Visit H A M I L T O . ?? N S INC MOKEHEAD CITY CALENDAR OF EVENTS TODAT 4:K p.m.? Farmer Got. W. ttlr Scot I #111 greet friend* at Recrea tion Center, More head City 6:45 p.m Beaufort Rotary Club, Wllet urn 7:9ft p.m.? Woman1! Club. ftrst Christian Church, Morehead City 7:S0 p.m.? Organized Army Re serve Corps, Potter Building, Beau foM 7 SO p.m. ? CStnp Glenn Parent Teacher Asaociation, School Audi tbrlum 8 p.m. ? Lanier Book Club, Civic Center. Morehead City > p.m.? Beaufort Parent-Teacher Association, School Auditorium WEDNESDAY 7:30 p.m. ? Bible Study, Webb MemoHal Presbyterian Church, Morehead City 7 90 p.m.- Esther Rebekahs, Recreation Center, Morehead Chy THURSDAY 8:30 p.m. ? Morehead City Rotary Club, Recreation Center 0:80 p.m.- Lions Club, Recrea tion Center, Morehead City 7:30 p.m.? Odd Fellows, Lodge Mall, Beaufort 8 p.m. ? Alcoholics Anonymous, Open Meeting, 426^ Front St., Beaufort 8 p.m.? Order of Eastern Star, Masonic Lodge, Morehead City 8 p.m. ? Mptchead-Beaufort Elks '"**? "ns? 8:30 p.m. ? Cantata, Beaufort Choral Club, at First Baptist Church, Beaufort Junior Women Hear Ray Cummins; Plan Projects Mr. Ray Cummins of Morehead City was gnest speaker It the meeting of the Junior Woman's Club Wednesday evening at the Recreation Center. He spoke on his proposed radio station at Beaufort. Plans were made for the annual flower show to be held this year on Hay 6 at the Recreation Center. Miss Elizabeth Lambeth is chair man of the show. Club members voted to give $5 td the Morehead City High School Band to help finance their trip td Winchester, Va., April 28. Mrs. W. M. Brady asked the club to do nate money to send two Brownies to summer camp. The club voted td bring personal donations to the next meeting. Miss !.ambeth reported on the Woman-of-the-Year contest and told the members who was nominated by that club. The playground for preschool children at the recre ation Center was discussed and it was reported that one more swing has been added to the equipment and benches will be placed. Mrs. Starr King, chairman of the Safety and civil defense program, told the club that she had informed Capt. Herbert Orlffin of the More head City police force that the Club would help with the bicycle ib=e= i September Bride-Elect Mr. and Mrs. Roney Morton announce the engagement of their daughter, Helen Jean, to Mr. Malcolm Thomas Wetherington, son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wetherington. The wedding will take place in September. Couples Club Entertained By Mrs. J. W. Jackson Mrs. J. W. Jackson was hostess to the Thursday Night Couples Club last week at her home on Arendell street. Guests were Mrs. S. W. Thompson Jr. and Mrs. Eu gene Roelofs. High score was won by Mr. George Ball and Mrs. Ben Royal was second. Mrs. Jackson served apple pie a la mode and coffee. District 21 of the North Carolina State Nurses Association will mefct tonight in Kinston. Anyone wish ing transportation should tohtatt Miss Polly Moore at the Morehead City Hospital. program at the school. Mrs. J. C. Harvell, chairman of the Easter Seal Drive for crippled children, reported that envelopes containing stamps had been mailed to businessmen and residents and that coin collectors had betp placed in stores. Paper lilies wisre sold downtown Saturday by members of the Girls' Hi Y club. Refreshments of iced drinks, po tato chips and cup cakes topped i with candy Easter eggs were served I at the close of the meeting. Demonstration Clubs Scheduled for This Week Three home demonstration clubs are scheduled to meet this week. Tomorrow the Russells Creek club meets with Mrs. L. D. Springle at 730 p.m. Thursday the Crab Point club meets with Mrs. John Ogles by at 2 p.m. Friday the Gloucester club meets with Mrs. Monroe Willis at 2:30 p.m. Demonstration this month is on "Storage for the Convenient Home." di-t Plans Boatride The Boys' Hi-Y is sponsoring a boat ride for high school students Monday at 4 p.m. The price will be 60 cents per ptirson and anyone wishing to go should meet at Car roll Bal toil's grill on the water front at the east end of Evans street. GIRLS' DRESSES $1.98 to $7.95 ? Cottons ? Organdy ? Dotted 8wIm ? Nylon Pucker Your choice of Frills and Colon. She* 1 to to. LITTLE GIRLS' TOPPEItS $2.98 to $10.50 FImc* . . . Bakct We* vet ... ? Bruak Rayon . . . Gabardine . . . WMl llourle. Man 3 to 14. i|jriag*i brightest colors. Boys' Etoh Suits $3.05 to $6.95 B later itripet and aolldi la Nit; ... Royal . . . White . . . Tan and Malte. Uses-like weave*, cotton gabardine and raysa cord*. Sixes 1 to t. BOYS' SPORt COATS I Ian? id WmI Flannrli. Navy Bine, CfcarcMl, Tan im Brown. Bin* I to M. $3.95 to $12.95 la G? BOYS' SLACKS 8taH 1 to IS. A#nrt*Mt of R RiyM riMMh. $1.98 to $6.95 w I. Beik9* THE HOME OF BETTER VALUES 1 MOREHEAD CITY Mdrehead City Social News M171 Mr*. A. H. Archer add children, Alan and Penelope, left Saturday by plane for their home in Rtdge wood, N. J., after (pending two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mr*. Paal H. Oeer. Mr. Arthur Mldgette left Sunday for Empire, La., for the menhaden fishing season. Dr. and Mrs. Pete Davis of New York spent Saturday with his brothers, Gus and Andrew Davis. Mr. Bernard Leary has returned from a business trip to New York City. Dr. and Mrs. D. J. Eure and sons were called to E'ire Sunday by the death of Dr. Eure's stepmother, Mrs. T. A. Eure. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cooper spent last week in New York City. Mrs. MacDonald Willis left Sun day for Empire, La., to visit her son, Buddy Mizelle. Mrs. M, D. Morton, Mrs. Oscar Jarman and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Jarman Jr. and son, all of New Bern, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roney Morton. The Rev. and Mrs. Pollard of Jacksonville spent Sunday with Mrs. E. F. Watkins. Sgt. and Mrs Hoy Yeager left Sunday far Fart Bragg, where he is stationed, to make their home there. Mrs. Wilson Bradham and chil dren of Charleston. 8. C? were re cent guests of Sgt. and Mrs. Wade S. Cadle and daughter. Debbie. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor re turned Saturday from New York' City where they had been visiting their daughter. Carolyn. Mrs. Walter Chambers left Thursday for her home in Marion after spendint the week with hei daughter and son-in-law, Mr. ynd Mrs. Marion Mills and daughter, Margaret. Mrs. W. L. Derrickson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Canfield and son, Dick, spent Sunday in Wilmington. Mr. J. Harold Griffin of Wendell spent the weekend at his cottage on Atlantic Beach. Robinson-Snipes Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Snipes of Morehead City, formerly of Win ston-Salem, announce, the marriage of their daughter, Patsy Grace, Sunday in Conway, S. C., to Mr. Milton Robinson Jr., the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robinson of this cityv The couple will make their home in Morehead City. "J?T n ONLY in DAYS 16 TIL THE GALA ffj FORMAL OPENING f>V J HAMILTON'S, Ine. 1309 ArendeU St Mr*. Laughton Hdsfeit Yb Thursday Bridge Club The Thursday Bridge Club met Ian weak with Mrs Robert Laugb Her ipeclal guest* were MM. las West. Mrs. Herbert Thori ton and Mrs. A B. Vick Sr. Mrs, Rdna Firfior won high tcare, Mrs. West was aeeond high and Mrs. Vick won low. Mrs. Laughton served pineapple cake and coffee after progressions Lanier dab ta Meet The Lanier Book Ctab meets to night at the Civic Center, with Mrs. L. J. N orris hostess . See Our DUplay of.. ?$nqAWoltfo ictivcly Packaged forj Saster 49* to $6.00 MOREHEAD CITY DRUG CO. M MY HOBBY BOX.. SHOPPING HEADQUARTERS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Ladies' DRESSES $6.95 to $19.95 TOPPERS HATS GLOVES tJOSE SHOES BAGS Men's 1 Boy?' SUITS $2.98 to $16.95 DRESS SHIRTS HATS CAPS , SOCKS SHOES Girl.' DRESSES $1.98 to $7.95 TOPPERS BLOUSES BAfcS SdCKS < ( HATS SHOES TROUSERS $6.95 to $12.95 DRESS SHIRTS HATS SOCKS SHOES TIES STYRON'S WW# Quality and Prica Go Hand la Hand ARENDELL ST. MOREHEAD CITY Carteret's . . . NEWEST . . . LARGEST ...FINEST Home Furnishers N O W r 4-\ o p E .i N 1309 ARtNDELL Shop Fridays 'til 8:00 PJM. MM