Beaufort Finer Carolina Committee Submits Report Scout Leaders, Parents To Meet at 7:30 Tonight ncviiwioainiu in vuu oiuui> in T Morehead City will be discussed at a meeting of parents and Scout of ficials at 7:30 tonight in the audi torium of the Educational Build ing of First Methodist Church, Morehead City. The meeting has been called be cause the Cub Scouts are now with out a sponsor. If enough sponsors can be found, Ethan Davis Jr., neighborhood commissioner, says it would be desirable to form three packs because there are at least 100 boys interested. Letters to parents of boys who are Cub Scout age were sent out this week informing them of the coming meeting and its purpose. The letter was signed by Mr. Da vis, E. W. Koelofs. Cubmaster, R. B. Howard, district commissioner; and Dr. I). J. Kure, chairman of organization and extension. Before discussion of the problem, a short film on Cub Scouting will be shown. Scout Official Finishes Course N. F. Euro, Beaufort, has been awarded a national training certifi cate from the Schiff Scout Reser vation, N. J., for successfully com pleting a weekend course there in district administration, Travis Thompson, East CSrolina Council Boy Scout training chairman, an- | nounces. Mr. Eure, chairman of the Car teret District Scout committee, was one of four State Scout officials who went to the reservation recent ly to take the course. Others were Ralph H. M07.0, Wilson, Scout ex ecutive;' W. G. Edwards. Spring ' Hope; and Albert Salem, Wilson. | Mr. Thompson has stated that several other groups are planning to go to the national training cen ter during the coming months to learn under the best Scout instruc- ' tors in the country at the reserva tion located near Morristown. One of the showpieces of the reservation is a sun dial, a gift I? Newport Mayor Tells of 'Free' Encyclopedia Deal At the recent town board meet in# at Newport, Mayor Edgar Hibbs told a story that he said should serve as a warning to Newport folks and eveiyone else in the county. He reported that an encyclope dia salesman came to him and of fered him free a whole set of encyclopedias, worth $250, if the mayor would simply allow his name to be used in endorsement of the encyclopedias. The mayor said he listened to the glib salestalk and said yes, he thought he'd take the set and al low his name to be used. Then, saiu the salesman, for just $100, the mayor could get the an nual encyclopedia supplement. Again the salesman went into a long song and dance about how wonderful the supplement was The mayor listened and then said, "No, I don't think I want the supplement. I'll just take the free set of encyclopedias." The salesman was miffed. In that case, he said, there was no free offer and off he went. The mayor said he thought from he beginning there was a catch to the deal and suggested to the town board that some action should ae taken to prevent such characters from trying to hoodwink the peo ple. The Rev. Colvard Guthrie To Preach Sunday Night The Rev. Colvard Guthrie will preach at the 7:30 Sunday night service in the Parkview Baptist Church, highway 70 at the Bogue Sound Club Road. Following the service there will be a business meeting. Persons interested in the mission are re iiuested to attend. from the International Boy Scout Association with headquarters in London, England. ? The Beaafort Finer Carolina steering roam it tea has completed its progress report for February. In accordance *ith Carolina Power and Light contest rules, the report was given to George Stovall, local CP4L manager. On the clean up project, the re port stated that the ground be tween the curb and aideualks has been levaied to prevent dirt from washing into gutters. Thus un sightly condition of streets will be eliminated. On the beaut if ication project. 19 near-dead trees and tree stumps were removed. The unoccupied Dave Richardson home oo .Ann street, long overgrown with weeds, was cleaned up by the town crew, and other homeowners have re modeled their houses and cleaned property. f On the recreation project, the Beaufort Junior Woman's Club ob tained waterfront property for a playground for children up to 8 years of age. The property, south of the Beaufort drawbridge, has been cleaned and will be bulldozed. Playground equipment will be sup plied by the Junior Woman's Club and the Chamber of Commerce. Under project No. 4, additional tourist aids, up-to-date data con cerning the county has been sup plied for the revised edition of North Carolina, a Guide to the Old North State, published by the Uni versity of North Carolina Press. The information, 26 pages of it, was compiled by Miss Dorothy M. Avery, Beaufort. This is the first complete revision of tourist infor mation of the entire county to be collected in 10 years. N. F. Kure, chairman of the Finer Carolina con test, said. Fire Truck Bought On project No. 5, improved rural relations, the Beaufort Rural Fire Association bought a truck and thousand gallon tank to fi*?ht out of-town fires. The equipment is maintained and manned by the Beaufort Fire Department. Five out-of-town alarms have already been answered with the rural fire truck and other town equipment. The first day the truck was put into service, it was instrumental in saving a ruraF home. Submitted with the report were two photographs, one was of the rural truck in action at a demon stration fire, and the other showed Leslie Springle, chairman of the Rural Fire Association, and J. P. Harris, fire commissioner, turning title to the truck over to Mayor I Clifford Lewis. J. D. Holf, H. R. King Talk To Men's Group J. D. Holt, manager of the More head City port, and H. R. King, superintendent of the New Bern District of the Methodist Churcfc, were the speakers Tuesday night at the monthly mooting of the Morehead City Methodist Men's Club. Mr. Holt told of port activities during the past year and gave the outlook for the coming year. Mr. King complimented the men on their ?ork and far their inter est in seeing other clubs organiatd. Jim Bob Sanders, program chair man, Introduced both speakers. Ap proximately 120 persons were pres ent for the steak supper-meeting in the education building. Twelve via itors were from Beaufort. Jesse Staton, religious education director of the church, dismissed the group with the benediction. Driver Draws Suspended Term Henry Democ Stilley was sen- 1 teneed to six months on the roads in Morehead City Recorder's Court Monday. The sentence will be sus pended, Judge George McNeill said, if the defendant remains so ber and on good behavior for two years, refrains from driving in the state for 12 months, and pays a $250 fine and costs of court. Stilley was charged with resist ing arrest, assaulting an officer, speeding, reckless driving, driving on the wrong side of the road, failing to stop, and driving drunk. He pled guilty to all charges. The court ordered court costs paid in the cases of Abe Silver man. running a red light; Emilt T. Blondex, speeding; and William Vallmore, speeding 90 miles an hour on the Morehead City-Beau fort bridge. George Anderson, charged with reckless driving, was fined $25 and costs. All other cases were con tinued until Monday because Su perior Court was in session. Tune is Costly Long Beach, Calif. (AP) ? A tune on the piano cost Elsie C. White $13. Her music drowned "ie noise of # burglar. - r "'I -|iiirWi i imi . i - ? ' r-"-L Morehead City Chatnber Protests Curtailment of Airline Service zKP March 10 Mr and Mr*. Edwin Piner and their four children. Keith. Beth, Pamela, and Johnaie, are now making their home at Da vis. They formerly lived at Wlllia ton. Mrs. Virgil Styron and her in fant son. Richard Wayne, came home Monday from Morehead City Hoapital. Mrs Adell Salter, of Sea Level, visited her daughters, Mrs. Wardie Murphy and MYs. Edwin Piner last week. Mrs. L. A. Lee has returned from a weeks visit in Norfolk with her daughter. Mrs. A. C. Miller. Mrs. Vernlcia Salter, Mrs. Justin Willis Sr., and Mrs. Alma Pake visited Mrs. Saphronia Fulcher at Crab Point Thursday. Mrs. Fulcher is Mrs. Salter's sister. Mrs. May Spears, Misa J esse I lodge kins, and Mrs. Carrie Chria lianson, of Buffalo, N. Y. are the guests of Mrs. Clair Chamber and family for several days. Mr. Justin Willis spent Thursday wi(h his sister, Mrs. Tommie Wil lis, in Morehead City. Mr. and Mrs. Frances Murphy went to New Bern Sunday to spend several days with Mr and Mrs Alva Fulcher. Mrs. Fulcher is Mr. Murphy's sister. Mr Burkley Willis entered More head City Hospital Monday and went under surgery Tuesday morn ing. His friends are glad to know his condition following the opera tion is very satisfactory. Miss Linda Salter, of Beaufort, spent the weekend with Misses Connie and Willa Jackson, daugh ters of Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Jack son, minister of the Free Will Bap tist Church. Friends of Mrs. Carl Souther land' of Morehead City, are sorry to hear that she has gone to Wil son, N. C. for treatment at the sanitorium there. Mrs. Southerland is the former Lessie Huggins, and a niece of Mrs. Georgia Willia of Davis. Rev. and Mrs. Jackson took their daughter. Carolyn Ruth, to the doctor in Morehead City Tuesday, and he diagnosed her sickness as influenza. Atlantic Baptist Association The First Baptist Church was tjfost to the' Pastor's conference ?* J. A. DuBois, manager o I the Morehead City Chamber of Own meecf kaa wrtttad Um Civil Aero nsufics Board opposing Piedmont Airlines' proposed discontinuance of May and September service to this seetiea. In a brief filed before tha CAL last mMlh. fVrimnt said that vacation travel to this reaort area is concentrated in the months of June, Mr and August and rala tively few passengers uao air ser vice to Morehead City-Beaufort during the months of llay and Sep tember." Figures supplied by Piedmont show that May passengers in 1952 numbered 89 as compared with 114 In May 1983 and a high of 941 in July 1892. Paaaengers in Sep tember 10S2 totaled 17 aa com pared with 115 in September 1953. The highest number of passengers in any month were 362 in July 1953. Based on direct flying and sta- i tion costs, suspension of service to ' Morehead City-Beaufort in May and September would result in substan tial savings to Piedmont and con sequently a reduction in govern- 1 of the Atlantic Association Monday ' at 10:30 a m. The meeting was < held at the church, Rev. E. H. Can- > nady, of Richland presiding, Pol lowing the business session, the members were invited over to the pastorium for a social hour and refreshment. Mrs. Gamer, wife cjf the pastor of Davis Church greeted the guests, snd was assisted by Mrs. Dena Salter, Mrs. Rosalie Davis, Mrs. Lillie Wil lis and Mrs.'Jeanette Willis served a dinner consisting of chilled to mato juice, baked ham. string beans, baked potato, congealed car rot aad pineapple salad, hot clover leaf rolls, cherry tarts with whip- I ped cream, and hot coffee. ? Seventeen members were pres ent: Rev. J. M. Flowers, First Church, Havelock; Dr. W. Hamil ton, Cherry Point; Rev. C. M. Hicks. Jacksonville; Rev. L. J. At kinson, Swansboro; Rev. A. L. Ben ton. Marshatlberg; Dr. J. H. Bunn. First Church, Morehead City; Rev. E. H. Cannady, Richland; Rev. O. W. Colvard, Associational Mission ary, New Bern. Rev. Anthony Gurganus, Tar landing; Rev. H. B. Hines, Aurora; Rev. J. R. Owens, Havelock; Rev. C. E. Parker, First Church, New Bern; Rev. D. H. Smith, Jackson ville; Rev. W. T. Roberson, Beau fort; Rev. John Privott, Atlantic; Rev. Maurice Garner, Davis; Rev. "J. G. Murray, visitor. Ment support in the form of air mail payi Piedmosrt u?i TIM alrttkr cfaHM that if they operate here this May and Sefttem ! bar tfcey will sustain a $1,481 loaa. J Mr. DuBois' letter toltoas "In the application of Piedmont ? Aviation for the suspension of ser vice to the Morebead City-Beaufort Area, statistics on passengers hoarded and deplaned during 19^2 and 1953 were quoted. "Though the months of May and September did not equal the months of June, July and August, they did show a 20 per cant in crease ia traffic from 1(02 to 1993. : "This increase is in direet ratio to the Increase in tourist and sport fishing traffic during the past year. "One of the main objectives of our Chamber, of Commerce is the extension of ftie tourist season and we have backed this program with year-around Vacationland advertis ing. All of the businesses depend ant upon tourist traffic hava felt U|e benefit of the extended season and the Ocean King Hotel on the beach, open the year around in 1982 '33 and '53- '54 has fared ex ceptionally well. "The service rendered by Pied mont has been one of the moat tialpful (actors in the extension of I Mir resort season and we feel that I my curtailment of service in May | I ??UTA?, AT1.^W?VJI or September will mean 1 icriou* let beck to thu e?tr? coastal area. "We have. to tokfl auil, two iDquirlei about PittoNt'i sched ule in May ? one from Roanoke, Htfitiu, and one from Cincinnati, Ohio. "It i? our sincere hope that some ?ay may be leund to ?'?? this rapidly progressing area a little lon|er chance to put the months of May and September in the profit ultima for Piedmont " FIFTH PINT 120 NOWI | Build! Repaid Remodel! Let us help you realize your dreams. I See us for a free estimate. \ E. C. WILLIS & SONS Contractor riift 6-3435 1M 8. 14th St Morehead City AFRIT LUMBER CO. Lennoxrille Road Beaufort Phone 2-4581 ?=*=? 1 ' ~ To Our Friends and Customers... { ' ? In th3 near future we hope to be completely set up and organized in our new store. It is our present plan to hold our FORMAL OPEN ING all day SATURDAY, APRIL 3rd, at which time we will give away ten major GRAND PRIZES and HUNDREDS of DOOR PRIZES, SAMPLES and REFRESHMENTS. We have additional sales personnel to assist you in your selection, as we want our store to be your store and have spared no expense in making this the most modern store in this or any section. We invite you to come in ... to avail yourself of the many new features and trust we will continue to warrant your support. 1st Prize ? G.E. TELEVISION SET $300.00 2nd Prize ? Frigidaire AUTOMATIC WASHER 299.95 3rd Prize ? Knapp-Monarch ELECTRIC BLANKET 64.50 4th Prize ? Apex VACUUM CLEANER 59.95 5th Prize ? BICYCLE 49.95 # - 6th Prize ? Dormeyer FOOD MIXER - $ 46.50 7th Prize ? Philco RADIO 26.95 8th Prize ? Knapp-Monarch POP - UP TOASTER - - - 21.95 9th Prize ? LUGGAGE (Men's or Ladies') 24.95 10th Prize ? TRICYCLE 19.95 BEGINNING FRIDAY MORNING (TODAY) MARCH 12TH WE WILL EXPLAIN TO YOU HOW TO BECOME. ELIGIBLE FOR ONE OF THESE VALUABLE1 PRIZES. YOU MAY REGISTER UNTIL THE GRAND DRAWING, SATURDAY EVENING AT 8:00 P.M., APRIL 3RD. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE PRESENT TO WIN.

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