Beaufort Social News KarMr Editor Kw t-XM4| Mr. and Mr*. Guy B. Hudgim and two son* of FayettevlUe spent Saturday here. fMf Mundarff left yesterday for his hone in Baldwin, N. Y.. after receiving his discharge from the Marine Corps. Mr. aad Mrs. Tom Hood and three childrea ol Fayetteville spent the weekend here with friends. Mr. and Mrs Ralph Phillip* left yesterday for Chattanooga, Tenn., to make their home there. Mrs. Phillips is the former Doris Dunn. Helen Lee, daughter of Mrs. Faye Lee Dixon, formerly of Beaufort, is completing her senior yaar of high sehool at Haywood, Okla. She has been elected an All Star in th* Haywood Basketball Tournament of 1994 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cole Fod rie, who had bee a visiting Mrs Hubert Fodrie, left Saturday tor Raleigh before going to Camp Gor don, Ga., where Mr. Fodrie is sta tioned. T. T. Potter, Tom H. Potter, Al bert Chappell and Gray Hassell spent Saturday at Aberdeen and at tended the Beaufort-Ahoskie bas ketball game. Mrs. Sara Emerson and her four children and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mc Gee, all of Mount Olive, spent the weekend with Dr. and Mrs. C. S. Maxwell. A "Must" In Our Profession We can't make mis takes! That's why each measure is dou ble-checked. Y our guarantee of the best I BELL'S DRUG STORE Phone 2-3231 Front St. Beaufort, N. C. f See the Famous N r I NT E R.NAT IONAL c JZouaT r in NORFOLK April 7-11 One of America's floral showplaces . . . one hundred ?cm of landscaped woodland with more than 100,000 Ataleas, 10,000 Camellia, and a breathtaking spectacle of other blooming and berried plants ... ia the ttage for the International Azalea Court. Beautiful young represent ative* from each of the N. A. T. O. Nation* will partici pate in a colorful coronation ceremony as well as other features of the five-da? pro gram. There will be no ad mission charge to any of Am events. You will be welcome. hUff, ? ? ? CHAMMR Of COMMMCE 100 (. PUMIf (T.. NOIKMK, YA. ' ? * ~ " Mr. and Mrs Newman Lewis of Willard. and their son. Max. of Winston-Salem, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Lewis Mrs. Jack Parkin accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Lewis back to Willard ior a week's visit. Dickie Dickinson, a member of the freshman class at Chapel Hill, spent the weekend at heme Edmoad Arcyle of Flint. Mich., arrived Saturday for a two weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Burton Daniels and Miss Mildred Daniels. Mi. and Mrs. K. W. Wright spent last Monday in Wrndinr where Uiey visited their daughter and soain law, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ward Bowen. and their new granddaugh ter, Beverly Jayne. Mary Joyce Bowen accompanied her grand parents back to Beaufort for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Moore of Washington were here Sunday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Fanny Nelson. Bill Tickle, USN, arrived Thurs (lay after spending the past three months in the Caribbean. He will spend his leave with his wife, the former Letitia Simpson He will leave Friday to rejoin his ship at Little Creek, Va. Mrs. I. N. Moore left Monday for Elizabeth City to attend the North Carolina Conference of the Wo man's Society of Christian Service. Mr. and Mrs. Taft Pilcher of Nor folk spent the weekend with Mrs. Pilcher's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Wright Jr. and son, Randy, will leave tomor row for their home in Chapel Hill after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wright. Norman Quidley and Mr. and Mrs. Preston Stowe. all of Hatteras, were here Sunday to attend the funeral of Mr?. Fannie Nelson. ? Mrs. Halsey Paul returned home over the weekend from Norfolk where she had been visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. H. Curtiss Merrick. Gordon Bell Davis will leave Thursday for Alexandria. Va? after spending his spring vacation at home. Mrs. ,M?ry Privette left yester day for Philadelphia where she will spend the next month: Mrs. Christopher Jones and her three children spent the weekend in Kinston with Mr. and Mrs. Nor man Hardy. Tom Hamilton and Clyde Owens, students at East Carolina College, spent the weekend at home. Charles Chappell, Wiley Taylor Jr., and John Jones spent Thursday at Aberdeen and attended the Beaufort-Odell basketball game. W. A. Mace will leave Friday for Empire, La., after a visit here with his family. Gary Copeland, a member of the sophomore class at Wake Forest, spent Thursday night at home. Mrs. ' Charles Cheek spent the weekend in Smithfield with Dr. and Mrs. 9. R. Swearingen. Mr. and Mrs I. D. Gillikin and Mrs. Alec Graham left Sunday for Detroit, Mich., where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Tillman and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Leonard. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lee and three children of Raleigh spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Copeland Judge and Mrs. Walter Flynn of Westerly. R. I., left yesterday after Sewing Students to Get Instruction in Tailoring Mn. Urvkd Btfiridfc, hM0 ?c Sckeal, Mini taday that Mr* Kay KM*, tarmm mU? machine ileaMoatralor, will a aM with tail oring la It* adult sewing cUu. The claaa mm aarh Thunalay (ram 7 3D ta 10 ml * tha law k unaaaies department, Beaufort SckaaL Praai 7 10 ta ? woman arr balpod with areata! pulliai. Mn. Bar ertdgo aii Thia week's aabjeet Will be aa tlw rutltui al pUa Ma terial! aaek aa cerduray aad ?at velaaa. Mn Klein wlU ato aa sisi a?Kaated aeweri Piono Pupils to Give Recital Next Monday Miss Barbara Harris and Miss Edna Frances Young, pupils of Mr. Oliver J. Yost, and Miss Janice Kel ler, pupil of Mrs Charles Hassell. will present a piano recital at the Beaufort High School auditorium at 8 o'clock next Monday evaaing March 29. They will be assisted by David Small, baritoae, of Morehead City. The public is cordially invited. Mrs. Smith Entertains Bridge Club Thursday Mrs Norwood Young was iavited guest Thursday eveniag when Mrs. Robert Smith entertained her bridge club. High score priie, a box of scour ing pads, was won by Mrs. Gene Smith. Mrs. Smith served pecan pie and coffee. Four Demonstration Clubs Scheduled for This Week Miss Martha Barnett, home dem onstration agent, has announced the schedule of club meetings for this week. Today the Gloucester club meets at 7:30 with Mrs. Henry Chadwick. Tomorrow (he Camp Glenn club will meet at 2 p.m. with Mrs. Clara Wade. Thursday the Crab Point club will meet at 7:30 with Mrs. H. H. Scott. Friday the Cedar Island-At lantic club will meet at 1 p.m. with Mrs. Howard Nelson. CALENDAR OF EVENTS TODAY 6:45 p.m.? Beaufort Rotary Club, Inlet Inn 7 p.m.? Carteret County Busi ness & Professional Women's Club, Jefferson Coffee Shop, 4th St., Morehead City. 7:30 p.m.? Ocean Lodge, Masonic Lodge, Morehead City 7:30 p.m.? Woman's Club, First Christian Church, Morehead City 7:30 p.m.? Organized Army Re serve Corps, Potter Building, Beau fort WEDNESDAY 7:30 p.m. ? Esther Rebekahs, Recreation Center, Morahead City 7:30 p.m. ? Bible Study, Webb Memorial Presbyterian Church, Morehead City 8 p.m.? North Carolina Little Symphony Concert, Beaufort High School Auditorium THURSDAY 6:30 p.m. Lions Club, Recrea tion Center, Morehead City 6:30 p.m. ? Morehead City Ro tary Club, Recreation Center 7:30 p.m. ? Odd Fellows, Lodge Hall, Beaufort FRIDAY 7:30 p.m. ? American Legion, Hut west of Morehead City 7:30 p.m. ? American Legion Auxiliary. Hut west of Morehead City a short visit with Mr. T. M. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cheek. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nanee and son. David, spent the weekend in Turkey with Mrs. Nance's parenta. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore will more into an apartment on Queen street tomorrow. They are former residents of Washington, N. C. You Can Bury Your Money in tho bock yard or hido it in tho sugar bowl or in a mattress but we know of ? much totter place . . . ami we have ?ever yet ' heard of interest Mw paid ea eeeey in Ike back yard, sugar bowl or ?Hi on Have you T FIRST-CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO. una FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE COST, ?n AmM M. Mwim City, N. C. Mm Mill Argyle- Daniels Mr. ud Mrs- Burton DtnieU ?n dauiMor. mEV??.U> Mr' Ed ?Mad Argyle of Flint. Mich ., son of Mr aad Mr*. Fred Bailey of Mikado. Mirk. The wedding will take place in June. HOSPITAL NOTES "mtVp WTuSi^1 Morehead City. ,FrM?y; Mrs Bart* CMwirk. Har ken Island. Friday; Mr Gaorge Dili. Mas-ahead CMy. W?dnml?> Mrm. Norma* Guthrie Newport. Thursday; LMa Palaa. Havelock. Thursday. Bah) BiHmrd Charles Nelson. Mirihsad City. Tfcunday 1^,, mm J - ,|l, v^rmvH. Mrs. O. J. Morrow, Morehead Cily. Tluiraday. m, ...l .r?,i imrMr|{PtI. Mrs. Carl Sadler and son, Beau fort. Thursday; Mrs. Wiley Stall Ings and daughter, Newport, Thurs day. Admitted: Mrs. Bessie Wallace, Beaufort. Friday; Terry Ipock. Beaufort. Fri day; Mrs. Rohrrt Dennis, Beaufort, Tharaday: Mr. CharWa Stevens. Beaufort. Wednesday, Mrs. Herman Smith. BaMgh. Wednesday. F?i ?tie Paal Willu. Ilarhers Island Thursday. Sea Lent MsapMal Discharged: Mr Joe Una. Davis, Thursday; Miss Nora Edmundson, Ocracoke. Friday: Johnny Tyson Salter, At lantic, Friday: Julian Gray Gilgo, Davis. Saturday; Mrs. Amelia Ma son, Atlantic, Saturday; Mrs. Una Lewis, Sea Level, Saturday; Mrs Paul Beachem, Beaufort, Saturday Admitted: Mrs. Jane Pigott, Straits, Sunday. OBITUARIES MRS. VIRGINIA GUTHRIE Funeral services for Mrs. Virgin ia Guthrie, 75. who died Sunday at her home at Harkers Island, were held at the home at 2 o'clock yes terday afternoon, with the Rev. Willard Watson, pastor of the Pen tecostal Holiness Church officiat ing. Burial was in the community cemetery. Surviving Mrs. Guthrie are two daughters, Mrs. Allen Moore, Mrs. Tyree Moore, both of Harkers Is land; one son, Cpl. Ernest Guthrie, of the State Highway Patrol, Jack sonville, 15 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren. MRS. FANNIE A. NELSON Mrs. Fannie A. Nelson, 82. of Beaufort, died suddenly Saturday morning of a heart attack while visiting Mrs. T. G. Willis of More head City. Funeral services were held at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the Marshallberg Methodist Church, with the Rev. H. H. Cash and the Rev. J. I). Young officiating. Burial was in Victoria Cemetery. Mrs. Nelson, wife of the late Leonard W. Nelson of Gloucester, was the oldest living member of the Marshallberg Methodist Church. Surviving are her son, Edward, with whom she made her home, two grandchildren, Daniel and Susan Nelson, and two nephews, Rhube Quidley of St. Petersburg, Fla.. and Norman Quidley of Hat teras. STORK NEWS Births at Morehead Ctty Haapital: To Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Stallings. Newport, a daughter. Mary Vir ginia. Sunday, March 14. To Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mpntague Sadler. Beaufort, a son, Ricky Wayne. Sunday. March 14. Petersons Welcome Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Wells Pe terson welcomed a 7 pound, 13 ounce daughter. Mauresa Louise Saturday at Morehead City Hospit al. Mrs. Peterson Is the former An nie Louise Willis of Beaufort. 8* PERMISSION or ABT1ST, WALT KELLY Pogo Heralds Coming Of Symphony Orchestra By TOM NEAL JR. Symphony News Bureau Pogo and his country cousins are tooting for the North Carolina Symphony! "Here they come," Pogo and his Willis-Hill Mr. and Mrs. Ulysses C. Hill of Marshallberg announce the engage ment of their daughter, Wanda, to Mr. Ikie W. Willis, son of Mrs. Jo seph F. Willis and the late Mr. Wil lis of Harkers Island. Kitrell's Welcome Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kitrell wel comed a daughter. Peggy Jean, Fri day in Morehead City Hospital. Mrs. Kitrell is the former Sara Catherine Piver of Beaufort. Whitley's Welcome Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Jack Whitley wel comed an 8 pound. 6 ounce daugh ter, Phylis Thomas. Friday at Morehead City Hospital. Mrs. Whit ley is the former Addie Carrow Thomas of Beaufort. Morehead City Social News Local Doctors Attend Optometric Meeting Dr. Russell Outlaw of this city and Dr. David C. Farrior of Beau fort attended the meeting of the Southeastern Group of the North Carolina State Optometric Society Wednesday night at the home of Dr. N. M. Baxter in New Bern. Dr. Stephen Sudor of Ayden was elected president, Dr. Sam T. White, Greenville, vice-president; and Dr. Baxter, New Bern, secre tary. A general discussion was held on the use and functions of tele scopic and microscopic lenses for persons with low visual acuity. Mrs. Ferebee Hostess To Fortnightly Club The Fortnightly Bridge Club met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Alan M. Ferebee. Guest was Mrs. S. W. Hatcher, who received guest prize. Mrs. G. C. Cooke won high score prize and Mrs. C. R. Davant was low. During play Mrs. Ferebee served candy, nuts and iced drinks, and after progressions, ice cream, cake and coffee. Mrs. W. C. Carlton will be hos tess to the club April 1. rot mumnu mi Art... MM with CONCRETE PRODUCTS i i in Paint with ?wo ?y imr White aad mm AMortmanl of Color* Alao Sto-Dri Clear Coat Wkk Silicone Boto MOREHEAD BLOCK & TILE CO., Inc. Phoao 9-3970 Okefenokee Swamp friends are tell- 1 ing us . . . and we learn from local | sources that the band of profes sional musicians will be in Beau fort for an adult concert at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow night in the Beau fort High School auditorium. Pogo wants everyone to take ad vantage of hearing the orchestra. North Carolina (which borders ihe Okefenokee Country) is fortunate, he thinks, in having a professional orchestra. Most states don't, Pogo points out. Moreover, Pogo likes the sym phony because of its educational program. Did you know, for in stance. that the nationally known orchestra, directed by Benjamin Swalin, plays more programs free to more school children than any other major symphony in the United States? How they do this is by the sup port of local chapters of the North Carolina Symphony Society, and by aid from the State of North Caro lina (annual appropriation of $20,000). Children in this area will hear a concert by the Symphony in the Morehead City High School at 2 p.m. tomorrow. The program for them comes as a climax after class room study ? getting ready for the North Carolina Symphony by study of composers, their works, instru ments, and through other study plans supplied to teachers through out the state. l'ogo's advice to local citizenry: " 'High tail it to hear the orchestra Wednesday night. Good music's f'ever'body," Pogo says. And it is. :on THIS FREE SAMPU WILL PROVE WIU SAVE YOUR ROOFI Will SAVE YOU TROUUEI WIU SAVE YOU MONEY I A tupy wltfc ? r?t?rd ?> fl<*9vliKta Nfvkt hf Jwwfy-iv$ ym%. cm *??? m*n?r . . . nm w fry . . . wtd b**l ?# ?ll y?w ?<1 Charleston Gardens are report d to be up to their usual standard if perfection. Peak bloom, expect d to begin the latter part of this nunth. should be one of the best The effects o( the unprecedented ml unpredicted cold snap which ipped early aialea blossoms at harleston's Famous Gardens have low passed off, according to C. ? orwood Hastie Jr., owner of Mag olia Gardens. Already visitors are swarming in n Charleston to visit the Gardens nd Historic Houses. The Wately Id homes will be open from March 4 through April 9. An 18- Year-Old Girl Ke?pt Snak* as P?t Dayton. Ohio (AP)? Mary Lou Hull, hat a pel blackanah* named George. She uys the would rather have the 3 foot George wrap htm srlf aroond her armi than hold a kitten or a puppy Mary Lou hai been interested in reptilea aince she was old enough to hold ? gar ter snake. A tlerk-typlat by day, Mary Lou studies herpetology In her spare lime. Iler lather, James T. Hull, says, 'The whale family la enUniaiaatic abont George." Her Mother, a lit tle less enthusiastically, says she tolerates George around the house but "draws the line" at pet alli gators. FRESH, POTENT DRUGS GIVE YOU MAXIMUM EFFECTIVENESS To be fully effective, the ingredient* of your prescription must be at full potency, which mean* they muit be fresh. Because we do such a large business, w ? can maintain fresh stocks of all drugs, fill all prescriptions with elements that are at the peak of potency. ? MOREHEAD CITY DRUG CO. A GOOD DRUG STORE PHONE 6-4360 805 ARENDELL ST. s* MOREHEAD CITY, N. C. Reikis mo"mno WEDNESDAY MORNING SPECIALS SPRING IS HERE SO-O-O-O ? MEN'S EARLY SPRING $1.98 Value* at an Early Special Price * Size* Small, Med., Large ? Pli**e ? Garbardine ? Linen Like Weaves ? Skip Dent* SPORT SHIRT SPECIAL 4 I \ All in your favorite colors and white*. SPECIAL PURCHASE In B?r?* All Nylon Pucker SPORT SHIRTS $177 Regular $1.98 Value*. Asst. Prints and Solid*. Size* 10 to IS. WE HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN THE LADIESI I Cotton Plitae HALF SLIPS ? Shadow Panel Front. ? White Only. ? Sixes Small, Mad., and Large. ? Regular $2.98. SPECIAL itl'Ui M Department Store "Th? Home of Batter Valutt" MOREHEAD CITY, N. C.