DIFFERENCE . . . EXCEPT IN WHAT YOU PAV! Men'* Shoes Rebuilt ? $4 Ladies' Shoe* Rebuilt - $3 Men'* Shoes Soled - - $2 Prompt attention, fast service always assured. BULLOCK'S SHOE SHOP South 8th St. Marehead City, N. C. EAST DRIVE-IN THEATRE One-Half Mile Cart at BMnfart On Highway 70 Chlldrea Under 12 Adaaitted Free TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Lait Timee Tonight " _ JS JUNE MIVMT'IMI MRU SaSWtMBT-jBKUK ^ A WMBft MTtMUaW KMC ride cibp.p (a ofDIABIO'W ' m Saturday ? Double Feature "Fort Vengeance" Starring JAMES CRAIG RITA MARINO AND "Bomba and The Jungle Girl" JOHNNY SHEFFIELD KOREN SHARPE Sunday ? Monday "Those Redheads From Seattle" Starring RHONDA FLEMING JOHN PAYNE Alao Selected Short Subject! Stolen Moments on Beach Faattaas are tared in CMandkia's film at the Jimrs ionr$ best seller, "From Here to Eternity." starrlac Burt Ijincaster and Deborah Kerr. Also starred in the fHm masterpiece are Montgomery Clift, Frank Sinatra and Donna M 1. Existed 4. Place of worship 9. Literary facta 1 11 Devour IS. Rent 14. Beam of light 15. Musical instrument 17. Day s march 19. Flat circular plate 20. Vulgar admirer of wealth 11. Style of poety 23. Statues col lectively 27. Smooth and glossy 29. Roman road 50. Proooun 51. Urchin 32. Anxious S41*r|? serpent 19. And: Latin 86. Nothing more that 8T Scrutinize* 89. Redecorates a room 42. JCnaoiariaa 48. Handle 44. Container (or honej 40. Asiatic country ttlSS. sheep ?l City In New Hamp shire 84. Note of Guido'a scale 58. Affirmative 86. or greater 87. Firmament KoluHwi to Twedny'i pmi\r DOWN 1.fUta* 2. St. ;ss river 3. Labored to il mountains 5. Onionlike , vegetables 6. Make lace 7 While 8. Comes Id again rarrrm B. OrleuUi cart 10. Short alecp U. Contlimallr. poatic If. AodenU lft.Eatan4ad iourn?y l.f?d to ' \hg a?sar 36. Animal's nack halt ot ftfc&sssr "CARTERET'S FINEST THEATRE" Box Office Open* Daily at 12:45 P.M. - - - - STARTS SUNDAY - - - - i ? 1 fTj Ibvetliatman... f 'and every wonderful minute we've been together. He'? the tort of a guy who'd keep you Z ' ' !?' ^ waiting mix month* for a date... premiee you the world without a dime in hia pocket.. .or evaa propose to you by long diatance phone... Theae an the thing* about Glenn FU | remember forever... and that'a the way it ia with hii muaic...it goea on and on. ..in the dandng heart* of the world I" * CHARLES DRAW ? GEORGE TOBIAS ? HENRY MORGAN 32 - ?|00 ?k MORE POWER PER POUND... ? MORE STYLE PER INCI... * MABE VALUE PER DOLLAR... * Jhe. Beautiful New 1954 AERO WILLYS ???new with 27?MORg POWER! the STY LI! From it* smarMy sloping hood, the new AERO WILLYS is a clean sweep of aerodynamic design . . . one of the most beautiful, most modern cars on the road todajr. Vou get lower wind resistance, and less wind noise inside the car . . . t lower center of gravity for greater safety, more comfort on turns . . . greater visibility, you see all four fenders from the driver's seat, for safer driving, easier parking. It's a head turning, pulse -quic kening beauty. See it and drive it today, at your Willys dealer. Why vou step out in front with a Willys . . . m HUiur-WiUp Sstm Maaavr* th? VAL1MI Now, for oo more than you p?jr tor u ordinary car, you get: (1) Unsurpassed gas economy: An Independent testing organization drove three AlUtO WILLYS cars 90,000 miles last year, reported better than 30 miles to the gallon! (2) Unsurpassed operating ctsl on the same 90, 000-mile run, through all 48 states, less than a peony a mile! (3) Unsurpassed safety: After testing 20 U. S. automobiles last year, "Motor Trend" magazine rated the AERO, WILLYS tops on safety . . . safest of all, 20 cars tested! TH NEWPORT TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO. PHONE 227.7 ?/:,/ :V1'L V.! ? '-K ?? ... " ? . NtWEOW, W. C. \ h - * i i - ?mi*? i. ti miiiiiiwJI i