Orange Strawberry Parfaits Are Perfect Bridal Dessert By CECILY WOWNITONE Associated Prcaa Food Editor The Bride-To-Be U trying on her veil ? orange bMMOfcu nettling in a crown of gauzy mile Wedding bells will be ringing, come June, and it's time for friends of engaged couples to entertai* them. If the party is to be 'informal, hamburgers and frankfurters on toasted buns and rolls are fine ? but serve them with some dash! Have an assortment of relishes with the hamburgers ? everything from artichoke pickle to chutney ? and don't forget the sweet onion rings. Chooae glamorous Bahama type mustard to accompany the frankfurters along . with tomato wedges to eat out of hand. If you are bent on more formal food, lobster salad if still as de licious and appropriate as it was in the Gay Nineties, whet, it was standard far* for all bridal colla tions. Or how about cold ham and turkey with green beans vinaig rette and romaine? With either course, serve small buttered rolls ? the kind that are topped with an egg wash to make them shiny and festive. Whether your party is informal or formal, we suggest Orange Strawberry Parfaits for dessert. This recipe is one you'll want to use year-round because it's made with always-available oranges and ice cream, and frozen strawberries may be used when fresh ones aren't in season. Parfaits Ingredients: 6 very large oranges, 1% cups sugar, % cup water, 2 pints fresh strawberries, 2 quarts vanilla ice cream, 16 whole straw berries. Method: Peel oranges, slice and cut into bite-size wedges; there Ring Found in Korea Has Interesting History College Station, Texas (AP) ? A Texas soldier found a gold ring beside two dead Red soldiers on a Korean hilltap last year. It was a Texas A&M 1945 class ring en graved with the name of "J. N. Parks." The soldier, Otto Yelton of Gal veston, was an Aggie himself so he kept the ring to return to Parks' family. He assumed Parks was dead. Back in Texas, Yelton gave the ring to an Aggie student, Bill Robinson of Galena Park, Tex. Rob inson traced Parks, who lives at Corpus Christi, through school re cords. Then he learned that Parks never had been in 'Korean The ring was stolen from his car while he was fishing near San Antonio Sept. 3, 1952. Orange strawberry parfait ? perfect dessert. should be 4 cups. Place in con tainer that has a cover; a glass casserole is fine. Cut most of the white membrane from some of the orange peel; then using a sharp paring knife or kitchen scissors, cut enough peel into very narrow strips to make V* cup. The strips will be most attractive if you cut some long and some short. Put sugar, water and orange peel strips into a saucepan; stir over low. heat until sugar is dissolved. Increase heat and bring to a boil; boil gently 8 minutes. Pour hot syrup over orange wedges; cool; cover and refrigerate 1 to 2 days to meUow. Makes 1 quart. When you are ready to serve the parfaits, put some of the ice cream in the bottom of a parfait or other footed glass; ar range some of the orange wedges and syrup, and strawberries, over the ice cream. Fill glasses, alter nating layers of fruit and ice cream. Garnish with whole straw berries. Serve at once. Makes 16 parfaits. Note: If you are serving, only 8, use 2 cups of the oranges with 1 pint strawberries and 1 quart va nilla ice cream. Keep the remain ing 2 cups oranges in the refriger ator for another time ? they are delicious over sponge cake with a topping of whipped cream; over vanilla pudding, tapioca cream or custard; or over sliced ripe ban ana* berries may be usecT instead m fresh; use 2 pack ages for 16 parfaits, I package for 8. Tun* Up For Health By JACK MMTK Weight Reducing VI Are you (at and flabby? Do you envy people who have better fig urea? There it no secret about how to keep in condition. This series of exercises can jt , help you do it. But most of all \ you must help \ / /~\ yourself. No amount of wM BICYCLE ing will take off that fat. And you can't take it off by spending money. So get to work! Some people use a bed for these I exercises where you lie on your back. The floor is better. It gives you a good base for your work. Do the previous five exercises cut down to a couple of times each and then try this week's. Bicycle Lie on your back, hands at sides. Raise Jegs from floor, perform ing pedaling movement for about eight full circle pedals with each leg. h = Poultry Ills Cut Profits Often the little thinga in poultry production prove to be the big things when the profit-Ion ledger i* balanced at the end of the year, ?ays R S. Dearstyne, head of the department of poultry science, N. C. State College. Dearstyne says chicken pox, or fowl pox, is one of the "little things" that is often overlooked by evan experienced poultrymen "Out breaks of this disease can easily be prevented," says Dearstyne, "yet it is surprising how often it is overlooked. Usually they pay the bill for ttteir neglect." Chickens of all ages are suscep tible to pox. It does not usually occur in voting birds but breaks out very often in pullets just about to come in lay or among those in early lay. When this happens, real trouble has come. Appetite is re tarded and production r.ay drop to near zero. While actual -mortality due to the disease is not usually great, loss of production for sev eral weeks of lay when egg prices are high is a real blow. Pox Is one of the easiest of the poultry diseases to prevent. Vac cination with a potent virus should give lift immunity. The vaccina tion is best applied when birds are from eight to 14 weeks of age This gives the chickens time to re cover from the slight shock brought about by vaccinatioh and to develop immunity before the time for laying arrives. Tbe cost is little over a penny a bird and the vaccination is not a laborious procedure. ;i DRESSED AND DELIVERED Just Call ? Phone 6-4020 Iff Economical to Servo Delicious, Easy to Prepare Seafood. Have Some Today! OTTIS' FISH MARKET 8th and Evans Sts. Morehead City Now is the time to? BE MODERN ' COOK ElCCTKiCAUY j ' \ f\? Warm Spring days are wonderful out ?' doors ? but in non-electric kitchens they can be decidedly uncomfortable. Yet. Spring is a good time to gpt that modern automatic ELECTRIC range and be prepared to enjoy a cool kitchen during the summer days ahead ? even during canning season I You'll find ELECTRIC cooking economical too ? and so clean ? and fast ? and safe. You'll love the automatic controls on the modern ELECTRIC range that allow you added leisure time ? time to enjoy the Spring days as you wish I SEE YOUR ELECTRIC DEALER TODAY" : f CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ) Th?M PHcm EKkHvi Thru Saturday, May 15 W CHANGE ID A&P AND OCT CHANGEj FROM YOUR " FOOD DOLLARS! AAP Fancy Fruit COCKTAIL ----- "21c lOM? festy TOMATO JUICE - ^ 19c AiP's Own Vegetable Shortening dexo - - - 29c st 75c Walker'a Austex BEEF STEW ?r 27c PRUNE PLUMS - - 2~c?.?? 45c PINEAPPLE & 23c Packer's Label? Mustard, Collard or Turnip GREENS 3 ??..? 25c Marcal Quality PAPER NAPKINS - - v 10c EVAP. MILK 's 12c Scotch Maid Fro ten Chopped or LEAF SPINACH - - 10c PETER PAN Peanut Products Salted Peanuts 33c Glass Peanut Butter 12-0*. Glass 37c MOWS Ci ?amy Smooth PEANUT ? BUTTER 55' Ofhor Ann Pago Valumtl Ann Page? Pure Ground Black Pepper c?"29c Ann Page Red Kidney Beans 2 h IL 23c Ann Page Pure Orange Marmalade 'ji? 25c Ann Page Creamy Mayonnaise Jar 55c Ann Page Salad Mustard jJ lie Angelus? Recipe UFVjHVP * p ? : HARSH HALLOWS- - - ^ 19c The Kids Really Love 'Em CRACKER JACKS - 3 ?? 13c Sunshine Biscuit Co. HI-HO CRACKERS - a 35c Del Monte Yellow Cling SLICED PEACHES - 20c Del Monte Fancy FRUIT COCKTAIL - - -?25c J Snowdrift ?a- 32c 87c Wesson Oil a. 35c & 67c Sweetheart Soap - 3 ss 25c Blue White Flakes - - 9c P & G Soap - - - 3 a 25c Ajax Cleanser - - 2 ?5c LUX Toilet Soap 3 5s 25c ? 12c Ivory Snow & 30c Ivory Soap 3 25c Tide tt 30c 72c Cheer pfi. IOC ni 72 C Dreft a, 30c 20-Mul? Team Borax ^ 19c Boraxo 19c ? Swan Soap 2 ?*. 27c Swan Soap 3 ss. 25c "Super-Right" Meats Heavy Western Beef? Chuck Blade Pot Roast - - - - Lb 39c Heavy Western Beef? Boneless Rib Steak - - - - "> 85c "Super-Right" freshly Ground Beef - - - ?? 35c Wilson's Corn King Sliced Bacon - - - m 69c 12 to 14 Lb. Avg. Smoked Short Shank Half or Whole Skinned Hams - - ? 69c "Super-Right" Fresh Loin End Pork Roast - - - Lb 49c "Super-Right" Market Style Back Bone - - - Lb. 49c ?ETTH.THAN-EVIR VALUE! CHERRY, P?S3*5 j Fresh Fruits & Vegetables | Firm Golden Ripe BANANAS - - 3 - 29c Nice Juicy 1 GRAPEFRUIT 4 For 25c Nice Stalks CRISP CELERY Stalk 12c Refalo? Fresh SLAW MIX Lb 15c Refalo Brand Fresh SALAD MIX u. 19c Nice i JUICY LEMONS ... u. 17c Fine Flavor CRISP CARROTS u, 15c Spanish Bar 29c Each A&P Seedless Raisins 15-Oz. Pkg. 17c Jane Parker Sugared Cinnamon or Plain Donuts Pkg Of 12 19c Jan* Parker Blueberry Pie Each Pie 59c Our ^Own Tea *Lb. Pkj. "49c Octagon Soap 3 =250 Octagon Soap Powder 24c Fair & 30c & 72c Lb. 9A* I ? r* . , i I ? These Prices Apply to Stores in Boaufort - Morehead