MI WALLS VBMk ?P. A. means FASHION AfPCAL . . . That's what you get when you paint rooms with Prim! You'll like this wonder full new ONE COAT FLAT finish, too. Beau tiful colors that com pletely cover old or new walls just like magic . . . And they're scrubbabJe / Easy to apply right from the can. Atlantic Highway Phone 2-4871 Beaufort HUNTLEY'S If You're Planning to Build or Remodel SEE US FIRST AFIUT LUMBER CO. Lennoxville Road Beaufort Phone 2-4581 Wi'H givt you tMs complete 10-piece BRUSH, BROOM and MOP SCT ? ALa MIl'lMMJMA a? h mama wiTn too purcnaso ot a now EASYSpiralator ? Gentle rail-over Splra lafcor Waahing Artlan ? New Streamline Safety Wringer ? Automatic Overland Switch ? Quick-drain Punf ? Silent rawer Gear-Cane ? Blf 9-pound capacity Porcelain 1M For Only n 79? m SOUND APPLIANCE CO., INC 1406 Mdfta Beaufort Social News Woot*n-Piyw Mr. and Mrs. Julian Piver an nounce the marriage of tfccir daughter, Elva Lee, to Mr. Laurie Allen Wooten, tan of Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Wooten of Beaufort. The wedding took place Satur day, March 20. at 4 o'clock in the afternoon at the home of the Rev. Mr J. M Russell of Gales Crack, pastor of the Pentecostal Holiness Church, Beaufort. The bride wore a street length dress of aqua linen with white ac cessories. Mr. Wooten, who formerly lived in Goldsboro. is connected with the L k L Coal Company. The newly married couple will live at 1022 Vi Broad street, Beaufort. Chalk Dust (Continued from Page 5) er cooking time, addition of water, use of steam pressure sauce pan. grinding and pounding to cut con nective tissue, or the use of a chemical meat tenderiier found on the market today. Since meat spoils easily, it should be unwrapped in the home and either placed in a clean, dry, cov ered vessel in the refrigerator, or wrapped in waxed paper and put in the refrigerator. Uncooked meat should be placed in the coldest part I fall Klnston 4444 Coll. | of the refrigerator, (near the freezing unit). Ways of reducing the expendi tures for meat are: 1. Purchase meat in such a way at to take advantage of difference! in priee due to local coadiUons. 5. Uae leu expensive cuts of meat. 3. Avoid a meat containing a high proportion of fat, bone and gristle ,as these are waste. 4. Utilize all the bone, trim mings, and all left over cooked meats. 9. Serve less meat ? by serving it less frequently, or by serving smaller portions, or both. 6. Serve combination dishes called meat extenders. These are dishes consisting of meat mixed with some mildly flavored mater ial such as rice, flour mixtures (pies and dumplings), or potatoes. The first year groups are study ing fabrics, patterns, and the uae of the sewing machine. They will begin pinning patterns on mater ial and cutting the first garments today. These garments will include the construction problems of plack ets, tippers, bands, and hems. The third year girls have been studying some laws related to fam ily life, and how to plan a beau tiful wedding, and wedding tra ditions. Sally Taylor, one of the class members, received an engage ment ring last weekend. Peggy Ipock served on the de votional committee in Mrs. Bever idge's room this week. Cather ine Potter was Future Homemakers of America high sales lady with flavoring sales of $7.40 for the past week. Mrs. Chadwick's first grade had their chapel program this week. The devotions were given by the entire class. They chose as the theme of their program, "The Months." This grew out of a study of the months and seasons that has been going on in the classroom. Sever al songs and poems were given, then a short play, "The House of Months." Characters were Father Time, Bobby Poulk; Nancy, Julia Piner; Alice, Lynda Dorrler; January, Leonard Wiggins; February, Ver nene Johnson; March, Karen Dunn; Apri! Linda Hardy; May, Susan Tayor; June, Patricia Potter; July, Wade Neal; August, Linda Simp son; September, Bill Willis; Octo ber, Ben Piner; November, Mary Fay Murphy; and December, Gil bert Jackson. The class was glad that so many of its parents came for the pro gram. The class stated that it ffl joyed presenting the program. Chamber (Continued from Page 1) posed curtailment of air service here in May and September. Chief of Police M. E. Guy re quested the board's support in a bicycle safety program. Glenn Adair was appointed to work with him. Mr. Walker announced that 143 inquiries received by the chatnber have been answered since the, last meeting. He also said that pony penning pictures supplied by the chamber will appear in the book. Following Printed Traih by Hovi ous, published by D. C. Heath Co. The manager read the board the February report on Finer Carolina projects and reported on the amount of money brought into the HOSPITAL NOTES bmkui Dtarbar?ed aftar milBiil: Mr*. Emma Mumtord. Beaufort, Wedneaday; Un David Jones, Morehead City, Monday; Mrs Ray Lockey. Newport, Tuesday; Mrs Lawtoo McDowell, Morehead City, Monday; Mra. Herman Smith, U loick. Monday; Mr. Early Taylor, Newport. Tnnday; Fernie Paul WUlia. tinkers bland. Sunday; Mr Ulyaaes Womac. Beaufort. Sunday. Diarkaraed after aperatien Mra. Jamea Hardy, Beaufort, Wednesday; Mra. Connie Gillikin Sr. Otway. Wednesday; Ronald. Archie and John Pinkham, Beau fort, Wednesday; Mra. Robert Den nis, Beaufort, Wednesday ; Mr. Joaeph Overton, Havelock. Tues day; Mrs. R. S Willis. Salter Path. Monday Dtarkarfed: Mrs. James W. Whitley and daughter, Beaufort. Wednesday; Mrs. Ralph Kittrell and daughter. Beaufort, Tuesday; Mrs. Richard Shelton and son, Morehead City, Sunday. Admitted Mrs. I. S. Alligood, Davis, Tues day; Mr. Walter Arthur, Beaufort, Monday; Mrs Joseph Campbell, Morehead City, Sunday; Mrs. Luther Carraway, Morehead City, Tuesday; Harry Decker Jr., More head City. Saturday; Mr. Leon Guthrie, Harkers Island. Sunday; Mr. Charles Lutx, Havelock, Tues day; Mrs. George Merrill. Beaufort, Saturday; Ronald Rhue, Morehead City, Sunday; Dewey Wilson, Har kers Island, Monday. - Sea Level Hospital Discharged: Mrs. Lovle Fulcher, Beaufort, Wednesday; Helen Goodwin, At lantic, Wednesday; Richard Earl Hamilton. Sea Level. Wednesday; Richard S. Nelson. Atlantic. Wed nesday; James Styron Jr., Sea Level. Wednesday; Mrs. Jane Pigott, Straits, Thursday. Admitted; Petie Riley, Atlantic, Monday; Mrs. Lonnie Fulcher, Harkers Island, Monday; Mr. John William Willis, Atlantic, Monday; Miss Myrna Fulcher, Stacy, Tuesday; Mrs. Lily Belle Taylor, Beaufort, Wednesday; Mr. Tyler Lewis, Beau fort, Wednesday. ^ ?x March 22 ? Mr. and Mrs. Ash by B. Morton have returned front Tal lahama, Fla., where tbey had been viaiting their children. Mrs Xenophen Mason, Mra. Edith Small and Mrs. E. C. Mc Lawhorn attended the preschool clinic at Beaufort Monday. Mra W Kuch Williams and daughter, Judy, and Mrs. E. R Bowlin Jr., were at Havelock Wed nesday. Mr. J. R. Ball, Mr. John W. Ives Jr. and Mrs. Carlton Taylor attend ed the board meeting of the Meth odiat Church at Oak Grove Thurs day evening. Mrs G. W. Ball and Mrs. G. C. Bell were in Beaufort Friday. Billy Ball of Charleston. S. C., has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Ball. Mrs. Beryl Tosto of Beaufort spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Vera Bell Mrs. A. N. Bell, Mrs. E. R. Bow lin Jr., Mrs. Luke Turner, Mrs. Tom Fox, Mrs. W. Kuch Williams and daughter. Judy, were in Beau fort Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hardlson and daughter, Cherrie. of near New Bern spent the weekend here with Mrs. Hardison's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Butner of Havelock attended church services here Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Taylor were in New Bern Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Edsel Bell and sons. Tommy and Obie Nash and Mrs. A. N. Bell and son, David, were in Beaufort and Morehead City Saturday morning. Johnnie Olund of State College, Raleigh, spent the spring holidays here with Phillip Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Pelletier of Stella spent the weekend with Mrs. Harry Davis. Mrs. E. C. Dickinson of Core Creek attended church services here Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. W. Kuch Williams and children, Gary and Judy, spent Rough Seas Spell Death, Injury for Sabrina Crew Two crewmen were killed and three others injured on the Pana manian tanker Sabrina Saturday night of! Cape Hatteras. The Sabrina. a tanker under charter to the Standard Oil Co. was in port at Morehead City in January. an/r t county through the chamber-ini tiated social security project. In social security payments in the 1 1 -county district of which Car teret is a part, the county stood ninth in 1951 and in 1992 atood third. Payments increased by .$96, 266 from 1951 to 1952, an increase of 78 per cent. Fifty per cent of that increase was difc to work done by the BAPW Club in asking peo ple to check with their social secur ity representative,- Mr. Walker said. The board directed the manager to write D. W. Taylor of West Palm Beach and offer their asssitance in organisation of the Sea Level Community Chamber of Com merce. They directed that a copy of the letter be sent to J. A. Du Bois who has been named manager. Directors attending the meeting were E. W. Downum, Gerald Hill, Dr. W. L. Woodard, J. O. Barbou* Odell Merrill, Halsey Paul and Braxton Adair. The tanker made port at Wil mington Sunday night and the dead and injured were removed. The Sabrina is owned by a German firm and has a crew of mixed na tionality. The 83-foot Coait Guard cutter from Oak Island *jnet the ship at Southport. The deaths were caused, the Coast Guard says, by rough teas. One crewman, they say, was swept from the deck and the other was killed on deck. The dead were iden tified as Dunnar Oestberg, a Fin nish seaman and Friedrieh Eden, a German. < Injured were Chief Mate Heins Zoetzache, 38-year German, slight injury of the right hand; German seaman Constantine Kaiser, 44, head injury, and Norwegian sea man Kjell Kristofferson, 23, head injury. The three men were taken to James Walker Hospital, where Dr. D. R McEachern, U. S. Public Health Service doctor, reported "they are all in satisfactory condi tion." He added, however, that Kaiser and Kristofferson "will re main under observation for a few days" to determine the extent of their injuries. Paul . - :? $9oo PINT $3*21$ H 0T. BUNDED WHISKEY. 86 *?*. 72%% **> "NM tflrlb. Frwtkfert OMMtri Cm*.r N .VjC. ^ I I ? ?' in.-,, H i 1 1 1 1 i in , ? k . L.,v^;w..- ... .'4" rfl j Saturday in Vancoboro with Mn. B. L. Withe rlngton Mr. an4 Mra. Ross Hall ar. spending thia w?*k in Statesvill*. Misa Shirley Taylor, student ?? East Carolina College, Greenville, spent the weekend with her par enti, Mr and Mra. Cicero Taylor. Mr. and Mra. E. K Bowlin Jr. and aon, Ray, and Mr. Tom Fox attended church services at New port Sunday. Mn. C. P. Dyes and children and Mra. Rupert Hardesty were at Havelock Wednesday morning Mr. and Mrs. Joe Small and Mrs. Carlton Spruill and children, Wade and Joanne, visited here during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Edsel Bell and sons. Tommy and Obie Nash, and Mrs. A. N. BeH and son, David, were at Seven Springs Saturday afternoon Mrs. W. C. Williams is visiting her daughter, Mrs. B. L. Wither ington, in Vanceboro this week. Mrs. Ashby B. Morton was in Havelock Friday morning. Mrs. Frank Taylor and son, Rickle and Mrs. B. J. Mariner and son, Jackie, attended the pre school clinic at Beaufort Monday. Mrs. R. W. Hall, Mrs. James May nard and I'ra. Ashby B. Morton wera in Beaufort Thursday after noon. Mrs. Frank Taylor and Mrs. Groome were in Beaufort Tuesday. Mrs. Carlyle Taylor visited her husband at Veterans' Hoepital in Fayetteville during the weekend The prayer group will meet with Mrs. Emma Oglesby Tuesday morn ing. Homing Baby Preston, Minn. (AP) ? Mary Schaefer, 2M, has homing instincts. When she disappeared from her farm home, searchers located her at the place her family had moved from two weeks earlier. She had walked 2H miles. Stop Taking Harsh Drugs for Constipation AraM Intestinal Upset! Gft RUM TUt taVe Viptabl* Laxathn Wiyl For constipation, titvtr take harsh drugs. They cause brutal cramps and griping, disrupt normal bowel action, make re peated doses seem needed. When you are temporarily consti pated, get surt but gtntlt relief? without salts, without harsh drugs. Take Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative contained in Syrup Pepsin. The extract of Senna in Dr. Caldwell's is mufti* fintst nsiwrml Uxmtivs known to medicine. Dr. Cat d weir s Senna Laxative tastes good, gives gentle, comfortable, satis fying relief of temporary constipation for every member of the family. Helps you get "on schedule" without re peated doses. Even relieves stomach sourness that constipation often brings. Buy Dr. Caldwell's. Money back if not satisfied. Mail bottle to Box 280, New York ?. N. Y. NOWI Build! lUpairl R?m?(UII Let (I kelp you real 1m your drum See a* for a free estimate. E.C. WILLIS & SONS Contractor Phone 6-3433 104 8. 14th SL More head City PROMPT SERVICE on the farm Our prompt service ? on the farm ? can save you TIME ? CROPS and MONEY. Whether minor adjustments ? emergency calls or field breakdown, we are prepared to serve you quickly. Schedule your shop work early. Remember we are here to serve you. Tune in th? National Farm and Ham* Hoar ? Ivory Saturday ? NftC NEWPORT Tractor & Equipment Co. C. T. CANNON, OWNER SALES - SERVICE Willys Cars ? Trucks ? Jeeps Allis-Chalmers Tractors Fertilizers, Smith-Douglas-V-C Tobacco Curers, Any Make NfiW?ORT, N. C. GOOD USED CARS Phone 237-7 r HORSES AND MULES ALL UNPAID 1953 County Taxes WILL BE ADVERTISED DURING THE MONTH OF APRIL AND WILL BE OFFERED FOR SALE ' In May / ? ? ; ' ? By Paying Those Taxes Now You Can Avoid Additional Costs, Including Costs of Advertising E. O. MOORE i ? COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROUNA i . .JLt . at