British Mv?nfwi?film Makers Turn to East London (AP)? British film m*> rrs ire turning to the east the* days for ?4v?PU>re navies Ja<* Hawkins, star od "The Cruel Sea," |i busy shooting * color film "The Seekers" jn Now Zealand With him are I-aya Raki. Noel Purceil and others from Pinewood studio. 'The Purple plain" -with Gregory Peck and (he Burmase discovery Win Min Than is being filmed In Ceylon. It's a jungle story about Burma. Director Philip Leacock who made "The Kidnappers" is in Aden exploring a hidden desert city for a picture to be called "In gram's Peace." This also will star Jack Hawkins. Tbey hope to get started soon. Road Rule Recorded Philadelphia (AP) ? The sign on the back of a Philadelphia truck: "Dim Dem Dam Lites!" (A&WCUj* loolta new! w/ran you use PiHM SUNfftOOF HOUSE PAINT . . . Smolco or gas can't . damag* or discolor it? It's Fum*-R?sistant New Pittsburgh Sun-Proof, Fume-Resistant Houae Paint wands up in all weather, in an? climate! No matter where you live, it's thf perfect finish for y house. Its taxed dura bility assures positive protection ... its new formula resists all \ discoloration. Self-cleaning, too j ? surface soot and dust are washed od with each rain. SAFRIT LUMBER CO. Lennoxvllle Road BEAUFORT r Filing Cabinet in Horn* Saves Important Papers By VIVIAN BROWN AP Newsfeatures Writer A house that looks Ulw aa ad vertisement is lite goal o t many housewives, often the reason the home lacks real comfort, utility and convenience. There, are many pracical things the average home could use more ottomans, storage space, lamps, and perhaps even a filling cabinet to house everything from tax records and insurance policies to Mom's collection o( recipes and pamphlets. But because that cosy look is sought (but not always achieved) important accessories are overlooked becauae they don't look chic. Take the filing cabinet fpr in stance. The contents it would con tain is stashed away instead in shoe boxes, bureau drawers, hope chest and trunks. Whereas all that ia needed to convert a steel cabinet to an attractive and useful piece of furniture is a few coats of paint or enamel and a change of hard ware. f.ight pastel paint to match ? room setting, Peacock blur. Chin cm rwt or green lacquer may be churning Sputtered wiU goid or ?ilver the filing cabinet can took extremely chic. A wide choice of metal drawer pulla Is available to tit any decorative scheme. These range from modern bras* and itoin less steel to fanoy painted china. Or paint the present pulls gold. Sand ont rnst spots and chipped places down to the bare metal with a medium grade of production sandpaper. Apply quick drying primer locally to sanded spots. After drying sand the entire cabinet with the sand paper on a rubber sanding block. If final finish is to be light, use white primer. When dry, sand it with extra-fine production paper. Apply enamel. Let it dry for two days. Wet surface of the cabinet with soapy water, sanding until brush marks are removed and the surface has a smooth, even ap pearance. When smooth, continue ?m ? GIGANTIC < TRAINLOADS OF SILVER DOLLARS If paid in silver dollars, the $459,000,000 ia benefits r$4 ceived by Woodmen of the World members and bene* ficiaries since the Society was founded ia 1890 would weigh 13,770 tons* and fill 257 box cars. These millions, of course, were paid by check in these past 64 years to settle Woodmen life insurance claims and pay refunds. The $559,000,000 of safe, sound, legal reserve protection some 438,000 Woodmen now enjoy would weigh 16,770 tons* ... a load for 435 box cars. Though not measured in money, Woodmen also enjor many other benefits and much pleasure from Woodcraft's fraternal and social activities. Ask a Woodmen representative how you can share in this safe, sound, legal reserve Woodmen life insurance protection and fraternal benefits. Let him help you select the type of certificate that < best meets your needs. - ? ? The U. S. Mint uyi 1.0U0 silver dollars vetch ?0 lb* K R. E. Simmons, Disk Mgr. C. C. Faglie, Field Rep. Box 263, Kbiston, N. C. 1901 Bridges St, Morehead City Phone 4757-J Phone 6-4372 WorUft financially thong**! MM io OP WORLD LIFE INSURANCE SOCIETY Omaha, Nebraska wet-sanding with t super fine pa per This surface may be rubbed to a high gloas by rubbing with a furn iture rubbing compound or a mix ture of rottenstone and rubbing oil. May 19 ? We all hope that Mrs. Marie Godwin who will undergo an operation at Morehead City Hos pital this weak will soon be better. A surprise house warming shower was given Monday evening for Mrs. Norman Culpepper at their new house. Quite a large crowd attended. The honoree re ceived many lovely gifts. Mr. William Forrest returned home from Morehead City Hospital last week. We are all glad he is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Gilford Cannon and family spent Sunday at Vanceboro. Mrs. Earl Taylor of Beaufort at tended the house warming shower for Mrs. Norman Culpepper Mon day evening. Mr. Bob Cannon of Vanceboro is spending this week with Mr. Gilford Cannon. William Cottle, USN, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Cottle. Mr. and Mrs. Thad Lilly and boy? of Vanceboro spent a while Sunday evening in the community. Mrs. Cyrus Lilly returned home from Morehead City Hospital last week. Everyone is invited to attend dedication services at Graham's Chapel Sunday, May 30. Dinner will be served on the ground. Mrs. George Norris of Newport spent a while Tuesday with Mrs. W. C. Williams. Mrs. P. D. Smith who had been visiting Mrs. Gilford Cannon re turned to her home at Maysville Friday. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Lewis of Morehead City spent a while Sat urday with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Small. "I AM AMAZED!" If s head to b*U*re, but hm H to? a com plete account ol Ik* change* and Improve ment! which have taken place here thto yearl . . . . (he park and plprgrevnd baOl tot toe kkto ....the clean-ap. paint-up campaign all fee ladle* started ....the new itreet mokM ad Mlanhm the library ....the re-palntlnq ol tortiw building* Wh*n I M* th**e thing* ou by on. ferret not *o Impt* ?It*, but when I wwMw td fc*** change* together ? It to OMMbm fee |N*M* our town ha* model" YES, IT IS AMAZING! When we add op Ik* Implements mad* ky 1M communities conducting Finer Carolina Programs, word* are hardly adequate to nprui their magnitude aad eflect. It'i mm than the phyaleal accomplishments made Mm* far ... Iff Am entkuslasm these public-spirited folks are generating, to Bake progress a continuing program In their commaattltr TREMENDOUS STRIDES have been ma?e toward happier. mere proeperoua Bring In FINER town. ... a breugM about by tke cooperative effort at loeal people Intereated la m tog their kome toarag kliilni kettet placea to lire. W* AM PROUD of aponaoting tke Finer Carolina program ai an taeeathra tor communities to undertake moch needed loeal lmprore mento ? selected , financed, completed aad enjoyed by local people. THSRE1 ROOM FOR YOU and all the family to kelp your aelgbbora as they work to make your towa CAROLINA'S FINEST I (CAROLINA POWER & LIGIjT COMPANY) K Crossword Puzzle *???? fc&d7 WtZ'y 14. Piece ol ?round l?,Tl?ttl-l?e?r-. A "lMt Number tO. Home of Abraham KM* K Camp?? ?#?88? 27. Threatened 19. PUp SO Bounder Sl.Utft brown xflfefim if Thick blMk Uguid 40. Untruth "??r? H. PUylnf card 45. Hindu divine beinf ?r|H? preee HyiesMi la yasr "Wet hey" I Im ? iedoy . . . ?4 (et Ike Isokel M us tor the big illustrated booklet that shows how Plymouth leeds In frme construction engine do dg . . performance economy CMfert safety. Plymouth headquarters for l fW Oo for a drt v? In AiwHca'i "b?M??y" lowpriw wrl