FOB SAU TWELVE FOOT V BOTTOM boil. Two month* old. $73. See Ron Simpson, Stroud's Food Cen ter. m21p 21 FT. CHRIS CRAFT CABIN EX press Cruiser with hardware. Fac tory price fl,642. Sale price $1050. New ? never been in water. More head City Yacht Basin. jl RESTAURANT FIXTURES. TA bles, chairs, one Frigidaire ice cream box, one Frigidaire service box, one Hot Point electric grill, one Hot Point double waffle iron, ?ne Hot Point round small deep fryer. All equipment in operation now. Contact Mr. Davis, Broad way Cafe, phone 6-3356. m21 Bogue Sound Lots 100 foot frontage on the water. One mile we*t of city limits. Price $2000.00 ? 10 '4 down payment. 3 year terms on the balance. Same section but no water frontage. 200 feet from the sound. Price $1250.00 ? 10% downpayment. 3 year terms on the balance. CARTERET REALTY CO. Phone 6-4377 * More head City, N. C. tf WARDS RIVERSIDE TIRES ? 800-18 $14.57 installed free. 8th Btreet Service Station, corner 8th ind Evans street. Phone 8-3031 Morehead City. f NEW THREE BEDROOM HOME. Designed lor living. K. W. Prest, Phone 8-4239 or 8-4210. tf NEW AND USED FURNITURE. Hamilton Furniture co., near school an Live Oak St.. Beaufort. N.C. tf BUY YOUR "WARDS" WINTER King batteries from Eighth Street Service Station, Authoriied Ward Dealer. Phone 6-3051, Morehead City, N. C. t REBUILT WASHING MACHINES. Operate Hke new. (25.00 to $00.00. Gee them at Hamilton Furniture Co., 505 Live Oak St., Beaafort. tf GOOD BUYS IN USED CARS 1950 STUDEBAKER Radio, heater, overdrive. Extra clean car. $150.00 Down 1947 OLDS 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater. Hydro. $100.00 Down 1948 PLYMOUTH Special Deluxe $75.00 Down And a Few Other Nice Can to Choose from. SEE E. B. Fleming at DIXIE AUTO FINANCE CO. 1013 "Arendell St Morehead City Office Phone: 8-3171 Home Phone: 8-4938 NEW OFFICE HOURS Effective March 1. 1954 8:30 to 5:30 Monday thru Saturday THE NEWS-TIMES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES far M Wards or Las Wards Se each to ledger account cua Each Initial, abbreviation, groap of numbers counts aa ana -word. CMfM Display ala. Tie par ratoia lack; aa ads laaa than Cards of Thanks and Special Mettcaa charged at ??'-?'f'-if ad fte News-Times will he re fer the Ant Incorrect af any advertisement and tkea eaiy to tba extent of a make-good lnaertion, tf the val ae of the ???? by the error. . gto revise or reject any cm w fl'i , FOB SALE HIGHEST AND MOST BEAUTI ful ocean front lot on Bogue Banks, No. 7, Hoffman Beach. 130x212. Protective restrictions. Faces paved road on North, ocean on South. Power line. >4000 00 cash. Dr. O. H. Johnson. Morehead City. Phone 6-4288 tf 17 FT CHRIS CRAFT SPEED boat with hardware. Factory price $895.00. Salt price $050.00 More head City Yacht Basin. J1 3 GENTLE MULES, TOBACCO sticks, farm implements, brand new Silent Flame tobacco curer, oil tank. Cheap. Earl Canpen, Rt. 1, Beaufort, N. C. m21 ONE APARTMENT SIZE GAS stove. Good condition. Will sell cheap. Call days 6-4277, nights, 6-3533. m21 1947 FORD GOOD PAINT, NEW tires, A-l condition Paul Motor Co., Beaufort. $389.00. m21 1949 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE, new paint, new tires, A-l condition. $695.00. Paul Motor Co., Beaufort. m21 ONE KENMORE AUTOMATIC washing machine. Will sell cheap. Call 6-3329. jl BOAT. 31 FT. WITH CABIN. Price very reasonable. See J. B. Brooks, Harkers Island. m28p CUT GLADIOLAS. SMITHS Poultry Farm, West Beaufort Rd. m28 I JACK: DONT FORGET TO DROP by the Carteret Ice & Fuel Co. on your way home and pick up a pack age of cracked ice for our party tonight. It's crystal clear pure, so convenient to use, and only costs a few cents. And they put it up for you ?any size you want? while you wait. tf CABIN CRUISER "CARRIE R." length 34 feet, beam 9 feet, draft 2H feet. Built 1941 by R. B. Gilli kin of Marshallberg, North Caro lina. Wood Construction. Bought by the late Dr. J. S. Khodes, Sr., of Williamaton, North Carolina in 194? and used by him as fcport fish ing and cruising boat until his re cent death. Built and previously used for commercial fishing. Has a 115 H P. Chrysler Marine Motor with only approximately 75 hours on it. This boat is made of very best materials, has been excellent ly maintained. It is rugged and handles superbly in rough waters. Boat ii presently at Guthries Land ing, Pamlico Beach. Picture on re quest. Contact Dr. J. S. Rhodes, Jr., Administrator, or Charles H. Manning, Attorney, Williamston. North Carolina. m28 JACK; DONT WORRY IF YOU forgot to pick up that package of cracked ice on your way home. We can get it at the ice platform of the Carteret Ice fc Fuel Company anytime? 24 hours a day. Imagine ?two and a half pecks of cracked crystal pure ice put up in a water strength bag for only thirty cents! I don't see how. they can do it but it sure beats worrying about our few refrigerator ice cubes. tf WATER COOLER. IN GOOD CON dition. Glass bottle, natural ice type. $ 18. The News-Times, phone 6-4175. dh TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED cottage on Atlantic Beach, 14,500. Several cottages in More head City, three bedrooms. $1000 cash, bal ance refinanced. Contact C. H. Freeman or C. L. Stanley, Agents. 710 Vi Arendell St., Morehead City. tf SIAMESE KITTENS, BLUE point. Very reasonably priced. Call 2-4521. ">28 BUSINESS SERVICES REPAIRS ON ALL SMALL APPLI ances, electric irons, toasters, etc. Call Frank Lewis, phone 2-8831, 905 Ann St, Beaufort, N. C. tf LET SOUND APPLIANCE CO. refinish your refrigerator, washer or porch furniture. They can make them look like new. Also used ap pliances for sale. Sound Appliance Co., Inc., 1400 Bridges St., More head City. Phone 0-4452. f "HAULING" Long or Short Distance Precious Things Handle* Carefully For Information Call WILLIS PURE OIL SERVICE STATION Phone 6-8114 MorelMad City, N. C. I LAMPS. TOASTERS. IRONS, PER colatora, waffle irons, and all other small appliance repairing. Sound Appliance Co., 1406 Bridges St., Morehead City, phone 6-44S2. f Building Supplies LOCKHART MILLWORKS Phone 6-8018 Morehead City-New Barn Highway NATIVE PINK MOULDINGS AND FLOORING We Close 4 P.M. Saturdays ( BUSINESS SERVICES rOB CORRECT TIME: - Ml* For comet jewelry. *ati*faet?r? watch repair, Early Jeweler*. 731 Arendell St., More be ad City. Dragline ? Crane ? Bulldowr Service. Grading and Land scaping: Top Soil, Fill Dirt, Belgrade Marl Delivered. CLIFF SHERRILL DRAINAGE CO. Beaufort Tel. 2-7327 tf REFINISH YOUR OWN FLOORS Rent a aander, edger or poliaher New equipment at both (tore*. Western Auto Aaioclate Store*, Beaufort and Morehead City, tf STEAM PROCESS FACtORY RE treading. Guaranteed. Tire Service Co., 13th and Arendell Street*, Morehead City. tf J. B. CROWE, EXTERMINATING and general repair work. All work guaranteed. Rid your house of ter mites, rata, roaches and silverfish. Call 64374. Free inspection. tf REFRIGERATION SERVICE, Commercial and Domestic. Wash ing machines repaired, any make. Guaranteed used refrigerators, washing machines, drink boxes, freezers, etc. Refrigeration air con ditioning. Gate* Refrigerator Ser vice, 104 North 13th St., Morehead City. N. C. tf PARKER MOTORS Yoyr Official Inspection Station NUMBER 715 Have Your Car Safety Checked FREE Get your Green Safety Check sticker HERE PARKER MOTORS 509 Arendell St. Morehead City, N. C. tf i DUPLICATE KEYS MADE TO order. We have the blank* ? ami the machine. Protect youraelf by having an extra let of keys made to put In a aafe place. Weitern Auto Associate Store, Beaufort and Morehead. tf NELSON'S FISH PIER And Carpenter Shop Boats for aale or rent. Bait and fuhing tackle. BOAT LUMBER FOR SALE Genera) Woodwork and Boat Repairs Ed Nelson, Prop. Highway 70 opposite Beaufort draw bridge Day Phone 2-8851 Night Phone 2-4771 tf WANTED WANTED You to know that your vote and support will be greatly appreciated. Democrat Primary May 29th. IBM VOTE FOR RAY HIGHSMITH t for your next Sheriff of Carteret County. ? m25p HELP WANTED MAN OR WOMAN? OPPORTUN ity to enjoy additional weekly in come, $39 to $90 or more during your spare time selling RaWlelgh Products to consumers in city of Morehead City. Also full time open inga. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. NCE-D73-347. Richmond, Va. m28p SALESMAN WANTED LIVE-WIRE, FREE TO TRAVEL, to sell Restaurant Equipment and Supplies. Must have own car. No salary ? strictly commission bssis. Contact Frank Marino at the Rex Restaurant. tf FOR KENT TWO ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE with bath. 201 S. 32nd St. Joe Rose, phone 64947. m28p WATERFRONT COTTAGE. FUR nished. Summer realdenta. On beautiful Bogue Sound. A.. C. Hodges, Ho Ho Village, phone 8 4982. , mil FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR rent to couple. Corinne Bell, 921 Arendell St., Morehead City. tf SUNSHINE COuTfr MOTEL apartments. By day, week ?r month. On waterfront O. M. Paul, Front St. Extension, Beaufort. Phon* 3-8307. tf FOB RENT TO QUUT COUPLE. NICELY furnished upstairs studio apart ment No peta. 980 monthly Lo cated 1713 Shepard St., Mrs. H. C. Akarlay, phone 8-M03 tf SEVERAL ONE AND TWO BED room apartmaota. Furnished or un furnished. Alao two two-bedroom fumiahed cottages. C. H. Freeman, 710* Areadell St. 6-3*12. tf FURNISHED APARTMENT. Ideal for couple. $43 a month. Ap ply at 2912 Evana St., or call 6-3633. m21p ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED apartment with porch overlooking Bogue Sound. Private entrance, all electric kitchen. 2805 Arendell St. C. H. Freeman, Agent, 71014 Arendell St. tf MAN APARTMENTS Two bedrooms, living room, kitchen and private bath. All major appliances furnished. Also water and garage. Avail able immediately. Contact J. H. Neal, agent, phone 24211, Beaufort, N. C. tf COTTAGE, ATLANTIC BEACH, furnished. Living room, two bed rooms, all electric kitchen, bath. Suitable for two families. Troy Morris, 2720 Homes Dr., phone 6-4344. tf ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT. All utilities furnished. Also office space in Wade Building. Gerald Wade, 1500 Shackleford Ave., phone 6-4333. tf TWO ROOM APARTMENT AND three room apartment. Furnished. For couples only. Phone 6-4389. tf THREE ROOM APARTMENT with bath, furnished. Apply Beau fort Florist or call 2-3371. tf OFFICE OR UNFURNISHED bachelor apartment. Call K. W. Prest, 64239 or 6-4210. tf MISCELLANEOUS Judge J. Paul Frizzolle Candidate For Re-Nominatibn As Resident Judge Of The Superior Court Fifth Judicial District Democratic Primary May 29th, 1934 Your Vote and Support Appreciated tf This ad paid for by C. B. Brooks SPECIAL NOTICES CARD OF THANKS The family of Walter Fulcher wish to thank their many friends for their kind expressions of sym pathy shown during his illness and at the time of his death. m21p IN MEMORIAM In dear memory of Walter J. Moore who passed away May 21, 1931. Its lonesome here without you but we know you are happy resting in peace. Our thoughts are always with you and will be until the end of time when we all meet in the wonderful restful land. Son Eldad Moore mid his family. m21 LEGAL NOTICES EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the estate of George W. Davis, de ceased. late of Carteret County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersign ed at Gloucester, N. C? on or be fore the 22nd day of May 1855, or this notice will be pled in bar of their recovery. Alf persons indebt ed to said estate will please make prompt payment. This 10th day of May. 1954. Lloyd N. Pigott, Executor m21-28 j4-U 18-25p NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The public will take i\ptice that the undersigned has qualified as Administratrix of the estate of the late Ivey Taylor, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate will file them with the undersigned at Harlowe (RFD 2, Newport), North Carolina, within twelve months from date of this notice, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please arrange to make imme diate payment This the 20th day of April, IBM. (MRS.) MAGNOLIA C. TAYLOR *23-30 m7-14-21-28 RALE OF LANDS Authorized by terms of deed of trust dated May 30th., 1952, made by Leb Buck and wlM Gertrude J. Buck, recorded In Book 141, page 299, Carteret County Registry, and at request of. holder of note-ln-de fault, undersigned will, on Friday, May 28th.. 1954, at 12 M. o'clock, at court house door of Carteret County, in Beaufort, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described: The east half (EV4) of M five (0), in square or block sixty-seven (67), in the Town of Mora head City, North Carolina, according to map In Map Book 1. page 139, Car teret County Registry, with im provements thereon. This 26th. day of April, 1904. J. F. Duncan, Trustee a30m7-14-21 I LEGAL NOTICBS notice or bale Under and by virtue of Order of the Superior Court of Carteret County, nude in Special Proceed ing No. 1121, titled "Edgar Joy ner, et a!, n Walter Joyner, et ujl," undersigned will, oa Friday, June 18th., 1954, at IX o'clock, AJL, at the court -hou*e door in Beaufort, N. C., offer for aale to highest bidder for cash, or upon terms bids at sale ? all subject to court's confirmation ? . the fol lowing described property: Part of lot 89, New Town, Beau fort, N. C.; Beginning at the south west corner of the lot of John B. Davis snd wife Olive, on east side of Marsh street, running south wardly with east side of Marsh street 90 feet, more or less, to northwest corner of lot of Psul Fenderson and wife, Viols, then eastwardly with Fendersons' north line to the east line of ssid lot 99, N. T, thence northwsrdly and parallel Marsh street 90 feet, more or less, to the southesst corner of the Davls(s) lot, thence westwsrd ly with Dsvis(s)' south line to be ginning; being lot 99, N. T., except ing part sold (a) John B. Davis et ux., and (b) Paul Fenderson, et ux. by Joel Joyner (Joiner). This 17th. day of May, 1994. J. F. Duncan, m2128 j4-ll Commissioner. COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REGULATION OPENING SHRIMPING SEASON By virtue of the suthority vested in me under law as Director of the North Carolina State Department of Conservation and Development, it is hereby announced that the shrimping season in North Caro lina waters will open at 12:01 A.M. on the morning of Monday, May the tenth, subject to regulations previously adopted by the Board of Conservation and Development per mitting night shrimping and defin ing rules governing the operation of trawlers from out-of-state in the inland waters and sounds of North Carolina. Excepted from the gen eral opening will be all the waters and tributaries of New River, in which said waters the shrimping season will be opened on Tuesday, June the fifteenth, at 12:01 A.M. This action is taken with the ap proval of the Assistant Commis sioner of Fisheries and upon recommendation of the Institute of Fisheries Research of the Universi ty of North Carolina. Ben E. Douglas, Director Department of Conservation and Development m7-14-21-28 , NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on the 27th day of April, 1954, 1 did lease to Mr. Monroe Gaskill of Cedar Island, N. C., the following described oyster bottom. LEASE NO. 680 Located in Hog Island Bay, Car teret County, N. C. Beginning at a stake in Hog Island Bay, Carteret County, N. C? said stake lying 25 feet off shore from the northwest corner of the Hog Island Club lot, and runs S 55 *-25' W 359' to a stake out into the Bay; thence N 38 "-30' W 872' to a stake in the Bay; thence N 34*-20' E 580' to a stake approximately 50 feet from the Western shore line of Hog Island; thence S 28*-00' E 1088' to the beginning, containing 10 acres. This the 27th day of April, 1954. Ass't Fisheries Commissioner C. G. Holland a30 m7-14-21 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID CARTERET COUNTY, being the , owner, hereby advertises for bids , to raze the former liquor store ( building on Turner Street, in the j Town of Beaufort, and to include . in the bid the removal from the . premises of all old lumber, ma- ] terial and debris resulting there from. such material TO GO TO, ] AND BELONG TO, THE SUC- , CESSFUL BIDDER, OR CON- , TRACTOR, as a part of the con sideration, or price, for perform ing such work, which work is to be begun not later than June 10th, 1954, and completed not later than June 29th, thereafter. All bids must be placed with H. S. Gibbs, Sr.. Chairman of the Board of Alcoholic Beverage Con trol, at his office in Morehead City, not later than June 1st, 1B54. Before awarding the contract, the successful bidder, as an inde pendent contractor, will be re quired to enter into an additional contract with the county to save it harmless from any and all liability which might arise in connection with said work. The county, furthermore, re serves the right to reject any and all bids. H. S. Gibbs, Chairman Board of Alcoholic Beverage Control for Carteret County. m 14-21 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on the 28th day of April, 1994, I did lease to Mr. Kenneth Gaakill of Cedar Island, N. C., the following described oyster bottom. LEASE NO. 874 Located in Hog Island Bay, Car teret County, N. C. Beginning at a stake in Hog Island Bay, Carteret County, N. C. Said stake having a range of S 88*-40' W approximate ly 200 yarda from the Hog Island Club Houae and runs S 5S*-29* W MS' to a stake in the Bay; thence N 38-40' W 850' to a stake; thence N 83*40' E 542' to a stake; thence S SS'-Sff E 872' to s stake; thence S 55 "-25' W 207' to the beginning, oontaining 10.8 acres. This the 28th day of April. 1904. Aaat Fisheries CoaaaUaaioner C. O. Holland ?SO ?7-14-21 LEGAL NOTICES RE-SALE OF LANDS Directed by Order ol the Su perior Court of Carteret County in "Hataell, executor, etc. VI. Doug lue. et al?" No. 1109 SPD, under signed Commissioner will on Fri day. May 28th IBM at XI li. o'clock, at court-houae door in Beaufort, N. C., offer for reaalf to higheat bidder for caah ? or upon tenna bid at aale ? all aub Ject to Court'a confirmation; bid ding to stfrt at ^3,305 (bid of Clyde D. Douglaas, raiae from )3,100.), the following described: In Beaufort, N. C. beginning at a po'.nt on east aide Queen street Si feet southwardly from south east coiner of intersection of Ann and Queen streets, southwest cor ner Privatee lot, thence southward ly with east margin Queen street 59 feet to northwest corner late Allen Davis lot; thence eastward ly and parallel Ann street 85 feet, more or less, to west line of D. C. Richardson prope-iy, thence with Richardson and Mo?,.e west line(s) northwardly 59 feet, more or less, to Privette's south line, thence westwardly and parallel Privetee line to beginning, with improve ments thereon. This 8th. day of May, 1954. J. F. Duncan, Commissioner. ml4-21-25 SUMMONS, AND NOTICE North Carolina, Carteret County. In the Superior Court. Carteret County, North Carolina, ? V8 ? Diamond Back Terrapin Company, corporation; Ann D. Brown and husband B. C. Brown; Grace D. Rose and husband A. S. Rose; Clyde D. Herrman and husband James D. Herrman; Town of Beau fort, North Carolina. To. parties aboved-named, and TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: TAKE NOTICE that an action titled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Carteret County, North Carolina, to foreclose tax liens on lots 223, 224, 226, 227 and 228, Old Town, Beaufort, N. C? and entry-grant adjacent thereto, on the north ad joining same, same known as "Ter rapin Pen"; at north ends of Craven and Queen streets (east and west of extensions thereof), on Town Creek; And said defendants, and all other persons, known or unknown, in esse, or not in esse, claiming, or having right to claim, or pre tending to claim, any right or in terest in said premises, whether by conveyance, contract, inheritance, by blood or marriage, as stock holder or heir of any stockholder in Diamond Back Terrapin Com pany, or otherwise, will TAKE NO TICE that he/she/it is required to appear at the office of the clerk of the superior court of Carteret County, at the courthouse, in Beaufort, N. C., within thirty (30) days after the 18th. day of June, 1954, and answer or demur, or otherwise plead to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint, ? sale of said lands to pay said liens and barring each and all claim ant(s) from any claim or right or title in or to said lands or any part thereof. This 11th day of May, 1954. A. H. James, Clerk of the Superior Court, of Carteret County, N. C. m!4-21-28 j4 EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Wesley L. Dudley, de ceased, late of Carteret County, N. C, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned at 309 N. 13th St. Morehead City, N. C, on or before the 1st day of May, 1955, or this notice will be pled in t?r of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make prompt payment. This 30th day of April. 1954. Lucinda Hill Dudley, Executrix a30 m7-14-212?j4 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE or SALE At reqaeat of noU-hoidar, debt secured in default, and authorized by terms of deed of trust dated July 14, 1947, recorded in Book M, page 973, and deed of trust dated August 16, 1890, recorded in Book 131, page 373, Carteret Coun ty Registry, made by Lambert R. Morris and wife Mamie N. Morris, undersigned Trustee will, oo Fri day, June 4th.. 1894, at 12 M. o'clock, at the court-houae door of Carteret County, irf Beaufort. N. C? offer for sale, and sell, to high est bidder for cash, the properties in said deeds of trust described as follows: In Beaufort/Davis/ A 1 1 a n t i c Townships: Carteret County, N. C.: 1). At Atlantic, N. C.; adjoining A. G. Fulcher and others: Atlantic Township: beginning at an iron pipe, A. G. Fulcher's northwest corner, and runs south SI -49 west 93 feet to sn iron pipe at a holly stump, thence south 41 -30 west 43.9 feet to an iron pipe, thence south 27 -30 east 109.9 (eet to an iron pipe on the north side of U. S. Highway No. 70 (hard-surface road), thence with the said roa$ north 98 -30 east 79 feet to an iroa pipe, thence North 17 -00 west lOf feet to the beginning, with all im provements thereon; 2). Davis Township: On Oyster Creek; beginning at a point 210 feet on the hardsurface road or highway from the waters of Oyster Creek on the east side of the high way and on the south side of Oyster Creek, and running 900 feet in an eastward direction to the waters of Core Sound, thence with the waters of Core Sound in a north ward direction 210 feet, thence with the waters of Oyster Creek in a westward direction to the right of way of said State High way, thence in a southernly direc tion along said highway 210 feet to the beginning, containing 2 acres, more or less; with all riparian rights and all buildings and im provements situate thereon, con sisting of a fish factory, with 2-100 H. P. steam boilers, 36-foot dryer, 1 -12 foot press, 3 steam engines, one cooker, with all chains, pully and factory equipment and all out houses with their furnishings be longing to said factory; mention of articles not to exclude any article not mentioned: intention being to convey and deliver all equipment1, appliances and machinery consti tuting said fish factory "as is", "where is". 3). Lots seven (7), eight (8), nine (9), ten (10) and eleven in Block three (3), in accordance wfth map duly recorded in Carteret County Registry in Map Book 1, page 176. with all improvements placed or to be placed thereon, in cluding personal and mixed prop erties. This 3rd. day of May. 199*. R. P. Holding, Trustee. m7-14-21-28 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Ada Tripp, de ceased, late of Carteret County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them, duly verified, to the under signed at Route No. 2. Newport. N. C., on or before the 8th day of May. 1999, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will make payment to undersigned. This 4th. day of May, 1994. Zeb Tripp, Administrator of Ada Tripp. m7-14-21-28 j4-ll Safe Fever Treatment Kansas City, Mo. (AP) ? It's safer to sponge a child with cold water rather than rubbing alcohol to knock down fever, Dr. Roy F. Garrison writes in the Journal of the American Medical Association. He tells of a child made ill by breathing in fumes from too much alcohol used in a small room. Fever can be reduced within an hour by putting wet towels on the child, re-wetting the towels every few minutes, he said. BOGUE SOUND SHORES Gale* Creek on Highway 24 FOR RENT i and 3 Bedroom Hnwi. Reasonable. Good location . . . School, Basses, Mall. Modem houses with fireplaces, floor foresees, hot water heaters, nsetlis blinds, garbage collection. Good neigh borhood oa banks of Bogue Sound. Apply ADAM MAYER, Phone S-SM7 or Route 1 Newport A Good Place to Live on Bogue Sound Our ica ia made from water taken from our own artesian wells, processed in our own purification plant, and alow frozen under constant filtered air agi tation into HARD, pure, tasteless, crystal clear ica that LASTS. Only a completely equipped ica plant can produce such a matchless product, and at such low coat to the consumer. Carteret Ice & Coal Co. "Umc* 1MT 6th and IvtM St*. Morvbttd City STORK NEWS Births at Marc head Cttjr HnpHal: Ta Mr. and Mrs. Char 1m Lewis Gates, More head City, a son, Bury Lewis, Tuesday. May 11. To Mr. and Mrs. Ldwton Everett* McDowell, Morebead City, a son, Thomas Dewey, Tuesday, May 11. To Mr. and Mrs. George Andrew Slusarz, H*velock. a son, George Andrew Jr., Friday. May 14. To Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Guthrie, Morehead City, a daughter, Andrea Kay. Thursday. May 13. To Mr. and Mrs. J sums Rudolph Hinnant, Atlantic Beach, a daugh ter, Mary Carol, Thursday, May 13. To Mr. and Mrs. Walter Edward Glancy, Beaufort, a son. Warren Keith. Thursday. May 13. To Mr. and Mrs. James Benja min Harker III. Harkers Island, a son. Allen Keith, Sunday. May 16. To Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mac Donald Styron, Davis, a son, Michael Delano, Tuesday, May 18. Baldwyn, Miss. (AP) ? At Wheel er School there are nine sets of twins among the 375 pupils. One teacher, Miss Gladys Milton, has four sets in her first grade. "It's quite confusing," she sighed. . Our late model CHRYSLERS are the newest used cars you can buyl Come driv0 one . . . with features so advanced most new cars don't have them! World's only new-type V-8 engine . . . Full-Time Power Steering and Braking . . . revolutionary double* strength shock absorbers. Come in today! 1952 Chevrolet 4-door 1952 Chevrolet Conv. 1950 Chevrolet 4-door 1950 Chevrolet 1953 Chrysler C. Cpe. 1953 Chryiler 4-door 1947 Chrysler 4-door 1950 Dodge Coupe 1950 Dodge 4-door 1949 Dodge 4-door 1952 Ford Victoria , 1950 Ford 2-door 1950 Ford 4-door 1947 Ford 2-door 1951 Kaiser 4-door 1948 Kaiser 4-door 1952 Mercury 2-door 1950 Olds 4-door 1950 Olds 2-door 1946 Olds Coupe 1953 Plymouth Coupe 1951 Plymouth Coupe 1950 Plymouth Coupe 1950 Plymouth 4-door 1946 Plymouth Coup* 1946 Pontiac 1946 Pontiac Coupe SAFETY CHECKED 16 WAYS PARKER MOTORS Phone 6-3332 S0? Arendell St. Morabaad City, N. C.