Tht bat lit (or control of the Now York Control Railroad, second biggest revenue producing road in the country, will bo finally docidod at tho annual stock holders' mooting in Albany, N.Y., May 26. On that day tho 40,000 owners of mora than 6,000,000 sharos will by diroct vole or by proxy docido whathor tho railroad's prosont board of diroctors hoadod by President William Whito remains, or whothor Robert B. Young, formor chief of the Chesapeake & Ohio, becomes the new boss and chooses his own sloto of officers. For weeks the fight has been buildirtyup. The Control has not been involved in such a fight since the Eighteen Fifties and Sixties when Commodore Cornelius Vonderbilt battled Daniel Drew and parlayed his rail holdings into control of the line. It's also reminiscent of the great combats waged by such legendary railroad magnates as Jay Gould, Jim Fisk, E.H. Harriman and Jomes J. Hill. The Now York Control is a rich prize. An outgrowtn of a tiny pioneer line, the Mo hawk & Hudson Rail Road, only 17 miles long, which started operating way back in 1831, the system today serves eleven states and two provinces of Canada and has 10,417 miles of line. Its total assets are listed at roughly two billion dollors. / CANADA Hamilton q? ?*-U0 MONTREALl SCONSIN , MICHIGAN DETROI LAKE \ Lichigan OSTOH IUFFALO HICACO LEVELAND CONN Iff 1} TOLEDO PENNSYLVANIA iGolion IOJH I O fpXOLUMBUSj ^^prinjfitld [CINCINNATI ^ PITTSBURGH ILLINOIS I ARYLANl INDIANAPOLIS J WEST L VIRGINIA ATLANTIC OCEAN ST. LOUIS' VIRGINIA KENTUCKY Control's far-flung system covers 10,417 miles, second in size only to the Pennsylvania, William White, president of the New York Cen tral, pictured in his Grand Central office in New York, feels confident he'll retain his manage ment. He's been a railroader since he was 16. Commodore Cornelius Vonderbi It, foun der of the present New York Central system, started as poor ferryman, amassed fortune in ships and rails. Slight, peppery Texas-bora Robert R. - Young, who it soaking control of the Now jfl York Central, naps out bis campaign I* I his office in New York's Chrysler building | Bitter fight between America's two railroad giants, Cornelius Vanderbilt and James risk, to gain lion's shure of rich Western lands was pictured in this cartoon of 1870. - - - Control proudly displayed two ol its historic ?nginti at tht 1893 Columbian World's Foir in Chicago-? tho Do Witt Clinton* of l&VftgM, concisting ol Mgo coach bodies, end Engine 999, left, then its newest and tin? Joco?o?iv. Central's hug* freight terminal at Weehawlcen, N.J., opposite Manhattan, covers 140 acres, can hold some 5,000 cars. A brood bond el early morning light streomt in on the main eoncourie ol Grand Control Terminal in Now York. Streamlined 30th Century Limited, Central1! famed passenger train, passes steam I ec emotive, pulling a fait freight. Ihh WMk'i PICTUM IHOW-AF 'fltW . t> f MM