Fun, Thrills, Adventure in the Comics Shock for Scorctiy! jvtT lit ?e ?rr muqc WITHOUT WOS9 ?ooteop. Ml* AMP I 'LL ^4 y MAM HIM C urrtN 7 J* 1 THI* MUi T ?e 1 MfFTUPY ne t I t rKOBABLY 4 rir?TA?* in 1 mip-ANC i Hore having L NI?HT*A*6.S.j rMFO*e J'M ^ THK006H WITH HIM ILL WAKE HIM UP IN MO*? WAX# THAN ONE. ^--owtv'.' J NO WONPM NlA*A< COULPH 'T tte THE PANSE* OF THE j ^ MACWINC.' -^ "wait till the COUNCIL *EES THIS/ NARAK If FINI*HeP--FOR k tfOOO.' > r NOLV #moks / WHATf 7*1*%' that* hisht nauak ANP I Vf got the k soop# on you/ . trie GOO PS? what po you . MffAN * , yoLi'KNOw WHAT THESE ARE/ YOUKe vTHKCUSH.' OAKY DOAKS A Mad Mare Do-H-Yeurftf Guy ... PUT THR FRAME. WORK ON TOP AND SNAPPED THE TAW POLES AROUND IT... . ?ffVO mPOLKS WtKE QUICKLY made. -men... y V\, -g-j ? ?>si ?>> CW/J ' SEND A BATTLE COPTER WTTH OUR NEW HELTIHON BOTJJS - WERE OOIX0 TO BLAST THAT CANOe OUT, , Or THIS RIVER SO TMeV MADE A BOOT? PORTER, SET UP THAT WALKIE-TALKIE - OCT CONTROL TOWER.' -TUKTSOWD'y QUICK , OUT THE CAMOd UNDER COVER/ VjT Marcui Destroys Chriitfss Symbol --- -- Deborah Krrr. at Lygla. ami Abraham Sofarr, as Paal, look on (n distress as Kobert Taylor, flaying the Roman warrior Marrua Vlni ciux, breaks the symbol of Christianity in ? dramatic scene from "Quo Vadis." The M-G-M Technicolor production, filmed in Italy with a cast of thousands, is hailed as one of the greatest motion pictures ever made. ?M0REHEAD-3J STARTS SATURDAY .... Orinnin; Kiddim SHHUwi WNO J TOOK I ?BEAUFORT ?entertainment Air Conditioned for Your Comfort ? Phone 2-4836 LAST TIMES TODAY "QUO VADIS" ROBERT TAYLOR AND DEBORAH KERR HEAD AN ALL S.TAR CAST OF 25 SATURDAY ? DOUBLE FEATURE "EL PASO STAMPEDE" Starring ALLEN (ROCKY) LANE FREE ? to the firat 100 children an autographed photo of Rocky Lane AND "MORMON CONQUEST" Starring TOM CONWAY ? EVE BARTOK SUNDAY ? MONDAY "?h? fo *?y "NOl* ROBERT MUCHUM JEAN SIMMONS! ' M She touldnf ?y HOj wHk MM WCHANAN ? WAILACI K>l? . ^ATMOMO WAUUIN on Trailer Holiday. Mtrillr Ml and D?J Aran ?hiim^k In tfcr arile-a-mlaule. tove iMMlh t?r*y. The Long, Long Trailer. Urge to Sing in Shower Pays Off in Opera Role BV MARK BAJUtON New York -Every man is a frus trated Caruso, constantly imagin ing himself as competent to sing as well as Ezio Pinza in the musical "South Pacific." I supose the ladies have the same feeling when they remember Mary Martin singing "I'm Goin' to Wash that Man Right out of My Hair" in the same show. Something like this occurred to Louis Roney, a top flight tenor, whose irresistable urge to sing in a shower pushed him along to be come a star in concert and oper etta roles. Roney is a very candid fellow and said that he hadn't sudied sing ing seriously but liked doing it for fun. When he came out of the Navy he went to work for a con struction company in Atlanta, his home town. "I came in from work one day, all covered with that Georgia red clay," he explained. "I went in to take a shower. I felt very good and had put some of that Georgia bar becue on the stove to heat for a sandwich. Under the shower I started singing something from 'Rigoletto,' ? I thing it was La Don na E Mobile. Anyway it sounded good to me under the shower." By a coincidence, in the apartment next door the opera singer, the late Grace Moore, was visiting. She liked the exhilarating singing and arranged for him to come to Broad way to be heard by managers. A few days later Miss Moore told him to learn "Tosca" so he could sing opposite her at the Met ropolitan when she returned. So Roney learned "Tosca" but he was not fated to sing with her. Miss Moore was killed in an airplane crash at Copenhagen. The per formance had already been ar ranged for the Metropolitan so Roney sang "Tosca" with Eleanor Steber. When he isn't singing, Roney is still occupied with water. He likes to fish and spends most of his off time doing that. When World War II broke out he was a pre-med student at Harvard and immediate ly rushed to enlist in the Navy. Later on when he sang the role of Pinkerton in "Madame Butter fly" he wore his wartime Navy Uni form. "That urge of mine for the water and seamanship got some reward, however," he said. "I got bounced around a couple of times in some action in the Navy and they got me back to a hospital. "My father was there as a Navy lieutenant. It was nice to see him, but he outranked me two grades. "What could I do? I got up and sang. I had to salute him as my superior officer. But he had to applaud my songs." SHOWING OCEAN PARK DRIVE-IN Theatre SNDAY MONDAY, FEB. 28-MARCH 1st "QUO VADIS" Starring ROBERT TAYLOR - DEBORAH KERR Magnificent Spectacle, the Burning of Rome. Filmed in Rome with a Cast of Thousand*! Due to Length of This Picture First Show Will Start 6:30 P.M. CITY "THE SHOWPLACE OF CARTERET COUNTY" SATURDAY ? DOUBLE FEATURE Gene Autry _ ? . ?Trail to San Antone" Robot Monrtw Alto Chapter No. 3 "Captain Kidd" STARTS SUNDAY . - - THEY'RE IN THE MOVIES The smile- a-minute love -and- laugh comedy team . . . America's most uproarious couple ...the "I LOVE LUCY" stars... on the BIG, realwlife Motion Picture Screen in thrilling, beautiful COLOR! LUC1ULEBU1 wDESlARNAZ in M-G-M'j Mb rhmt comedy hit tf a hectic' i in ? ktute tn wheelt! |THEIX)NG,LCWG ! TRAILER I