Atlantic Splits Twin Bill; Drops First, Takes Second Yankees Nip Giants 4-5 Hi* Yankees eked out i 6-5 tri umph over the GianU Tuesday in Beaufort Summer Recreation programs'* Little Leafue. Ray Huaell hurled a three-hitter I The Yankee* get oft to a three run lead in the tint off Giant Hurl er J. Huaell. From then until the ' sixth frame a pitchers' duel was waged by 1. Haaaeil and Ray Has fell, on the hill for the Yanks, i The Gianta found Ray Hassell in the top of the sixth for five tallies to go ahead. The Yankees came .back with two scores in their half lo knot the score at 5-5. The Yanks pulled the game out of the fire with a tally in the bottom of the seventh. Hill Paces Yanks Alton Hill paced the Yankees with two for two. Eugene Koar ty. Earnest House, and Doug Mason each had a hit for the Giants off Ray Hassell. J. Hassell yielded four safeties ami whiffed three. Ray Hassell fanned six Giants. | . Director Hugh Gordon is urging .fnore boys in the 9 to 11 age group to turn out so more teams can be | organized. Baseball starts at the I Beaufort High ball park at 2 p.m. I each day. The older boys are members of the Little Bigger League. The teams *re the Indians and the Braves. Not enough players were on hand for a I regulation game, so an exhibition , game was played Tuesday. Announces Program Mr. Gordon announced that swimming this week will start at 0:30 a.m. at the Inlet Inn dock. Baseball starts at 2 p.m. There will also be dancing to night and Friday starting at 7 p.m. I jn the Scout Building. Del Rice, catcher for the St. Louis Cardinals, has appeared be hind the plate in more than 100 games per season the last four years. Although Morphead City with Atlantic id the county ba game 8-7 and dropping the ni two dobs did not change. Atlantic remains on the to Morehead City resting comfortably' in fifth place with a 6-7 record. Uoyd Culpepper's deep fly to left field in the bottaoi of the 11th gave Morehead the first game after it had been knotted twice, 5-5 in the seventh and 7-7 hi the ninth. John Hamilton led the top of the 11th with a free pass from Morehead's third twirler, Bobby Martin, but Buddy Willis took three strikes. Joe Willis singled and a passed ball put runners on second and third. Martin Bears Down Martin bore down and whiffed Harry Geroek and Don Willis to retire the side. The game was over in the bottom of the 1 1th as Cul pepper ,s fly scored Ronnie Pate from third with the winning run. Pate led off the inning with a single and was sacrificed to second by Norm Larkee. Brad Mcintosh followed with a sharp single through the infield, which was paired by Martin to load the sacks. Pate scored when Culpepper hit a 2-1 pitch to Tommy Salter in left field. Morehead used three pitchers in dumping the league leaders. Cul pepper started and was lifted in favor of Jimmie Webb in the sixth. Martin came on in the ninth and went on to win the game. Charged with the loss was Don Willis, who relieved starter Gary Morris in the ninth. Morehead hurlers gave up 13 safeties in the marathon contest while Atlantic twirlers yielded 14. Morehead Scores First Morehead broke the ice in the second frame with four runs on four hits highlighted by Culpepper and Freeman doubles. Singles by Buddy Willis and Morris, and a double by Joe Willis, accounted for two Atlantic runs in the fourth. Two singles, one by Larkee and Mcintosh, helped by Julian Willis' error in left field, gave the More head crew a 5-2 lead. Atlantic tied it up in the sixth. Joe Willis led off with a triple, scoring on Gcrock's single. Gerock Morehead Recreation Head Clarifies Daily Schedule There is some confusion as to hours and age groups in the More head City Recreation Program Fred Lewis, director, said yester day. The biggest confusion is in the afternoon schedule, he said. The FISHING TACKLE AT PHILLIPS' HARDWARE 920 Arendall St. Morehaad City SMYRNA DRIVE-IN THEATRE Wed. Night Only 7000 PRIZE MONEY TO BE GIVEN AWAY I? OUR FEATURE ? "JACK SLADE" Mark Stevena Dot M alone hour?2t|e Jrantfi to 4:30 p.m. for children in the a to 19 age bracket only, Mr. Lewis emphasized. Children from 6 through 19 are to report from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. At this time Mrs. Robert Taylor works with children from I to I. Mrs. Taylor is not available for this age group in the afternoon, points out Mr. Lewis. The morning and afternoon schedule runs daily Monday through Friday. Only the morning schedule is observed Saturday. The evening program Wednesday from 7:30 to 10 30 p.m. is for chil dren from 12 to 19. Friday night is high school night when boys and girls of high school age Wave a special program, Mr. Lewis said. Southworth Picks Aaron for Braves Charleston, W. VA. (AP)-Billy Southworth, now scouting for the Milwaukee Braves, says "it dMn't take long to see that Henry Aaron has all the requirements to be come an outfielder." Southworth, here to do some scouting in the American Assn. and to visit with his nephew, Ken neth Ray Smith, saw Aaron play ing second base for Jacksonville in the South Atlantic League last season. '1 saw him in the outfield in practice," says Soathworth of the Milwaukee Negro rookie outfielder. "Jacksonville was fighting Ernie White's Columbia (S. C.) team for the pennant and they couldn't take him off second base for me to scout. However, I recommended him aa an outfielder and think hell be a good one." Aaron, ticketed for Toledo this mean, got his big chance with the Braves when Bobby Thomson frac tured an ankle in an exhibition game. a ?MMMMMHW CO. ElMtara Carolina'. Finett i ROOK ' I Another 1 Carload wa'ra Bringing Youl Itw) split Sunday's doublekeader isaball loop, wianiac the firat ghtcap 10-1, aland in** of the p perch witfa a 14 log wtth I r?r*Lr \J)*J * Atlantic .... T CHy ? More head CHy ...... 1 Beaufort ? Newport 1 Beaufort ? Newport ..... S Salter Path 11 Smyrna-HI 0 Salter Path 10 Smyrna-HI U Independent Brownies 8 Agassiz 6 Brownies B Pollocksville 14 Beaufort Little League Yankees 6 Giants 5 Little Loop Tests Slated for Friday Tryouts for the Morehead City Little League baseball program be ing initiated by the Morehead City Jaycees will start Friday at 5 p.m. at the Morehead City ball park. Boys from 10 to 12 years of age interested in playing are to report for action and uniform fitting, says J. B. Crowe, league president. Present plans call for at least four teams. Games will be played Monday through Thursday at 5 p.m. Regulation equipment will be used. Persons able to coach a team should get in touch with Mr. Crowe. He said that he can use as many coaches as there are teams. came romping home on Don Willii' double and that was all for Culpep per. Webb came on and got Morris to ground weakly. But Larkee at short threw wild to first and Morris was safe -vith Don Willis moving to third. He scored on Martin's error at first on Salter's grounder, fielded by Mcin tosh. Rally Ends Morris was picked off third and Jack Rote fanned. John Willis grounded to Larkee who tossed Salter out to end the rally. Two runs were scored by Atlan tic in the ninth when John Hamil ton doubled and scored on Butler's throwing error on Buddy Willis' (rounder. Joe Willis fanned, but Gerock singled, driving in Buddy Willis. Freeman singled to lead More head off in the bottom of the ninth followed by Larkee's sharp rap through the infield. Mcintosh came through with a single to left that got bj Salter, scoring both Pate and Larkee. Martin and Jim Willis went down to end the frame. Freeman's two for four and Mc intosh's three for six led Morehead. Gerock's two for three and Joe Willis' three for six paced Atlantic. Atlantic's second game win was featured by the two-run homer of Buddy Willis in the first frame. He followed that up with a double in the third and a single in the fifth for a perfect day Atlantic Runs Wild Wittis' homer scored Atlantic's three runs In the first. A walk, an error and Morris' single gave At lantic another tally in the fourth. Morehead's defense blew apart in the iffth as six runs came pouring ?cms. The Morehead crew yielded four hits, four errors, three walks, two passed balls and a wild pitch, dur ing the "give-away" inning. Morehead's lone tally scored as Larkee singled, stole second, moved to third on Webb's single, and came home on Morris' bad peg at second trying to nab Webb. New Uniferm Morehead was decked out in new uniforms for the doubleheader. They ape gray with blue trimming, socks are blue and white, and caps ; arc blue with a white "M." Martin was charged with the loss. He gave up nine hits including the homer and doable by Buddy Willis, i Don Willis was the winner. He : gave up four safeties and whiffed 10 Morehaad batters. Scenes by innings: R. H. E. M C . .. 040 100 002 01? 8 14 7 Atlantic 000 203 002 00? 7 13 3 Atlantic 300 1?? 10 S 2 Morehead City .... 000 01? 1 4 9 A Chaaaf letaraa tum (AP) ? Brookmeade Sta ble's Gaiglow. winner of Om Ml < WUener, is beiag brought b?A to form by Trainer Preston Burch who li pointing his for the $80. ?M tlaleah Turf Handicap this winter. No horse has won both Brownies Trip Agassiz 8 to 6 In Return TBI Morehead CMy Brownm 9ornei the inn aariaat the Caaat Ouard Cutter Asassis baseball Mai ielur day takiag M u Mm at the Marshaad CMy ball park The Bravaies pat the same on Me w the sixth frame with three rtaas featurmc a dasMe by C. Gas kill and safeties far T Jaaes. and Lefty Kaaaaa The Agaaafc put oa a seventh in aing rally that netted four tal lies, bat Ml taw shert a ( tying the Same rear walks and uncle* by Williams and Culpepper led the rally Earl Sella, staitiaf oa the hill for the Acaaait aas rharsad with the loas. He had to haw far Cul pepper in the sixth Starter Lefty Keenan was credited with the win. He save way for Whip Calliaa in the fifth, who finished out the game. Two errors and three walks gave the Brow nlo? two tallies In the in itial frame. The Afassss came hack with one run in the bottom of the first on a hit bataman, a walk, an error and two passed halls. The hwalw added anutlii i in the third on errors. Two singles, a walk and a fielder's choice account ed for two more in the fourth. The Agassiz made it 5-2 in the bottom of the fourth on hits by Bunn and Horne, a sacrifice, and an infield out. The Keenan-Collins combo yield ed only four hits. Sells and Cul pepper were nicked for seven safe ties. Keenan paced the Brownies with two for three. Home's one for two led the Agassiz. Score by innings: R.H.E. Brownies' 201 203 0?8 7 4 Agassiz 100 100 4?6 4 8 County League MeetsTomorrow Managers and officials of the County Baseball League will meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. in Ottis Jef ferson's Barber Shop, Beaufort, to make plans for the July 4 All-Star game and to rule on two protests. Four players from each of the six teams in the league will be chosen by ballot for the east and west teams that comprise the all star game. Players are select ed by votes of their respective team members. Salter Path is the protestor of games with Atlantic and More head City. Unaffected team managers and loop officials rule on the dis putes. Loop officials are Ray Cummins, president; Dick Lockey, Newport, vice-president; and Tom Dickia son, Wildwood, secretary. Cruiser, Owned By Dr. John Way, Launched Thursday The 40-foot cabin cruiser. Queen Martha, owned by Dr. John Way, Beaufort, was launched at Harkers Island at 12:20 p.m. Thursday. The launching was witnessed by about 50 persons. Mrs. B. C. Way, Dr. Way's mother, christened the craft. The boat was built by Brady Lewis at the West End Boat Yards, Harkem Island. In addition to Island resident*, and Beaufort residents including former Mayor and Mrs. Lawreaoe Hassell, Dr. Samuel Way and fam ily of Rocky Mount were present for the occasion. The boat is named in honor of Dr. Way's wife, Martha. At present it is tied up at Way Brothers Fiah House, front Street, Beaufort. Grid Gam Is Won Three Days After H Is Played HOLYOKE, Mm. (AP) Amherst High Bcbool defeated Leicester High three days after (he game was played. Western Massachusetts football officials voted Xmherst a 13-12 vic tory - in a game that no official saw. It rilned the day of the game and radio stations said the contest was called off. Assigned officiate didn't show up. But the game was played and four fans were recruited to offici ate. They were divided evenly over the legality of the final Amhent touchdown. The dissenters, both Leicester men, claimed the Am hent back didn't reach the end tone. The officials' association voted and upheld the score. Wake Forest Coach Lauds Tackle Bob Bartholomew WAKE FOREST, N. C. (API Wake Forest coach Tom Rogers re gards his tackle Bob Bartholomew, as "one of the best I've ever seen." Says Rogers, a former Duke eat, "I played against several All-Anjsr Isas but I rate Bartholomew ri#it at the top. A rugged performer, Barthela mew has played nearly 00 mlnUles in several games thla season. He's a sophomore, weighs 219 and haik from Rocky Mount N. C. < Thomas Stars as Salter Path Splits Twin Bill . Big Waiter Thomas, a lDS-pound righthander, hi the leading figure in Salter Path's splitting of a dauble-hcader with Smyrna-Hark m Island Sunday. The bia fire bailer pitched three hit ball in the first game as his team won, 21-0 In the second fame, it appeared he had the game under control, having issued on If four hits, and left the game in the sixth inning with a 10-1 margi*. After he left the game the Smyrna I lark era Island team came back for 10 runs in that inning to take an 11-10 win. Thomas' opening viotory was ?parked by a 17 hit attack by his mates as he handcuffed Smyrna Harkers Island with three hits while fanning six and walking none. Salter Path exploded early in the game for four runs in the first inning. In the initial inning Hen ry Frost, firstbaseman, lashed out Salter Path's first home run at the season. Collect Five Tallies The fourth and fifth innings were also big ones for Salter Path as they collected five tallies in the fourth and added six more in a wild fifth inning scoring spree. Salter Path picked up four in the sixth and two more runs in the sev enth stanza for their final 21-0 count. Gehrmann Guthrie had a perfect day at the plate with three con nections in three times up, includ ing a double and two singles. Wade Willis had three for five and Hen ry Frost garnered three for four Thomas aided his own cause with two sharp singles in five trips to the plate. Wilson Davis, the first of three Smyrna-Harkers Island pitchers, was charged with the loss. In the second game, Salter Path jumped out into an early lead in the first inning with four runs on two hit? and two errors M Pig ott started an the mound (or Smyr na-Halters Island but Davis had to be called in to put out the (ire in the first inning. Smyrna-Markers Island got their first run of the day in the second inning of the second game. They loaded the bases on one hit and two errors and Page was hit by a pitched ball to send the run across, across. Salter Path picked up one run in the second inning, (our in the third and one in the fifth for a 101 lead. Thomas Retires In the sixth inning. Salter Path manager Ty Frost decided to lift Thomas who said he was "a iittk tired" after pitching 12 innings. Bobby Bass went in to pitch and walked the first five men he faced, walking in four runs. Henry Frost took over the mound duties for Salter Path and was tapped for a double and single and three runs by the two men he faced. Frost was relieved by Jerry Pittman who fanned the first man he faced and walked the next. Pig ott then latched on to a double which sent two runs across the plate, tying the score at 10-10. Bass went back in to pitch. With runners on second and third, Page squeezed in Davis with the game winning margin. Bass retired the side by fanning another batter. Davis struck out two Salter Path batsmen as Smyrna-Harkers Island retired tlie side to cling to their victory. Score by innings: R II E S.-H. 1 000 000 0? 0 3 4 Salter Path 400 564 2 21 17 0 S. H. I. 010 001 0?11 8 4 Salter Path 414 010 ?10 9 ? Jerry Schumacher It's Not Easy to Eat Properly , But I Can Such a one you are Sctiumach ' - er, you cat like you-know what. This my wife tells me when 1 ?pill the onion soup over my new, pearl-gray, palm beach suit. But when someone is looking, like at a fancy party, I can use the right lark and be so careful not to drool on the tablecloth. But who enjoys eating under theae strained conditions? I like to eat stewed crabs in my bathini; suit, preferably sitting in. the ba#. tub, so there. Almost lot the hit rad deb here* up the other awrning by a character In a M ( MhUar Meet will I thought he was a little faisyheaded at first hat aa, he was aa basy leehlag for a park lag Meter with aawe tlaae aa It, that ? alaaist had a teaser Remember the charter boating of years ago, men only, tats of re freshments, rough going? Now it's ?ease land of dtflmewt The Danco even has a hostess and Captain Willard's Gulf Breeze has a van ity for ladies. They will be bring ing them in with radar next be cause fishhooks are so messy. This don't make sense, but it sounded funny to me. Two fellows were talking at the beach the oth er day and one said, "Well, maybe you're right, but I still say two birds in the bush are better than a rolling stone." Someone asked if I didn't need , an assistant when I go to the beach to make glamour shots of beautifal girls in bsthing suits. Most people think that a photographer certain ly has a perfect Jab: beautiful wo men, fires, wrecks, excitement, and all that. BUT. Haw waaid yon like ta carry a tan at equlpmeat a mile dawn the beach looking far jast the right spat and then have the am disappear? Haw woald yea like ta spend the most part of every waking day la a musty aid dark ram that smells like ratten eggs? . How would you like for your friends to see you making a com plete Idiot of yourself trying to make somebody's little junior smile? How would you like to hsve a customer say for the fourth time, "Cant you take a little more off my nose? It really isn't thst long. It must have been the way you fixed the lights!" How sboat the fellow that has ta have prints In three hoars? You know, the type who says, "Jerry do this far me old buddy. HI see to it that you get lets o< good pub licity." So you go without lunch, get the prints oat with two minutes to spare, and then he doesn't show up for them for two weeks. That, brother, Is the picture business Bat for some Unknown reason, It's the greatest way there is to make a living and I wouldn't trade it for the President's job. Nesy Dear Mats Trapped Blooms burg. Pa. (AP)? Clarence GMdewell was cooperating with wildlife officials In a rabbit-trap ping expert meat but caught a dear Instead. The animal gat nesy and pushed Us head Into the rabbit siaed hox trap. Ihe dear, however, gat sway by breaking the trap Vain** tree I ' 13-Year-Old Lands Amber jack Viviane Cottrell, 13-yeac-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Cottrell, Washington, D. C., landed a JO-JMHind amberjack in the Uulf Stream Thursday. The 106-pound girl took 35 min utes to land the fish and was using 18-pound test line. She hooked the fish on a "feathered jig," using red and white feathers. Miss Cottrell was aboard the Dolphin IV in a party of seven fishermen from the Salt Water Sport Fishing Institute. Noon Hudson, a representative from the Shakespeare Company, was the instructor on the boat. The fish was the largest caught by any of the institute enrollecs. Thirty-five were in the course which was given by the State College Extension Division at More head City. Pollocksville Drubs Brownies Pollacfcivtlle Robins swamped the Morehead City Brownies Sun day 14-0 at H?llooksville, clubbing Brownie hurlers Hill. Williams, and Mills lor 14 safeties. The Robins scored two in the second, after the Brownies opened with two In the first; three in the third, four in the fourth, two in the fifth, and three in the sixth. Brownie tallies came in the first, fourth, seventh and eighth. They were. hampered by a depleted pitch ing staff as Collins and Keenan worked against the Coast Guard Saturday. Hill started, and after four and a third frames, he had given up eight hits and eight runs. Williams followed and twirled one and a third innings, only to be greeted with four hits and (our runs He retired in favor of Mills, who gave up two hits and two runs. The Robins will be in Morehead Sunday for a return contest. Score by innings: R. II. E. Robins 023 423 OOx? 14 14 2 Brownies 200 200 320 (I 11 4 Sermons Loses 2-1 Duel to Beaufort In League Action Newport hurler Henry Sermons yielded only one hit Sunday to Beaufort in a county loop tilt, but dropped the decision 2-1. Cat Hodges for Beaufort was equally as effective giving up four scattered bingles over his sev en inning stint. He collected the only safety off Sermons. Newport dumped Beaufort in the nightcap 5-2 behind Nick Cul pepper's three for four stint at the plate. Jim Parkins led Beaufort with two for three. Clyde Owens op posed Milton Gould at the start, but Gould gave way to Morton in the second. Owens fanned 15 bat ters and gave up seven hits. Newport hurlers were tagged for six bingles with Parkins grabbing a pair. Beaufort's league record is 7-tf, which puts them in a three-way tie for second place. Newport still holds onto last place with a 4-10 record. W. L. Atlantic 9 5 Salter Path 7 5 Beaufort 7 6 Smyrna-HI 7 7 Morehead City 6 7 Newport ????? 4 10 Last Brother Plays I^ast Year Durham, N. C. (AP) ? Doug Knotts, last of four brothers to star for a Duke football team, will be back this fall for his last grid season. Doug can play tackle or center. The other brothers were Ernie. Jimmy and Don. All were linemen. Coast Guard Extends Fire Extinguisher Regulations The Coast Guard today reminded the boating public that a recent revision of regulations requires many motorboats to carry fire ex tinguishers that were not required to do so last season. In issuing the statement. Cap tain Edward H. Thiele, Chief of the Merchant Marine Safety Di vision on the Staff of the Com mander, Fifth Coast Guard Dis trict, explained the purpose of the new requirement and clarified the meaning of the term "open con struction" which many boat owners have inquired about. The Code of Federal Regulations Amendment, which was published in the Federal Register of Dec. 18, 1983, requires that all motor boats, except motorboats leu than M feet In length of "open con Xion" propelled by outboard s and not carrying passengers [or hire, have aboard a prescribed number of fire extinguishers. Previously all motorboats pro pelled by outboard motors and not carrying paaaengers for hire were exempt from the fire extin guisher requirement applicable to Inboard-propelled motorboats at he same leagth and outboard-pro pelled motorboats carrying' pass sngers for hire. 'The primary purpose of the imendad regulations la *0 require Sre extinguishers aboard the new Lype of decked -over motorboat, particularly these with cabins, etc., ?nd which are designed to be pro Mi led by oatbaard motors" said Captain Thiele . He continued, "Such motorboats may be subject to the accumulation ?f gasoline fumes in the same maimer aa thoee equipped with in board motors." The captain pointed out that It la not intended to require Ore ex tinguishers en baard outboard pro pelled motorboats which have a ?hort deck near the bow far the purpoee at fending spray from the interior of the boat "If (as turnes are likely to accumulate in the Interior of the boat, lire extinguishers are needed for safe ty and will be required" said Cap tain Thiele. He urged all boat owners affected to comply with the law immediately. The number of fire extinguishers prescribed depends upon the length of the boat. If the boat has no fix ed extinguishing system in the ma chinery space and is under 26 feet in length, one is required; if over 26 feet In length, but under 40 feet, two are required; and three must be aboard If the boat is over 40 feet long but under 63 feet long. The quantities listed apply to type "B-l" extinguishers, which may be either 1-V? gallon foam type, 4 pound carbondioxlde, 1 quart carbon tetrachloride or 4 pound dry chemical Federal fisheries inspectors in Newfoundland will make their trip* by helicopter leased by the department for a one- year teat period. , Golf Bug Hits .1 Movie Stan By FRANK ECK AP Newtfeiturei Sport* Editor White Sulphur Springs W. Va. ? The people who make all those movies out in Hollywood are begin ning to see daylight. They're get ting out to play golf. "I don't know who started it," said Bruce Cabot. "Maybe it was Bing Crosby or Bob Hope. They've been at this game a long time. Crosby is a 7 handicap player and Hope's even better with 4. Then there's Randolph Scott who is a 2 handicap player. "Perry Como has been around quite a few golf courses too. But there are a lot of new movie and television actors playing the game. Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin took it up not so long ago and Bill Gargan is oqe of the latest to swing a club." Gargan is a 20 handicap man but he had to take the limit of 18 in the Greenbrier pro-am. Did pretty well, too, getting an 89 on his own ball Cabot was a 9 handicap player last year but now he's 14. That's because he spent the last 11 months making movies in Italy. And he's on his way back now. What is so fascinating about golf from a Hollywood standpoint? "Well," says Cabot, "it gets you outdoors for four hours and you walk about six or seven mites, sometimes more when your shots stray "It's a game that has no age limit. Look at Jaok# Benny!" Golf Tourney Winners Get Trophies Tomorrow Trophies will be awarded win* ners of the recent Morehead City Golf Club championship tourna ment at a supper at the club tomor row night. The supper starts at 6 p.m. Warren Beck is men's champion with Grover Munden runner-up. Mrs. VirgM Jenkins is women's champion with Mrs. Darden Eure runner-lip. Winners of the var ious flights will also be recognized. Gus Dorais, sometimes called "the father of the forward pass," was head football coach at the Uni versity of Detroit for 18 years and had only one losing season. o/JtBlhtiO&WOQ QUIET YISI JOHNSON HAS DEVELOPED THE WORLD'S FIRST REALLY QUIET/ OUTROARD MOTORI 5*4) !?l tNTMflY NIWI INTWB.T DIWIOHT1 ?omnota btoMH ? pan { II mtmm *o ?onMm Ira Dm MM yWn alwaya wxaMdl I* aao a< *a tat BMMlafa KVMl Hualtnl Cmm to wnd ? * fdwftj Barbour Marino Supply Co. flume 2-3311 ?? Front 8L Beaufort, N. C

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