DRESSES $5.95 to $19.95 Crepe, linen, cotton, nylon and faille. Sizes 915 . . . 10-20 38 44 . . . 14% -24 % ? TOPPERS $8.95 to $24.95 Fleece, poodle, rayon check, gabardine. All sizes. Swing back. Poodle Cloth CLUTCH CAPES $6.95 White only. Beautiful Spring HATS $1.98 to $5.95 Straws with velvet and flower trim. Assorted styles and colors. f HANDBAGS $1.00 up Straw, patent, bended, faille, and leather. Aisorted colors and styles. GLOVES $1.00 up Nylon and cotton. Assorted colors. COSTUME JEWELRY $1.00 up We have a lovely assortment of Costume Jewelry to add the final touch t? your Easter ensemble. ? Necklaces ? Bracelets ? Pins ? Earrings Belk's Morehead City Woman's Auxiliary Meats With Mrs. Robert hicks The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Andrew'! Episcopal Church met Tuesday evening at the home of lin. Robert Hicka on Arendell street. Mrs. Paul Webb, preaMtnt, presided daring ifce short business session. Mrs. Mary Shock ley was elected delegate to accompany the presi dent to the annual meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Diocese of East Carolina to be held this year in St. Paul's Church in Oreen ville. Mrs. R. H. Dowdy and Mrs. O. H. Johnson Sr. were elected alter nates. Mrs. George R. Wallace pre sented the lesson for the evening from the book, "The Door is Open to Japan." Stork Shower Wednesday Honors Mrs. Munden Mrs. W. P. Freeman and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Robert Free tnah. entertained Wednesday after- ' loon at a stork shower for Mrs. Freeman's daughter, Mrs. Grover Munden. The party was held at the Ocean King Hotel on Atlantic Beach. Sleven tables of bridge and two tables of canasta were set up for )lay in the lobby. Potted hydran geas and geraniums were used for lecoration. The honoree's table of gifts was Jecorated with a large stork and 1 Huffed nursery animals. During play the hostesses served ced drinks and nuts in favors made in the shape of storks and cradles. \fter progressions they served >each cobblers a la mode and cof 'ee. High score winner in bridge play was Mrs. Douglas West. Mrs. J. R. "Sanders was second high and Mrs. Jesse Lewis was low. Miss Patsy Hardesty won high in canasta play. Demonstration Clubs to Meet The Pelletier Home Demonstra tion Club meets today at 2 p.m. with Mrs. Prentice Vinson. Mon day the North River Club meeting, postponed from yesterday, Will meet at 1:30 with Mrs. R. P. Good ing. Lewis' Welcome Son # Mr. and Mrs. Leinster Lewis announce the birth of a son, Lein ster Keith, Friday, April 2. Mrs. Lewis is the former Tolsie Lee Willis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Keithley Willis of this city. Cight # Here's light on the problem of where to take your Doctor's prescrip tions: Bring them to this fine pharmacy. You'll be assured of skilled serv ice, fresh and potent in gredients, fair prices. Guthrie-Jon*< Drug Co. Phone 2-4 ft I Merrill Bldf. BeMfart it's fiJigll haw fDeroOtj^ ?mnn Improve* your campUxion SUJ^HrUi NfW Pill pMIAI MMQVI Morehead City Socf&l N#ws > Lmt, Society N#ws| Plwaa *4171 I tin William O. Davia of Late Charles, La., in jnaking her home liere with her parents. Mr. and Mrs Kemp Arthur. Her husband is expected to be aeht ti verse as. MUs Ann Garner returned to preparatory school at Peace Col lege. Raleigh. Wednesday after spending the spring holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Garner. Mrs. Frank Swindell was ad mitted to the Morehead City Hoa pital Monday for an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seamon and daughter. Betty Lou. spent last week in Charlotte and Davidson visiting relatives. Mr. John L. Crump was admitted to the Morehead City Hospital Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Midgett and family spent Tuesday in Rocky Mount. Mrs. Ully Styroh Is ill at her home on Fisher street. Mrs. C. N. Stroud was taken to Parrott Memorial Hospital at Kln ston Monday for treatment. Mrs. J. W. Jackson entertained her Thursday Night Bridge Club at her home on Arendell street last evening. Mrs. A. B. Roberts and daugh ters and Mrs. George Ball and daughter, Ann, spent Monday afternoon in New Bern. Mrs. D. J. Eure and sons, Gordy and Darden: left Wednesday morn ing for Eure lo attend the funeral of Dr. Eure's father, Mr. T. A. Eure, Thursday. Miss Betty Harker, who is teach ing school this winter at Lilesville. spent last weekend at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. George McNeill and Mr. and Mrs. John Lashley attend ed the funeral of Mr. T. A. Eure at Eure yesterday. Sgt. W. F. Merion, USMC, will leave Sunday to return to San Diego. Calif., after spending a leave with his wife, Mrs. Bettie Joyner Merion, and daughter, Carol. Clifton Steed, USA, who has been stationed at Camp Erwln, Calif., is visiting his mother. Mrs. Jack Steed, this week. He has been transferred back to Fort Bragg. Mrs. A. H. Joyner, Sgt. and Mrs. W F. Merion and daughter. Carol, spent Sunday in Farmville visiting relatives. Mrs. M T. Lewis, Mrs. Jack Steed, Mrs. Macdonald Willis and Mrs. Edna Finer and daughter, Charlotte Marie, spent Tuesday in Rocky Mount. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Phillips and children, Ted and Mary, leave Sunday for a week in Washington. D. C. They Will attend the Occi dental Life Insurance Co. conven tion. Those eligible to attend are members of the Lawrence Lee Club, an honor club. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Macy Sr. moved last week into their new home on Coral Bay. Miss Annette Guthrie returned to Mewdtth College lh. Raleigh Monday titer ? pending the spring holiday! with her parents Mr. and Mr? Leroy K. Guthrie, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Willis and children left Wednesday for Em pire. La., for the menhaden fish ing aeaaon. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Parker spent laat weekend in Washington. D. C? with their son, Lee, and attended the Cherry Festival. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Willis and children of Sanford spent last weekend with his mother, Mrs J. Dewey Willis. Mr. and Mrs. V. J. (Puck) O'Neal have returned from Key West, Fla. Bobby Willis has returned to Duke University in Durham after spending the spring holidays with his mother. Mrs. J. Dewey Willis. Miss Ruth Macy and Miss Patsy Smith of Kinston spent last week end with Miss Macy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Macy Sr. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Gibbs Jr. and daughter, Carol, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jack Styron in New Or leans, La. Dick Colwell and Frank Marmol, USMC, of Camp Lejeune spent yes terday *ith Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Macy Sr. at Coral Bay. Mrs. Roland Parnell returned to Kinston yesterday after spending a few days this week with her sister, Mrs. J. Dewey Willis. Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Pittman re turned Wednesday from Charles ton, W. Va., where they had stent a week with their daughter and son-ln law, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bradley and son, Ken. Mrs. Gilbert Riggs and daughter, Deborah, leave today for Groton, Conn., where they will make their home with Mr. Riggs who is sta tioned there with the Coast Guard. Sgt. and Mrs. Wade S. Cadle, Mrs. Mattie Willis and Mrs. Wil liam Willis of Beaufort spent Wed nesday in Tanner's Creek Marine Hospital visiting Mr. William F. (Coot) Willis. Mrs WiTlis remain ed for a week and the others re turned home Wednesday night. Mrs. Gus Davis and Mrs. Robert Laughton were guests of Mrs. Ed. Berry III, in New Bern Wednes day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Redfern and granddaughter, Emmalyn Helms, of Monroe, visited Mrs. Kathryn Pearson at her home on Bogue Sound this week. Miss Lucille Piner and Mrs. Ben Alford spent Tuesday In New Bern. Mrs. Tiney Meadows of Swans horo has been discharged from the Morehead City Hospital and is at the home of her daughter, Mrs. D. W. Freshwater, on Coral Bay. Mr. W. J. Blair left Tuesday by plane for Florida. Nurses to Meet District 21 of the North Carolina State Nurses Association will meet Tuesday in Kinston. Anyone desir ing transportation should contact Miss Polly Moore at the Morehead City Hospital. /fo/Mk/t vofag... HBitmvm ON AfcLSlZBt eoimcfimm TOOTHPASTE FORMER PRICK Vv.1.1 / W ? < ? \ x ? ?? 4f> ?CONOMV m fit ? ? * ?! wvmo* Mwsmm/ ROSES' 5c-10c*16c STORKS Morehaad City ? jorflH T? nTopk* " " Junior Class Sells Buzz Books; Seniors Prepare for Annual Play By LINDA LONG The junior claas is sponsoring the sale of "Buzz Books." Now if you can't figure that one out, It happens to be a directory with the names, addresses and telephone numbers of every pupil in the More head City High School. For only a quarter too! Imagine being able to call any friend at any time you Wish. See Carolyn Guth rie or Jimmy Willis for one of these necessary articles. Don't forget to watch the senior class parade this afternoon. The band will parade down Arendell street about 2 p.m. advertising the senior play. Mother is a Freshman, which will be given at 8 o'clock tonight. The Beta Club elected two new officers Tuesday for nent year. Lynne Richardson is president and Oeraldine Hedgecock is secretary. The remaining officers for the fol lowing school year will be elected from Incoming members. The Beta Club is planning a so FHA Chapter Entertained With Pictures of Japan The Morehead City Chapter of the Future Homemakers of Ameri ca met Tuesday evening at the Civic Center. Beadie Lewis, vice president, presided over a short business session. The president was absent. Members who attended the state rally in Raleigh on Saturday gave reports of their experiences and told especially of the satires by Mr. Bill Martin Jr., whose books are being sold by the Winton Book Co. Highlight of the evening were pictures of Japan and Korea which were shown and described by Mr. Ralph Sterlen, who spent two years in the Air Force. He showed pictures depicting the religion of Japan, the buildings, people, rice fields and beautiful gardens. Punch, cookies and nuts were served at the close of the meeting. STORK NEWS Births at Morehead City Hospital: To Mr. and Mrs. George Dewey Merrell, Beaufort, a daughter, Paula Carol, Thursday, April 1. To Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Perry Dyess, Newport, a daughter, Ju dith Ellen, Saturday, April 3. To Mr. and Mrs. Francis Joseph Orvorio, Morehead City, a daughter, Christine, Sunday, April 4. To Mr. and Mrs. James Richard Oswalt, Havelock, a son, James George, Sunday, April 4. cial to be held at Corinne Webb's home about a week following Easter far the members o( the graduating class. Watson Mdrris won the high school spelling contest. He is a member of the ninth grade. Con testants were chosen from high school English daises. A dancing exhibition will be held tomorrow night at the Recrea tion Center by Mr. C. P Mooring's physical education classes. Dances will include folk dances, square dancing, Viennese waltz, rhumba. Serbian and Russian dances and the polka. They will dance to records. Pupils taking part in the dancing program are Leslie Highsmith, Ar thur Davis, Watson Morris. Frank Parker. Lois Becton. Rulh Brinson, Edna Garner, Alice Guthrie, Yvonne Hodges. Terry Lowe, Thel ma Midget le. Betty Lou Morton, Joyce Robinson. Mildred Whealton and Harriett Willis. Don't forget the senior play to night at 8 o'clock in the school auditorium. This play is directed by Mrs. Helen Bailey, senior teach er, and stars a number of seniors. Lead roles are played by Miss Maxine McLohon and David Small. On Tuesday Mrs. Alfred Wal ence's biology class saw a movie, "Valiant Years," about the life of a veterinarian. It told of the im portance of animals to our exist ence. Our congratulations go to the baseball team. Tuesday they de feated Smyrna, 11-1, behind the fine pitching of Walter Thomas. Wednesday Bridge Club Meets with Mrs. Royal Mrs. Ben F. Royal was hostess to the Wednesday Afternoon Bridge Club this week at her home on Evans street. Mrs. Duke Carson and Mrs. Charles Canfield were special guests. High score was won by Mrs. Car son, Mrs. Floyd Chadwick was sec ond high and Mrs. J. C. Taylor won low. Mrs. Royal served iced drinks, pumpkin seeds, cheese sticks, nuts and brownies. Camp Glenn PTA The Camp Glenn Parent-Teacher Association will meet Tuesday night instead of the third Tuesday of the month. Meeting time was changed due to the Easter program planned by Mrs. Marcella Knight's second grade. Election of officers for next year will take place. EASTER LILIES, HYDRANGEAS, GERANIUMS, CINERARIAS, ETC. 10% discount otl order* received ' thU week. Petunias, Geraniums, Etc., At Wholesale Prices Morehead City Nursery Phone 6-4S73 or Visit Our Greenhouse on "Highway 70 West Open Daily 1 ta 3 ? Saturday 1 to S YOUR CHILD'S PHOTOGRAPH Monday Tuesday Wednesday April 19 20 21 5x7 rortrait Age Limit, < Wk?. to 10 Yr?. Variety of Poms Taken Select Your Choke From F lob!?e4 Picture* ? No Deity Amazing, but absolutely true! You cm have a beautiful 8x7 Inch black and white portrait of your child and ydu pay only le per pound of hia or her weight! A variety of poses will be taken and you can aee the finished picture within IS daya. All portrait! made with unconditional guarantee at satisfaction or your money back! Remember, all you pay la otie cent per pound of your child's weight! BRfNO IN YOUR YOUNGSTERS ? TELL YOUR FRIENDS AND fcftlGHBORS ABOUT THIS UNUSUAL MONEY SAVING OFFER! LIMIT 1 CHILD TO A FAMILY! ADDITIONAL CHILDREN ?I.M EACH YoM Ma* Purchase the Other Paatt if You Wish However, There la No Obligation POKHIaITS BY BARBiRREE sftfDIO HAMILTON FURNITURE CO. BOB LM Oak St. Bvttifbrt - * I ? SNOW BELIE m M.n in SEVENTH* The belle o! every summer ball ... the center oi attention everywhere . . . you, wearing this Vicky Vaughn coquette. Enticing empire bodice is snow-balled with scallops . . . the flurry of peep-thru lace llowers sprinkled with rhinestones . . . and the full billow of skirt makes nothing of your waist line. It'e Pacific's Nailhead. a new wrinkle resistant Ever glase cotton, interestingly embossed. Graduation white, par falt pink, merry maize. Ice blue, glacier green or chilled champagne. Sixes 7 to 15. $7.95 E. W. DOWNUM CO. DEPARTMENT STORE 419 Front St. ? Beaufort TWICE ? , PtNNY AS MUCH MORE! FOR A at the trSSyi) ORIGINAL BARGAINS GALORE AH OVE * the STORE 2 REXALL PRODUCTS FOR THE PRICE OF 1 .. . PLUS I PENHT! Don't miss out on these great bargains. Come in far your Ceurtuy Advance Order form. Oriir ahead of time and pick up during sale. ? M AN It AMOS Y ANDY RIXAU RADIO SHOW ? I _ MOREHEAD CITY DRUG CO. A Good Drug Stor*