Mrs. Matthews, Recent Bride, Honored at Desert Bridge Party Mrs. A. T. Piner, Mrs. Robert Seamon ind Hrt Milton Webb en tertained at a miscellaneous show er Wednesday afternoon at the Rec reation Center in honor of Mrs. William A. Matthews. Before her recent marriage she was Kiss Lois Willis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Willis. The hostesses invited the 70 guests into the lobby where tables were set up for desert bridge and bingo. Each table was centered with a lighted taper tied with a pale pink ribbon. Arrangement of sweet peas, gladioli, roses, fever few and lark spur were used throughout the lobby and the mantel was banked with southern smilax. A lighted taper was on Either end of the mantel. Refreshments of wedding moulds, bridal cake topped with wild rose sprays and salted nuts were served before play, and iced drinks during progressions. Bri dal colors of green and white were carried out in the refresh ments. The honoree, Mrs. W. C. Mat thews Sr., mother of the groom; Mrs. Willis, mother of the bride; Mrs. W. C. Matthews Jr. and Miss Baptist Church Circles Hold All Day Meeting An all day meeting of the circles of the First Baptist Church was held Tuesday at the church. Mrs. L. J. Ndrris, president, opened the meeting and the group sang Sweet Hour of Prayer. Dr. John H. Bunn, pastor, led in prayer. Mrs. Norris presented three chap ters from the book of prayer, a study course book. The circles then adjourned to individual rooms for business sessions. After the business the Ida Webb Eaton Cir cle served lunch. For the opening hymn of the afternoon the group sang Jesus Saves. Mrs. Slamey Davis led in prayer. Mrs. H. S. Gibbt Sr., sec retary, read the minutes and took the count of circles. Mrs. Halbert Ball led the devo tionals and the song, Wonderful Words of Prayer was sung. Mrs. Jack Powell gave the program, on Education for Truth in South America. Taking part on the pro gram were Mrs. Frank Moran, Mrs. Fred Davis and Mrs. A. H. Mc Donald. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer. Mundens Welcome Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Graver Munden an nounce the birth of a daughter yes terday at the Morehead City Hos pital. Mrs. Munden is the former Eloise Freeman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Freeman. ONLY A POUND TO HAVE YOUR CLOTHES WASHED All your laundry washed sparkling clean In a* many aa It fresh changes of rain soft water. DRIED Every piece In your laundry gently dried In wan* fresh air ? soft as a Siinmer's FOLDED Year laundry cmes back with everything neatly f aid ed it convenient aba. 68c Minimum DAMP WASH 10 lt?. 50c ' each additional lb. Se Sunshine Laundry "The left Water 17th * Bridge* St. Jean Morton were given corsage* by the hostesses. Miss Morton, September bride-elect, was also re membered with a gift. During bridge play Mrs Gus Davit won bigb score. She received a china cigarette diah with (our matching aah trays. For second high Mrs. William J. Cherry was given a china lemon diah. Mrs. Ad am Mayer won a cup and saucer lor low score. Miss Wynons Blanchard ana Miss Patsy Hardesty woo bingo prizes. CALENDAR OF EVENTS SATURDAY 7 p.m. ? Clambake, Smyrna School MONDAY 7 p.m.- Morehead City Jaycees, Hotel Fort Macon 7 p.m.- -Beaufort Jaycees, Inlet Inn 7 p.m.? National Guard Unit, Beaufort School Gym 7 p.m. ? Newport Rotary Club, Old School Cafeteria 7:30 p.m. Woodmen Circle Grove No. 263, Hut cast of Camp Glenn School 7:30 p.m.? Carteret County Bridge League, Recreation Center, Morehead City 7:30 p.m.? M i r i a m Rebekahs, Lodge Hall, Beaufort 8 p.m. American Home Depart ment, Civic Center, Morehead City 8 p.m. Loyal Order of Moose, Lodge Hall west of Morehead City 8 p.m.? Alcoholics Anonymous, Closed Meeting, 426 V4 Front St., Beaufort. TUESDAY 6:45 p.m.? Beaufort Rotary Club, Scout Building 7 p.m.? B&PW Club, Lottie Sanders Building, Beaufort 7:30 p.m.? Woman's Club, First Christian Church, Morehead City 7:30 p.m. -Ocean Lodge, Mason ic Lodge, Morehead City 7:30 p.m.? Organized Army Re serve Corps, Potter Building, Beau fort 8 p.m.? Lanier Book Club, Civ ic Center, Morehead City Woman's Auxiliary Meets With Mrs. Earle Mobley Mrs. H. Earle Mobley was hostess to the Woman's Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church Tues day evening at her home on Evans street. Mrs. John Morris was co hostess. During the business session, over which Mrs. Paul Webb presided, it was decided to meet only once a month, the firat Tuesday, from June through September. Announcement was made con cerning the retreat for women's auxiliaries which will be held at Camp Leach June 7-8. Members from St. Andrew's were urged to attend. The Rev. E. Guthrie Brown out lined plans for the growing Sunday School. He stated that teachers are badly needed for the expanding classes. Anyone interested in teach ing is asked to contact anyone of the. Parish Committee, composed of Mrs. W. W. Patrick, Mrs. Morris, Mrs. Mobley and Mrs. Robert Hicks, or Mr. Dick McClain, Sun day School superintendent. Mr. Brown dismissed the group with prayer. jMorehead City Social News Um. Sactetj Editor PkMM (-<171 Mr. and Mrs Robert V. Lewis of Lake Charles, La., arrived Mon day (or a visit with Mr. Lewi>' parents, Mr. and Mr*. Edwin N. Lewis. Mr. Stamey Davis, with Mr. Ar chie Royal Davia and party from Durham and Chapel Hill, left to day to spend the weekend at Hog laland. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Goodwin re turned Tuesday night from New Orleans where they had spent a week attending the Pilot Life In surance Company's Agency Con vention. Dr. John Morris spent Wednes day in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Fussell of Williamston spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jack son. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Cannon of Raleigh are spending some time at their cottage on Atlantic Beach. Mr. Jack Stallings arrived Tues day from the Pacific to spend a few weeks with his mother, Mrs. Bertha Stallings. Mr. and Mrs. Bookie Jones and daughter, Faye, visited with Mrs. Jones' mother, Mrs. G. L. Horne, Sunday. She is a patient in St. Luke's Hospital in New Bern. Dr. and Mrs. D. J. Eure returned Wednesday evening from the den tal convention at Pinehurst. Mr. and Mrs. Godrey Cheshire and Mrs. Willis Smith of Raleigh are visiting at Atlantic Beach. Dr. Alvah Hamilton returned Wednesday night from the dental convention at Pinehurst. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Guthrie spent last week with their daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Riggs, in Groton, Conn. They took their granddaughter, Brenda, who had been visiting them for a month, home to her parents. Mitchell B. Guthrie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Duffy Guthrie, has been advanced to the rank of sergeant at Oak Ridge Military Academy. Miss Kathleen Louise Wade,, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T Wade, underwent an adenoid oper ation Wednesday in St. Luke's Hos pital, New Bern. She returned' home Wednesday night. Alvin Wade Jr. Competes For Scholarship at State Alvin Wade Jr. left today for State College, Raleigh, to be inter viewed and take examinations for the Talent for Service Scholarship. He was one of several hundred high school seniors from the state chosen to compete in the finals. Mr. Wade, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wade of this city, is a senior at Morehead City High School. T? Ttid Pauline Guthrie Elected President of Tri-Hi-Y By UNDA LONG The TriHi-Y Girls met Thursday evening at the Civic Center and elected new officers. The new president is Pauline Guthrie; Mary Allen Hughes, viqe-preaident; Ver na Rabon, secretary; Anna Willis, treasurer; Rene Kemp, program chairman. A surprise wedding shower was given during the meeting for Ju lia Buck Bennett. Iced drinks and cake were served. The Junior-Senior banquet was quite a success I've heard. The banquet was held at the Bogue Sound Club last Friday night. Since most people are in terested in food I'll tell you the menu first. Tomato juice, turkey with dressing, creamed potatoes, string be^ns, gravy, tossed salad, hot hoils, iced tea and homemade pie were served. The invocation was given by Thelma Mcmakis and all present sang the school song. Toastmaster Bill Murrill read, Come on Down South. Carolyn Guthrie gave the toast to the seniors and David Small an swered with the toast to the jun iors. A song was sung by the quartet, Jimmy Willis, Bill Murrill, Billy Laughton and Charles Can field. Lynne Richardson led in the toast to the faculty. Mrs. Zelma Phillips gave the response. Toast to the school was given by Polly Guthrie and Mr. Windell returned it. Mr. H. L. Joslyn spoke on Southern Traditions. Mrs. Jim Morrill Hostess At Annual Garden Picnic The Annual Garden Picnic of the Garden and Civic Club was held Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. R. Morrill on Shepard street. Each member brought an item for the spread. The luncheon consisted of fried chicken, potato salad, shrimp salad, sandwiches, hot rolls, pickles, olives and cake. Guests for the picnic were Mrs. George Ball, out going president of the General Woman's Club, Mrs. A. B. Roberts, in-coming president, Mrs. Jerry Schumacher and Mrs. Greenwood. After lunch games were played and prizes awarded. The club members are grateful to Mrs. Mor rill who offers her home each year for this affair. MYF Sub-District Meets In Morehead City Church The Methodist Youth Fellowship Sub-District will meet Monday evening at 7:30 in the educational building of the First Methodist Church, Morehead City. The host church will be in charge of the program which will consist of a film, Answer for Ann, fol lowed by a discussion. Ice cream and cake will be served. All youth are invited. Mrs. Fussell's Kindergarten Class Presents Annual Program Tonight The Jack and Jill kindergarten, under the directioa of Hn John O. Fuaaell Jr., will preaent their an: nual commencement program to night at 7:30 in the Recreation Center. "From the Land oi Make Be lieve" will begin the program. Each pupil taking part will step from the pagea of a life - size story book. The prologue will be given by Bud dy Awtrey. Characters on the program are the following: Anne Conyers, Fairy of Make Believe: Eddie White, Peter Rab bit; Tommy Wade, Pedro the Mex ican Lad; John Fussell III, Little Boy Blue; David Sledge and Faye Sanderson, Ted and Nellie; Mar tha Sandy, Goldilocks. June Bride-Elect Honored At Shower Friday Night Miss Judith Ray Guthrie, who will be married June 5 to Mr. John T. Conner Jr., was honored at a miscellaneous shower at the Recre ation Center Friday night. Hos tesses were her mother, Mrs. Ru fus Guthrie and her aunts, Mrs. Maurice Lewis and Mrs. Robert Mades. Upon arrival the honoree was presented with a corsage of yel low roses. Her place at the table was marked with white satin rib bon bows. The mothers, Mrs. Guthrie and Mrs. Conner, were given miniature nosegays. After several bingo games were played, and prizes awarded, Miss Guthrie opened her gifts. The hostesses, assisted by Mrs. Her man 'Guthrie and Miss Helen Wil lis served lime ice punch, nuts, mints and bridal cake. The serving table was covered with a white lace cloth centered with a miniature bride and groom. At either end were tall white tap ers in twin branch silver holders. Fifty-four friends were present. County Bridge League Plays Master-Point Game Twelve tables were in play Mon day night when the Carteret Bridge League played a master-point game at the Morehcad City Recreation Center. North-south winners were first, Dr. Charles Duffy, A1 Dewey; sec ond, J. J. Patterson, L. R. Powell; third, Mrs. James Rumley, Jack Windley; fourth. Dr. Charles John son, Mrs. D. J. Lewis. East-west winners were first, Calvin Jones, Mrs. George Taylor; second, Mrs. Harvey Hamilton, Mrs. Douglas West; third, Frank Moran, Dr. Eugene Roeldfcli 'fourth, Mrs. K. P. B. Bonner, Mrs. Floyd Sutherland. Piners Welcome Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Egbert Piner announce the birth of a daughter, Susan Beth, Sunday in the Morehead City Hospital. Mrs. Piner is the former June Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jones. The Piners have two other chil dren. Rices Welcome Son Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Roose velt Rice announce the birth of a son, Philip Scott, Thursday, May 13, in the Morehead City Hospital. Kenny Prest, Peter Pan; Buff Chalk, John Chalk, Charlie Jones and David Smith, Pirates; Gary Garner, Old King Cole; Sue Perry Bullock, Snow White; Hits? Nelson, director of hytti a Band; Jemma Seitter, Cinderella; Christie John son, Linda Taylor, Susie White and Frances Carol Krouse, Cinderella's Dancers. Part II on the program will be a concert by the Rhythm Band. Part III will be the presentation of diplomas and the entire group will sing the Goodnight Song. TO MY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS I will attend the Spring Beauty fes tival at Ocean View, Va., May 23 and 24. Six well known hair stylists and make - up artists will be there and I hope to bring back many new ideas for for you. Lucille, Moderne Beauty Shoppe m'M Expensive ? 5^? Often the real cost of illness is not the amount of the charges for medicine and treatment but the loss of income. Medicines that shorten the duration of illness mean less time away from the job. From a strictly dollars-and-cents standpoint, proper medica tion can be a very profitable investment for you. No medicine can be called expensive if it relieves your pain and speeds your recovery. ASK YOUR PHYSICIAN To Phone Us Your Prescription si MOREHEAD CITY DRUG CO. A Good Drug Store i i If it's "for Him'' it's at LEAHY'S Just In Time For GRADUATION . I off! Beautiful ? Symbolic BIRTHSTONE RINGS . Our entire stark of Ladiea' and Mrn't BIRTHSTONE KINGS la attractive mountings. At lew u *8. SO. SAVE 20% \ ' i DON'T DELAY . . . COME IN TODAY! FREE ENGRAVING, GIFT WRAPPING AND MAILING Nationally Advertised ELGIN WATCHES Select Uk fine ELGIN WATCH you've alwayi ?ulH and SAVE 2?%. For example . . . MM.M solid Gold 17-Jewel Automatic Watch NOW priced at only Sllt.M. Other 11 Jewel ELG1N8 a* low aa IH.N. SAVE 20% EARLY Jewelers 723 ARENDELL ? MOREHEAD CITY Attractive NECKLACES Rhinritonr, Pearl, Onyx and Birthstone NECKLACE SETS aa low aa *3.15. SAVE 20% A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE 20% ; * Convenient Terms ?