New A?rP Sfore to Open I (CoAtiaued from Page 1, Section 1) pre-packaging room, contain the beat equipment available for the new type taper market. It alao has the benefit of experience and "know-Bow" that AfcP has gained thhmgh its pioneer work In the food merchandising business, the A&P vice-president said. "One of the many advantages of this new type meat department is that it makes the housewife's shop ping much easier, quicker and more convenient. The self-service melts are wrapped in transparent packages with the weight and price plalhly marked on each package, and the housewife can quickly choose what she wants from the open-face refrigerated cases. "If the shopper wants a special cut or odd quantity of any mer chandise," Mr. Bealer explained, "store personnel will be readily available to take the order and transmit it to the cutting room for pfompt, personalized service." At the left side of the store is the A&P coffee-dairy department, hi' with the side will palmed In a beautiful ahade of green. In the front ol the atere the walla are painted with an attractive canary yellow. These colored walla blend harmoniously wild the new tile flooring and the attractive white gondolas that contain stacks and stacks of grocery items. In addition to the 100 per cent self service produce department, meat department and At coffee dairy department, there ia a "sepa rate candy department, bakery de partment and a brand new depart ment specializing in health aids such aa toothpaste, toothbrushes, hair lotions, deodorants, etc. In order to speed the flow of traffic through the store three check-out counters have been set up in the front of the building. Mr Bealer said the new store represents an investment of well over 1100,000. The building covers an area of 7,200 square feet. There is a parking area at the left and in the front of the store. Mr. McDonald, the manager, was born Hi Ridgaway, Pa., and has been Mlh UP lor is years. Mr. J. M Mitchell la the aaalatant manager. Mr. Mitchell was born In Newport News, Vs., and has been a Tea Company employee for 20 years. Delbert C.aRhue is In eharge of the eoffeedairy department. He Is a native of Carteret County and has been with AfcP for two years. O. W. Nelson is the produce manager. Mr. Nelson was born in Charleston, 8. C.. and has been with the produce department of A*P for nearly five years. R. J. Rogers is in charge of the meat department. He has had wide experience in the meat cutting bus iness, and has been with the Tea Company for more than 14 years. "North Carolina-grown and pro cessed fruits, vegetables and other food products will be featured in our new store, as in our other stores, wherever possible," Mr. Bealer said. "Actually, the new store is an additional industry for Morehead City, since it has added more than 20 persons to our local payroll," He pointed out. r. Tobacco Farmer SJHH USE SINCLAIR SUPER FLAME KEROSENE IN YOUR TOBACCO BARN BURNERS Burns Evenly without Combustion Smoke Odor or Gas. Contains Sinclair Miracle Chemical RD-119 Which Protects Against Rust and Corrosion that Clog Burners. We have the Best Service in This Section. We Supply 90% Tobacco Barns in This Section with Sinclair Super Flame Kerosene. THERE MUST BE A REASON ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR T. T. "Tom" Potter & Son MARKETER SINCLAIR REFINING CO. MOREHEAD CITY. N. C. Phone* ? 2-4726 - 6-3216 Tun* Up For Health By JACK P6IDK f Mt OWTKllW Many people feel tired and worn out became they have bad feet Foot defect* can cauae you a lot of pain and diacomfort. Faulty pos ture, nervousness, headaches, back aches, leg paias and corns are among possible results About 7 out of 10 Americans have soeh troubles. An average bo..i ii ? i n? I.