? FIRST-CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO. MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. 823 Arendell St. Morehead City, N. C. Phone 6 4151 HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! ONLY 5 DAYS LEFT TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE TREMENDOUS MONEY SAVING VALUES AT R & N FURNITURE CO. 1211 Bridges St. Morehcad City, N. C. ? * * ' '? f * OUR ANNUAL FEBRUARY SALE IS STILL GOING STRONG, BUT THIS IS THE LAST WEEK. SO COME ? ? ? IN TODAY, AND INSPECT THE MANY FINE ITEMS WE HAVE ON SALE. ' . v.: .1 ? II /

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