IWaiftftMifDawe ucTCTowrays ^Sl) on Bedripcc w WvlMvJ) Driving Charge Judge L. t. llotrU twin# Artie Robert Nelsea fuMty of fccklMi driving Tuesday tn County Record er's Court. Nelson was ordered to pa; $50 and costs IV defendant was charged witk drunk driving to which he plead ad not guilty. The charge was filed by State Highway Patrolman W. J. Smith on Jan. 23. He told the court that while {al lowing Nelaon on highway 70 be tweca Beaufort and Atlantic be no ticed that Neiaon's car repeatedly croaaad the white line and went off tbe shoulder. He also said that Nelson was driving along drinking beer and staggered when he got out of the car. Nelson told the.court that he had had only two beers prior to being stopped. He bad a passenger in his car confirm this statement, and alas the person who sold him the ban said be imrchased only three cans of beer. Arrest time, according to Patrol man Smith was around 4 p.m. Nel sa said that ha had drunk the first two beers shortly after 1 p.m. He accounted for his erratic driving by Idling the court that be was driving with one hand while he was drinking the third beer. He .stoutly maintained his sobriety as did the witnesses. Whiskey Found A bottle of legal whiskey was found in the car but Nelson told the court that he had not touched any of it Saturday. He had drunk some the night before, he said. On the basis of this evidence, the court found Nelson guilty of reckless driving. The court also found Clyde Gil likin, charged with speeding and reckless driving, guilty as charged and ordered a fine of $25 and costs to be paid. Gillikin was charged with the traffic violation by Patrolman Smith after an accident Feb. 9 on Harkers Island. Gillikin. according to Patrolman Smith, had skidded after rounding a curve, going off the shoulder and returned to the paved surface only to skid acroas the road and smashed into a telephone pole, breaking it off. ?Lo at Control' Smith stated that Gillikin told him he was going about 45 miles per hour and had lost control of the car whan it went off the road., The area In which the accident hsp pened was a 33 mile zone, Mr. Smith charged. Martin Davis, charged with is Town Board Studies Drainage Problem on North 20th Street Members of the Morehead City tow* board visited MM ?sw ssrtlsn of town narth dl the bridge ua Mth street Saturday moraing to it udy a drainage problem. The vWt was made aa Ike result of a request at the Iowa board Meeting Thursday Sight by real dents of that area whe said their property waa being damaged by water. Accompanying the commission ers was J. V. Waters, street super intendent. Following the inspection. Mayor George W. Dill said that Um poor drainage is the result of water run ning on to the property from high land at the rear of the homes and due to improper maintenance along the shoulder of the road. A- C. Smith of the N. 20th street section brought the problem to the mention of the board. Representative Appears F. C. Meltrer of the firm, Brinck erhoff. Parson. Hall and Mac Don aid. appeared before the tward at their Thursday night session and explained the work his firm is do ing in surveying North Carolina's Mr. Meltier said be would be headquartered at the commercial fisheries building west of More head City until the survey is com pleted and can be contacted there by phoning MJlfl Die board of fered to assist Mr Meltzer if he needed their help. The agreement between the state highway department and the town regarding laying of the storm sewer in the western section of Arendell street was read. The agreement was drawn up by the atate. The board approved it with certain changes suggested by the town attorney, George McNeill. Town to Pay Part The town will pay a portion of the expense entailed in putting down a storm sewer rather than using an open drainage ditch. Mrs. Sallie Moore of Atlantic Beach requested the town's de cision on erection of a sign point ing to Atlantic Beach. The sign would be put up at 24th and Aren dell street. The atate highway suing a bad check for $18 50, was sentenced to 60 days on the roads. The 'sentence will be suspended if Davis makes good the check and pays costs of court in 30 days. The state decided not to pros ecute Douglas Cannon Barbour, charged with assaulting a minor female and contributing to her de linquency. The state decided not to prosecute at this time Julian E. Taylor, charged with assaulting a female. Warren Clem Sutton, charged with no operator's license, speed ing, reckless and drunk driying. was ordered to pay $128 and costs. James Edward Stanely, charged with speeding and passing at an in teraection, was ordered to pay $15 and coats in 30 days or do 30 days in jail. The court assessed Walter A. Whitehead $25 and coats on a reck less driving charge The state decided not to prosecute Clarence T. fiurris. charged with auto lar ceny. Pay $?, Costs Kenneth Thlgpen Knight, charged with speeding, and Far rell N. Finlejr, charged with no operator's license, were fined $10 and costs. Roy ^homas Griffin, charged with speeding and improper li cense; and Harry A. Daggus Jr., charged with passing on the right, Were fined $10 and court costs. Raymond J. Ayers, Jesse W. Mooring, and Ernest Edmund Shireman. charged with speeding, were not in court and their bonds were forfeited Court cost* were ordered paid by the following: Leonard Hearsehcl Motley, David Randolph Thomas, William H. Potter, Karl Bennett Taylor, Jerome Albert Miller, and James Franklin Fosha, all charged with speeding. James Koy Lewis, failing to stop at a stop sign; and Sorell M. Bodiford, no operator's license and no. muffler. Cam Continued Cases continued were as follows: Herbert Jones, Ralph Allen Gran inger, Woodrow Royal. Robert Mortimer Fisher Jr., Joseph E. Katz. and Otto Johnson, all charged with speeding. Thomas Joseph Kelly, expired li cense plates: Harold Neil Cross nickle. speeding and drunk driving; Alexander Lewis, speeding and reckleaa driving; William E. Pow ers, speeding and reckless driving, and Charles C. Snail, no operator's license and no license plates on his car. Odessa Jones, public drunken ness and possessing non-tax paid whiskey: Larry Balemore Smith, drunk driving; Earl G. Lewis, driving without an operator's li cense and expired license plates; William P. Dolan. drunk driving, and William G. Smith, public drunkenness and possessing non tax paid whiskey. Joe Ernol Lewis, Speeding and driving on the wrong skle of the highway; and Edmund Plymouth Smith, drunk driving and posses sing non-tax paid whiskey. aafety division aaid their only re quest was that the arrow pointing to the beicti fa* It least ? feet above the street. The railroad has alio given permission to put the sign on tliir right -of way. The com*Mssianer?>?jd'they had no ob jection if all other parties involved were aatisfted Attending the meeting were the mayor. Commissioners S. C. Hollo way. D. G. Bell. John Morris, Ted Garner. D. J. Hall, City Clerk John Lashley and Attorney McNeill. Taylor's Community Hall. Har lowe. will close tomorrow for re modeling. The hall will re-open with a jjala square dance Saturday, March 6. Illness Hospitalizes Candidate for Solicitor J. W. H. Roberts, Greenville, was continuing his campaign for nom ination as solicitor of the fifth judi cial district from a hospital bed in Morehead City yesterday. Mr. Roberts, a practicing attor ney, came to Morehead City Wed nesday night by automobile, felt woozy whan he got out of the car, called a doctor and was put in the hospital at 3 a.m. with a virus in fection. Mr. Roberts started to practice law at Snow- Hill in 1927. He served | as solicitor of Greene County in 1929. He wept to Washington where he was with the Library of Congress, Department of Justice and the Home Owners Loan Corp. as senior attorney until 1036. lie returned to Greenville where he has been practicing law aince the*. Mr. Roberta waa Judge of the (.roenville city court for 10 yeara ami was special assistant to the United States District attorney from June 1952 to June 1053. lie is a member of numerous civic and fraternal organizations in cluding the Masons, Elks. Shrine and Red Men. Mr. Roberts' wife is the former Jane Ross of Pamlico, Carteret and Craven Counties whose father, Eugene Ross, taught at Newport School many years ago. They have four children, three sons and a daughter, Two Put on Probation ; Judge Extends Order Thomas Mum and Hubert Pulley were placed on probation m More head City Recorders Court Mon day. Batfc mn wMh stealing l-it*A Urn Mm ana bera. Judge George McNeill granted a metiaa la tsniinas ? caort mr der far an indefinite time" in the case o I Harvey Lnk Lewis waa changed by his wife, Beatrice Lew is, witb failure to comply witk a court order of fab. 1. Oa that date Lewis was charged with using loud and profane lan guage and disturbing the peace. He was given a si* month suspend ed sentence and the court stipulat ed that he must behave himself for six months and atay away from his .wife during the same period. Hie wife charged that Lewis is not (laying away from her. Lew ?? lawyer aakod thai thn court order be continued indefinitely inlaid at >uat aut nalta A MUaw of 38 days Hi jail SLC^TST ^KracelS^* suspended if Larkee WnHi on good behavior for ail months and pays one half court coots He must also pay the aaaanat necessary to I repair a pair of glisaea. K. O. Proud charted Larfcee with asaault whoa Larkee struck him in the face at 5:J0 Saturday afternoon at Gainer's Gulf Service Station. Mr. Proud, in relating eventa leading up to the affray, told the court that he had slopped at the nation for gaa whan l.arkae walked up to him and struck him in the face breaking his glasses and cut ting the corner of his eye. ? When asked what might have been the reason for the attack Mr. Proud said that a couple of weeks ago Larkee was ia the Yel low Cab Stand office "pretty well drunked up" and made a nuisance of bimaelf. Mr, Proud told the court that he had told Larkee to leave and when he didn't, be firmly helped Larkee out of the door. Larkee admitted the blow, but said he had been roughly propelled from the cab office accompanied by plenty of cues words. He said his resentment had built up ever since the affair and when he saw Mr. Proud at the service station he walked over and clouted him one. The state decided not to prose cute Charles Quentin Willis on a drunk driving charge. Willis pleaded guilty to a charge of speed ing and reckless driving and was fined $50 and costs. Judge McNeill ordered Mizpah Chad wick to pay > fim of $25 and carta iktn aha pleadod guilty to drMurwitfcmt a lieenaa. The court aafitM % fine would be remit tad if a valid operator's license was shown to the clerk o f court in 1 36 days. William Guthrie, charged with public drunkenness was given a so-day suspended sentence by the court. The sentence will be sus pended K Guthrie pays a fine of ?1S aad peats and uniisi on good behavior tar II mntha. George C. Smith of the dredge Gerig. charged with drank driving, was fined J100 and coats William Gillikin and G. D. Pin er. charged with fighting on the street, wen ordered to pay court coats. The court said that two thirds of Gillikin's coats woold be remitted. Caaes in which court coata were ordered paid are the following: Leon Sykes. Prank Berlin, and Francis Grahain Fuleher. all charged with speeding: S. T. Chad wick, allowing an uolicenaod person to drive; and lira. Jean R. Dewey expired operator's license and ex pired licenae plates. Caaea Continued Cases continued were: Paul Bowden Jr., llarvln Andrew Holcombe, and John Davis Am brose, all charged with drunk driv ing; William Vallmor and William Marion Creech, charged with speed ing; Thomas G. Cox. allowing an unlicensed person to drive; and Victor I. Hammond, no operator's license. Reginald Conway, drunk, disor derly, and diaturbing the peace: Barney Matthews public drunken nness; William "Pete" Fulford ,lr. possessing stolen property; and Antoinette Rogal, no operator's license. Doris Ambrose, drunk driving and expired operator's license; Robert Alvin Kelley. speeding, reckless driving, and drunk driv ing; and Charlie Smith, no opera tor's license, temporary auto lar ceny, reckless driving, and driv ing after license revoked. Three of ui U.. S. helicopter producing plants ?rt in Connecti cut * ? 1930 Ford Model A Coupe ? $45 1948 Bukk 4- Door Sedan $595 1940 Chevrolet 4- Door Sedan $117 1951 Forel 4 -Door Custom $995 PAUL Motor Co. H. D. Paul, Mgr. 322 Front St. BEAUFORT I want value for my automobile dollar!"^ Brother, now you're talking Plymouth's language! IimM **?*!?? . Aatf try Hyma/Wi mm. ?Jt Sweetheart o NEW AGENCY SPECIAL BRAID MEW " World Famous SOFA BED ? Full Width Fmur ? Full WMlfc ChKler Tray ? lea Cub* Tray* ? Three tlnlwi ia Door ? Two Vegetable Critpert ? NO EXTRA CHARGE A Regulor 159.95 Value.,,. Automatic Door Latch Lew Down Payment Big. comfortable Sofa Bad in a design and styling that will harmonize with any , furniture. Wonderful for unexpected guest. Gat yours today! *299 95 Weekly er Monthly Don'^ wait qnother minute ... hurry down and take advantage of this wonderful HOTPOINT Double "Heart Beat" special. Just think, you get this beautiful Sofa Bed without charge when you purchase this Hotpoint Refrigerator. It's a Double "Heart Beat" special for you.