Xmpftw April 21? Mr Gray Dixon, St* dent at the University of North Carolina, rhapel Hill, apent the Easter holidays with his parent*. Mr and Mrs. Sterling Dixon Mf. and Mn. Dewey Willi? who have been living at Tampa. FU., for the winter, are now at home here for the remainder of the spring and summer. Mr and Mrs. Wardie Murphy and children, and Mr. Eben Salter of Sea Level motored to Norfolk last weekend. Mr. Salter waa admitted for treatment at the Marine Hos pital there. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Willis and son, Harry Moore, spent the Eas ter weekend in New Bern with friends. They spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Alva Fulcher and had dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Springie. Mrs Theodore Willis and son, Teddy, and daughter, Mrs. Gloria Gray Dudley and baby, came Wed nesday to spend the Easter holi days at home. They left Monday returning to. Washington, N. C., where Mr. Willis is stationed with the U. S. Coast Guard. Mr. Elwood Davis speht the weekend at home, but returned Monday to the Naval Hospital at Camp Lejeune where he has been receiving treatment for a hand in jury. His friends are glad to know he is better and that he will be dis charged from the hospital Satur day. Mrs. John Percy and her three children, and her mother, Mrs. Nanny Fodrie, of Norfolk, Va? spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Piner. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Da vis, Beaufort, Tuesday, April 13, at Morehead City Hospital, a baby daughter, Katherine Lee Mother and baby are getting along fine. Mr. and Mrs. Davis also have a son Joey. Mrs. Davis was before mar riage, Miss .Edith Chandler, daugh ter of a former pastor of the First Baptist Church at Davis. Mrs. Hettie Alligood who has been sick for the past several weeks is much better and is able to be out again. Mr. and1 Mrs. Dave Hill and sons, Chuck and David Jr., of Beaufort, and Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Willis and sons, Anthony and Eddie, of Atlantic, spent Easter Sunday with Mrs. Carthegenia Davit. Anthony and Eddie, grandsons of Mrs. Da vis have been sick with measles, but are now fully recovered. Mr. and Mrs. Marian Murphy of Norfolk, Va? announce the biKJU. of a daughter, Jo Anne. Mr. Mur phy is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Manly Murphy of Davis. Mr. and Mis. Harlan Murphy and son, and mother, Mrs. Manley Mur phy, motored to Norfolk, Va., Sat urday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Marian Murphy and their infant daugh ter. Mrs. Manly Murphy will re main for a two weeks' visit, but her son and family returned home Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Davis Jr., and son motored to Norfolk, Va., this past weekend. Mr. Davis, who is with the U. S. Coast Guard and stationed at Cape Lookout, was ad mitted to the Marine Hospital at 'Norfolk for examination and will undergo surgery this week. Mrs. Davis will stay at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marian Murphy during ber husband's treatment at the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Murphy and daughter, Sue, and daughter-in law, Mrs. Wayne Murphy, of Wash ington, D. C., are expected Thurs day for a weekend visit hen at their home in Davis. Mrs. Mur phy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Murphy. Mrs. Sabra Davis who has been sick for several weeks is much im proved and is able to be out again. Miss Iris Davis is able to be out and can walk about a bit. This is good newt to her many friends who are glad to know she is well on her way to recovery after a long time of being sick. Miss Leslie Huggins, of New Bern, and her nlere, Misa Sandra Southerland.of Morehead City, were guests of Mrs. Georgia Willis Sun day and Monday. They spent Mon day afternoon and had supp?f with Mrs. Linie Styron and Mrs. Bett Paul. Mr. Eugene Pond, BM/lc of U.S.C.G., spent the Easter holidays with his pannU, Mr. and Mrs. Blakeley Pond. Hia guest during his visit home wss Miss Andra Taffy Hum Will Please Children U your children are Ulw ml of the goes' I know, they are always ready to eat when they come home froaa school An^lhey like sv*eta. Let's surprise them tomorrow with ? batch of taffy buns. Taffy buns similar to the Penn sylvania Dutch "sticky buns" art last and easy to make with pontry shelf ingredients. Here is how to make this deli cious treat. Mia together well with a fork 2to cups prepared biscuit mix, 8 tablespoons sugar, 2/3 cup milk. Turn out on flowed board and knead lightly. Roll into ob leng 8 by 18 inches. Sprinkle with 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Blend 2 tablespoons melted but ter, 4 cup sugar, to cup molasses, to cup raisins, spread the rolled out dough with half this mixture and roll into a long jelly-roll shape. Cut Into 16 pieces. Place slices in greased 8 inch pan, cut-side down. Spread remaining molasses mixture over dough. Bake at 375 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes. Cool 5 minutes; invert on serving dish and serve hot. Hamilton, of Durham, N. C. Mr Pond has sailed for Bermuda where he will be on partol duty. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams and son, Eric Paul, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams Sr., of Crab Point, motored to Williamston, N. C., to spent Easter weekend with rel atives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Lassiter and two sons, Bret and Kim, moved Tuesday from the home of his sis ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Styron, to their home on the farm of Mr. John Weston Smith, at Sea Level. Mr. Lassiter suffered a very painful accident last week by breaking a bone in his foot. His son, Brett, also, was taken sick and was found to have a real case of measles. The many friends this family has already made are hoping that these dif ficulties will soon be over and they wiir find much happiness while living in our neighboring com munity. Mr. and Mrs. Lassiter had been making their home at New port News, Va., before coming to Sea Level. Among the boys and girls home from college for the Easter week end: Leton Alligood, Joe Carroll Lina, Weston Earl Willis, and Miss Joyce Ann Willis, all of East Caro lina College at Greenville; Mr. Osborne Davis, of State College. Raleigh; Miss Jessie Lee Davis and Charles Paul of Chowan College, Miss H*len Waller, of Kinston, N. C., was the guest of Miss Mel ba Willis Easter Sunday. They motored to Sea Level and had dinner at Sea f-evel Inn. Mrs. George Willis suffered a fall last week and wis taken to Sea Level Hospital for treatment. She is resting more comfortably this morning. Miss Jean Jefferies, director of music and education at Gorman Baptist Church, Durham, N. C., ar rived in Davis Monday afternoon to direct the music for the revival services held at the First Baptist Church this week. She was ac companied by her mother, Mrs- Jef feries, Charlotte, who is the sister of the Rev. Maurice Garner, pastor of the Davis Church. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wade attend ed Newport's first Homecoming celebration at the school. Mrs. Wade graduated from Newport School and was one of its teachers a few years ago. Miss Pearl O'Neal and niece, Su sie Peart O'Neal, Oriental, visited Mrs. Effie Pond and Mis* Libby Bond Monday and they motored to Sea Level for lunch at Sea Level Ian. Miss O'Neal snd Miss Pond have been friends for a number of years but had not seen one another for a long time. Miss Pond had been entertained at the home of Miss O'Neal while attending summer school at Oriental some years ago, and there became ac quainted. Mr. aqd Mrs. Gerald Hard and son, and Mr. and Mrs. Buddie Kalg and daughter, both couples stationed at Fort Macon, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Salter Easter Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Simmons and daughter, Susie, of Morehead City, visited Mr. and Mrs. Archie Piner Sunday Mr. Francis Murphy celebrated his seventy-second birthday Tuea 5&VL iTMwrnr NSAUDfUL MtAitf DRESSED AND DELIVERED Just Coll ? Phon? 6-4000 W* Economical to $ory? Doliciaus, Easy to Prepare Seafood Havo Somo Today! OTTIS' FISH MARKET Mo < Iwnn, Cft* m Hi mil mm A rUu ovn unci CVQ119 nil imnwiwwi wwy Oatmeal Pi# Crust Gives New Taste to Apple Tarts Individual apple r CS CRUSHED HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE "? 27< MILD AMKR1CAN CHEESE -43. Serve T*m and Savl W-I.B. PKC lc 25 H-LB- K?. I M COCOA'/#/. STOKES MMMTU UUU fW^WII ?Wl ? IDEAL 2 "w If* ? 1010 ARENDELL ST. ? MOREHEAO CITY ? 335 FRONT ST. ? BEAUFORT