iMorehead City Social News I PCM ?????< UM, 0wtat7 Utter ftw M17S Mr. and Mrs. Hennett Putnam and daughter of Randolph, N. Y, visited with Mr and Mri. U. P. Scripture this week They were on their way to Florida. Sgt W. F. Mcrion. who has been stationed at San Diego, Calif., for several months, will arrive tomor row to spend a 30-day leave with his wife, Mrs. Betty Joyner Merion, and daughter. Carol Ann. Mr. W. F. (Coot) Willis was car ried to Tanner's Creek Marine Hospital today after receiving treatment in the Morehead City Hospital for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Earle Willis were visitors in Wilmington last Wednesday. Mrs. Fred Davis left Tuesday for Florida to spend some time with her sister, Mrs. Julia Owens, who is critically ill. Mr. Bill Sharpe of Raleigh ar rived Wednesday for a week's visit on the coast. Miss Ann Garner, preparatory student at Peace College in Ra leigh, spent last weekend at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Garner. Mr. and Mrs. Gar ner and daughter, Betty Ruffin. drive her back to Raleigh Sunday. lira. Gibby Sanderson and daugh ter, Faye, and Mri, Alvin Garner and daughter. Betty Ruffin, spent Tuesday in Oriental with Mrs Gar nar's parent*, Mr and Mrs. W. C. Aldridge. Mr. and Un. A. T. Leary Sr., Mrs Leary'i mother, Mrs. Marrin er, and Mrs. A. B. Vick Sr. drove to Goldsboro Wednesday. Mrs. Mar riner went for 1 checkup with her doctor. Mr. and Mrs George McNeill. Mrs. J. W. Thompson and Mrs. John Lash ley went to Raleigh Wed nesday. They returned home Thursday. Mrs. P. S Chagaris and Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Chagaris Jr. of New Bern spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gus Davis and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Vick Sr. were in New Bern Tuesday even ing. Dr. D. J. Eure and sons, Darden and Gordy, spent Sunday in Eure with Dr. Eure's father, Mr. T. A. Eure who is ill. Miss Corinne Bell spent Wednes day in Wilmington where she at tended the funeral of Mr. William Sanders. Rev. R. M. Poulk Speaks Before Two Groups at Methodist Church The Rev. R. M Poulk, pastor of the Core Creek Methodist Church, spoke to members of the Wesleyan Guild of the First Methodist Church and their guests, the Wo man's Society of Christian Service, Monday evening in the educational building of the church. The joint meeting was in celebra tion of the guild's birthday. Mrs. A. B. Roberts introduced the speak er, who is her brother-in-law. Mr. Poulk gave a summary of his life and told of his call to the ministry. He had served in the Navy and expected to make it a career until he became ill. After retiring from the service he worked with the Mnrphead City Garment Co. His mother had always wanted him to be a preacher and sim he was a child had predicted that some day he would be. As a re sult of her faith and prayers, he said, he was called and last Oc tober accepted the charge of the Core Creek Church and the Beau fort Methodist Circuit. Mrs. A. L. Brinson, president, presided at the business meeting and Miss Ruth Willis led in the devotionals. After the program the guild served punch, birthday cake, mints and nuts. Philathea Class Meets With Mrs. Clem Oglesby Mrs. Marjorie Oglesby was hos tess to the Philathea class of the First Baptist Church Tuesday even ing at lier home on Arendell street. The president, Mrs. Alease Aker ley, opened the meeting with devo tionals and Mrs. Stamey Davis led in prayer. Several readings on the meaning of the Lenten season were given by members. After a brief business session, the president turned the meeting over to her sister, Miss Ava Hall, of Mt. Vision, N. Y? who led in entertainment. After a Bib lical contest she had each member draw a piece of paper. They had to give a one minute talk on the subject on the paper. Mrs. George Snooks, Mrs. D. B. Willis and Mrs. Lucille Arthur Smith were the winners. After the entertainment the hostess, as sisted by Mrs. Snooks, served punch, home-made cake, nuts and mints. Local Women Attend District Meet Thursday Mrs. Floyd Chadwick, Mrs. Wal dron Fulcher and Mrs. Joe DuBois attended the Third District meet ing of the American Legion Aux iliary in New Bern laat Thursday. The group met at the Broad Street Christian Church. , Mrs. Z. E. Murrell of Jackson ville, third district committeewo man, had charge of the meeting. An inspiring address was given by Mrs. A. Warren Neiil, North Carolina Department President. Six units were represented. They were Arapahoe, New Bern, Davis, More head City, Jacksonville, Tren ton, Newport, Bayboro. The unit from Newport Invited the district to held the meeting there next year. Mrs. Hamilton Entertains Wednesday Bridge Club Mrs. Harvey Hamilton Sr., was hostess to the Wednesday After noon Bridge Club this week. Guests were Mrs. Alvah Hamilton Sr. and Mrs. H. L. Joslyn. Mrs. Ben F. Royal won high score, Mrs. M. T. Mills was sec and high and Mrs. S. W. Thomp son was low. The hostess served cinnamon toast, cheese biscuits, pop corn, brownies, nuts and iced drinks. Literary Club Sees Film, Committee Appointed Mrs. A. F. Chestnut, program chairman, introduced Mr. G. B. Talbot, Fiver's Island, to members of the Literary and Art Club Tues day evening. He showed a film on the restoration of historic Wil liamsburg. Mrs. S. A. Chalk Jr., chairman, appointed a nominating commit tee to name officers for the next two years. They will report at the next meeting. Home Department To Hear Mrs. D. J. Eure The American Home Department of the Woman's Club will meet Monday evening at 8 o'clock at the Civic Center. Mri. Darden J. Eure will present the program on the book, Relax and Live. Mrs. Eure met and had a short conference with the author of the book on her recent visit to Atlanta, Ga. There will be a short business meeting at the conclusion of the program. All members are request ed to attend. The Fannie Finch Bunn Circle of the First Baptist Church will meet Monday night at 7:30 at the church for a Joint meeting of the circlet. The program will be given by Mrs. W. C. Carlton. FRESH, POTENT DRUGS GIVE YOU MAXIMUM EFFECTIVENESS To ha fully rftwllw, tho Ingmil? to of jam pr? oription mutt k* tt full potency, which bwi thay must ho froah. Bocism wo A> anch a largo hml? m, wo eta ? Intifai froth atoalu of oil druga, fill oil proscription* with ahaaata that aro at tha poah of potoacy. MORSHEAD CITY DKUG CO. A GOOD DRUG STORE PHONE *4M0 ?06 AREMDCLL ST. M0RCH|BAD CITY, N. C Mrs. Q. C. Cook* Speaks To Garden Club Members Mrs. G. C Cooke talked to mem beri of the Garden and Civic Club )Vednaaday afternoon at the CIvk Center, on "Pesta That Infest Flow era and Shrubs." A diacuaaion fol lowed, with members telling what they had found to be helpful in letting rid of them. Mrs. W A Ellison Jr. surprised everyone by bringing each member * jar of growing shamrock She bad ordered the seeds and raised the plants to present /to the club Wednesday, which was St. Pat rick's Day. She also brought a corsage of white camellias for the president, Mrs. Phillip Bail, who, however, was absent due to illness. In the absence of both the pres ident and the vice-president, Mrs. J. R. Morrill presided at the bus iness meeting. The members an swered roll call by giving the names of spring blooming bulbs. Mrs. Elizabeth Howland was a guest. A garden pilgrimage will be held in New Bern April 1 and 2, sponsored by the Garden Club there. All New Bern members will be in colonial clothes and guides will be on hand to show visitors through some of the old homes and gardens and also through a part of Tryon Palace which is being re stored. Committees were appointed to arrange transportation for More head City members who will go. The club voted to send a bloom ing plant to Mrs R. C. Dixon, a member who is ill at her home on Bogue Sound. The hostesses, Mrs. Joseph House and Mrs. M. Leslie Davis, Beaufort, served ice cream sundaes, cookies and salted pecans. Miss Hooker Announces Attendants for Wedding Miss Ruth Marie Hooker of Kin ston, who will be married tomor row to Mr. Weldon Cooper Mat thews Jr. of this city, has an nounced members of the wedding party. Miss Jane Hart of Kinston will be maid of honor. Miss Anne Poole of Washington, D. C., and Miss Jae quelyn Merritt of Chapel Hill, will be bridesmaids. Mr. Matthews has chosen his father as best man. Ring bearer is Norman York Jr. of Kinston. Ushers are Lt. Albert Hooker of Kinston, brother of the bride; Mr. Bobby Matthews of Morehead City, brother of the groom; Mr. Jesse Austin Jr. of Clayton; Mr. H. H. Matthews of Raleigh. The wedding will take place at seven o'clock tomorrow evening in the Queen Street Jiethod is t Church in Kinston. The Rev. Mark Law rence will officiate, assisted by the Rev. Leon Couch of Morehead City. Sub-District to Meet The Methodist Sub-district will meet next Monday, March 29, in stead of this Monday as scheduled. Time and place will be announced later. T? n Topic* ? ? ? Lynn Richardson to Represent Morehead City in Azalea Parade ly UNUA LONG The band is not going to Wil mington tlu? year fay the Axalea Festival parade However, Mia* Lynn Bichardaon haa been choeeo to be a princes* in the court of the queen, who ii Miss Ella Raines, the movie star. Lynn waa chosen by a group of teachers appointed by Mr G. T. WindeU, principal The Junior class is sponsoring a square and round dance tonight at the gym. Dance begins at 8 p.m., admission is SO cents per, and music will be furnished by the Rhythm Trio. Drinks and candy will be sold and all profits will go toward the junior-senior banquet. The Juniors and seniors in Mrs. Phillips' history classes are mak ing posters announcing the senior play. By the way, the play this year, Mother Is a Freshman, will be given in the school auditorium, April 9 at 8 p.m. A Boy Scout Camporee will be held at Camp Croatan April 2, 3, and 4. All 17 of the Morehead City High Sea Scouts are hoping to be able to attend. Representatives from four counties will attend. Mrs. Dorothy Graham, home economics with the Carolina Pow er and Light Co., spoke to home ec classes Thursday and gave three demonstrations to second and third year groups. They were on Easy Meals, Deep Fat Frying and Use of the Electric Range. She made porcupine balls, pop corn and a complete broiled meal. Mrs. Alfred Walence's biology class saw a movie Monday on Con stant Challenge. Curtis and Ro land Cannon take turns operating the projector. The seniors have been invited to attend a senior piaao recital in Beaufort. Monday, March 29, at 8 p.m. in the school auditorium, Miss Barbara Harris, Miss Edna Frances Young, pupils of Mr. Oliver J. Yost and Miss Janice Keller, pupil of . Mrs. Charles Hassell, will present the program. They will be assisted by Mr. David Small, baritone, of Morehead City High School. The cheerleaders, Mr. C. P. Moor ing and Miss Alice Fincher elect ed new cheerleaders Monday and Tuesday. Thirty-eight girls tried out and three were chosen. They are Mary Lou Davis, Barbara Wil li* and Tressa O'Neal. The FHA elected new officers Tuesday and Wednesday. Beadie Lewis is new president; Mary Lou Davis, vice-president; Gloria Hall, secretary; Shirley Ebron, treasurer; Ellen Bordeaux, reporter; Libby Wade, historian; Lina Wade, par liamentarian; Deanna Ballou, song leader; Lois Becton, pianist. Don't forget devotional! every morning at 8:10 in the high achool library, conducted by member* of the Boy?' and Girls' Hi-Y Clubs. Eddie Smithwick has entered the euay contest. "Why the Private Practice of Medicine Furnishes This Country with the Finest Medi cal Care," sponsored by the State Medical Society His essay must be ready by April 20. So far he is the only contestant in the county and we wish him luck. The state prize is |?I00 and the national is *1,000. David Small entered the John M. More head Scholarship contest at Chapel Hill last week. David came out in the top 22 out of SO contestants but only 10 could win. He wasn't one of them, but he re ceived an application and was asked to try again. Rebekahi, Odd Fallows To Have Joint Meeting The Rebeluhs and Odd fellows of distfict two will meet in an all day session tomorrow at Uaveiock. Lodges from More head City, Beau fort, Havelock and Wilmington will be represented. The Rebekahs will begin their first meeting at 11 o'clock in Ute Community Building. They will ad journ at 12:30 and bpth the Be bekahs and Odd Fellows will meet at Moore's Barbecue for luncheon and a joint meeting. Both lodges will reconvene at 2 p.m. in the Community Building for afternoon sessions. Mrs. Carrie Wininger of the Havelock lodge, who is president of the district, will be in charge of the program. Sub-District Council Meets The Methodist Youth Fellowship Sub-district Council will meet at Core Creek tomorrow at 10 a.m. The meeting is for all sub-district officers, local MYK presidents and counselors. Spring and summer plans will be discussed. Everyone is asked to bring a lunch. AS POPULAR as the ? f AIRY TALE... Children love Red Riding Hood for their smart styling, smooth fit. and wonderful comfort. Here's footwear that's flexible, durable and superbly made. For style, comfort and value they're the best buy. Belk t THE HOME OF 5 better values Only At This Sign will you find Authorized s Sea Singer [?*- Service _ will 0iM ? Liberal T rido-l n ?n jour old sowing mocfclm. PORTABLES - CONSOLES - TREADLES Only Singer Offer* All Three ? Straight, Slant, Zig-Zag. Sold only through your ?A Tiydaauk of Hu Uaftt M U Co. S SINGER SEWING CENTER 208 Middle Pbone 3748 NEW BEftN For Your Convenience... OUR NEW STORE HOURS: Breakfast WILL BE SERVED FROM 7:00 A.M. Luncheon STARTS AT 11:00 A.M. OUR DRUG DEPT. OPENS AT 8:00 A.M. BE SURE TO ASK ABOUT THE VALUABLE PRIZES TO BE AWARDED ,, APRIL 3RD .. ?! iv Morehead City Drug Co. A GOOD DRUG STORE \ $cudd!ks Ad easy-to-wear, contour belted spun linen dress. Smartly accented with striking Insects on the bodice and flash pockets,' i and boldly saddle stitched. In spring colon with oootraiting tH-n and stitching. Sizes 7-15> 59? The VOGUE ASK FOR COTTASE CHEESE IN iBttACflf ALUMINUM TUMBLERS ItOHT MIlllANT COLORS Ruby Amethyit Aquamarine Turquoise Topaz Emerald Silver Gold ? Here's the tumbler set you've always wanted?at a bargain you never thought you'd sec. You get tfaeae eight gleaming Bascal anodixed aluminum tumblers filled with cottage cheese? for much less than the retail price of tumblers alone. And you get a dif ferent color each wfcek until your set is complete. Bascal Tumblers can't break, can't chip or rust. Colors last a lifetime, shine without polishing, too. Start your sat today. Ask (or your cottage cheese in Bascal aluminum tumblers. FILLED WITH CKIAMY COTTAGE CHIISf fOl'ONir 53/ tm ^0 EACH ? 1 Sold at Better Food Stores Everywhere CALL MOREHEAD CITY tf-3434 FOR HOME DELIVERY ASK FOR AAAOI A'Q OOLDEN GUERNSEY (VIMVLM J THE MILK WITH A PEET CREAM UN

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