Crossword Puzzl i 1. Long narrow 5. Poultry product 8 Coaraa, woolly hair 12 Outdoor game J 3. Age 14. Bath* 19. Scent U. Body bona 17. Detail 18. Lukewarm 10. Snapping beetles 12. Religious 24. Isaiah: abbr. 27. Town In Massachu setts ?*. Abysses M ! selling H Center IS. Sphere of action M Auricle 37 Hole in ? needle 38. Capital of New Jersey 41. Oiled It. Pertaining to one's birth 48. Loud noise 40. Illuminated SI. Infant Si Other SI. Feminine name S4. Portent S3. Dampenj S< Ribbed fabric 87. Wager* DOWN 1. Stain l&F fit, ?.Sorrow 7. Clark - S. Cot ?lI m u ia v) i Pft/olman Charges Three Marines With Destruction of State Property Three Marines have been re " - - leased under $1S0 bond each fol lowing their arrest Friday on charges of destroying state proper ty and public drunkenness. The Marines, Sgt. Calmer Has kins Jr., 27, Leonard R. Golen, 17, aid Norm R. Allen, 21, all of Headquarters Squadron , Cherry Point, were apprehended by State Patrolman R. H. Brown Patrolman Brown said that the three pushed a car on newly-laid asphalt on highway 70 near Smit ty's Drive-In at Newport, The car got mired in the soft road-build ing material and then the three got out and stomped around in the asphalt. Employees of the Barrus Con struction Co., Kinston road-build in g firm, enraged at the episode, notified the State Highway Patrol. Patrolman Brown said he found the three in the asphalt when he arrived. "I've never taken from anybody as much as I took from those th-ee," commented the officer in reporting the incident. Single handedly, he loaded them in his patrol car ami took to the Beau fort jail where they were held until bond was posted. "... am I broke! It was the best NEWS-TIMES claMifled ad I ever ?et!" AUTO INSURANCE SPECIALIST No CM haa the rltkt to driTeaearwhodoaeaotpro tact hlnMtf and f*Uow driv en (ram the financial riaka la - ? - - drtrara carry Farm Burcau'a right to nim at the right price. Rataa ara low, and by compariaon, yoa may aa*o up to25%oa every inauranca dollar. Phase or Irop s card for fan fact*. David Murray Phone M3M Royal BuUdtnf FARM BUREAU Crusade Chairman* Reports on Tag Day Cancer Tag Day in Morehead City yielded $224 80 and in Beau fort $56.75, Mrs. George Ball, head of the Cancer Crusade, reported yesterday. Received in coin collect ors throughout the county was $155.07. Total on the amount received through the mail was not available yesterday but the proceeds re ceived during the campaign will be announced Friday, she said. Graa* Fire Pat Out The Beaufort Fire Department put out a grass fire Thursday after noon along the Lennoxville Road. Water from the truck's booster tank was used. No damage was caused. Communications, ground observ er corps and the state's degree of readiness to lend support to neigh boring states in event of enemy at tack or natural disaster will be under test during the scheduled Civil Defense Exercise affecting the entire North American contin ent June 14-15, State CD Director Edward F. Griffin said today, an nouncing plans for North Carolina participation. "There may be little reason to take pride in the way our state stacks up,". Griffin said, "even in the support role to which we have been assigned." "But," he added, "the test is sorely needed to disclose the fact that North Carolina ? to us the most important part of a nation on a continent which may be sub jected to devastating attack ? is not prepared to carry her part of the load." Damage to Power Line Causes Voltage Drop Damage to the 33,000-volt *line north of Beaufort near Harlowe caused about a half-hour of Irfw voltage in Beaufort shortly after noon Thursday.. Beaufort was pick ed up on the Morehead City line a few minutes before 1 p.m. but the trouble was not corrected until 4:50 p.m., George Stovall, manager of the power company, reported. Mr. Stovall said he has strong suspicions that the line (a cable of copper and steel wires, was shot through. When the cable dropped, the 33,000 volts seared everything hit. G[ass was act afire and the sandy ground was fused into rocks. If a person had been under the cable they would have been con sumed in a sheet of flame, Mr. Sto vall said. The difficulty was not found un til an hour and 20 minutes after the voltage drop was noted. The line was fixed by splicing the cable. Mr. Stovall said the repairmen did an excellent job in regulating the current so that Beaufort was kept up to normal. The end of the cable believed to have been hit by a bullet has been sent to Caro lina Power k Light for analysis. State to Participate in Civil Defense Alert Affecting Continent "Since 'Operation Alert' is pri marily a communications drill and a hypothetical atomic attack on 42 'critical target cities ? none of i which are located in this state ? : no North Carolina cities , will be i tested for performance under atom ] ic attack, but many North Caro lina communities plan local civil i defense exercises. 1 "The exercise plan calls for di- ' rect atomic 'hits' on five critical target cities in three adjoining 1 states. Calls will come in for help, 1 which we can answer only within 1 the Timitations imposed by what ' our communities are actually pre- ' pared to deliver, if the disaster '? were real. Full instructions for 1 participation are being sent to lo cal duectors who have indicated a willingness to take part in the test. "North Carolina's assumed spe cial situation will consist of an 'alert notice' received by the Gover nor. Acting with the Council of State he will in turn declare the state in 'imminent danger' and Wder the State Civil Defense Direc tor to put prepared plans into op eration, employing any powers au thorized by law for the state's protection and to render aid to other states. "The State Control Center will remain open trom 10 a.m. June 14 through 10 a.m. June IS ? the full test period, unless closed earli er by order of FCDA. During that time, communication by telephone, teletype and radio will be main FOR ATHLETE'S FOOT USE A KERATOLYTIC BECAUSE ? It SLOUGHS OFF the minted outer ?kin to expoae burled fungi and kill* It on contact. Get this STRONG, kera tolytlc fungicide. T-4-L, at any drug ?tore. It not pleued IN ONE HOUR, your 40c back. Now at .Bell's Drug tained with FCDA and with par ticipating communities. "Approximately 30 N. C. radio stations will operate on CQNEL RAD, Federal Communications Commission's emergency broadcast plan, during Radio Test Hours. "Charlotte and Durham Filter Centers and all ground observation posts serving those centers will be on 24 hour duty. "The exercise will point up a lot of valuable things as well as many serious shortcomings,'" Mr. Griffin concluded. "In any event, we will take the test hoping that it ivill create a new awareness in the state that we are just as dependent an other states as they are on us." Two Migrant Workers Face Liquor Charge L. T. Johnson and Jack Harmon, Negro migrant laborers, were ar rested by Sheriff Hugh Salter Sat urday night on a charge of possess ing nontax-paid whiskey. They were released after posting bond. They will appear in Cnn-' ty Recorder's Court June 22. The arrest was made at a camp on the K. W. Wright farm. The Carteret County Shrine Club will meit at 8 o'clock Friday night at Sea Level Inn. FOR CHILLS a FIVER O DUE ID MALARIA / ^ /J /J made with ODD QUININE Community Theatre To Pknk Tomorrow The Carteret Community Theatre will meet for a picnic at 8 p re. tumor row at the picnic shelter. II Fort Macon Slate Park. A business meeting will follow supper, &d Walston, president, an nounced. Each one will bring his own supper Dates and other guests invited by theatre members will attend. Soft drinks will be served. Bonk Official Speaks To Morehead Rotarians I. E. Pittman, vice-president of the First-Cftizens Bank & Trust Company, Morehead City, spoke to Morehead City Rotarians Thursday. His topic was money. It was announced that R B. Howard was representing More head City at the Rotary Interna tional Convention in Seattle. Wash. Horace Loftin of Beaufort was a visitor. '?M noof MiM SOUTHERN COMFORT CORP. ST tOKIS 3 MISSOURI Simplify Your Concrete Jobs Cut the time-takinf task of mixing concrete out of your con*truction schedule. Let ut mix to your order and deliver. Long Concrete Supply Phone 6-4859 Highway 70 MOREHEAD CITY, N. C. lour Ming deserves c um/Jivie, professional coverage *Jlot our professional camera preserve the memory of this once in-a-lifetime event. Well be pleased to explain our complete wedding service. ' \ HOURS 12 Noon to 6 P.M. Daily Except Monday and by Appointment 6-4730 .iKiiiiv mmam PUxUacyuifilte'i 411 EVANS ST. MOREHEAD CITY PLAN NOW TO ATTEND QUR FORMAL OPENING Tuesday ? June 15th WE WANT TO THANK ALL THOSE WHO HAVE VISITED OUR STORE. PAY US A VISIT SOON AND DON'T MI5S THE FORMAL OPENING AND OTHER VALUABLE GIFTS FREE TELEVISION SET TO BE AWARDED OPENING DAY Come by for Details and Leave Your Name WE DELIVER CARTERET DRUG STORE NEXT TO NEW A&P SUPER MARKET MOREHEAD CITY Air*Condition?d Anything In th? Drug Un? Free Parking